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2721  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: How to return stuck transaction (instead of pushing it to receiver's addres) ? on: September 27, 2022, 10:19:59 AM
But for some of "txid" is says "Oops! We couldn't find what you are looking for."
What does it mean and how should I handle the situation with those non-found "txid" ?

If those are old transactions, they were probably dropped from mempool (not confirmed; double spent and dropped or dropped after a while for low fee).
This means they were never mined, hence they don't exist.
2722  Economy / Economics / Re: A great resignation is incoming to the IT powerhouse of the world on: September 27, 2022, 08:16:29 AM
1. 86% of employees are planning to resign in the next 6 months
2. 61% of employees are willing to accept a lower salary or a promotion to focus on better work-life balance

With the recession knocking at our door (is the situation in India so much different from the rest of the world? I doubt it), I think that those numbers are greatly exaggerated.

Personally, I lead a team of 70+ associates and around 40% of them have expressed their intent to resign if they are forced to come back to office. It's a huge challenge for many other Indian companies as well.

The important point is "if they are forced to come back to office".
I think that the companies will adapt. They will have to. Of course, the employees will adapt to. A middle ground will have to be set.

Some will go back to the office, maybe for bigger salaries.
Some will find a middle ground, like 2-3 days in the office and the rest from home.
Some may stay at home, but unless they're exceptionally qualified, they will have to find different employer.

So the situation is far from "black and white" and I expect that in many (most?) cases a middle ground will be found.
2723  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: HOW TO AVOID FAKE CRYPTOCURRENCY APPS on: September 27, 2022, 08:06:55 AM
-spelling, description, and icon.
-Application permission.

These can be a proper indicator.

-The number of downloads.

These can be faked, so I would not take this alone into account; it needs more.

-Read reviews

No, just no. There are so many fake reviews - in both directions! - you better not rely on those.

-Confirming authenticity by contacting support

Many very good wallets are open source and don't have support page as you'd expect.
Support is usually an indicator of a private product, usually meaning custodial service, which brings another list of risks (KYC, "not your keys, not your coins").

I think that best is to check/ask on bitcointalk for good wallets. You will get the names and official websites. And the official websites will have the correct link to the correct wallet (and also ways to check it's the correct one).
I would not google search for the official website, since nowadays those also get cloned and get high ranks in search engines.
2724  Other / Meta / Re: I'm not receiving email notifications on: September 27, 2022, 07:34:45 AM
Instead, Click on Watch.

Indeed, I can confirm that Watch button/feature is working well for me too (for another topic, but that doesn't matter).
2725  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Hodlonaut Trial on: September 27, 2022, 07:25:28 AM
its not about give up debunking him..
its about doing things smarter.. out-game his game

I think that we may need both.
We need to play smarter so no new people come under his attention, or worse, gets silenced.
And we need to debunk him - in court! - in a way he will never ever get taken serious by any court in the world. And maybe even punished for his forgeries and for wasting people's time and money (plus health, since I agree with Greg, war is hell).
2726  Other / Meta / Re: Forum advertising space for free signature/avatar advertisement on: September 27, 2022, 07:16:15 AM
My question for members who showed an interest in free promotion is:
Are you interested in promoting

[...] NeuroticFish, [...], and everyone else share your thoughts please.

I've changed my personal text pretty soon after you did.
I've changed my avatar even a little before you did (we were both in the same campaign).
So I'm not sure why I'm in the list.

But if you asked for my thoughts, I'll tell the same as I said (in PM) to that campaign's manager: my current plan (unless a paid campaign comes up for avatar and unless CM changes rules for avatar) is to advertise Bitcoincleanup for a while (how long will that be, I really can't tell).
2727  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Cele mai bune site-uri de explorare a blocurilor Bitcoin on: September 27, 2022, 06:38:13 AM
Deci, ce am facut eu, ca sa vezi cat de robot sunt: Observasem ca site-urile listate aici nu ieseau, ca numar, cu cele din topicul original. M-am apucat sa le numar si am vazut ca difereau, intr-adevar. Le-am adaugat pe cele lipsa (sau asa am crezut), pana mi-au dat la numar.

Nu te stresa, se intampla cand faci treducere / te bazezi prea tare pe altceva. Chiar mai des decat ai crede. Si nu, chiar nu ma refer la tine, ci la traduceri in general.
Si, dupa cum am zis: probabil ca nu a fost cea mai buna zi pentru comunicarea de informatii.

