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281  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: July 08, 2022, 04:09:22 PM
Here is, interview with AZOV senior soldier callsign "Tork" -
(With subs)

As you can see i give you link with a time. In this moment Tork tells that in Donetsk and Russia everyone believes that only 2000 men and 10 tanks was destroyed in Mariupol, but Tork knows people who destroyed 10 tanks by their own. My comment: This what happens when casualities is not counted in a proper and transparent way.

So russian ministry of defense is quite good with this - your people would believe in any shit and nonsense and will not start any riots (why to start? we destroying 10000 ukrops everyday and lost only 10 soldiers!)   
282  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: July 08, 2022, 12:22:32 PM
You're doing great job spreading hatred between Russians and Ukrainians, almost as good as UK secret service did in Bosnia,
between Croats and Bosniaks

Only russians and people like you help to spread hatred. The best way to get a lot of hate is to invade sovereign country and kill its citizens with women and children. Oh, that's what Russia doing.

So i Doubt that it needs help on this forum. Russian orcs fine with their task without aside help
283  Other / Meta / Re: Off-topic demand in Meta to ban users for their opinions chills free speech. on: July 07, 2022, 10:54:38 PM
Censorship is the story behind the story here.

Can't agree with you man. After few rockets landed near me, I understood that sometimes censorship is for good.

Do you apply the same principle to Putin’s censorship, if he believes he has a duty to Russia to win a war?

Sophisticated shit. There is a big difference: He invaded another country.

In fact, this is typical situation "aggressor-victim". It's good to silence aggressor but not good to silence a victim. And noone fucking care about aggressor problems. If he's not a madman he of course has his own incentives. "oh man, i don't have sex for so long, maybe i can rape this girl on the street".
Does rapist has an incentive and logical reasoning? yes of course. His actions very logical. Still we do not need "to try to understand him". To jail with no excuses.

Aggressor and victim are not the same. We can't treat them in the same way. The fact that one attacking/raping/robbering  and another just protecting himself makes them too different. Sooooo.  There nothing bad to divide this entities. This is not some kind of "hypocrisy", this is just a logical solution, since as i said above this entities are not the same in their motivation and their actions.

Otherwise, to try to treat them the same / apply the same principles and so on it's kind of stupid. This turn potential situation "man tries to rape a woman on the street" into "two drunk buddies beat crap outta each other"

will answer to all other sophisticated juggling tomorrow in the morning, so this post will be expanded

A little clarification:
I'm not for a ban to those morons on BITCOINTALK forum. Because this is forum about bitcoin. But I'm highly accept such "lists of shame". Some kind of cancel culture. Your loved Lauda created a lot of such lists, for much less valuable reasons.

As you see, I personally created such a long time ago for close reasons -
284  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: How Profitable are Gambling Bots? on: July 07, 2022, 10:49:05 PM
Bot will not help you with anything. But yeah, it can make everything much worse.
Even in social media - if some account owner uses the bot. The people are smart enough to recognize who is followed by the real followers and who are having fake following. Even the commenting and likes are also being purchase - People do silly things for money.

This is different situation: In social media there no house of edge, so bot can't fail more than you. And in gambling everything otherwise.
Or i didn't get what you're talking about.

P.S: You comment looks like just a shitposting, ha ha  : (sorry, no offense)
285  Other / Meta / Re: Off-topic demand in Meta to ban users for their opinions chills free speech. on: July 07, 2022, 10:24:58 PM
[...important information; i'm useful idiot and because of me ukrainian children dying...]
Yet there is little to no censorship — either by Western states or by Silicon Valley monopolies — of pro-Ukrainian disinformation, propaganda and lies. The censorship goes only in one direction: to silence any voices deemed “pro-Russian,” regardless of whether they spread disinformation.  [...]

Of course there no need for "pro-ukrainian" (I laughed a lot, this is like "pro-victim propaganda", total nonsense) censorship, since Ukraine is great in curing some misinformation by it's own. Unlike russia. So it's obvious we need to help russia with this  Smiley

For example: ombudsperson Lyudmyla Denisova was fired because a lot of disinformation she provided to Western society. Fired by ukrainians.

