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4481  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Question about merit on: June 12, 2020, 05:52:03 AM
Merits and sMerits are 2 different things and you can't compare it.
You receive merits from others for your contribution to the forum and sMerits you get from your merits, as already explained.
You can't lose your merits but can lose your sMerits if you don't spend it in 30 days in the case you are merit source.  
4482  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Coinbase Called Out on Twitter for Working with IRS and DEA on: June 11, 2020, 11:18:19 AM
I just came across this shocking news:
A recent Tweet by Samson Mow (@Excellion) suggested that Coinbase isn’t a safe place to store Bitcoin. Specifically, Mow suggested that the company would be the first to comply with a 1933-style confiscation demand by the federal government.
I think Coinbase is no longer a good place to hold bitcoin.
What do you think?
I am really disappointed with this development and I hope others will not follow the example of Coinbase.
4483  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Surađuje li Coinbase s DEA-om i IRS-om? on: June 11, 2020, 11:12:24 AM
Vjerujem da mnogi od vas koriste Coinbase pa će vam ova vijest biti zanimljiva.
Ako ste mislili da su vaše informacije tamo sigurne, možda ste se prevarili.
Prema ovoj vijesti na hrvatskom bitcoin portalu
Čini se da Coinbase nije više sigurno mjesto za pohranu bitcoina jer će dozvoliti američkoj poreznoj službi da koriste svoj softver za nadzor blockchaina.
4484  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: June 11, 2020, 10:28:50 AM
According to this news, Federer has canceled the rest of the tennis season and will not play again this year
Federer underwent surgery in February for chronic problems with his right knee, but things got complicated and he had to go for surgery again, and because of that he misses the rest of the tennis season this year.
Is this perhaps the final farewell of a tennis legend?
EDIT: I just found official news confirmation on Federer’s Twitter profile
4485  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Premier League Prediction Thread (EPL) on: June 11, 2020, 10:22:35 AM
According to the English Mirror, Premiership management will stop selling Newcastle United to an investment fund owned by the Saudi prince.
The problem is piracy in Saudi Arabia, illegal transfer of Premiership matches to Saudi Arabia.
It seems that Newcastle United will not become the new Chelsea or Manchester City after all.
This news was transmitted by the Croatian portal Index:
4486  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: UEFA Champions League Discussion Thread on: June 11, 2020, 10:12:10 AM
UEFA has just issued an official statement
The UEFA Executive Board will hold a video conference on June 17 and issue a press release thereafter.
On the agenda will be a discussion on how to conclude competitions in the Champions League and European League.
The video conference on June 17 will also discuss the host cities of Euro 2020, which has been postponed for 2021.
4487  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Chance to earn Merits for newbies on: June 11, 2020, 09:58:51 AM
OK, right now I have some merits available so I checked recent applications and decide to reward with merits following members: for Re: How to earn money for Newbie on Bitcointalk?
Lorokan for The right mindset needed for all traders
RohanNRam for Re: Will another altcoin rise to overtaken Bitcoin?

If I find some other good applications later, and will have some merits available, I may give some merits again Smiley
4488  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: UEFA Champions League Discussion Thread on: June 10, 2020, 03:12:31 PM
So these are the latest news about the CL and how it will proceed once the RO16 games are over (nothing official yet so take this with a grain of salt):

- Quarter-finals and semis will follow a one-match format. No two legs. (Barca fans are happy lol)
- Games will be played in Portugal in two stadiums: José Alvalade (home of Sporting) and Estádio da Luz (home of Benfica).
- Final will be held in the Estádio da Luz on August 23.
- No word about Europa League



I think the ban could be dropped due to some technicality.  Grin
And by "some technicality" you mean bags and more bags filled with €€$$, right? =P

It's already old news 😀

It looks like the EL final wil be played in Frankfurt but not confirmed yet.

4489  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove on: June 10, 2020, 10:17:43 AM
Evo da se ja opet malo prijavim...

Laganih (barem mi se tako čini) 25% zarade za vlasnike CRO coina.

