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5721  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoin price is in a downtrend, will it last long or temporary? on: September 29, 2021, 06:49:06 PM
I've proven it will continue indefinitely from here.

Let's not scare people just like that  Wink All you've proven until now was that you don't really exceed at making good predictions (and I may be overly kind)
Hint: people, just look at this account's history.
5722  Local / Presa / Re: [2021.06.21] Dăianu: Cripto nu sunt monede. Vor fi strict reglementate. Pot să on: September 29, 2021, 12:42:02 PM
niciodata nu am inteles de ce sunt inscriptionate ca fiind "bilete"
Insa din nou, am cautat de mai multe ori care este motivul pentru care bancnotele noastre au urmatorul text inscriptionat pe ele: FALSIFICAREA ACESTOR BILETE SE PEDEPSESTE CONFORM LEGILOR. Daca stie cineva, sa ma ilumineze!

Ca a parere neavizata: bank notes = bilete bancare (ca doar n-o fi notite bancare) = IOU-uri.
Bancnota nu are valoare. Bancnota doar zice cata valoare iti datoreaza statul daca ai acea "hartie".
Si de aceea se si pedepeste falsificarea: pai daca eu iti dau la notar ca iti datorez 100 RON si tu faci 1000 de copii dupa ea si ceri bani pentru fiecare, tu devii scammer, iar si eu devin ruinat  Cheesy
Repet: asta asa, neavizat, ca nu am avut rabdare sa sap.

@NeuroticFish nu cred ca RON-ul are backing in aur. Poate zic prostii, dar nu cred ca mai este vreo tara (si daca este, e printre putinele) care sa aiba asa ceva.

Vai, dar nu ma deranjeaza deloc sa vina cineva cu subiect si predicat si sa arate ca zic - in functie de caz - corect sau prostii.
Pacatul meu este ca desi nu sunt atotstiutor, imi cam place sa dau cu parerea  Cool
5723  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum server on Windows (or VirtualBox) on: September 29, 2021, 12:03:12 PM
And for extra fun if you still have VirtualBox installed and running and since Docker uses Hyper-V....there are more steps that you have to go though at times.

You can google for more but here are a few links:

Or just remove virtual box if you don't need it.


I've done my reading, it was indeed interesting and useful, thank you for that. It cleared up some of old things  Grin

I was using VirtualBox - very rarely, but still - for many years. Since before Win10 that's for sure. And I remember I had errors related to Hyper-V in VirtualBox, including that black screen.
I don't know if it's because of those problems, I really don't remember, but my host Win10 doesn't have Hyper-V installed. For a while I was even installing only x86 systems (Windows?) on VBox because the x64 failed. And I blame Hyper-V  Cheesy

So.. I don't know why I would keep enabled Hyper-V; I've been using my computer very well with it off. Maybe the fact my Intel CPU supports VT-x is of help; maybe this is the trick that kept me away of problems lately.

5724  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: how to send bitcoins with electrum on: September 29, 2021, 11:39:20 AM
so i thought using a small amount to practice would be a good idea

I think that you have even better means for practicing: start Electrum with testnet parameter and you'll make there a new testnet wallet.
If you google search for bitcoin testnt faucet you'll find some that are active. Get some testent coins (free, no commercial value, test purpose) and play around with them. When you got it, then send the coins back to the faucet and start Electrum again without the testnet parameter.

And one more advice: activate Preferences -> Transactions -> Advanced Preview, it will make things much less confusing.
Then sending should go like described here:

Click Send (fill in address and stuff)
Click Pay (will get advanced preview next)
Review your TXN and make whatever changes you need
Click Finalize
Click Sign
Click Broadcast
5725  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Trust Wallet, Atomic Wallet or Guarda? on: September 29, 2021, 10:52:03 AM
If you have significant amounts I also suggest a hardware wallet. For Bitcoin you'll be able to use it on your phone from Mycelium and from your desktop with Electrum or Sparrow wallet.
If you have pennies.. it doesn't matter much.

And I'd advice something more. I've seen that these seem to be multi-currency wallets.
Think well if you want to handle there only Bitcoin or also various altcoins (beware, altcoins are much riskier investment than Bitcoin).
Maybe you should ask in Altcoin Discussion too for opinions.
5726  Economy / Scam Accusations / Re: scamming a private key scammer for 2308$? on: September 29, 2021, 10:44:15 AM
would love to hear what you guys think of this new/old scam.

