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3501  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: January 31, 2018, 05:15:58 AM

I think gun possession should be very important to control, im in favor to have guns the business and homeowners to defend their property in case of something happened. BUT there should have proper guidance to it because guns can also be used in suicide, homicide or even accident at home. It is not just to protect.

Suicide can't be prevented, even if you ban all the guns in the world. If someone want to kill himself, he will find a way to do it. And regarding homicides, you are ignoring the important fact that unlicensed fire-arms are used in the vast majority of the murders and homicides. Stricter gun laws won't be having any impact on the proliferance of unlicensed firearms.

Furthermore, if you have a motorcycle (or bicycle to troll the greenies) in the house, it is a much bigger risk for bodily injury:

  ...and there were almost 467,000 bicycle-related injuries.3

  ...over 67,000 persons are injured by firearms each year.

Then add to bicycles: snowboards, ladders, scissors, etc, etc, etc.

Of course in terms of death, pharmaceuticals win the prize hands down.  Add to that the million/year people diagnosed with autism in recent years which can be in some cases and by some reckonings a fate worse than death.  It brings down the entire family often times.  At least the banksters often end up with whatever the fam had in the end.

3502  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: January 26, 2018, 11:38:46 PM

Most firearms of all kinds are already widely available in the United States. No doubt any criminal can choose the gun to his liking but I don't consider this a weighty argument for making gun even more accessible.

The FBI concluded that criminals with 'grade up' if their preferred weapon is not available.  That is, they will tend to choose a weapon which is more lethal rather than less.

They also concluded that criminal require weapons for protection against their own peers so going without is a non-option no matter what the law says...and as a reminder to the not-so-bright, these people are classified as 'criminals' because of their interaction with laws.  This self-protection against their own is one of their primary incentive for carrying weapons while using them for criminal endeavors tends to be more secondary.

When confronted with these facts most 'progressives' will probably argue that if guns were made illegal then criminals will drop their criminal ways and go to med school.  Especially if it's free.  My belief is that most 2018 vintage progressives are border-line retarded.  Particularly when it comes to system analysis.


In real life, a few weeks ago a neighbor of mine who's husband died a few years ago was burglarized while she was away on travel.  A sharp-eyed neighbor saw the criminals leaving her driveway, investigate, and called the cops.  The perps were caught after a car and foot chase.

The perps were meth heads as is usual for my area.  They made the mistake of stealing a few guns.  Had they not, they would have spend a few weeks in the county jail.  Since the crime did involve guns, they will be going to the federally operated big-house for some number of years.

I point this out because the FBI report I mentioned suggested increasing penalties for gun related crimes.  Very common-sense and it has worked;  gun related crimes plateaued after this action was put into place a few decades ago and have been declining ever since.  Basically criminals are pretty aware of how the law works and take pains to avoid performing crimes with or relating to guns.  People who constantly say 'we need laws' don't know their asses from their elbows.  We've got plenty of laws, and they work remarkably well.

3503  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: January 25, 2018, 10:16:25 AM

Only slaves are not allowed to have guns

God made goyim as a sort of cattle-like creatures to serve the Jews, and pressure for gun control in the United States is one of those things which seems to be strongly pushed by Jewish lawmakers in particular.

Don't believe me about the relationship between God's chosen and the goyim?  Look into the Talmud (aka, 'oral torah') and/or listen to the spiels of some of the Hasidim and Rabbis when they don't figure there will be any goyim paying attention.

3504  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: January 23, 2018, 11:25:34 PM

I have leaved this thread for years but it's still alive lol. Too bad seems Wilikon is not online here anymore.

He's been around at least fairly recently as 'Robby Love' or something like that.  He claims that the mods kicked him out as Wilikon.  This does not align real well with _most_ of my experience with _most_ of the mods least the ones who held onto their moderator bit, but I won't rule his story out.  He did seem to have a knack for starting never-ending threads, and on topics which I could imagine pissing people with particular political leanings off.  OTOH, I cannot remember anything by him being nearly as offensive as from certain others (such as myself.)

3505  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: January 19, 2018, 04:40:14 PM

As an American, I sometimes get demoralized at the degree of brainwashing in our public schools, media, etc.  It has a very detrimental impact on the ability of our population to think flexibly and critically.

I do want to thank many/most of the English-as-a-2nd-lang posters here for cheering me up about the sad state of _our_ systems and reminding me that things could be much worse.  OTOH, it also means that we've got a lot further to sink yet which is a bit depressing.

