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2801  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Muslims in American Government are Double Traitors. on: January 28, 2019, 03:33:54 AM

What do you think?


thats completely true, but there are many interpretations of islam, in general, religions seek no wordly empire but a spiritual empire, the mindset of the people is important the the strucutres, enforcing a certain world are the goals, like its the case for the americans, muslims are more supposed to seek to enforce their spritual unity, and its actually ok and would work but the society created not necessarily a good one.

the concept of "spiritual enforcement" is very intolerant, and very problematic as well

I would hate being a Muslim. In the back of my mind I would always have the fear that some Muslim brother would try to accuse me of abandoning the faith, to get me executed, so he could take my property.


well islam could work as a faith belief system, to reduce costs of policing but it would create different problems,

the idea behind a religion is to save policing by making the people being afraid of things. like hell etc.

i therefore have complete respect and tolerance for muslims wanting their own sphere

Science is really as much of a religion as anything else. It's an extension of mankind's attempts to be god.

We are finding out that things are way more complex than science thought half a century ago. It's like not knowing anything about crypto, and trying to develop it from one blockchain Bitcoin address. The address doesn't seem to make sense.

The science/religion difference is that scientists haven't really focused on the absolute complexity of things enough to come out and say that they are struggling. Religion, by its nature, recognizes that mankind doesn't stand a chance of really doing anything big on his own... unless you want to call killing people off by the millions something big.

Islam and the standard Christian atmosphere of America (outside of science, that is) are on the opposite sides of the coin. Christianity is God graciously saving mankind in a universe that is way too complex for man. Islam is continual fear that you haven't done enough, even when you have done your absolute best, and given your all. Science is money, because science really shows that salvation for man is outside of man's reach in science.


nope i dont understand when it is an attempt to be god and when it is an attempt to improve once's life.

when i am building myself a home to life in to life better i am not attempting to be god.

i am trying to free myself from poverty.
2802  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: So I told my banker about bitcoin on: January 28, 2019, 02:39:01 AM
My bankers told me, I need to help them to create an bitcoin wallet and hand it to them, and they’re too busy to learn it and it’s very difficult to use, they don’t believe cash would die, they deal with thousands of clients everyday who need bankers to create banking account for them, and they know a lot of people, despite having a smart phone, are not good enough to use the phone for simple online banking, they are only good enough to make phone calls with a smart phone, they don’t even know how to send texts to friends, they don’t believe their clients are capable to create their own bitcoin wallet and use it as cash, their clients would always come to them for help with their banking problem, and bitcoin didn’t provide any help as friendly as banker, it’s why it would fail to gain their attention. And more shockingly, they’re talking about their clients as young as 20-30s, they’re not gonna learn to use bitcoin, only a handful of very young people are tech savvy enough to use smartphone to their fullest, the rest of them are just like our grandma dealing with smartphone.

creating a bank account = submission over the rule of the banks owners and founders

using a bitcoin wallet = submission over the rule of the bitcoin whales, bitcoin miners, its founders and the cryptomedia owners.

its actually not different at all. its basically the same crap both of them.

with "our money" or "our financial system" they mean the founders not the generation they want to scam.
2803  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Saudi Arabia Government launching their own cryptocurrency similar to Ripple on: January 28, 2019, 02:14:51 AM
Positive news indeed for the industry!

It'll be a process, but eventually, almost every country in the world will count with these!

Let's wait until you can do EUR transactions with Crypto EUR within the EU!

i doubt the EU and its Banking cartel will survive crypto whats the point of crypto, when you still have the EU banking cartel and its huge costs
2804  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: Bitcoin SV = neuer Coup? on: January 28, 2019, 01:57:06 AM
paradebeispiel von cryptoshrott sind die secundären bitcoins

wie Dash, BTG, ZCASH, BTC Cash, diese sind spektakuläre 95% und mehr eingebrochen, und die verbliebenen 5% sind immer noch extreem viel und viel zu viel.

dash welches heute noch 71 usd wert ist kostete mal 1200 usd

und das ist noch viel zu viel

wir werden dash noch wieder im einstelligen bereich sehen.