Acum nu mai e in oglinda, intrucat am eliminat acel site. Sper sa-l stearga si el, sa fie iar in concordanta Smiley

Ca tot am urmarit, cel putin partial, procesul: bine ca (noi) nu am avut de tradus vreo porcarie de-a lui CSW ca o faceam corecta!
2728  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Există 2^256 chei private: cât de mare este acest număr? on: September 26, 2022, 06:40:02 PM
Am avut o dubla motivare pentru traducerea acestui topic: o data, pentru ca este un material util tuturor si apoi, ca o forma de reactie pentru feedback-ul nejustificat primit de amico fillippone. Din fericire, problema respectiva a fost lasata in urma si nu i-a afectat cu nimic buna reputatie pe care o are aici.

Da, foarte bine gandit!

Iar legat de acel feedback, eu chiar nu inteleg actiunile unora, care par sa tina neaparat sa faca rau doar ca sa aiba o anumita reputatie (vorbesc aici de teribilism, nu de reputatia in sensul bitcointalk). Din fericire forumul se auto-regleaza si ii scoate - mai devreme sau mai tarziu (cel putin din DT1) pe cei care actioneaza fara sa se gandeasca pe bune.
2729  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Cele mai bune site-uri de explorare a blocurilor Bitcoin on: September 26, 2022, 05:59:51 PM
Sau... poate, te referi la altceva...? Acum eu sunt cel confuz Smiley

LOL! Suntem niste meseriasi amandoi. Cheesy
Sau doar nu-i cea mai buna zi (sau doar ora) pentru transmitarea de informatii  Smiley

Ma refeream la.. aparitia din partea de mai sus a listei...

2730  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Cele mai bune site-uri de explorare a blocurilor Bitcoin on: September 26, 2022, 05:34:23 PM
Poate ai citit, din greseala, ca-l adaugasem...?

Pai il vazusem in postare, il vazusem in lista de la pagina 1... le-am amestecat si a iesit o varza  Wink. Scuze.
Atunci trebuie doar sa il muti (si pe acesta) si la pagina 1 in lista celor eliminate.
2731  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Cele mai bune site-uri de explorare a blocurilor Bitcoin on: September 26, 2022, 03:57:02 PM
Am actualizat OP cu mai multe site-uri adaugate si de 1miau in topic-ul original: Spiral, OKLink, BitcoinExplorer, cryptoID, BitcoinBlockExplorer, Atomic,

Aditional, am elimiat cateva site-uri, tot in urma modificarilor lui 1miau: Tokenview (a devenit inaccesibil), (nu mai este intretinut), (nu (mai?) are legatura cu Bitcoin.

Buun, doar ca ... am gasit o problema, cel putin momentan. Da, ca de obicei, vad "problema" la postarea ta, nu la cea a lui 1miau  Cheesy Cheesy

In primul rand, cand deschid, imi da in partea de sus a paginii o eroare:

Warning: SessionHandler::write(): write failed: No space left on device (28) in /var/www/app/cache/prod/classes.php on line 415

In plus, daca dau cautare dupa un tx id (am luat unul, aleator, de pe, imi da "Nothing was found".

As recomanda ca cele care nu mai sunt bune sa dispara complet sau macar sa fie taiate. Ca m-a cam fraierit de la tine de pe lista. Cheesy
2732  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: Arculus Hardware Wallet Review / Warning on: September 26, 2022, 03:42:48 PM
They do provide a seed phrase, but it is displayed via your phone, making it only as secure as any closed source mobile app (i.e. not secure in the slightest).

OK, I (somewhat) stand corrected, still if only displayed on the phone, that's a bad joke, not security.

This would be funny, but it's actually sad; it means that the one(s) who implemented the wallet most probably doesn't have the knowledge on blockchain/bitcoin/transactions he should have (and the wallet is built on wrong assumptions).
2733  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Hardware wallet or Bitcoin Core wallet? on: September 26, 2022, 01:02:53 PM
I recommend hardware wallet, clearly. Most probably with Electrum.
Even more, if OP values his privacy, he will also get Bitcoin Core, will download the blockchain and will use local Electrum Server and local Blockchain Explorer.

I have a Ledger Nano S and I use it with Electrum. My Electrum connects to a local Electrs that runs on top of a Bitcoin Core.
There are nowadays better options than Ledger, you can search for all the problems they had with their customers' data, plus they are not open source.
I am kinda eyeing SeedSigner, but as long as my Nano S still works, I stick to it.
2734  Bitcoin / Press / Re: [2022-09-22] JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon slammed crypto and called BTC Ponzi Scheme on: September 26, 2022, 09:53:12 AM
And yet again all crypto twitter, news and forum(s) talk again again Dimon and JP Morgan. I will call this a successful advertising campaign.