It's an old scam. Iirc around since about 2018. The only difference is that now the gas fee for the tokens has risen significantly, hence the thief will steal more.
I guess that this kind of scammers will always be fishing a few greedy newbies. I don't know what could be done against them. The victims kinda deserve their fate too.
5727  Local / Presa / Re: [2021.06.21] Dăianu: Cripto nu sunt monede. Vor fi strict reglementate. Pot să on: September 29, 2021, 10:35:18 AM
Dar nu cred totusi ca ar costa 0,1-1 RON producerea bancnotei... Probabil un pic mai mult. Citisem mai demult pe undeva ca banii nostri ar fi printre cei mai scumpi din lume (din punct de vedere al costului de fabricatie), pentru ca sunt facuti din plastic. Dar chiar nu stiu cat costa producerea unei bancnote. Oricum, 20 lei parea enorm. Si, cu cat suma e mai mica de 20 lei, cu atat bisnita e mai mare =))) Va suna ilar, dar astia dau clasa bisnitarilor care aparusera dupa '90 si faceau bisnita cu valuta.

Cred ca trebuie sa ma corectez si pe mine, si pe tine. Ca de fapt nu-i acelasi lucru.
Aceste bancnote sunt doar un fel de suport pentru valoare. Sunt IOU-uri emise de banca nationala. Si cred ca au si ceva backing prin rezerva de aur si valuta a tarii.
Deci poti sa o vezi ca pe o bisnita - statul iti da "nimic" pentru valoarea respectiva -, dar pe de alta parte tu poti da mai departe acel IOU si sa-ti recuperezi investitia aproape in totalitate (minus inflatia).

Comparatia cu bisnitarii valutari cred ca mai are o fisura. Dar poate ca ma insel, eu nu am fost in "oras mare" cu valutari in '90, ci doar tarziu, in '93. Iar in anii 90 inflatia era cat casa si probabil ca de aceea isi permiteau adaos imens. Si la ei, daca vindeai peste vreo o luna-doua, poate ca nu mai erai pe pierdere  Grin
5728  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoin price is in a downtrend, will it last long or temporary? on: September 29, 2021, 10:24:43 AM
What we forgot to mention is another negative story that has spread to the media like the extra infectious virus - and that is that Bitcoin mining causes the generation of huge amounts of electronic waste - every transaction is, according to some researchers, the equivalent of throwing 2 iPhone Mini in the trash. It’s not exactly China or SK magnitude news, but we all know what it’s for - to convince environmentally conscious people that Bitcoin is bad for the environment - I wonder how many of them have given up investing precisely because of it.

Sorry, but I don't believe that. I am sure that they've missed or mistaken something big. But I didn't spend time to research more (life is too short to spend on every news).
And it's not at the same magnitude as the China FUD because:
1. I think that, like me, there are many that didn't believe it.
2. The China news, if it would be new, could have devastating effect on the markets and price (many Chinese users dumping their coins), while humans produce huge quantities of waste every second and not many care.
5729  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: El Salvador to mine bitcoin using Volcanic energy on: September 29, 2021, 09:27:17 AM
When I saw volcanic energy it reminded me of huge molten firey substance gushing out of earth in a violent manner , how do you safely convert that to energy? I guess he's talking about something less extreme like the typical geo thermal energy.

It's geothermal energy indeed. But it's the geothermal energy the one that creates that "fiery substance" too  Wink
I'm not sure how it's harvested though. If it's via hot springs it's easy. Else it's them who had to find a way to heat the water using the geothermal energy.

But from my understanding they already have power plants running on this principle, all they've done for now was to bring miners use that energy (and maybe produce some extra for those miners).

Hope most miners are not concentrated there. It's better miners are distributed across the world to keep them decentralized and have an antifragile Bitcoin. Issue like this is basically why centralization is bad. I wonder how they will be able to keep the miners or power plants safe if something unpleasant happen at the location.

Don't worry. This kind of movements actually do decentralization for now. I think that they need much more power plants (and much more miners there) in order to even think on centralization.
5730  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Mr Goxx, the crypto-trading hamster beating human investors on: September 29, 2021, 09:14:34 AM
Wonder what it knows/picks up that us Humans don't. It's doing better than my interpreting the spots on goat innards....

Maybe I'm oversimplifying it, but I see the hamster as a true random generator.
Since he's not driven by human sentiments he won't make the usual mistakes derived from greed or panic.
5731  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoin price is in a downtrend, will it last long or temporary? on: September 29, 2021, 09:07:52 AM
Since the FUD campaign hasn't ended and is only growing

I am confident that they'll be running out of ammo.
The news about Twitter tipping together with those about BitPay/Verifone partnership seem to already get stronger than the new (LOL) "China ban".

