Oh really? Just a hundred people holding the nad role? So how do people get the role? What do we have to do? In order to get the role of Nads in Monad, you need to give up everything, including your wife, and fully focus on helping newcomers to Discord. And then it is possible that the project management will appreciate your merits and assign you this role. But yeah, I think Monad is gonna have one of the most generous airdrops next year or prolly at the end of this year..? Not really sure when they're TGE is. So I'm just doing the best I can via staking W and PYTH which I really think could get you eligibility. Dunno tho... Don't do what I'm doing. Lolol.
Now it is very difficult to guess how generous airdrop will be, since we don't even know how many wallets are involved in this ecosystem. And the larger the number of, the less generous the airdrop will be.
...And how can I identify that hype of any project is at it's last stage?
You will only be able to find out if you can get information directly from the project team. It depends on their decision at what price and when they decide to sell meme coin belonging to them, which will entail a dump.
Despise all the strategy being applied, trading is not 100% guarantee but if proper analysis is being put in place at least your wins will be more than you lost, and you can be said to have made profit...
If you do not adhere to risk management, you will lose your money anyway, since you will not be able to open an order in the right direction every time with 100% probability. Thus, you should minimize the loss as much as possible if the price goes in the opposite direction to your expectations, so that this does not affect your deposit as a whole.
tvplus006, а как вы узнаете, что через 2 дня покидаете кампанию наверняка? В 90% случаев в воскресенье вечером могут одобрить заявку только в новую кампанию. Поэтому, как правило, менеджеры будут искать новых людей только в течение следующей недели...
Ну, в моем случае я знал уже в четверг, что был отобран в кампанию Shuffle, трудовая неделя в которой начинается в пятницу и заканчиваться в четверг. Предыдущая моя подпись заканчивалась в субботу. Я поставил в известность обоих менеджеров о том, что в воскресенье я покидаю Change и меняю подпись и аватар на Shuffle. И этих 2-х дней оказалось достаточно, чтобы менеджер Change отобрал нового участника и она стартовала в воскресенье в полном составе.
...Вдруг возьмешь человека, а он через две недели сообщит, что уходит? Или откажется, что он мало пишет? Ну то есть знакомая ситуация побеждает неопределенность. Как впрочем и во многих других вопросах.
Если вы своевременно предупредите менеджера, о том, что к примеру, через 2 дня покидаете кампанию, то для него не составит никакого труда вас заменить. Тем более, что спрос все еще превышает предложение. Ну, и в принципе, если уж так часто участники покидают кампанию, то может быть причина в том, что цена в подписной не выдерживает конкуренции по сравнению с другими кампаниями. И соответственно необходимо менеджеру что-то менять.
I contacted Cryus about it several times but to no avail. I assumed he was busy as I was left with no response.
You obviously want to change your name to BitVipCoins (₿it VIP Coins) in order to promote your business more successfully on the forum. So maybe it's easier for you to register an alternative account with that name?
...As for Monad, there's no testnet or running a validator yet. Just participate in their Discord and try to get the 'nad role'. I've been asking itt how to get it but looks like nobody here is a nad as I'm not getting any replies.
Guys over there were airdropped 8k W tokens just for being a nad... Must be nice.
This role of Nads in the Monad Discord was very difficult to obtain. And since I remember, the number of participants who received this role and, accordingly, airdrop, was calculated by a hundred people. It was much easier to use Portalbridge several times and get an airdrop of the same size.
Does anyone have experience with the KCEX exchange? The domain was registered in 2004 but the exchange has been active for 1 year....
If you have doubts about the legality of this exchange, then you do not need to test it with your own money, while there are a very large number of good exchanges on the market, the functionality and reliability of which have been tested by time.
Probably Americans are people who adopt "You Only Live Once" mindset? so they don't care with crisis or something happen in the future, as long as today they're happy, they don't care with tomorrow, since tomorrow is tomorrow, it's still not happen yet.
You are mistaken in thinking that only Americans live by this principle) The fact is that ignorance about finance is inherent in all people, with the exception of only a small part. And if today's income allows you to have fun, then people tend to use this opportunity.
В подписной Weiss.bet появилось свободное место для Sr. Member+ We have an open slot in this campaign. Please apply.
...Что касается Base я не знаю, если они и выпустят токен(в чем у меня есть сомнения), то может быть активность и не упадет. У чейна юзерфрендли экосистема, им действительно приятно пользоваться, так же как и арбитрумом и оптимизмом.
Активность будет сохранена только в том случае, если дроп раздадут не сразу, а будут раздавать сезонами, как это делает Оптимизм. В противном случае, посещаемость в любом случае снизится, так как большинство сольет дроп и перенесет свои усилия на другую ретроактивность. Что касается того, будет или не будет дроп, то я думаю, что все-таки будет. Не зря СЕО Coinbase светил чекером) Думаю, что будут раздавать на кошельки Coinbase и таким образом срежут кучу сибилов.
I've heard a lot about Monad, but I haven't been following it closely. How to get involved? Is there a testnet available, or running a validator node?
Monad is a level 1 blockchain and since it does not have a testnet, it is necessary to perform activities in ecosystem projects in order to obtain the right to airdrop. Such projects include Wormhole, Ambient, Elixir, Stargate, Marginfi, Balancer. This is not an exhaustive list, these are projects I was doing long before I knew about Monad, and which will also need to distribute (or have already distributed) airdrop to their early adopters. There is an assumption that Monad will generously reward the participants of the Discord, but here I can not suggest anything, because I am not active in this social network. https://www.monad.xyz