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2941  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Bitcoin adress - wallet on: March 15, 2021, 02:57:02 PM
OP, e foarte greu de urmarit problema ta, intrucat folosesti doar termeni nespecifici... Hai sa o luam altfel.

Contul l-am creat undeva prin 2014 numai știu cum exact,cu adresa de e-mail în principiu și atât.

Ce cont? Contul de pe Sau un un cont de portofel crypto?

Daca e vorba de contul de, atunci in 2014 ai folosit vreun portofel pe care sa-l atasezi contului (unde sa si retragi banii, de atlfel)? Daca da, atunci doar pe acel portofel iti sunt retrasi banii. Si, daca ai dat deja withdraw, ei acolo s-au trimis, in portofelul setat initial in 2014. Daca nu il mai ai, adio bani. Daca il mai ai, ai banii in el. Daca nu ai atasat niciun portofel contului de, atunci trebuie sa iti instalezi un portofel si sa il atasezi contului Desi, fara a fi avut un portofel deja setat pe nu imi dau seama cum ai fi putut sa dai withdraw.

Cu alte cuvinte, tind sa cred ca avusesei un portofel in 2014, pe care evident nu il mai ai, si cand ai dat withdraw din acolo s-au dus fondurile. Daca iti amintesti ce portofel era; si, daca iti reamintesti ce parola aveai la el, sau ce pasphrase (o serie de multe cuvinte), ai sanse sa iti recuperezi banii. Altfel, nu.

Mai departe,

Tot ceea ce fac este de pe un Samsung Galaxy Note 10+
Cât de cât am înțeles ce ar trebui să fac

Nu cred ca ai inteles nimic Smiley Cu parere de rau. Telefonul nu conteaza. E ca si cum ai spune ca lucrezi de pe browser Firefox sau de pe un iPad Air 2. Telefonul este un instrument care iti confera acces la Internet, nu are treaba cu tranzactiile crypto. Pe telefon iti poti instala insa aplicatii crypto, cum ar fi portofele Bitcoin. Daca iti instalezi un portofel pe telefon vei avea si o lista de adrese. Acele adrese (siruri lungi de litere si cifre) sunt ca un fel de IBAN al portofelului tau. Intreoduci acea adresa pe un site si la acea adresa incasezi BTC. Sau o dai cuiva pentu a-ti trimite la ea BTC. In cazul tau, o poti introduce pe pentru a-ti retrage fondurile BTC de la ei. Dar, cum tu deja ai dat withdraw, momentan nu mai ai ce retrage. Eventual ai putea seta o adresa noua de BTC pe pentru a putea retrage fonduri viitoare.

Am dat cash out din pe adresa mea de bitcoin în loc sa o dau pe adresa de blockchain wallet.

Din propozitia asta mare lucru nu se intelege. De ce ar fi trebuit sa dai withdraw pe o adresa de portofel Retragerile le poti face pe orice adresa a oricarui portofel.

Tranzacția a fost ok,doar ca bineînțeles, nu pot scoate banii de la ATM în realitate pentru ca nu apar în portofelul electronic.

In ce portofel electronic nu apar? Daca tranzactia a fost OK, atunci evident ca apar. Unde nu iti apar tie banii?

Am vorbit cu ăștia de la blockchain și m-au îndrumat sa vorbesc cu cei de la

Ce inseamna ca ai vorbit cu "astia de la Blockchain"? Cu "astia" de la care Blockchain? Si ce ai vorbit? Si cine sunt "astia"? Astia care?

Cică nu s-ar putea modifica tranzacția dar se poate face un transfer pe portofelul electronic.

Toate tranzactiile se fac doar cu ajutorul portofelelor electronice. Nu exista alt fel de tranzactii crypto. In plus, tranzactiile sunt imuabile (deci nu se pot modifica). Deci nici propozitia asta nu prea are sens...

Și întrebarea este,cum pot vorbi cu cineva de la support  ?

Poti, evident, dar ce ar mai fi de vorbit? Din moment ce ai dat deja withdraw si tie ti s-au trimis banii (probabil la vreo adresa setata in 2014), iar tranzactia a fost confirmata... ce mai e de vorbit atunci? Tranzactiile sunt ireversibile. Daca nu faci rost de portofelul pe care l-ai avut in 2014 (si nu ma refer la aplicatia de portofel, ci la acea adresa folosita de tine in 2014) atunci nu mai poti recupera nimic.