But, on the other hand, it's better to not be overconfident either.
5732  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Despre nebunia din lumea nft-urilor on: September 29, 2021, 09:00:22 AM
Apoi, mai e un lucru: am impresia ca preturile pot fi manipulate cu mare usurinta. Ai $100k in ETH, creezi un NFT "rar" pe care ti-l "vinzi" tot tie cu $15k, apoi cu $100k dupa care astepti sa vina victimele care au falsa impresie ca "opera" ta de arta valoreaza minim $100k la cateva zile/luni dupa lansare. Cred ca foarte multi vor pica prada unor astfel de strategii cu usurinta.

Poate ca ai vazut si tu asta, mie mi-a placut tare mult, ca fie e pe bune, fie nu, spune foarte bine povestea:

Cat va dura hype-ul nu stiu, dar cel mai probabil ca va trece la un moment dat si se vor concentra pe usecase-uri mai interesante: dovada proprietatii pentru lucruri reale, abonamente pentru diverse evenimente sau diverse utilizari care transcend in viata de zi cu zi, nu doar o poza cu o pisica random...

Poate ca imi scapa ceva, dar cat timp poti face x dovezi diferite de proprietate pentru acelasi lucru pe x blockchainuri diferite, asta nu va merge.
Iar daca o sa fie nevoie de un blockchain oficial, cine il mentine, statul? Pai atunci o baza de date e suficienta.
5733  Local / Presa / Re: [2021.06.21] Dăianu: Cripto nu sunt monede. Vor fi strict reglementate. Pot să on: September 29, 2021, 08:54:03 AM
Una calda, una rece. Adica la una aia dreptate, iar la cealalta cred ca e o neintelegere (a celor de la playtech, cred)

Da, nu e reglementat si nu are garantiile statului. Asta nu e un defect, ci un feature, cum ar spune programatorul. Cumva, mi-a amintit de poza asta:

Da. Tovarasul atotstiutor s-a gandit sa redefineasca criptomoneda cum vrea **** lui, si sa vina cu o... afirmatie. La asta as spune doar atat: ar trebui ca cineva sa-i spuna (fara a-l ofensa) ca are o varsta la care devine normal sa scoara si porumbei pe gura, deci ar fi cazul s-o lase mai moale. (Nici eu nu vreau sa il ofensez, deci dau vina pe varsta.)

Auzi tu, problema ar fi ca nu are garantiile statului! Pai fix d-asta a fost creat! E ca si cum ai spune ca problema telefonului mobil e ca nu are fir.

Aici devine chiar frumos. A definit calitatile criptomonedei (sic!) ca si cum ar fi defecte. Afirmatia clar nu ti se adreseaza tie sau mie, ci alora care voteaza cu spor ca le-a crescut pensia cu 10%, chiar daca totu s-a scumpit cu 20%.

Bancnota va avea valoarea nominală de 20 de lei. Această valoare nominală a mai fost utilizată în istoria emisiunilor de bancnote românești și se regăsește printre celealate în circulație în zona euro.

Cu alte cuvinte, BNR vinde cu 200 lei un produs care costa 20 lei. Inteleg eu gresit ceva? Parca asta se numea bisnita, nu?

Nu. Aici s-au incurcat mere cu pere in stil barbar.
Valoare nominala este, la bancnotele confectionate din te-miri-ce, valoarea inscrisa pe bancnota. Noua bancnota va avea poza cu Ecaterina Teodoroiu si fi o bancnota de 20 RON, nu de 200 (de 200 deja avem alta, cu Lucian Blaga).
Bisnita exista, dar la alt nivel: nu cred ca costa mai mult de 1 RON (sa nu spun 10 bani) sa faci in productie de serie o asemenea bancnota, fara legatura cu ce valaore nominala are.

Si intr-o nota mai putin serioasa, s-ar putea ca miscarea sa aiba legatura cu angajarea stim-noi-cui la BNR. Unii zic ca valoare nominala s-ar putea sa fie 20-20.
5734  Bitcoin / Press / [2021-09-28] BitPay and Verifone Partner ... on: September 28, 2021, 06:06:39 PM
BitPay and Verifone Partner to Exclusively Enable Cryptocurrency Acceptance

Crypto payments to move mainstream as major retailers and SMBs alike can now accept crypto and get settlement in traditional currency

Imho this is big.

Merchants will be able to accept crypto payments directly from Verifone without the need for an account with BitPay. The consumer will be able to pay seamlessly using approved crypto wallets

I'm not surprised that the merchants will receive fiat.
And although I am not fond of BitPay, this is big.