"He also accuses her of having focused too much on media work, and on describing sexually motivated crimes in gratuitous detail as well as the raping of children in occupied territories. However, some of these accounts, he said, had not been verified, which had harmed Ukraine's reputation and distracted media attention from other, proven crimes and problems."

Can you give me an example from russia, eh? Of such "self-curing against misinformation". I'm waiting.

286  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: July 07, 2022, 08:46:30 PM
Everything is "po planoo". Russia is demilitarizing itself. LOL.

With the help of american weapons  Wink

Here is iconography with destroyed russian munitions storages

11 storages since 28th of June.  Grin

There is no way an aircraft would be exposed and a "precision missile" wasted to remove a flag. People who read the official media in the RF must be under the impression that RF has limitless missiles, aircraft and sophisticated equipment. It is far from the truth.

Exactly. Just an empty claims. Russians consider ukrainians as "untermench" and russia as powerful superpower so they will believe in this with easy
287  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The call for Julian Assange || The WikiLeaks Manifesto - We all should read it on: July 07, 2022, 08:26:43 PM
I can do no better here than to quote the conclusions of indefatigable Glenn Greenwald:

Glenn Greenwald is pro-kremlin troll (due to many well respected people) who justify russian army and tries to accuse ukrainian one. As a witness of russian action I can consider Glenn Greenwald as a Putin whore, and anyone who read and trust him - as Useful idiot.

The same problem with Julian Assange: He hated USA so much that step-by-step turned to be ruskie-chinesee whore. No no empathy for him. I'm not glad about what happened to him, but as it said in russian proverb: "Пoмep Hикoдим - нy и XУЙ c ним"

And yeah, a little obituary to Assange from a good russian and my good friend (yeah, in Russia still a lot of honest and brave people who figthing against kremlin imperialism and Z-ombie curse):

"Уникaльнocть Accaнжa пpидyмaли Гибcoн, Cтepлинг и Кo.

Cюжeт вeдь был тpaдициoнным. Good night, and good luck. "Бyмaги Пeнтaгoнa". Уoтepгeйт. Иpaн-кoнтpac (xoтя тyт cpaбoтaлa нe штaтoвcкaя пpecca, нo пpинцип тoт жe). He гoвopя o дeлax пoмeльчe - вpoдe бoйни в Coнгми, пытoк в Aбy-Гpeйб или ceкpeтныx тюpeм в Чexии.

Ктo-тo "нe мoжeт мoлчaть" и cливaeт oтвaжнoмy жypнaлиcтy инфopмaцию, нe peкoмeндyeмyю к pacпpocтpaнeнию. Oтвaжный жypнaлиcт бoитcя, нo пpeдпpинимaeт paccлeдoвaниe и пyбликyeт. Пoпытки зaткнyть poт пpoвaливaютcя. Лeтят гoлoвы. Oбщecтвeннocть нeгoдyeт. Издaния oтxвaтывaют Пyлитцepa, a Cпилбepг c Клyни cнимaют фильмы.


A тyт нaм пooбeщaли, чтo paз ecть тaкoй "интepнeт", тo вcё пoйдёт инaчe, вплoть дo "peвoлюции" (дaльшe былo чтo-тo нeвpaзyмитeльнoe пpo cлaвныx бoeвыx aнoнимycoв, кoтopыe нe зaбывaют и нe пpoщaют). Пoвepили вce, вплoть дo Accaнжa, кoтopый peшил, чтo жypнaлиcтcкaя paбoтa нe нyжнa, a мoжнo пpocтo вывaлиcь нa пyбликy cвaлившийcя в pyки apxив Чeлcи Mэннинг.

Пoлyчилocь нe oчeнь. T.e. oчeнь плoxo, нa caмoм дeлe, пoлyчилocь.

Шyмy, кoнeчнo, былo мнoгo, и "Accaнж - нaш гepoй" кpичaли, и дaжe Кaмбepбэтч eгo cыгpaл (cыгpaл плoxo, и в плoxoм фильмe - нeт, дaлeкo нe "Post"). Ho вcё кaк-тo нe пo нoвoмy cюжeтy пoшлo, a пo вcё пo тoмy жe cтapoмy.

Mы oбнapyжили, чтo интepнeт интepнeтoм, a пpaвилa вcё тe жe.