Hvala na korisnoj informaciji,  tko je slijedeći?  😀
4490  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: UEFA Champions League Discussion Thread on: June 10, 2020, 06:00:14 AM
I do not really buy into all of this City becoming the biggest over night thing, United was big for around 3 decades, when did City moved beyond them and became the biggest right away, sure they are either the best team or second best team NOW but being a "big club" is not just past 5 years, it is not past 10 years neither, you have to look at the whole history of the teams (okay maybe after 1970's) and I feel like there are many other bigger clubs than City.

The thing about City that they spent so much money on their team to actually become good that they eventually had to break financial fair play rules to keep it up, otherwise they couldn't be this good, which is cheating and if you became good by cheating that really doesn't even count in my mind, everybody could be good by cheating.

All this clubs,  Manchester City,  Chelsea,  Paris SG etc. became strong and "big " almost overnight because of the same reason.
Some reach man with suspicious history wanted public recognition and decide that professional football club is the best way to achieve it.
Of course nobody can buy history but they wants instant success and don't care about fair play or fair competition.
I hope we will see justice in the case with Manchester City and this will be good warning for others who also trying to cheat with finance.
4491  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Premier League Prediction Thread (EPL) on: June 10, 2020, 05:46:20 AM
do any of you follow Manchester City ban case? what's going on there, is there anything new?
I mean, it can be important for PL and many things, not only a CL places on the table. If they are banned from European competition, I guess PL also must punish them, and there they are in transgression. Some more severe punishment could seriously disrupt them in the years to come, even if I don't like this club, I would like them to remain in full force in the coming period.

Man City are appealing the 2 year ban, the issue is what if they win the CL this season? How can you ban the reigning champions for next season's competition? I don’t think they could do that.

Latest on it -

As I understand,  this court is independant from UEFA and will decide based on facts only.
Sport motives or reasons are not important in this case.
4492  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove on: June 09, 2020, 01:37:03 PM
Evo prijavljujem jedan post za HR dijela foruma da poboljsamo mjesecne analize kad se o meritima prica  Grin

Može, može;  lijepo da se brineš za našu merit statistiku 😀
Tko je slijedeći?  😀
4493  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Help Need About Getting merit how I can get merit easily on: June 09, 2020, 10:36:08 AM
There is no hidden truth or secret here 😁
So many newbies join this forum with hope to join some paid project and earn money.
Very quickly they realized that without reputation and higher forum ranks they can't do much on this forum.
So,  it seems that 99% newbies talks only about merits here 😁
In fact,  you should invest your time and effort in order to contribute to this forum and find a way how to help and support other members.
If you do so than you don't need to worry about merits.
It's very simple but no so many new members practise it.
4494  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Mjesečna Analiza za Hrvatsku Lokalnu Zajednicu (Bitcointalk Croatian) on: June 09, 2020, 06:17:55 AM
Zbirna prijava! ?
Zanimljiva ideja ali ne znam koliko bi to bilo učinkovito.
Možda bolje da imamo 5 pojedinačnih prijava i nadamo se da će po "Zakonu velikih brojeva " bar jedna ili dvije prijave proći.
Meni se žao što za neke stvarno dobre postove nemam vise merita za podijeliti ali u odnosu na neke druge merit sourcere nemam baš puno merita za dati pa bi sa većim brojem merit sourcea na ovom dijelu foruma u svakom slučaju bilo puno lakše i puno bi se više merita moglo podijeliti.
4495  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Newbie need help to understand the forum!! on: June 09, 2020, 06:05:23 AM
Hi Everyone!! I am new here and this is the very first post can you can tell me how does this forum works and how does it pay people and also how much it pay as we know we can learn and earn from this forum at the same time so if you can help me it would be helpfull for me. Wink

Newcomers are more vulnerable to working in forums Before doing so you need to gain knowledge about the forum by analyzing different parts of the forum It is foolish to think of earning first. Therefore use your knowledge and intellect to try to learn by observing different places and rank yourself up It is also a great opportunity for newcomers to trading.

Personally I think that life experience and some practical knowledge is more important than some experience and knowledge about this forum.
As example,  I can mention one new member,  newbie,  in my local board.
He is company owner and recently created crypto payment app so that users like apartment owners can receive payment in crypto  
He know a lot about it and we all learning from him but he is just newbie on this forum 😁
Also,  it's more easy to earn on forum if you personally have some practical knowledge like programming or logo design.
4496  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: Politika u Hrvatskoj on: June 08, 2020, 03:55:52 PM
Očekujem neizvjesne izbore kao i 2015.  s tim da će ovaj put,  za razliku od Mosta prije 4 godine, presuditi Skoro. 