3506  Other / Politics & Society / Re: how to prepare for your death? on: January 10, 2018, 11:24:02 PM

Of course I'm not creative enough to dream up the following.  I'm only relating something which actually happened, or appears to have, with Hal Finney:

1)  Invent or co-invent a brand new currency system and control an ass-load of BTC.

2)  Memorize a pass-phrase.

3)  Have yourself crynogenically preserved.

Of course you will be the top priority for being brought back to life if/when the technology ever exists.  The bad part is that the first thing you see when you open your eyes will probably be a rubber hose, and your time back among the living may be limited to how long it takes to extract said pass-phrase.

3507  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: January 10, 2018, 06:12:31 AM

Clearly now, as a result of the investigations to this date (and generally for the health of our govt) a bunch of stuff needs to be investigated/re-investigated.  The 'Russians meddled in our election' thing is and always was ridiculous, but it opened up Pandora's box.

 - 1) The FBI, DOJ, etc, are utterly corrupt and their work over the last probably decades is highly suspect.  A very rigorous analysis and cleaning is needed.  If it was a computer, I'd just re-format the hard drive.

 - 2)  The Clinton-related investigations need to be done over as a result of the above.  This would include but not be limited to Uranium One, the e-mail, and the Clinton Foundation.  That will certainly drag in a boat-load of corrupt Obama appointees.  That's obviously why Comey's focus was on giving out as many immunity deals as the office printer would print.

 - 3)  Trump's and Kushner's books need to be looked into to see if they've been involved in money laundering.  Mueller himself is crooked as the day is long so he'll probably get caught up in the above, but the work along these lines can proceed under someone who is clean.

Personally, I'd like to see a special prosecutor assigned to every candidate upon their swearing in and have it be part of the deal for being POTUS.  Maybe then we could get something other than 100% shitty choices.  In this case, it was monumentally stupid for Trump to allow is kids into the play-pen, and double so since he knew the Kushner family (and likely his own) are dirty as a re-used jizz-rag.  He (reportedly) said himself that Jared could bring peace to the Middle East because 'the Kushners know every crook in Israel.'  So, Trump's mis-fortune here is a direct result of his mishandling both his staffing and the firing of Comey.

For my part, I want as few crooks as possible in govt so I have nothing to fear from a good analysis of the Trump and Kushner books.  If they are clean, fine, but I doubt it.  Especially after my research into the Russian/Jewish oligarchs and the methods they use to launder the funds they stole upon the fall of the Soviet Union.  I'll bet that another part of the deal is to let all of the other swamp criminals off the hook as well.  He may let the 25th thing go through and let Pence take over, then they all just memory-hole 2017 as though it never happened.

Looks like Trump has cucked 100% to his new best-buddy McConnell.  That's another reason I don't mind waving him bye-bye after what I admit is a pretty OK year.  I very much doubt that the next year will be so kind.  I suspect he traded (or tried to trade) leniency for his fam off for selling a decent amount of his support base down the river.  What is amazing to me is how many of the Trumpanzee tribe is sticking with him through his total sell-out.  Oh's not like we don't see the same behavior on the other side.

3508  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Not helping the 1% on: January 08, 2018, 11:21:54 PM

So anonymity and freedom from government control is key for social and political activists. But it threatens also to help the 1% to better hide their billions from tax authorities. How can we guard against this and ensure that cryptocurrency gives the majority more power and financial strength?



lol x2, lol'd hard.

I didn't really mean it as a joke, though I did hope that it would give some people a chuckle.

Seriously, unlike debt-based money like the USD, Bitcoin cannot be manipulated by those who already have it.  e.g., stolen through inflation, the judicial system, etc.  Unlike the otherwise bitcoin-similar old-school money gold, Bitcoin was not already safely tucked away in a Swiss vault prior to your (dear reader's) birth.

A long time ago on this board the question was posed about how to destroy Bitcoin.  One of my ideas was to hoover it all up back then using ultimately useless dollars which the wealthy, who Bitcoin could eventually threaten, have in abundance and are thus who are always in search of a burn pit for anyway.  I'm sure that this happened to a degree, but I'm equally sure that there remain enough un-corraled BTC to make it a distateful reserve currency relative to most other options.  For several reasons.



Don't worry to much about 'the 1%'.  This is more-or-less anyone who owns a home and doesn't have a mortgage, or soon will.  At least in the U.S.  I personally have been more interested in the 0.0001% since before Bitcoin, and in fact this is a driving force behind my interest in Bitcoin in the first place.  This even before I personally was firmly in the 1% catagory (so it's not a completely self-serving bit of advice.)