Una peste alta, incearca sa iti pui un pic ordine in ganduri cand scrii ce scrii... este foarte greu de inteles ce problema ai de fapt. Ce am scris mai sus este ceea ce intuiesc ca s-a intamplat, dar nu sunt sigur ca am inteles ce voiai sa spui de fapt.

Nu știu exact ce înseamnă Seed sau Private Key pe adresa mea,unde le găsesc și ce sunt mai exact.

Daca ai un portofel instalat, la instalare iti da o serie de cuvinte cu care il poti restaura pe alt telefon sau in caz ca il dezinstalezi si reinstalezi. Acesta este seed-ul, sa zic asa. Cheia privata este ca un fel de PIN al unui card. Este un cod lung cu ajutorul caruia portofelul tau autorizeaza o tranzactie de iesire (adica trimiti cuiva BTC). Cheia privata iti este afisata undeva in setarile portofelului. Probabil la un meniu de securitate.

La tranzacții îmi apare de la cine am primit,cât am în cont și final balance totul pe aplicație

Cum adica la tranzactii iti apare de la cine ai primit? Pai tu in contul de primesti bani de la altcineva? Aia e o aplicatie, nu ai cum sa primesti bani de la altcineva... Deci nici din propozitia asta nu se intelege nimic.

doar că atunci când dau acolo mă transferă oarecum pe

Ce inseamna ca "te transfera oarecum? Cum oarecum? Nici de aici nu inteleg nimic.

La Fee apare 15.30$ urmat de un cod lung diverse. Și mai îmi arată și QR Code la tranzacție și încă ceva unde scrie FORMAT urmat de un cod simplu și altul în paranteze îngroșat cu albastru.

Cred ca mai bine faci niste screenshots, le urci pe imgur si pui aici link-urile pozelor, sa intelegem si noi care e problema...
2942  Economy / Reputation / Re: The shameful Romanian translation of Bitcoin white paper from on: March 15, 2021, 10:45:27 AM
As long as people don't assume everything on Bitcoin whitepaper is practical or relevant today. For example, the whitepaper doesn't predict ASIC which disrupt one-cpu-one-vote idea.

The white paper is part of Bitcoin's history... Who has no past has no future...  We must preserve the historical facts, documents, relics, especially something like the white paper. Otherwise why would there exist history...? Why study it in school? Why care about the past...? Why would historians exist anymore?

Our entire world has a history, many study it and learn it... Bitcoin has also its very own history and the white paper is one of the most important part of this beautiful history. Everything started from this document... Changes occur in time, of course, but this doesn't mean that we should not preserve historical facts.

In the end, this is also a sign of respect for Satoshi's work which - in time - changed the world. Similar to many historical books, which are translated in so many languages, white paper deserves also the same attention and respect. Bitcoin is taught in some schools nowadays... Most likely, the white paper is also a part of what teachers present to students.
2943  Other / Meta / Re: Why can merit decrease ?.......... on: March 13, 2021, 08:53:12 PM
I know what merit system is about.

I can see that. It's obvious.

Lol, okay. Thanks for the advice.

Welcome. Anytime.

I will engage in conversations where I think I can contribute.

Yes, please do so. And just where you truly think you can contribute. Nowhere else.

Got a problem with that? Take it up with the staff.

No problem on my side. Before a few hours ago I never knew you exist.

Thanks for eye opener on what this forum is supposed to be about.

Welcome. Again.

How misleading of theymos to add a "marketplace" section to the forum.

How ironic, isn't it? Misleading too. Is like seeing a cow eating grass and you tend to believe it's a lawn trimming device. Actually, it's an animal who's purpose is giving us milk and meat. If you don't get the riddle, let me know. I'll explain with more details.

Apparently I know better on merit system than you do.

This is obvious from any observer.

Yet I am honest enough to admit I don't know every nitty gritty of the system, unlike you

I never said I'm a mastermind of merit system.

Yes, I see that. All is crystal clear.
As it should be. Cool

All good then. Flawless communication.
2944  Other / Meta / Re: Why can merit decrease ?.......... on: March 13, 2021, 07:24:39 PM
I am not jumping to conclusion.