Bыяcнилocь, чтo бeз пpoфeccиoнaльнoй жypнaлиcтcкoй пoдaчи caми пo ceбe мaтepиaлы нe paбoтaют, a знaчит - и гoлoвы нe лeтят. Пpeмию нe дaли. Чeлcи Mэннинг вмecтe пытoк и paзpeзaния нa кycки oплaтили (дa, кaк вoeннocлyжaщeй - зa cчёт apмии CШA) тepaпию пepexoдa, a пoтoм и вoвce выпycтили пpи пepвoй жe вoзмoжнocти. Accaнж влип, кaк в дypнoм aнeкдoтe, пo фopмyлe Гopбaтoгo: "Гoвopил я eмy, чтo кaбaки и бaбы дoвeдyт дo цyгyндepa!" - дoвeли. Любимoe дeтищe oчeнь быcтpo cтaлo пoзopным cливным бaчкoм - кaк cтaнoвитcя им любoe издaниe, нe yмeющee вecти coбcтвeнныe paccлeдoвaния и пyбликyющee, "чтo пpиcлaли" (пpивeт poccийcким дeвянocтым - тoгдa в этy дыpy pyxнyли мнoгиe). Бoeвыe aнoнимycы, кaк вcкope выяcнилocь, пoд "cвoбoдoй" пoнимaли иcключитeльнo пpaвo нa тpaвлю гeймepш, нy a cимвoлoм aнтиcиcтeмнocти oкaзaлcя нacлeдный миллиapдep Tpaмп, нe жeлaющий плaтить нaлoги.

Кибepпaнк yмep, кaк yмepли мpaчныe пpopoчecтвa Xaйнлaйнa.

Пoxoжий нa cмypнoгo пpaвocлaвнoгo иepeя, глaвный гepoй фaнтacтичecкoй литepaтypы pyбeжa 980-90-x был вывeдeн пoд pyки из пocoльcтвa, и кpичaл oн пpи чтo-тo coвceм yж нeaдeквaтнoe и пoзopнoe - чтo-тo пpo твиттep, кoтopый был coздaн, чтoбы тaйнo пpaвить миpoм.

Tвиттep, бoжe мoй!

Goodnight, sweet prince."

"A чтo дypнoгo в тoм, чтoбы пocaдить нa 175 лeт личнoгo дpyгa Mapгapиты Cимoньян?

Пытaюcь нaйти минycы и нe вижy."

"(Accaнж пpoшёл интepecный пycть oт «Cвoбoдy икoнe кибepaнapxии!» дo «Пocaдили кaкoгo-тo coтpyдникa "Бoкo Xapaм Tyдeй" — дa и лaднo».)"

T,e: Бoкo Xapaм Tyдeй == Russia Today
Why Boko Haram? Because RT pushing takes not to different to those which pushing Boko Haram (at least i think so. Never asked him about it)
288  Other / Meta / Re: Off-topic demand in Meta to ban users for their opinions chills free speech. on: July 07, 2022, 07:50:04 PM
Censorship is the story behind the story here.

Can't agree with you man. After few rockets landed near me, I understood that sometimes censorship is for good.

Sorry, but with your blind spot you dissapointed me Sad

Life is complicated thing, and something can be a curse and a cure in the same time. Amount differs  Smiley

And please, do not try to jungle with "hate speech" and "free speech". As my friend from USA (Marine corp, lol) told me: "Yeah, f'cking snoflake can tell me somethings rasist if the think that this is his right. And my right - to beat up all the crap otta him!"

This is true difference in "freedom". We should obtain american-like freedom (I'm free, noone can punch me!) not russian (I'm free, I can punch anyone! )

Oh, I've read few your posts. Typical pro-russian conspiracy theories. If USA would really intervene, maybe there would not be that war. And now, as ukrainian, and as a witness of russian actions in my country the only things i could ask is that USA intervene as much as it can. I need american night vision googles, i need american rifle, my country needs HIMARS and M270. Not your sophisticated shit, since your ass is in warm safe place.

Since i respected you (until now) i was really afraid that you will came here and will start to post such horse shit. And it happened, for worse.
I see that nullius went full troll. Suchmoon was right about you.

A little dive into situation from real ukrainian (me):

wars between brothers.