I would say that the 1% are mostly happless cannon-fodder.  They are more of a target for victimization than the '99%' because they actually have something of value to steal.  A vast majority of the 1%  will be more naturally allied with the 99% when the shit hits the fan, although the real players (the 0.0001%) will certainly try and may well succeed working the board play such that the the 99% take out the 0.99% on the way toward the end-game and before the 99% and the 0.99% can team up.

3509  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: January 07, 2018, 11:04:26 PM

I do not like Trump as the president. He is always with policies which make some citizens not comfortable. some policies with other countries are likely to steer up war among countries. I m in Africa and my dream is to be in the US but some of his policies regarding visa processing is preventing my dream come to pass so I do not like him

The fairly rational logic is this:  If everyone who wishes to come to the U.S. does so, you would probably regret coming here.  It's pretty much universal that countries where people are drawn to have some controls over immigration.  For obvious reasons.  (It's not so 'universal' these days as the UNHCR takes control works toward it's population replacement schemes.)

I personally am what is currently known as a 'civic nationalist' (vs. an ethnic one.)  If you have what I consider to be 'American values' then I'd be delighted if you immigrated (and would be even more delighted if your country would take some native-born loser in trade.)  The ethical down-side is that if all of the worthwhile people flee whatever country you are in, it will forever remain a basket-case (assuming it is currently a basket-case, and if you want to get the hell out that's probably a valid assumption.)

If the 'dream' of coming to the U.S., or some other desirable country is minimally practical, the response might be to work on making your own country be more like what you (think you) like about the U.S..  If you and like-minded people figure out a way to succeed then the whole country wins...minus a few corrupt leaders that is.  I would like it if the U.S. provided real support for such efforts, but that's not very likely.  Our leadership is documented as wishing the most misery, strife, and death possible in the 3rd world so as to better let our (and now multi-national) corporate interests capture and exploit your resources.  I personally don't like this and my way of fighting it is to not keep my mouth shut about it.

3510  Other / Politics & Society / Re: ILLUMINATI DOES EXIST? on: January 07, 2018, 10:00:47 PM

I personally believe these people don't exist

Yes they do exist

Well, intelectually speaking, that conversation devolved quickly.

3511  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Bannon on: January 07, 2018, 09:02:59 PM

Sunday morning brings Steve Bannon's response loud and clear.


The funny thing is that several days ago Trump had displayed magnitude eight cuckage toward McConnell at Camp David.  Trump's admin is now fully 'Make America Cuck Again.'  MACA for short.  This makes Bannon a Cuck within a Cuck.

Lesson learned by future Bannons:  'Cuck early and Cuck often.'  That may only be necessary for goys though...Gary Cohn seems safe in spite of his Wolff- documented indiscretions involving Trump's intellect.

3512  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Not helping the 1% on: January 07, 2018, 08:00:42 PM

So anonymity and freedom from government control is key for social and political activists. But it threatens also to help the 1% to better hide their billions from tax authorities. How can we guard against this and ensure that cryptocurrency gives the majority more power and financial strength?


3513  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Up Like Trump on: January 07, 2018, 06:30:41 PM
The swamp got Trump before much drainage.

Oh well.  Some good things happened over the year.  Certainly enough for me to feel justified in my support of the man for POTUS.

I usually make the mistake of over-estimating people and it looks like I did so in Trump's case.  Big time.  It's hard to believe that Trump was stupid enough to let Jarvanka play in the sandbox.  Now their only hope for cleaning up the mess is to dive into the swamp.  The option may well work since the mess is a special kind of diarrhea that nobody in the swamp wants much light shined on and Mueller is corrupt and compromised as hell.

Turns out that it was Bannon who was 'cracked like an egg on national TV.'  If he was a 'knife fighter' (and in fact non-treasonous and an American patriot) his only move would be to detail the diarrhea.  I doubt that he will, especially since he's been slathering himself with it for years (and, amusingly, being tarred as an antisemite anyway.)  He also may never get his pooper-scooper back...or remain among the living for that matter.

edit: slight

3514  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Bannon on: January 06, 2018, 06:23:34 PM
Is it just me or Americans seem to be so invested in their politics while they don't have any real current issues like most of the world nor do they have any power in their elections anyway? All while destroying countries that actually do have real problems.

I can't help but think that entire world sees US as a big bubble where people have no idea where they live and what is going on in the world.
Most of the country and it's government seems like a stereotypical spoiled, rich bully that harasses other kids on the block because their parents don't have as much money and they feel like they are entitled to make decisions for everyone.

I find it more glaring that people all around the world put significant focus on U.S. politics.  This seems especially true with Canadians.  This focus does make logical sense; as you point out, the U.S has a huge influence around the world, and it is very often (but not always) an unhealthy one.

