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2381  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: Das Forum und die User , Warum seid ihr hier ? on: November 04, 2012, 09:33:42 PM
Hmm ich lese zwar seit einiger Zeit immer sogut wie es geht alle Artikel seit langer zeit sogar.

Mir ist etwas seltsames aufgefallen wo ich mir einfach mal Luft machen möchte und ggbfs. eure Meinung dazu hören möchte wie Ihr die Dinge seht.

Ich bin nicht der beste Rhetoriker und Gott weis auch nicht sonderlich Wort gewand das sollte ich mal bei Zeiten üben zu ändern.

Wieso seid ihr hier ?

Seit geraumer Zeit nimmt die Sache extreme Züge an die mir mittlerweile den Spass an "Bitcoin" verdorben haben.

Die tatsache das jeder User der irgendwie etwas verkaufen will oder anbietet direkt als Scammer beschimpft wird , die Bitcoin User und bei den hier im Forum ist es am schlimmsten überall nur das Böse sehen , im jeden Thread irgend wer ankommt und meint das dass Gesetzt gilt es zu beachten und Blah und blub. Es wird maßen weise gespammt und rum geflammt.

Es ist mittlerweile so weit das dies sich durch die Lokalen Bitcoin Exchance Chats verbreitet und man nirgends davon verschont bleiben kann.

Wirklich ?

Ja es gibt Scammer , die gibt es überall - diese klingeln an haustüren und wollen ein Glas wasser oder nur schnell aufs die Toilette .

Dennoch fange ich nicht an jedem da draussen zu misstrrauen der mir begenet.

Ich persönlich sehe Bitcoin als Underground / Sub Gesellschaft an.

Die mittlerweile sich den weg ebnet sich selbst zu zerstören.
Der geist des Bitcoin war dafür da Weltweit unabhängig zu agieren fern von kontroll Organen die uns / euch vorschreiben was ihr dürft und was nicht .

Meiner Meinung nach sollte jeder der Volljährig ist in der Lage sein sein eigenes Handeln und tuen zu bewerten und ggbfs. konsequenzen daraus zu tragen.

Es ist daher nicht Nötig über den Moral Apostel zu spielen und vor Augen zu führen wie Böse die Welt sein kann, den Ursache und Wirkung gehören in unserem Beisspiel immer zwei dazu.


Naja, eines der Kernprobleme bei der ganzen Sache ist eben das es zu geht wie im wilden Westen. Das liegt nicht in der Natur des Menschen, wir sind für so ein Chaos nicht ausgelegt , wir sind im allgemeinen sehr soziale Wesen welche ohne einander nicht können. Und das Leben ohne organisierte Soziale Gruppen (aka der Staat auch wenn das sehr abstrahiert ist.) wird für Leute außerhalb immer schwierig bis unmöglich bleiben, weil sich eben alle anderen zusammenrotten, Regierung mal hin oder her. Und jeder der das Gegenteil behauptet wird sich in einer Anarchie wahrscheinlich genauso irgendwelchen Regeln und Gruppen unterwerfen , nur wird er das nicht so sehen weil für einen Selbst ist der Staat nur ein Feindbild auf dass er seine Probleme projezieren kann und seine eigene Umgebung ist die Vorteilhafteste.

Und das sieht man auch am Bitcoin , ohne Benutzer , kein Nutzen. Also schließen sich die Leute zusammen und handeln in kleinen Gruppen. Und innerhalb dieser Gruppen gibts eben wieder Regeln wie zb. nur Handel mit ID . Und wenn Gruppen ähnliche Motive haben schließen die sich wieder zusammen. Und je größer diese Gruppen werden desto mehr Regeln gibt es auch. Und wenn diese Gruppe beschließt es gibt eben einen König (oder er sich in diese Position zu manipuliert.. anderes Thema) dann gibt es den auch.

So nun haben wir das Glück dass wir innerhalb dieser Gruppen wieder übergeordnete Gruppen haben aka unsere Staaten.

Klar dass diese bei größerem Bekanntheitsgrad des Bitcoins überprüfen müssen ob die Integrität dieser Gruppe durch diese "virtuelle Währung" eventuell geschädigt wird. Das ist ähnlich wie wenn jemand mit nem neuen Pokerspieler zu eurem Poker-Stammtisch, er wird beschnuppert und dann wird gehandelt, ist er sympathisch und darf wieder kommen oder eben nicht.

Die ganze Bitcoin-Kryptowährungs-Idee ist viel zu gut im Vergleich zu unserem aktuellen System als dass er einfach als winzige anonyme Untergrundwährung verrotten sollte. Das erkennen immer mehr Menschen und das ist gut so.

Das bedeutet allerdings dass sich auch unsere Regierungen damit befassen und das schmeckt wiederum allen Systemkritikern nicht.