Didn't Dimon say not long after the "i was wrong about Bitcoin" that he still doesn't like nor trust Bitcoin? And then what you guys expect? For him it's just a tool to make more fiat; it has always been. Then why would you expect he would spend a second understand Bitcoin? Do you think that he cares that what he tells is utter stupid? No; his audience doesn't know (nor cares) that either.
Only the Bitcoiners will care and those will.. just help him with further advertising.
2735  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: Electrum+Trezor, wrong hint/info displayed on: September 26, 2022, 09:46:56 AM
Yes, that's exactly what happened. And no, I do not like it, there should be at least option to show/hide real transactions. They may use "condensed" view, but at tehe end there was transation (could be displayed even as a 2 lines) where a given input/output amount was used, not just "buring" a fee.

I do understand your point. But I do understand "their" point too.
While it's indeed a proper transaction and it should be displayed properly especially on a HW (I complained here and there that the change address and its funds are not visible when I sign a tx and I see that as a possible security issue), from wallet point of view only the fee has "left the wallet".

So, as I said, it's not wrong. And yes, I completely agree, it should be done much better, probably in Electrum and HWs too.
2736  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: Electrum+Trezor, wrong hint/info displayed on: September 26, 2022, 09:24:52 AM
Aaa now I understand (I think). I was trying to do "inter-wallet" transaction. One of them (Electrum I guess) tried to be "the smart one", that's why Trezor displayed only the amount "lost" for a fee.

If you look into Electrum at transactions history, that's what Electrum will also show in the list (as amount): only the amount spent/lost as fee.
It's not actually wrong, but I agree it can be seen as misleading.
2737  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: Arculus Hardware Wallet Review / Warning on: September 26, 2022, 09:05:06 AM
We believe in getting strong, hardware-based security to the mainstream.

From what I know you don't offer backup of the seed, hence if your company dies, the user funds go with it. That's not how security should work.
From what I know your wallet doesn't let user see what he's doing, leaving the door open for mistakes. Again, that's not how security should work.
The fact we have to trust your word instead of looking into sources, is a topic already discussed.

"they are selling all your other information" - No, we are not. Privacy is central. We have no way of connecting a wallet to a person's identity. The wallet is completely anonymous.

Yet one cannot use this from outside of US, hence you most probably do connect a wallet to user IP(s).
Sorry, but these claims coming in a technical area are... weak...
2738  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Core with backed up wallet.dat. What first: sync or replacing wallet.dat? on: September 26, 2022, 08:47:22 AM
I forgot to mention that I mean pruned sync.
If I understand it correct, if you don't replace wallet.dat before pruned syncing, you will need to sync all over again after replacing wallet.dat.
Is that correct?

Since afaik you have an old wallet, yes, that is correct. That's why is important to put the correct wallet.dat in place earliest possible.
Of course, Bitcoin Core must not be running at that point, you better restart computer or check the list of processes before copying wallet.dat.

Maybe this helps too:
2739  Local / Altcoins (Monede Alternative) / Re: [10USDT GRATUIT] Schimbul CoinCasso on: September 26, 2022, 08:35:18 AM
Avand in vedere ca unul dintre pasi este completarea datelor de identificare (KYC), eu nu ma bag, 10$ nu merita riscul.
In plus, voi pune aici o recomandare de lectura: De ce procesul KYC este unul deosebit de periculos – și inutil
2740  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: F1 Formula Sports Racing - promotions & discussion thread on: September 26, 2022, 08:07:04 AM
Other "paid driver" its Tsunoda, clearly Honda its putting him in that seat

Well, Zhou Guanyu is also in a similar situation. Heck, from what I heard even Checo have bought his seat with funds from wealthy Mexican sponsors, especially at start (see here if you can stand the awful translation)
And Lando Norris father is multi millionaire and Lance Stroll father bought whole team for his son Cheesy. That's reality, you don't have big chance to get seat in F1 if you're poor. But there is difference that some paid drivers can deliver result (c'mon, even Stroll had few podiums) and there is guys like Latifi or Mazepin.

Exactly. And while, as you said, even Stroll was able to deliver, Latifi (or Mazepin) didn't. Even Zhou had some reasonably OK races. Of course, most probably a big percentage of the blame goes to the cars too, but when the other driver with same car does on a constant manner significantly better... it's time to try somebody new.

Don't forget that Ricciardo left Renault not in very nice way, so I think that his return to Alpine isn't very likely. It will be interesting time when many teams still don't have full lineup for next season and many drivers without contracts.

I fear that if he cannot go back to Alpine, there's not much other chance for him in F1. I don't think that he will go into much worse cars when he already did bad in better ones.
I guess that we will have to get used to miss his big smile like the one from that McLaren 1-2 win.
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