For my part I would very much like the U.S. to focus on the significant problems we have here and get the hell out of 'foreign entanglements.'  I would also like to flush out of leadership any people who would try to steer our resources outwardly in order to achieve personal goals which do not benefit the citizens of our country and/or benefit us in a minimal and tangential way.  This is why the evolution of the Trump admin is of keen interest to me personally.

3515  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Bannon on: January 05, 2018, 10:04:48 PM

I detest the mainstream media (CNN, FOX, NYT, NPR, etc.)  My hatred started when I was suited up for battle and they were peddling garbage about Kuwaiti babies being thrown out of incubators and patriot missiles shooting down scuds.  (Early 90's.)  The media performance in the 2000 election and 9/11 really sealed it for me.  Fortunately the internet was around by then so I had other options for information.

I've hypothesized for at least a year that the mainstream media _may_ be doing Trump a favor by dogging him because of people like me.  The state of social science analytics is such that if people like me were a factor and a net positive for Trump, they would know it.  Pretty much every honest analyst will concede that the media is 'Jew owned' and as such, prone to support Israel-first projects and money flows.  I personally feel that the deep-state is pretty universally the same.  Anyway, if Trump is or has become Israel-first, the most helpful thing that the power structure can do to support Trump would be to pretend to be his enemy.  It keeps America-firsters on Trump's side and keeps the progressive left idiots coming back for seconds.

Bannon has hinted fairly strongly that there may be some 'unpatriotic' shenanigans going on in the Trump whitehouse and that that is a factor that turned him off.  If he's for real (big if) and he's accurately read the pulse of the nationalist movement as being fed up with the foreign meddling by people with dual loyalties, then we can make some predictions about the reaction of the media.  Specifically, we'll see Trump's former mock-enemies rally both to Trump's defense and to savage Steve Bannon.

3516  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Bitcoin becomes popular in medical tourism on: January 05, 2018, 07:40:49 PM

Bitcoin becomes popular in medical tourism

Crypto currency is in demand among doctors and patients.

 According to data provided by Professor of Economics of the University of Burgundy Mark Pilkington, medical tourism is a branch with a volume of one hundred billion dollars, which is provided by more than 10 million tourists. The growth of this industry in the world is about 25% per year/


Thanks for the pointer.  I personally am interested because I feel that my country (the U.S.) is attempting to address the looming social security issues by killing off the non-productive members of society using the medical/industrial complex and I won't use it if possible.  A beneficial side-effect is that the banksters often end up with the tangible assets that the victim has accumulated in a lifetime of effort.  I self-insure with the intention of re-locating should I need to for medical reasons.

Ya, I know it sounds like a crazy paranoid conspiracy theory, but it's the hypothesis that best explains my observations at this time.  It's basically that simple.

3517  Other / Politics & Society / Bannon on: January 05, 2018, 07:30:07 PM

Pay attention to it boys.  Take notes.

Opportunities to understand the mainstream and pseudo-alt media, and pick up the input necessary to ferret out the posers, only come along occasionally.

If this whole thing is kabuki, which is entirely possible, it's every bit as much of an opportunity to gain input.

3518  Other / Politics & Society / Re: ILLUMINATI DOES EXIST? on: January 05, 2018, 06:46:36 PM
The question is one of the things I've been studying recently.

Something of that name was organized by Adam Weishaupt in the later parts of the 1700's.  Interestingly, Thomas Jefferson himself is reported to have been involved to a degree which may help explain his amazing understandings of money and power.

A little history necessary to understand 'the Illuminati':

Moses and a few score of elders went to the mountain.  Moses climbed the mountain and got the goods from God.  The others of his entourage got a more expansive 'oral' version of the goods.  A few hundred years after Jesus beat the 'money-changers' they wrote the 'oral Torah' down on paper since it was becoming more and more bloated and twisted.  This is the 'Talmud' which Jewish Rabbis study (and it's one of the most fucked up pieces of garbage ever written IMHO.)

Some stoners who were generally Rabbinical dreamed up Kabbalah (aka, 'Jewish Mysticism'.)  This became the basis for an amazing amount of stuff.  I personally grew up in the 'hippy' culture of the 1970's.  As I study this stuff I see a direct correlation.  The alchemy and much other stuff of legend is also obviously related.

In the 1600's a Kabbalist named Sabbatai Zevi came along and a very large fraction of the worlds Jews considered him to be their long awaited Messiah.  He was forced by the Sultan to convert to Islam and his movement shrunk and went underground.  He was a 'right is wrong/wrong is right' duelist sort of creeper.