2805  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: Wer ist Bitcointalk- Teilnehmer des Jahres 2018 - STICHWAHL on: January 28, 2019, 12:35:43 AM
KingScorpio es ist auch nach sehr vielen Beiträgen die ich von dir gelesen habe noch immer schwierig zu verstehen worum es geht.
Aber so Platzfüller wie 2x Bitcoincentristen und 3x Corruptionsindex pro Beitag müssen nicht sein Cheesy

die menschheit wird es schon noch schaffen euch und eure "bitcoins" zu überwinden und hinter sich zu lassen.

das letzte jahr war ja eine gute entwicklung.

dann werden andere "coins" machen und sich zu milionären, millardären, und sogenanten "whales" erklären und die anderen zu sogenanten armen (poor) oder zu bitcoindeutsch "nocoiners"
2806  Local / Biete / Re: Biete Crypto-Schulungen für Anfänger on: January 28, 2019, 12:09:39 AM
Wäre vielleicht sinnvoll, wenn du erklärst, was dich dafür qualifiziert? Wink

das wäre weit besser angebracht bei allen welche die kryptowährungen überhaupt erst herausbringen, (roger ver, tom lee etc.) und überhaupt erst vertreiben.

diese mitläufer wie er sind eigentlich oft sogar für diese nur "nützliche idioten" weil sie das weltbild des gegenwärtigen "kryptoindex" nur verbreiten ohne es in frage zu stellen.

und selbt wenn jemand eine "qualifikation" vorweist wird diese in aller regel von konkurrenten, gegnern, angezweifelt werden.

daher ist deine anfrage absolut nutzlos es sei den du verfolgst bestimmte ziele damit (bitcoinzentrismus polizei)

ich halte solche kurse eigentlich für wertlos weils die auch umsonst im youtube und internet gibt.
2807  Local / Altcoins (Deutsch) / Re: Deutscher coin ? on: January 27, 2019, 10:55:28 PM
Danke für Eure Meinungen.
Habe die Ressourcen - Linuxserver, Programmierkenntnisse um einen coin (monerobasis) zu erweitern, schicke homepage, Wallet zu erstellen etc.

Also es kostet mich nichts wenn auf den Servern paar nodes laufen.
Deutsche emark ist schon cool spricht mich aber irgendwie nicht an,
Wie auch die 1000 englischen coins.

wos 1000?

die anzahl and coins aus dem englischen ist theoretisch unendlich und jetzt bereits weit über tausend.

die gier dummes geldverdienendes vieh für sogennante "coins" zu finden ist dort unendlich.

nichtsdestrotrotz finden sie genug idioten, gerade aus deutschland. (außenhandelüberschuss).

pow ist eigentlich fürn arsch, weil es ne logische fortsetzung der logik der bankenkartelle ist (je mehr informationen verarbeitet, deso mehr macht)

wer das größte teil installiert hat hat die meiste macht...

2808  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: Universelles Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen mit Kryptowährungen on: January 27, 2019, 10:40:39 PM
wer wird den die geldausgabe des "bedinungslosen grundeinkommens kontrollieren? und wer wird den missbrauch/copycats verfolgen (viel schmerzhafte "spielverderber" arbeit)?

Das habe ich bereits erklärt. nur nicht hier.

ja derjenige der die ausgabe kontrolliert ist dann die neue zentralbank,

ok man kann sich die gegenwrtigen bänker durchaus alle einsparen. die haben meiner ansicht nach sowiso keinen nutzen mehr, weil sie bloß die reichen noch reicher machen, und den rest im kommunismus stil verarschen.

aber das wird dann keine attentionhacks verhindern die gegen dieses "grundeinkommen" gerichtet sind.

siehe bitcoin etc.
2809  Other / Politics & Society / Mental/Spritual Realm >> Wordly realm on: January 27, 2019, 10:19:43 PM
most people that are dealing with information miss the understanding of the concept of mental and spiritual realms,

like its the ongoing opposition against islam and muslims.

a human being that fears a punishment of in hell if he steals, doesnt need a continously running police state over his head to reinforce his honesty.

many westerners misunderstand the concept and idea behind the abrahamic religions, also judaism or islam.

in my oppinion islam is especially good as a mental realm, because its very foundated.

good human beings dont come from a surveilance state above their head that is massively expensive. but from good old fashioned religions, that limit their negative behavior possibilities.

in this regard.

dont underestimate the value of mental and spiritual realms like islam, christianity and their concept with heaven and hell.

they create a good society if they work properly

a worldly empire is pointless without a spiritual empire.