Dazu ist zu sagen die Software ist frei , für jeden zugänglich , du kannst anonym bleiben wenn du möchtest, falls dir der eine Client nicht schmeckt nimmst du den anderen. Falls du der Meinung bist dass die Entwickler den Bitcoin zu arg beschneiden , kannst du einen eigenen Fork machen. Wenn du genug Leute zur Nutzung bewegen kannst wird er dann auch benutzt. Die Mehrheit entscheidet. Das ist überall so. 

Anonymität bringt nicht jedem Vorteile und ist für wirklich wenige Zwecke auch nützlich , sondern meistens nur persönliche Präferenz.

Die meisten Leute die ich kenne nutzen die Anonymität nur um Gesetze und Steuern zu umgehen und das meistens auf Kosten von jemand anderem.

Natürlich denken die meisten es wäre Okay Software oder Musik von den reichen Unternehmen zu stehlen, ist es aber nicht. Die selben Leute lassen sich allerdings mit dem nächsten Tauschbörsentrojaner anonym ihre Bitcoins klauen.

So und warum ich hier bin :

Weil ich hinter den Bitcoins stehe und für Transparenz im Bitcoin-Gewerbe votiere. Niemand der mit Bitcoins gewerblich hantiert sollte das Recht darauf haben anonym sein Gewerbe zu betreiben. Das ist blanker Unsinn und Täuschung pur.
Das merken die Leute hier zum Glück gerade.
2382  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: Btcjam? jemand er fahrung mit? teilweise 6% im monat möglich. on: November 02, 2012, 05:25:33 PM
Yes , 6% ! Darauf hat die bitcoinwelt gewartet !

Merken : A fool and his Money will Soon be parted.

Wer sowas bei irreversiblen Internetkreditgeschäften ernsthaft überlegt dort Geld anzulegen , kann es auch gleich mir schicken , ich würde dann mal wieder essen gehen und einen auf den Gönner trinken.
Sogar nen Dankesbrief würd ich schreiben.

0 % interestrate versteht sich.
2383  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Coinbase Blog - Buy And Sell Bitcoin By Connecting Any U.S. Bank Account on: October 27, 2012, 03:40:24 PM

 1. Are you really supposed to hand over your full banking credentials to a third party? What would your bank say about that?

Asking for that seems a pretty good way to be tagged as "Internet scam". Suppose they manage to leak the password list somehow.

In Germany there is a pretty popular payment gateway which asks for your banking credentials , you even login in your bank account through their site and make the purchase with your data. It is easy, fast and secure. I don't have any information about the coinbase process but if its similar and secured with ssl its no more risky than your normal online banking.

Quick edit : Most of you guys in the forum seem to have a poor sense of judgement regarding money related things. I feel often like you protect the wrong people and discredit the good guys. and i had no good experience with coinbase.
2384  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Someone bloats the blockchain? on: October 25, 2012, 12:31:44 PM
Try to use Google to search the address next time to avoid bloating the forum.
Good luck

The best advice of the century. Let's shut this forum down, everything is already on the Internet.

The advice can stop this sensationalist questions which are on the edge of FUD. So yes it is the best advice of the century.
2385  Local / Biete / Re: Biete Programmierdienste! on: October 25, 2012, 12:25:45 PM
Ein arbeitsloser Programmier das ich das noch erleben darf Cheesy

Sorry für OT

Ich kann ziemlich gut Java programmieren , musste aber jetzt im 5. Semester mein Studium abbrechen , versuch dann mal adhoc ne Stelle als Programmierer zu kriegen. ^^
2386  Economy / Service Announcements / Re: - Buy and Lease Mining Shares on: October 18, 2012, 04:11:02 PM
Anyone have an invite for WeExchange? Smiley

2387  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Scammer tag: theymos ; ; others unknown at this time. on: October 08, 2012, 05:25:02 PM
In each situation where you can't live with the actions of the forum admin it is best to leave.

I suggest you do that.

Yay, finally MPEX will be gone !
2388  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: Gründe für ein Verbot des Bitcoin on: October 07, 2012, 06:56:06 PM
Seeder ich hab dich vermisst.
2389  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Does the Bitcoin Foundation seek the taxability of bitcoins? on: October 06, 2012, 01:14:42 PM
sorry saying this, but i hope so!

There's no other way out of the underground. I know very much want to stay underground.