Russian take. And of course, russia is "elder brother" so he should determine how ukrainians should live, where should they join and what they should think and believe. Otherways, "elder brother" will launch a lot of missiles and rockets at ukrainians, start ethnic cleansings in Bucha and will threaten other world with nuclear war.

Ukrainians and russian are as much different as danish and germans (different languages, lol). Those who say otherwise or just useful idiots, or bloodthirsty russian morons who wants to rape and still dishwashers. Since you're not a russian "denazificator" I think the first option is about you.

 I strongly dislike some of the rhetoric that the Russian media tend to apply to Ukrainians (and also, to various people from the Baltics).  

Just a strongly dislike al those true-nazi takes of russians about ukrainians? (The most famous one is - We need to solve ukrainian question, the great allusion to Hitler's speech "Final Solution" about jews)


Tell me, dislike more than the fact of imprisoning of Russia Today worker Jullian Assange or not so much? Assange i think much more valuable that those filthy ukrainians, since they dare to fight against russian "liberators" who will free All nations against "usa imperialism" (and Assange too, despite he is not a nation  Grin )

Nonetheless, when the U.S. has been seeking via NATO, etc. to gain a strategic proxy like a dagger poised at Russia’s belly, I cannot avoid looking at a map

The problem is that after 2014 it was ukrainians who wanted to join NATO, not USA. And I'm very grateful to USA that this country gives us a lot of anti-tank missiles to fry ruskies in their lightly-modernized soviet cans.

As it said in song: Invaders must die!  

remembering how the U.S. reacted in the Cuban Missile Crisis

Oh, maybe I'm stupid, but I can't remember full scale invasion at Cuba with a lot of dead civilians, childrens and so on. naval blockade is a little bit different thing, isn't it? And after USSR removed it's nuclear missiles out of Cuba, USA was good with the fact that Cuba is Pro-Soviet. At least, during 50 years it never invaded Cuba.

I see how much you're out of context about what's going on and why this war started. Some "geopolitical shit" about secure concerns and so on. Baltic states are in NATO for a long time, like already 20 years. And their territory much closer to Saint Petersburg and Moscow than Ukrainian. And i didn't see any war till now. Coвпaдeниe? He дyмaю!

The reason is much more terrible for such a silly idealist like you: russia is go full-facist style, and from now it's main goal to exterminate Ukraine, exterminate ukrainian language and culture. Even MY OWN FATHER who is now in russia cried on me through Viber that I'm Bandera-neonazi and disrespect my ancestors. You know what the reason for this? Maybe the fact that I'm in ukrainian army? (I'm not for now) No. Maybe because I'm ideological ukrainian nationalist? No.
Because one reason - I talked to him in ukrainian. So for an average russian - "Ukrainian language - 100 % nazi. Exterminate".

And this was far long until 2014. Even in 2011, I was in St.Petersburg and my father told me not to speak in ukrainian because "people will not understand. I told them that my son is good ukrainian". So, "bad ukrainian" is those who do not want to be russificated.

So, this war is crusade-style, like Nazi against jews situation in 1945. With only difference - ukrainians have a lot of weapons (God bless America and EU) and we will send those "denazificators" directly to Hell to their predecessors from Third Reich

So i have an ask for you: Delete your tags in my trust list. It's like a shit mark on me. Thank you in advance.

Counter to bob123 (2019-07-25). With all due respect to bob123, if he issues negative trust feedback to johhnyUA for a principled opinion denying the moral authority of laws, then he should also issue negative trust feedback to: Me, Timothy C. May, Julian Assange, and Satoshi Nakamoto, among others. I myself “don’t fucking care if something is ‘against the law’” (quoting Johhny). See reference link for my own political manifesto: “You are a law unto yourself” (nullius). Does that deserve negative trust feedback?

Counter to Lauda’s neutral feedback 2020-02-25. I am directly familiar with the reason for Lauda’s trust list exclusion of johhnyUA, because it escalated from a dispute between Johhny and myself. Johhny and I resolved the argument more than a month ago, but Lauda was already gone. I cannot speak for what she would do now. Speaking only for myself, I recommend that Cult of Lauda worshippers should ignore this particular exclusion.
289  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: How Profitable are Gambling Bots? on: July 07, 2022, 04:41:11 PM
Play with your hands man  Smiley
So all gambling sites owner/devs are stupid because they invent it and they want players to be stupid as well because they encourage someone to use that feature?