But you are Smiley Towards me at least, and you do this while you don't even knkw what merit system is about, yet you're here for eight years already.

You were the one who jumped to a conclusion.. not to mention your patronizing attitude towards OP for asking this simple question. Don't have an answer? Don't answer. There's no need to tell them their posts are not deserving of merit.

Actually I had an answer. And I wasn't patronizimg. Removing merits for posts not deserving them is always a possibility.

I am here since 2013 and I come here to do business, not to learn what new systems forum is coming up with.

Then maybe you should stick to your business instead of engaging in discussion overwhelming your (poor) knowledge. After all, what's the point in involving in discussion you don't understand Huh By the way, did you know that the forum wasn't built for business, but for Bitcoin discussion?

Merit system was introduced in recent years btw.. and I don't care about it enough to know every small detail about it.

Uh-huh... then excuse me... You had only three years to understand the merit system, since it was launched in January 2018... Yes, it's not like you had 10 years to learn it Sad

I know enough to answer OPs question

Yes, I see that. All is crystal clear.
2945  Economy / Reputation / Re: Request Support (or Opposition) for Flags here! on: March 13, 2021, 06:44:24 PM
Does anyone remember the events that were raging about the flag created by marlboroza? I skimmed the attached thread but found no mention of why Timelord2067 opposed this flag. I hope someone has a few minutes to satisfy my curiosity.

Oh well, this happenes because Timelord is a very ill person and he can not judge properly anymore. Once I thought he is the village idiot, but I was wrong. Somehow, even c******unter observed (in one of his few good observations), that Timelord is a mentally disturbed person, which needs to be institutionalized for receiving proper medical attention. As you can see in the pointed link, his mental condition is not very stable, as he also started to accuse theymos for various things. He also accused me of FUD (lol?!) and many others for various imbecile suppositions.

The same is true in your inquiry.

The man is mentally challenged and I advise you to ignore him. A Romanian proverb says to not mess with crazies, as their brains are well rested Smiley You decide what to understand from here. Do you really want to challenge a guy which accuses theymos and protects game-protect...? I doubt that lol.
2946  Other / Meta / Re: Why can merit decrease ?.......... on: March 13, 2021, 06:06:58 PM
I don't know much about the merit system and I am not keen on learning more about it.. maybe I could be wrong here, but last I checked I couldn't remove the merits I granted.

Lol, then who's jumping to conclusion, me or you? Smiley Also, being here since 2013 would mean you are familiarized with the merit system already...

Besides, if you would have read my previous post, you would understand more:

Actually, it just says it can not be undone, not that merits can't be taken away. And that "undone" means that if you merit someone, then you can not demerit that user (i.e., like removing a Fb "Like"). However, theymos can remove merits if he feels it's needed. For example, I remember that once a user asked himself to have his merits deleted. I don't know why he wanted that. And theymos listened to his request.

This doesn't mean the system can be abused, nor that it is abused. Only 1 person (theymos) or 2 (theymos and Cyrus) can delete merits. This happens only in very rare occasions though.

Bug seems likely, or confusion on OP's part due to change in merits received in last 30-120 days as others pointed out.

I also said that...

Let's say the post wasn't deserving of merits, how would it lose merit? Like there's no mechanism to take it back. Unless theymos intervened but I don't take him as the kind of person to meddle in and remove merits.

Well, you just answered yourself: only theymos (forum's Supreme Leader) or maybe Cyrus too (Global Administrator) can intervene.
2947  Other / Meta / Re: Gangs of BitcoinTalk :) on: March 13, 2021, 05:40:32 PM
Latest edit (March 13th, 2021): icopress had been added to the adulators and wannabees of Foxpup Merit Cycling Club.

1. Foxpup Merit Cycling Club


Known members and adulators (wannabees): LoyceV, suchmoon, o_e_l_e_o, marlboroza, fillippone, bitmover, tranthidung, JollyGood, examplens, GazetaBitcoin, icopress.

icopress showed in many occasions his loyalty to this gang and his obedience toward the Supreme Leader ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5]). However, as time passed and this brave padawan ventured forward into the wild territories of the forum, he realized that a helmet is not enough protection. Therefore, after an occult make-out ritual with the Supreme Leader, he asked for shelter from the smallest, yet strongest and sexiest gang of the forum!