This. If we want Bitcoin to succeed and not to vanish we need to work on its acceptance. This will include taxes even if most of the people here are seeking a secure tax heaven (and a New World Order).
2390  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: schliesst on: October 06, 2012, 09:32:07 AM
Zum Verkauf von theymos :

Nefario hatte vor glbse als legales unternehmen auszugründen damit auch richtige Firmen dort ihre Anteile verkaufen können. Dazu hätte sich jeder glbse Anteilseigner öffentlich Listen lassen müssen. Dies wollten theymos und ein paar andere nicht und darum haben sie über theymos versucht sie zu verkaufen.
Nicht wieder auf den Anschuldigungen Zug springen. Der glbse Geschäftsführer Nefario hat offensichtlich ne Klage bekommen und sucht sich jetzt rechtliche Hilfe.
2391  Economy / Securities / Re: [GLBSE] ASICMINER: Entering the Future of ASIC Mining by Inventing It on: October 04, 2012, 09:31:57 AM
I hate to make a "me too" post, but...I find myself in the same boat.  I'd love to invest some in ASICMiner, but after doing a bit of research on the current state of GLBSE, I don't feel comfortable taking on the (perceived) risk associated with holding shares on GLBSE.

+1 to the idea of allowing an alternate means of buying into ASICMiner, that's accessible for us small-timers not looking to buy 5000+ shares to become a board member.

If you find someone willing to buy or give up a bulk of shares so you could create that passthrough since no new shares will be issued by asicminer.
At this point i doubt someone will do this.
2392  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Scammer tag: Nefario. on: October 01, 2012, 08:44:04 AM
atm goat is still waiting for his coins - if he dont get them i vote scammer.
otherwise i just vote "nefario should not run a marketplace"
The four issues that seem the most serious to me are:

1) Nefario seems to be holding coins that are indisputably Goat's, which he refuses to return.

As far as i know Goat is refusing to give Nefario a BTC adress because Goat feels like giving him the adresse would be like accepting his delisting.

In my opinion MPOE-PR should NOT have started this thread. This will backfire on MPOE.

In before only cryptostocks left...
2393  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Satoshi dumped Bitcoin right after Gavin announced he was going to the CIA. on: September 28, 2012, 12:30:36 PM
The amount of tinfoilhat-wearers in this forum is too damn high.
2394  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: Puppet - Malicious Criminal Libel on: September 26, 2012, 05:58:19 PM
You first. What's your real name?

Im not aware of Vampire holding 1000's of other people's BTC. Turning this around is just silly.

And I dont know what this is doing in "my" thread. Vampire, Im the one on trial here for being a serial liar and scammer,   dont steal my limelight  Cheesy

We all know usagi is Sailor Moon. No more DOX needed.
2395  Local / Off-Topic (Deutsch) / Re: Suche hilfe bei passphrase verschlüsselte Wallet.dat, password verloren. on: September 26, 2012, 01:44:39 PM
Das wird schwierig, hast du ungefähr ne Ahnung wie lang das Passwort war und mit welchem Client es verschlüsselt wurde?
2396  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Looking for beta testers - Bitcoin penny auction site on: September 25, 2012, 05:13:08 PM
I too signed up, under the same Username as here.

2397  Economy / Securities / Re: Done with GLBSE on: September 25, 2012, 05:01:39 PM
This has gone too far.

I am selling everything I have there, moving out all of my BTC, and never trading there again.

The owner of the platform acts vindictively and hot-headed, freezes accounts/issues of anyone he doesn't agree with, and has basically placed hundreds if not thousands of his customer's BTC in limbo.

Death-knell. I predict crickets over there.

You know that your BTC are held by the asset issuer if you bought shares , right?

If the asset issuer had his account shut down by Nefario no, the asset issuer does not hold the BTC. Nefario has the BTC.

You are saying there are people who leave BTC on GLBSE lying around instead of investing or saving according to their contracts?  For other reasons than investing,paying dividends or buybacks there is no need to hold BTC there. Goat , does Nefario hold some of your Assets BTC ? Is he clearly (mind you) intending to not give them back?

at this time it seems that I can not get them back unless I agree to my account being shut down and my assets delisted. I do not consent to that so I do not know how I can get my coins back Sad

You've been given all the details you need to continue operating without GLBSE.

I've also asked you for a BTC address to send the remaining balance in your accounts to you.

I do not agree to your proposal.

Okay, so you do not want to secure the BTC of your Investors because you feel like you do not want to "comply".
Guys we have a winner. There is probably little chance that you get the possibiliy to make this mess clean without you working something out for your shareholders.

Investments with you are NOT safe.

Nefarios action maybe hotheaded , but you are doing little to help the people that trusted you. If I were you i would have a solution for my investors that trusted me ready right now and would look after nefario later.

Can you inform the rest of us what's the dispute is about?

I had some assets he wanted. I resisted his forced sale and he delisted my assets and close my GLBSE account thus taking my assets.

Goat resisted his forced sale because he felt like his fake shares are undervalued (he sold them for 10 BTC to someone, nefario wanted to pay him the double the initial ipo price alas 0.2 BTC), and wanted to give nefario a scammer tag. Nefario then cut ties with Goat and delisted his assets without prior notice. He gave Goat everything he needed to identify who is holding his shares.