They're not stupid, because they are not using it by themselves. Stupid those who is using such software. That's my main point here.

Bot will not help you with anything. But yeah, it can make everything much worse.
290  Local / Токены / Re: Все что нужно знать о NFT токенах on: July 07, 2022, 04:24:01 PM
Так это во всех 2-earn моделях, из-за чего их частенько сравнивают с пирамидами....


Здравая мысль, то есть можно выводить процент с вложенного, а само вложенное можно было вообще лочить и как в венчурных проектах, делать линейный разлок частями.

Ну я сужу по одной игре в которую поигрывал раньше: Mini Royales. Браузерка, там тоже есть нфт, но которое дает в основном второстепенные бонусы + скин в игре.

Там есть что то типа голды (я так и не понял зачем), а есть именно токен (который до сих пор не дропнули холдерам нфт). И вот токен продавать можно, а голду тратить внутри игры и никак иначе. Ну пока так.

Сама игра обычный батлрояль, не сказал бы что чем то кардинально хуже миллиона поделок похожего дерьма (ну ясное дело хуже Фортнайта или Пубга, но то топы)
291  Other / Archival / Re: DT1-cила (актуальный список) on: July 07, 2022, 02:23:01 PM

Судя по последнему дампу поддержка некоторых русскоязычных DT в последнее время значительно сократилась. Не уж то причиной этому стала  политическая вовлеченность сообщества форума? Интересно посмотреть какие показатели продемонстрирует следующий дамп русскоязычных членов DT. 

Точно не политика. Объясню:

@lovesmayfamilis вполне спокойно оправдывала бомбежки мирных украинских городов, тем что в Украине - "нацизм", и все равно, как видим у нее +11

Ее вообще никто в дистраст не добавил, несмотря на бучу в подписной Бестченджа поднятую Вади.

Veleor в теме политики вообще превратился в штатного Z-пропагандона , тупо репост сводок Минобороны рф и "разбор" "западных фейков".
Сколько у него рейтинг? +10

Из пользователей его в дистраст добавили только 1miau и paxmao которые часто сидят в политике и имеют адекватную позицию.

Так что хватит ущемляться по поводу и без. "русских людей обижают" , ей б-гу  Grin

Если отбросить фразу Ратимова про "в том числе", то дальше идет вполне адекватное объяснение почему так.
292  Local / Токены / Re: Все что нужно знать о NFT токенах on: July 07, 2022, 12:24:33 PM
В общем, проблема всех этих чтототам-2-earn в том, что количество халявщиков гораздо больше инвесторов и чем популярнее проект, чем больше там активных пользователей, тем быстрее этот проект умирает из-за того, что эти же самые активные пользователи дербанят проект изнутри, приходя туда как на работу, чисто за ревардами, а на саму концепцию и поддержание проекта им вообще пофиг.

Возможно сыграло роль что в Axie надо было инвестировать чтобы играть. Следовательно, нужно было как минимум отбить вложенное, что уже привлекало в игру определенный майндсет людей.

Возможно не стоило разрешать прямую продажу SLP токена на бирже. в некоторых нфт играх видел такое, мол есть внутренний игровой токен, за который покупается шмот, всякие допуски и тд, но продавать его нельзя. А вот то, что ты крафтишь с помощью токена, уже можно. Это как минимум уменьшило бы отток бабла.
293  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: July 07, 2022, 10:23:38 AM
They even found a few buildings that weren't damaged and posted them as proof that there was no artillery attacks on the town. You can reed similar shit every day in the Komsomolskaya Pravda. There's no more Komsomol anymore, but the tabloid remains.

Russian propaganda tactic - to tell that all destruction is because ukrainians. Ukrainian soldiers shooting themselves in town.

They have an ideological crusade with half of Europe, because according to them we are rotten, lost the traditional way and all that. We support abortion, homosexuals, freedom of speech... Russian people don't want the West, which is why they were standing in lines when Ikea and McDonalds were closing to buy their last piece of furniture and have that hated Amerian burger.