What do you choose - family or famiglia?

Time has come for icopress to choose famiglia!
2948  Other / Meta / Re: Why can merit decrease ?.......... on: March 13, 2021, 04:48:43 PM
Theymos or Cyrus will only act once there will be a massive amount of merit is exchanged. I don't think for 1 or 2 merits, admin will interfere and remove.

This is true. That's why I said it happens only in rare occasions... And anyway it was not OP's case Smiley

This doesn't mean the system can be abused, nor that it is abused. Only 1 person (theymos) or 2 (theymos and Cyrus) can delete merits. This happens only in very rare occasions though.

I can't remember where I saw theymos was talking about this. Without blatant case, such interfere is unlikely to happen.

A certain case when it happened was last year, when someone asked to have all merits removed:

hallo ,
excuse me for disturbing, how to do it, so that my merits no longer exist, or delete my merits please. but I just want to keep my pseudonym/alias .
thank you, no debate just action.

Don't ask me why he wanted such thing Smiley But his wish was fulfilled. I see though he received merits later and that's ironic.

They are asking why it was removed.. not whether they deserve it or not. Stop jumping to conclusions people.. and being so patronizing to those asking questions.

And I answered to the question. I wasn't patronizing. If a merit was deleted (although it wasn't), why would that happen? Maybe because of a bug, because the user asked himself (as in the above mentioned case) or... maybe the post did not deserve the merit. Can you see other reasons...?
2949  Other / Meta / Re: Why can merit decrease ?.......... on: March 13, 2021, 07:28:34 AM
But on the page where you give the merit, it says that it can't be taken away or undone, I am pretty confused because that means that anyone can be a target of this in a way or that it can be abused. I never thought that that is a possibility.

Actually, it just says it can not be undone, not that merits can't be taken away. And that "undone" means that if you merit someone, then you can not demerit that user (i.e., like removing a Fb "Like"). However, theymos can remove merits if he feels it's needed. For example, I remember that once a user asked himself to have his merits deleted. I don't know why he wanted that. And theymos listened to his request.

This doesn't mean the system can be abused, nor that it is abused. Only 1 person (theymos) or 2 (theymos and Cyrus) can delete merits. This happens only in very rare occasions though.
2950  Other / Meta / Re: Why can merit decrease ?.......... on: March 12, 2021, 07:54:55 PM
Why can merit decrease ?

Why not?!

and who can take away?

theymos. Maybe Cyrus too. Actually, most likely, Cyrus too.

Someone took one from me.

Maybe you actually did not deserve it... ever thought about that?

I really don’t think this can happen - are you sure ?

Yes, this can happen. And it happened on several occasions...
2951  Economy / Reputation / Re: Is Theymos really a lauda? on: March 12, 2021, 07:34:11 PM
I tried to bribe Foxpup to get into the club not to disclose to the public that picture, but I failed. Now the picture is bilico and I am not into the club. Where I took that picture is another subject.

I just wanted to write that but I did not want to ruin your hopes for being accepted in the foxhole. But it's good that you are a rational person though and you realize that for publishing that kind of pics you are banned! Banned!!! Smiley I and o_e_l_e_o were giving our wives as gift or even young veals and you... disclose that? That's blackmail, not bribe lol =)))

It's not the main problem that you are a merit rascal but showing such pics Smiley Being merit rascal is also a problem, as we are not merit rascals, but we cycle them; however that pic is way bigger problem than the lack of cycling Smiley

P.S.: I just noticed that our Leader has such charm that only mentioning her, somehow, switched this topic, which was about Lauda, to having Foxpup in the center Smiley
2952  Economy / Reputation / Re: Is Theymos really a lauda? on: March 12, 2021, 07:09:15 PM
Fillippone how dare you! :p Our Leader has never looked like that and never been is that situation! She hot as as hell a jailbait, look at her! (Not to mention all the other pics Smiley )

Now for the sake of the confusion discussion, please detail how that picture came up! Who took it? And in what circumstance?! Smiley
2953  Economy / Reputation / Re: Is Theymos really a lauda? on: March 12, 2021, 06:12:10 PM
I said stop speculating, dammit!

Why...? Oo

I certainly didn't get Lauda pregnant or vice versa.