Čekaj... Kako to misliš 2015.? Pa kod nas su parlamentarni izbori svake četiri godine, a ne pet. Prema tome izbori su morali biti 2016. godine. Na mobu sam pa mi se ne da provjeravati Grin

A i čini mi se da je Most bio presudan faktor prije 8 godina, zar ne? Jer koliko se sjećam, Plenki je bio premijer odmah nakon izbora, a nakon koalicije s Mostom HDZ je promijenio nekoliko premijera.

Izbori za Sabor su bili i 2015 i 2016.
Oba puta je HDZ koalirao sa Mostom, prvi put premijer je bio Orešković a drugi put Plenkovic.
Obje koalicije su propale 😀😀
4497  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Mjesečna Analiza za Hrvatsku Lokalnu Zajednicu (Bitcointalk Croatian) on: June 08, 2020, 03:18:52 PM
Pa predloženo je prije par dana a nitko ne trza.

Kad neko napravi prijavu da bude merit source, onda mora proći skeniranje svih na forumu.
Svako slovo se onda meri, i ako slučajno nadju nešto šte im se ne svidja...  Roll Eyes
Mislim da je to mogući razlog, ali možda nisam u pravu.

Eh o tome bih ja imao što pričati 😀😀
Kada sam se u Meti prijavio za merit source protiv mene se poveo "pravi rat " dovodila u pitanje moja reputacija,  tvrdilo da bi bio presedan i čudo da netko sa negativnim trustom postane merit source. ..
Hvala Bogu,  preživio sam to nekako ali da moram opet prolaziti kroz to,  iskreno odustao bih i ne bih se ponovno prijavljivao.
4498  Local / Off-topic (Hrvatski) / Re: Politika u Hrvatskoj on: June 08, 2020, 03:04:09 PM
Mi smo samo formalno izborna demokracija a zapravo smo neka vrsta ortackog klijentelistickog crony kapitalizma gdje se na izborima samo određuje tko će iduće 4 godine imati priliku da "uhljebi " članove svoje stranke u Saboru,  ministarstvima,  javnim poduzećima. ..
Većini ljudi je to jasno i ne izlaze na izbore a glasaju oni koji su :interesno " vezani uz lijevu ili desnu opciju ili oni koji HDZ identificiraju sa državom i državnoscu i ne "žele " dozvoliti da "crveni " kominjare ili Jugoslaveni ponovno preuzmu državu 😂😂
Zapravo ima još pametnih i dobrih političara,  meni se recimo sviđa ovaj Tomasevic iz Zagreba ili bračni par Puljak ali na žalost oni nemaju šanse ući u Sabor u ovakvim uvjetima kada su od rasprave o ekonomiji i gospodarstvu opet postale važnije rasprave o partizanima i ustašama i gdje je tko bio 1991. 😀
Očekujem neizvjesne izbore kao i 2015.  s tim da će ovaj put,  za razliku od Mosta prije 4 godine, presuditi Skoro. 
4499  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: UEFA Champions League Discussion Thread on: June 08, 2020, 11:04:02 AM
Well, Portugal is actually a good choice. They did not have nearly as much issue with coronavirus as Italy, France, Germany, Spain and the UK did and they have good stadiums and are a football force after all.

Is this confirmed or only a rumor? I tried Googling it but could not find it written on any relevant sources.

There is no official confirmation yet but German newsletter Bild is relevant source in my opinion.
I don't understand German and can't search for the original news in German language.
Maybe some German member can help us?
Any way,  UEFA will have formal meeting  in June 17 so very soon we will hear news from official source.
4500  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove on: June 08, 2020, 10:28:48 AM
Nema spavanja Smiley
Znam da dosta ljudi koristi Exodus i Atomic wallet.
Pojavili su se nove scam scam lažne stranice za njih.
Više detalja:

Fake Atomic wallet:

Fake Exodus wallet:

Nema odmora dok traje obnova 😀
Tko je slijedeći?   😁
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