Despite your good joke, my words is a little bit darker. While all this talks about "bad West" is an epic hypocrisy (and everyone knows about that), the conquest against Ukrainian nation is supported by most of russian population. All crimes - this is of course fakes filmed on Holywood, language of Ukraine should be russian (if you're ukrainian speaker - "nazi" and russophobe 100 %), all those who don't want to talk russian and to share our worlview - should be eliminated in concentration camps (Third Reich style).

I just quote what said about it:
Clowns are sitting in the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who threw a yellow-blue rag from a helicopter onto Snake Island and cheerfully reported on raising the flag with an old photo.
It goes into collection with other his legendary quotes, like about May 9th parade in Kyiv.


Today, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation reported on the destruction of two HIMARS in Malotaranovka. I saw a video of operational control, but the quality of the recording is not very good, Russia can shoot video worse than firing high-precision missiles. But you continue to believe in the power of Western weapons.  Grin
Another Konashnenkov fairytale before sleep? It was difficult to believe in their reports since war start, but after their fake reports were debunked, they lost all credibility.

Their reports is for an idiots or for propagandists. Look at this:

Ukrainian 2S7 Pion was destroyed by russian cluster munition at June 9 -

And just a month later, (June 29th)  ministry of defense of the russia published screenshot from this video and called it "destroyed CAESAR self-propelled artillery"

So i think the same case with HIMARS. They will use some old video with ukrainian MRLS "Grad" or "Uragan" and will call it as Himars. Psy ops for their own citizens.
294  Local / Токены / Re: Все что нужно знать о NFT токенах on: July 07, 2022, 10:00:21 AM
Axie , можно сказать, сдохло

Вот вам и Play-to-earn во всей красе. Там много кто въебал огромные суммы денег, и возможно на Филиппинах уже есть те кто вышли в окно. Немного графиков из статьи:

295  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: July 06, 2022, 08:06:15 PM
Now Adolf Putin is fighting the "Judeo-Nazi" - Nothing to do with the oil pipes, the  gas reserves, the military defence strategy, the stealing of Ukrainian resources, ... sure... it is because of the "judeo-nazis".

Stealing of Ukrainian resources is not the main goal (and all other of course). The main goal is really some ideological crusade against ukrainians. This is why russian started real ethnocide on occupied territories.
296  Local / Русский (Russian) / Re: Репутация в Русском локальном разделе on: July 06, 2022, 06:19:38 PM
А что случилось с нашим главным охотником за CZ — Азриэлем? В политике чтоль осрамился или что?

Превратился в Z-омби. Как впрочем добрая половина этой ветки. Ну это если считать с теми клоунами у которых "ищите кому выгодно", "рептилоиды управляют войной, а завтра скажут - все помирятся".

Но сама локаль конечно стала ультра токсичной. Конкретно здесь по крипте даже уже ничего писать не хочется.
297  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian aggression against Ukraine. The world will no longer be the same. on: July 05, 2022, 08:36:25 AM
I have heard from a Ukrainian friend that almost all the women have migrated to other parts of the world but the men are staying behind to help the soldiers.

"Almost all the women" is around 20 mil in Ukraine. And for now, full amount of refugees is 7 millions (or close number). And a lot of them have already returned to Ukraine (girlfriend of my buddy, few girls I know personally and so on)
298  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: July 05, 2022, 08:33:48 AM
and serving moldy burgers

Sometimes buffed with a cockroaches and other insects

Funny commentary by the way:

Translation: "It's kind of weird that they unfroze reserves of cockroaches for the nuclear war"  Grin

From what I can see, the local populations are ecstatic that they were rescued

Yep, in russian propaganda. As we can see, there few of them. It's hard to find big amount of mad oldies.

299  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: July 03, 2022, 05:17:46 PM
Uhhh.... You know Ukraine didn't invite the Russians in to visit right?

The people of the separatist areas where the Russians put their focus actually did.

Again wrong. Only half of them in 2014 and zero now.
Half of Donbass citizens had run to Ukraine after russian-supported criminals took the power into their hands.

 It's actually truly heart-warming to see them greeted by old ladies and such people who've been stuck in bomb shelters for 8 years as the ZioNazi's shell them in an ethnic cleansing campaign.  