That is not 100% correct.

First of all there is no way I can identify who is holding my shares. There is nothing I can do to know for 100% who owns my shares.

Second of all as a property owner I have the right to refuse the sale of an asset. If nefario does not want to give me the price I think is fair he just can't have it (unless he uses force and takes it).

If you are dealing with them on GLBSE there is no 100% security either, if their account is compromised you cannot ensure it 100%. As far as i understood every shareholder got an identifier. The longer it takes for you to setup a system where they could register, the bigger is the chance of theft of codes. So act quick to reduce your shareholders potential damage.

As far as i understood : Nefario is forced to delete the asset, because he wants to make GLBSE a legitimate company. These were fake shares. He made a mistake in claiming that he would honor them, but was not in the position to decide this. So he is offering you a compensation out of his own pockets with twice the value of the share at "IPO". This is more than generous. He just could delist the asset of the fake GLBSE and that was it then. He is not even the owner of this IPO. Neither is he the solemn owner of GLBSE. Goat, you fucked up big time. Get your head out of your ass and set it straight.

Nefario clearly made mistakes but not giving you a higher price for your shares or even actual GLBSE shares was not one of them.
2398  Economy / Securities / Re: Done with GLBSE on: September 25, 2012, 04:04:22 PM
This has gone too far.

I am selling everything I have there, moving out all of my BTC, and never trading there again.

The owner of the platform acts vindictively and hot-headed, freezes accounts/issues of anyone he doesn't agree with, and has basically placed hundreds if not thousands of his customer's BTC in limbo.

Death-knell. I predict crickets over there.

You know that your BTC are held by the asset issuer if you bought shares , right?

If the asset issuer had his account shut down by Nefario no, the asset issuer does not hold the BTC. Nefario has the BTC.

You are saying there are people who leave BTC on GLBSE lying around instead of investing or saving according to their contracts?  For other reasons than investing,paying dividends or buybacks there is no need to hold BTC there. Goat , does Nefario hold some of your Assets BTC ? Is he clearly (mind you) intending to not give them back?

at this time it seems that I can not get them back unless I agree to my account being shut down and my assets delisted. I do not consent to that so I do not know how I can get my coins back Sad

You've been given all the details you need to continue operating without GLBSE.

I've also asked you for a BTC address to send the remaining balance in your accounts to you.

I do not agree to your proposal.

Okay, so you do not want to secure the BTC of your Investors because you feel like you do not want to "comply".
Guys we have a winner. There is probably little chance that you get the possibiliy to make this mess clean without you working something out for your shareholders.

Investments with you are NOT safe.

Nefarios action maybe hotheaded , but you are doing little to help the people that trusted you. If I were you i would have a solution for my investors that trusted me ready right now and would look after nefario later.

Can you inform the rest of us what's the dispute is about?

I had some assets he wanted. I resisted his forced sale and he delisted my assets and close my GLBSE account thus taking my assets.

Goat resisted his forced sale because he felt like his fake shares are undervalued (he sold them for 10 BTC to someone, nefario wanted to pay him the double the initial ipo price alas 0.2 BTC), and wanted to give nefario a scammer tag. Nefario then cut ties with Goat and delisted his assets without prior notice. He gave Goat everything he needed to identify who is holding his shares.
2399  Economy / Securities / Re: Done with GLBSE on: September 25, 2012, 12:41:12 PM
This has gone too far.

I am selling everything I have there, moving out all of my BTC, and never trading there again.

The owner of the platform acts vindictively and hot-headed, freezes accounts/issues of anyone he doesn't agree with, and has basically placed hundreds if not thousands of his customer's BTC in limbo.

Death-knell. I predict crickets over there.

You know that your BTC are held by the asset issuer if you bought shares , right?

If the asset issuer had his account shut down by Nefario no, the asset issuer does not hold the BTC. Nefario has the BTC.

You are saying there are people who leave BTC on GLBSE lying around instead of investing or saving according to their contracts?  For other reasons than investing,paying dividends or buybacks there is no need to hold BTC there. Goat , does Nefario hold some of your Assets BTC ? Is he clearly (mind you) intending to not give them back?
2400  Economy / Securities / Re: Done with GLBSE on: September 25, 2012, 12:19:35 PM
This has gone too far.

I am selling everything I have there, moving out all of my BTC, and never trading there again.

The owner of the platform acts vindictively and hot-headed, freezes accounts/issues of anyone he doesn't agree with, and has basically placed hundreds if not thousands of his customer's BTC in limbo.

Death-knell. I predict crickets over there.

You know that your BTC are held by the asset issuer if you bought shares , right?
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