Why not??

Besides, this discussion about pregnancy brings up some memories...

Btw I see you recovered your best shape after your pregnancy
You're confusing me with someone else. I've never been pregnant, despite everything that's gone on in the foxhole; I always use protection

This confuses me. Why did fillippone thought that back then?!

It's not even biologically possible! Probably. Hopefully...

I am not sure unless I see with my own eyes Smiley

How dare you. I've never seen nutildah not being 100% serious. He's the most serious user after Foxpup, who is 101% serious

I always knew that our Supreme Leader is a role model of seriousness. I consider myself also a model of seriousness but I had to admit she is way more serious than me. Apparently I did not appreciate nutildah at his real level of seriousness and I apologize for this Smiley
2954  Economy / Reputation / Re: The shameful Romanian translation of Bitcoin white paper from on: March 12, 2021, 05:54:42 PM
If you are referring to Git, I think that with a little patience we'll overcome that too.

Uhm... not patience is what I fear the most, but I hope I'm just paranoic now... It's something else I fear, but as a caution I won't mention this public until everything is solved... There is something that may go wrong during this pull request procedure, for not ordinary reasons to say so... but let's hope it's just in my head. Disclosing this fear in public may actually trigger what I fear so I'll keep it inside me until we finish everything... Smiley

You literally just make a new branch from "master" or "main", go to the Pull Requests section of the repo you're trying to merge and make a new request, select your branch & fork (you may have to make forks visible), and follow Bitcoin developer's guidelines for making a pull request name and description, and developers handle the rest for you.

Thank you for the guideline, NotATether. Let's hope things will be that simple...

I don't think bitcoin whitepaper is a bible

Actually, it is. And not just "a bible", but "The Bible". Bitcoin's Bible!
2955  Economy / Reputation / Re: The shameful Romanian translation of Bitcoin white paper from on: March 12, 2021, 10:56:43 AM
I am coming back on this thread to announce that I never forgot about my earlier promise. I worked a lot for the new translation, which I made from scratch. It took a long while because I wanted it to be flawless or as close as possible to perfection. This takes times. A lot.

I also want to thank to NeuroticFish for his tremendous help in realizing the new document. His input was crucial for having a very good new translation and he also helped with adapting the diagrams in Romanian and with proof reading.

As we are speaking, the translation is done. It just needs one more final and thorough check before going to the next step: the attempt to change the actual one with the new one. And I am afraid that this operation may be even more difficult than all the efforts invested so far. I hope I'm wrong about this though... We'll see how things work.

However, the most important part is that the longest work is finished. But maybe the hardest part is ahead. I'll keep you all posted about how things develop.

I also take this occasion to thank to all which encouraged me to realize the new translation. Your words were really a great incentive for me to do this!
2956  Economy / Reputation / Re: Is Theymos really a lauda? on: March 12, 2021, 08:35:55 AM
dumb trolling

Evidently, you do not actually know any actual real-life women.

Lool nullius!!! That sentence would deserve itself a 50 merits bomb, but if I'd do it I'd be accused of merit abuse =))) I almost spilled my coffee when I read that!

If "Lauda" is indeed "theymos" then "theymos" is guilty of plagerism (and by extension ban evasion).

You misspelled “plagiarism”.

I was about to say that too. Timelord, the "grammar nazi", the one always correcting others, spelled "plagerism"... That's ironic, isn't it? Smiley

Stop making up defamatory FUD.

Seriously... what did you expect from the old, imbecile, mentally disturbed troll...? Did you expect anything else...? Did anyone expect anything else? Smiley
2957  Economy / Reputation / Re: Is Theymos really a lauda? on: March 12, 2021, 07:36:12 AM
I think OP noticed this curious statement of nutildah:

I'm not sure what I can do to top that. We'll see what my "theymos is actually lauda" investigation brings forward.

Which, to be honest, intrigued me too. I thought there was a topic started by nutildah on this matter, but I didn't see any. I was not sure if the post was made for the lulz or if it was serious. And now I actually found a topic, but it isn't nutildah's Smiley In any case, I think that only nutildah can bring some more light about this investigation (which I tend to believe it is for fun purposes anyway).
2958  Economy / Reputation / Re: Reference topic: Why are these members excluded on trust lists? on: March 11, 2021, 08:29:56 PM
Seriously though I don't really have a good tl;dr, since I'm not entirely sure what's going on. Ratimov seems to have a lot of "enemies", including korner's farm and a bunch of other assholes who doxed him and that's disgusting.