2810  Other / Ivory Tower / Re: Maduro will fall. Opportunity to invest in Venezuela through Bitcoin? on: January 27, 2019, 10:09:58 PM
well it will not change much,

instead of a "maduro coin" or "petro"

you will get an "opposition coin" or "whatever"

with likely a women running it or a group of people (even more wasteful and dangerous)

so well nothing good will come out of this "revolution"

especially no change, the venezuelian popluation will simply be treated by others as money earning cattle.
2811  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: BITCOIN: This Bubble is Different on: January 27, 2019, 10:08:09 PM
sorry sweetheart you are way too late to the party. the "bubble" has been over for over a year now and it was not different from any other bubbles that we had seen before it and the market is not that different either. the only thing you might find different is the duration of the different stages that the market HAS TO take but that is not enough to make it "different".
the rest of the things you are putting in this wall of text is just you trying to fill in some space pretending you are reasoning....

2812  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: BITCOIN: This Bubble is Different on: January 27, 2019, 10:00:25 PM
Bitcoin's bubble has come and gone and we all witness it. The time for its coming back is what we are expecting within the first quarter of the year 2019, then bitcoin will have a breather rally for all to see.

in fact, the condition of bitcoin is currently going up and down and this happens not only this year, but the previous year has also happened. so I think the bitcoin up and down is certainly reasonable.

It is in the trend and is considered normal as far as every pro out there is concerned. My friend's advice? Don't falter, we haven't seen the bottom yet. Once we have seen it, it will go back up again.

It really is. We just have to wait.

wait till "your" death..... Roll Eyes
2813  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: Bitcoin SV = neuer Coup? on: January 27, 2019, 08:19:42 PM
Klar geht es um Geld aber wenn man sieht welche Exchanges SV zum handeln hat dann sieht man das sie einfach alle Bedingungen für die Auflistung über den Haufen werfen sobald sie schnellen profit sehen.

Dar nicht alles reguliert ist.... Wild Wild West.

die ganzen korruptionsvorwürfe des westens am osten sind jetzt genau im andren sinne angebracht

bitcoin SV wird das gleiche schicksal teilen von den ganzen anderen schrottcoins (bitcoincash, zcash, bitcoin gold, etc. und natürlich bitcoin)

Bitcoin schrottcoin?

wie meinst du das, oder willst du auf was anspielen.....
Bitcoin ist das erste dezentrale geld system das uns ermöglicht ohne dritte wert auszutauschen.

man kann jetzt streiten bei solchen Preis Schwankungen aber Geld ist ein ersatz für tausch handel, daher kann Ich mit Bob egal bei welchem preis ausmachen Was ich später haben will für mein Geld/Muscheln/Coins (bitcoins knappe Verfügung und Zensur Resistenz macht es da zu einem Sehr gutem medium um Zeit/Geld zu waren).

Quote from: Newtl
"Zeit ist Geld um Wert über Zeit zu waren"

Schrottcoin = wertverfall über Zeit (weils bloß ein attentionhack ist)

siehe bitcoin cash, war schon bei 80 usd, nachdem es mal bei über 3000 usd war, wenn der usd weg wirds noch schlimmer. Die cryptoindustry nur ein korrupter markt controlliert bei ner korrupten cryptoindex mafia (ripple, bitcoin sv).

genau das gleiche wird die anderen treffen erst recht wenn der usd verschwindet und mit ihm die zockenden bankster, wird dann alles nur noch spielgeld werden

2814  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Project Shamba : Starting a small farm in 2019 on: January 27, 2019, 05:47:06 AM
Hi everyone,

We are currently starting a small farm in Quebec, Canada and would like to share our experiences in making it happen.

We've started a blog and would very much like to get your feedbacks and comments on all the decisions (and there are many) that we're going to take

Thank you!

no one cares about pow in long term
2815  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: Bitcoin SV = neuer Coup? on: January 27, 2019, 04:34:35 AM
Klar geht es um Geld aber wenn man sieht welche Exchanges SV zum handeln hat dann sieht man das sie einfach alle Bedingungen für die Auflistung über den Haufen werfen sobald sie schnellen profit sehen.

Dar nicht alles reguliert ist.... Wild Wild West.

die ganzen korruptionsvorwürfe des westens am osten sind jetzt genau im andren sinne angebracht

bitcoin SV wird das gleiche schicksal teilen von den ganzen anderen schrottcoins (bitcoincash, zcash, bitcoin gold, etc. und natürlich bitcoin)
2816  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Dev Team Acquisition on: January 27, 2019, 01:43:12 AM

I have led the team behind a cryptocoin with valuation among Top50 @coinmarketcap.