ZioNazi, lol. Antisemitic talk. But i'm not surprised

Just because they were born in families who spoke the wrong language.

And why Ukraine didn't shell russophone cities like Odessa or Mykolaiv? But from your words it shell Donbass people. What a difference?

It's hard to believe that anyone could be ignorant enough to believe that the phase-I faint up around the Kiev area was an attempt to militarily 'take Kiev'

Isn't it? So, what your thoughts about the reason of this actions? I should remind you, that such "phase-1" cost russian army too much. I see a lot of dead russian soldiers (around 37 bodies near Ivankov) and burnt vechicle. So russian government lost a lot of people, tanks and everything else just for fun?
300  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russian Invasion of Ukraine[In Progress] on: July 03, 2022, 02:45:11 PM
Epic juggling and manipultations by Veleor.

A little math:

On March 25, 2022, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported about 35 bayraktars destroyed out of 36 in total in service with Ukraine, then, apparently, the Russian side was guided by the same sources as the CNN, Reuters and Bloomberg at that time.

25th of March - 35 bayraktars out of 36 - destroyed (the Russian Ministry of Defense)

However, this week news was released on the above-mentioned Ukrainian website Defense-UA, and it turned out that Ukraine had from 60 to 96 bayraktars in service, considering that one bayraktar complex contains 6 drones (*):
"Since February 24, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have received up to 50 Bayraktar TB2
strike and reconnaissance drones from the Turkish company Baykar

Before start of the war : 25 bayraktars at service.
Since February 24: + 50 bayraktars
Total - 75 bayraktars

In addition to that, the Russian Ministry of Defense in mid-April reported that it had discovered 12 bayraktar complexes (72 drones).

So, at April 15th there still was around 72 drones.

So, I have just one question:

To those who didn't get it

From russian words russia destroyed 35 bayraktars by March 25
Ukraine at total has 75 bayractars (by 28th of June !!! )
Russia at April discovered 72 bayraktar drones.

35 + 72 = 107
It exceed total number of ukrainian bayraktars even from future delivers (because 75 is number at 28th of June, again)

On May 10, 2022, one of the Ukrainian Telegram channels, citing a source in the presidential administration, said that 50 bayraktars were lost.

This is not "ukrainian channel". This is russian telegram channel is trying to mimic ukrainian source.

Two main proofs:
1. Russian nationalists consider it as russian. Here is channel "Bulba de thrones" and his quote:

2. Ukrainian consider this channel as Russian intelligence. Infromation from ukrainian Center countering Disinformation (ЦEHTP ПPOTИДIЇ ДEЗIHФOPMAЦIЇ пpи PHБO Укpaїни):

Oh, what do we see here? You channel "resident", ha ha. Ukrainians consider it as russian informational warfare. And even russian nazionalists consider it the same! So sad for you!

Even if this is a lie that has nothing to do with reality,

Yep, this is what it is - a lie that has nothing to do with reality.

then don't you think it's strange that the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, constantly suffering from a lack of resources, needed to order a dozen more of these drones (which not the cheap) and Ukrainian volunteers are organizing a fundraiser for the purchase of Turkish drones.

Yep. Even 72 drones are not so much to counter russian horde. So the fact that ukrainian defence orders as much as it can - do not tell about anything in general.

Here comes another question, why do they not want to buy drones of Ukrainian origin, but instead they are sponsoring the Turkish president's Erdogan family

Because Ukraine don't produce light combat drones by itself. And western countries even now do not allow to order something from them. Easy answer.

It's precisely clear that it is not in the interests of the Ministry of Defense of any country to publicly report on the amount of their destroyed equipment.

Of course yes, so we have a neutral source for such information.
Oryx blog

Due to Oryx information (strong cheked) Ukraine lost 9 Bayraktar TB2 UCAV

This is not exact number, since Oryx add only those with visual proofs. For example, russia lost TWO su-25 aircraft since the start of war, but at Oryx list there is only 1, because second one was lost on russian territory and there no photo about it (for obvious reasons).

1st loss - 03.04.2022

2nd loss (kind of ironic) - 05.27.2022

fighter_bomber is russian avia channel with a lot of ruskies propaganda about brave russian pilots killing "filthy nazi".

Edited: Grammar
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