Huh, wait... WHAT? Oo

Who doxxed him? And where? I may have been a bit busy last days and didn't see all that happened around, but I thought I got myself up to date, Ratimov's exclusion from millionaires' billionaires' gang being the latest news. Then I see this. Did something like this really happened? If so, that's disgusting indeed... I knew he had many enemies, but I did not ever think it could end up in anything like this. OK, may him be a plagiarist or not; may him be a DT1 with good use of the system or not; may him be... whatever else... but why doxx him though...?

I looked in the Investigation board, which is the only board where revealing personal information is permitted, but I did not see any topic about him... Therefore I believe the doxxing took course on a prohibited area of the forum, which is even worse, as anyone can see it... I did not interact with him too much, but I never saw him offering personal information, so this is a wonder for me... how it could happen. And, most important, why... You may not like someone, but why harm him that way...?
2959  Local / Market / Re: Cumpăr miner/mineri hnt on: March 11, 2021, 07:48:51 PM
Salut Kosmin, bine ai revenit pe forum!

Referitor la topic-ul tau, acesta apartine de sectiunea Market, nu de sectiunea generala romaneasca. Pentru a-l muta in sectiunea corecta ai la dispozitie un buton in coltul stanga-jos al paginii, numit "move topic". Efectueaza click pe el, apoi selecteaza sectiunea corespunzatoare.

Nu este mare problema, insa fiecare sectiune are rostul ei. La "Presa", de pilda, apartin articolele legate de presa. In sectiunea generala (cea "mare") apartin toate topic-urile care nu se pot incadra la subsectiunile aferente.
2960  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: De ce a cazut crypto in freza pe 22 Februarie ? on: March 11, 2021, 08:50:40 AM
Na, aia cu masa Pamantului a fost un exemplu. Din cate vad DuracellDeMonaco se asteapta sa avem intercity si poate ca nu se opreste in toate statiile noastre ponosite.

Uhm... cu riscul (speranta? Smiley ) de a transforma acest topic intr-un nou Wall Observer, de cand am aflat despre Bitcoin am inteles principiul de functionare al Bitcoin, precum si ideologia crypto-anarhica si libertariana pe baza caruia a fost creat, mereu am fost de parerea lui Satoshi. Mai precis: "in timp (Bitcoin) fie va ajunge sa aiba o valoare foarte mare sau nu va avea nicio valoare". Din pacate, desi am cautat acest citat vreme de aproape o ora, nu am reusit sa-l gasesc. Am gasit altul insa, similar:

"In this sense, it's more typical of a precious metal. Instead of the supply changing to keep the value the same, the supply is predetermined and the value changes. As the number of users grows, the value per coin increases. It has the potential for a positive feedback loop; as users increase, the value goes up, which could attract more users to take advantage of the increasing value."

Dat fiind ca pana acum nu a tins spre o valoare 0 -- ci, din contra, a crescut constant in timp, in jos nu vad ca ar mai lua-o. In sensul ca nu spre 0. Fluctuatii vor mai exista, evident. Si dat fiind ca avem o cantitate finita, care poate doar sa scada in timp si deci sa devina si mai greu de procurat, valoarea nu are cum sa se duca decat in sus. Pana unde...? Asta este greu de estimat. Insa eu unul sunt ferm convins ca o valoare chiar si de 500.000$ sau 1.000.000$ pentru o unitate nu ar fi ceva imposibil.

Referitor la 66.600$, la un moment dat, in timp ce creste, va atinge si aceasta valoare, cu siguranta. Cum va atinge si valoarea de 58.000$, 58.001, 58.002$, 58.003$, [...] 66.599$ si tot asa. Referitor insa la partea cu speculatiile - ca va ajunge la acea valoare in 6 saptamani... ca de acolo o va lua in jos apoi va sari la 100.000$... e limpede ca lumina zilei ca asemenea afirmatii nu au niciun fundament, intrucat nimeni nu poate prevedea viitorul Smiley Dar oricine isi poate exprima dorintele... opiniile... Smiley
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