In the 1700's a guy named Jacob Frank branded himself the Messiah and incarnation of Zevi (also spelled Tzvi.)  Frank was much more of a creeper in this dualistic way.  The basic idea is to be as shitty as possible since it will induce God to come back to earth and take care of business.  You know the stories about orgies and ritual satanic abuse?  Ya, it's like that.

The Rothchild fam was almost certainly 'Frankist' and almost certainly remain so to this day.  They were getting their start at owning the money supply of nations in the 1770 timeframe.  Weishaupt was associated with Catholicism which was at war with the protestant reformers.  Seems that Weishaupt, Rothschild, and Frank sort of teamed up and figured out a way to symbiotically achieve their various goals.  Being 'underground' was of keen interest to all parties, and 'secret societies' were all the rage due to the policies of the Roman Catholic church.

Looks to me as though from the get-go Weishaupt's idea was to make Freemasonry a vehicle for his team's goals.  Prior to that Masonry existed but mostly as sort of a trade union.  I believe that when one achieves a certain 'degree' in that organization one is let in to the 'secret' that you are the Illuminati and what that means.  (What it means is basically Kabbalah.)  It's a progressive mechanism which serves as a broadly cast net and a filter.

So, yes, the 'Illuminati' exists and one (of multiple) ways of being in it is progressing up the ladder in Freemasonry.  The U.S. doesn't have much industry left, but 30 or 40 years ago, if you worked in the local mill and wanted to be a manager, you pretty much needed to be in the local Masonic lodge.  This gives a lot of lot of working material for an underground organization.

I suspect that another way of getting into 'the Illuminati' is by having the right parents and getting into the right 'program' at the right ivy league school.  e.g., Yale, Harvard, etc.  There are also probably a military route, a church route, etc.

I'm thankful every day that I never had an opportunity to get 'tracked' into any of these when I was younger because I may (or may not) have been stupid enough to experiment with it.

3519  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Alex Jones and Trump on: January 04, 2018, 09:07:42 PM
It's sad now with bluebeam I can't know if what I'm seeing is from the creators or just more Jewish tricks. Sad

Not so much bluebeam (yet), but certainly other forms of sensory input.  I don't consider it 'sad' exactly.  Just another challenge.  The silver lining is that because of the necessary increase in rigor, the end result of one's work product is that much stronger.

I also suspect they're changing all record of the past, hell isn't something just in the future now. The past is going to hell too! They've gained literal control over the physical world, in very very small quantities that severely tax the European power grid.

"Those who control the present control the past..."  Orwell was clearly familiar with the protocols, but then so were a lot of learned persons.


The Jews killed Jesus and the devil controls the physical world.

'Oral Torah'/Talmud --> Kabbalah --> Lucifarianism/Satanism/Freemasonry/New-age/lots-of-other-shitty-things.

So, yeah, there is an element of legitimacy to 'the Jews did it' line, but it's much much to simplistic of course.  It seems to be basically true that 'the Jews' essentially own my government here in the U.S. (at least), and that's enough to to be concerned about and thus enough to analyze.

3520  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Alex Jones and Trump on: January 04, 2018, 07:25:16 PM

Infowars core seems to have gone full Israel-first neocon.  Just lately they've gone full Kusher-good/Bannon-bad which really settles it.  How much of this direction is following Trump and how much is leading him is a subject of debate.

 - Some of Jones' reporters such as Shroyer have gone the way of PJW and got with the Zionist program.
 - Some of them seem to have been flat-out fired (e.g., the two black ones.)
 - Some of them seemed to have moved home and contribute periodically (e.g., the female ones and the vet.)
 - Some of them spun off into oblivion (e.g., David Knight.)
 - The new ones seem to be hard-core neocon shills (e.g., Psobiec, Cernovich, Kumia, etc.)

Jones knows in some detail what the Zionists are up to, and I've heard him expand on it in the past.  If he's flipped, how/why did this happen?  One hypothesis is that Jones is dirty as hell.  Some supposed insiders attest to this, and Jones himself is trickling out little things like his 'not perfect' status and his sleep-overs with Charlie Sheen.  Could be that Mossad has dirt on Jones (along with 2/3 of the rest of our public figures.)  The Roy Cohn trained bi-curious Jew (so they say) Roger Stone teamed up with Jones about the time he seemed to accelerate his flip which adds weight to the hypothesis that he's been compromised.

Jones does seem to be pumping his magic bean pills like crazy lately so it's possible that he's going to capitalize on his years of somethimes very good work and clear out of town.

I still listen to Infowars quite a lot.  The simple reason for this is that no matter what Jone's actual game, he has a momentum which keeps good info coming in.  Understanding Infowars gives one the tools to filter and thus un-twist the information coming out of his machine.

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