4 seniors, 3 juniors, project manager and a CTO. Affordable prices.

I am looking for ~3+ months' projects for me or the team. Let's discuss!

it is actually insignificant how high a cryptocurrencies ranking in the global cryptocurrency corruption index is.

we all have "coins" with big marketcapitalisations
2817  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Muslims in American Government are Double Traitors. on: January 27, 2019, 01:21:38 AM

What do you think?


thats completely true, but there are many interpretations of islam, in general, religions seek no wordly empire but a spiritual empire, the mindset of the people is important the the strucutres, enforcing a certain world are the goals, like its the case for the americans, muslims are more supposed to seek to enforce their spritual unity, and its actually ok and would work but the society created not necessarily a good one.

the concept of "spiritual enforcement" is very intolerant, and very problematic as well

I would hate being a Muslim. In the back of my mind I would always have the fear that some Muslim brother would try to accuse me of abandoning the faith, to get me executed, so he could take my property.


well islam could work as a faith belief system, to reduce costs of policing but it would create different problems,

the idea behind a religion is to save policing by making the people being afraid of things. like hell etc.

i therefore have complete respect and tolerance for muslims wanting their own sphere
2818  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Muslims in American Government are Double Traitors. on: January 27, 2019, 12:44:12 AM
Why are Muslims in American government double traitors? Because the First Amendment requires them to uphold religious freedom, but Islam requires that they convert all people to Islam, or execute them if they won't convert.

If a Muslim takes the Oath of Office to uphold the American Constitution (and Amendments), he/she is allowing and upholding religions other than Islam. They are traitors to Islam. If they don't betray Islam, then they are traitors against America for not upholding their Oath of Office.


The First Amendment to the United States Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


Quran (8:59-60) - "And let not those who disbelieve suppose that they can outstrip (Allah's Purpose). Lo! they cannot escape. Make ready for them all thou canst of (armed) force and of horses tethered, that thereby ye may dismay the enemy of Allah and your enemy."

Quran (9:5) - "So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them."

Quran (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."

Quran (9:123) - "O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness." (Much more, including explanations.)


Any Muslim who takes the Oath of Office in American government should be immediately removed as a traitor IF he/she doesn't, at the same time, denounce Islam, under oath. But if they denounce Islam, their former brother Muslims will take care of them... (Quran (3:56)) "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help."

What do you think?


thats completely true, but there are many interpretations of islam, in general, religions seek no wordly empire but a spiritual empire, the mindset of the people is important the the strucutres, enforcing a certain world are the goals, like its the case for the americans, muslims are more supposed to seek to enforce their spritual unity, and its actually ok and would work but the society created not necessarily a good one.

the concept of "spiritual enforcement" is very intolerant, and very problematic as well
2819  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: Universelles Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen mit Kryptowährungen on: January 27, 2019, 12:31:29 AM
wer wird den die geldausgabe des "bedinungslosen grundeinkommens kontrollieren? und wer wird den missbrauch/copycats verfolgen (viel schmerzhafte "spielverderber" arbeit)?

defakto = one kommunistische diktatur wirds kein funktionales bedinnungsloses grundeinkommen geben, aber diese muss von einem großen teil der bevölkerung unterstützt werden, und auch noch getragen werden auch gegen das feindliche kapitalistische aus und innland

gewöhnt euch mal schön an die zentralisierten währungen wieder (baron von so unso) etc. wird wieder kommen,

oder halt durch den korruptionsindex (firstmover adel) der nach und nach immer mehr an vertrauen und annerkennung verlieren wird.

(meine persöhnliche einschätzung)
2820  Local / Deutsch (German) / Re: Suche Seite wo ich Geld per Banküberweisung auflade und dann altcoin kaufen kann on: January 24, 2019, 04:48:06 PM

kennt jemand eine seriöse Seite wo ich Geld per Banküberweisung aufladen kann (dass ich dann ein Guthaben in Euro auf der Seite habe) und dann nach belieben altcoins kaufen kann?

Gibt es sowas?

ich verwende zur zeit diese holländische seite,

die wird dich aber bürokratisch überraschen (sicherheitsmaßnahmen etc.)

must etwas geduld aufbringen, bis du dich da angemeldet und kaufen kannst dauerts ne weile mehrere werktage

ansonsten verwende ich die waves dex ausschließlich
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