5735  Economy / Economics / Re: Gavin Andresen prediction for Bitcoin in 2061 on: September 28, 2021, 03:51:23 PM
Looks like even his old buddy Craig Wright rejected him so he is left only with Vitalik now  Cheesy

And this may be the main reason for these... fantasies.
He may want to get people follow his moves again. He may be trying to earn some more awareness for his person.
And for this he has to get something "news worthy", no matter how far from reality it is. And science fiction about Bitcoin's future is easy: it can be anything, as long as it's shocking/impressive and it doesn't matter if it won't ever turn to be true.
5736  Economy / Speculation / Re: Bitcoin price is in a downtrend, will it last long or temporary? on: September 28, 2021, 03:43:18 PM
The downward trend in Bitcoin prices has continued since a few weeks ago until now where the bitcoin price is still at the level of $42k. Will Bitcoin's downward trend continue or will it return to the $50,000 to $60,000 price level next month?

I've dropped my crystal ball and it's at the repair shop until tomorrow, but i expect it go, as usual "up and down and up and down".
Now on a more serious note, nobody knows for sure. On the long term is should rise. But when will it start towards new ATH I don't know yet.
Since it's a speculation thread (NFA), I'll say that it should start rising pretty soon. At least I hope so.
5737  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum server on Windows (or VirtualBox) on: September 28, 2021, 03:26:50 PM
I have a new problem now.
For now I am testing with my current HW having quite a number of addresses and transactions.
But most of my addresses are displayed with red background, my transactions are shown as "This transaction is only available on your local machine", and the final sum of coins shown is 0.

I've changed EPS config from

initial_import_count = 1000
gap_limit = 25
initial_import_count = 10000
gap_limit = 125

It may very well be overkill (the rescan was sooo slooow....), but my wallet looks good now.
Of course, next step is a server that works with more than one wallet. And I've read that mempool may need electrs...


Thanks, I will have a read, although my VBox stays 95% of the time stopped (and I intend to keep it so). But I expect to be interesting.
5738  Other / Meta / Re: Report plagiarism (copy/paste) here. Mods: please give temp or permban as needed on: September 28, 2021, 12:02:56 PM
Some sort of Plagiarism
User: Fish investment share.
Post link:

While the analysis/numbers may be different, the ending part - which caught my attention for being unfinished - is basically copy/paste.

Please check the part I've underlined:

BTC contract analysis: Yesterday, BTC fell as expected. Although it deviated from the entry position, yesterday’s decline was a good start. Because in yesterday’s analysis, we also mentioned the overall direction of thinking this week, although the price did not break the bottom. We will also touch the area near the previous lows of 41000-40000. In the weak market, double-bottom or triple-bottom support is not considered. On the contrary, the number of asking prices is more likely to form a bottom break. Only when the price sideways cycle is too long, we will To consider the possibility that the material will be reversed, or to reverse the opening position of the previous period.

In terms of intra-day BTC short-term trading, the overall price went up and down yesterday, and the daily line closed with an inverted hammer, which means that it must be suppressed at present, and today's operation is simple. Short-term trading is the main strategy. Let's just talk about the trading position of the intraday BTC contract:

1: The 382 position that fell yesterday is in the 42900-43000 area;

2: The apex of the hourly large Yinxian line is near the 43200 area;

So this is the position of reference layout today, BTC contract operation strategy: reverse draw 42900-43000 area directly empty, limit 43300 area, target 41700, 41200 area!

Time has passed, what has been seen is the market, what has been tasted is the profit and loss, what is aftertaste is the gains and losses, what is accumulated is the experience, what is achieved is the realm, the bitterness and the sweetness and emotions are full of emotions, indifferent, no contention with the city. Market trends are ever-changing. Only by advancing with the times and following the trend can we gain a foothold. A single flower can't support a beautiful spring, and the same

5739  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum server on Windows (or VirtualBox) on: September 28, 2021, 11:33:59 AM
V i c t o r y ! (sort of)
Later note: I managed to install Electrs too. I will provide steps at a later point. Electrs allows as many wallets as you want and block explorer too. I find that a better approach.

With some knowledge earned from last night's tests with Sparrow wallet and from reading a tutorial for RasPi which I found better than the one everybody reads it, I managed to make Electrum Personal Server work on my Windows.


bitcoin.conf must have:

I have some more (probably unnecessary) things from the previous tests with various servers, but if there are problems, these can be added:


In EPS config.ini I added only 2 lines, nothing else had to be changed (during my tests I had other settings there and just made the things worse).
myHWallet = zpub12345678901234567890 <- put your own zPub
datadir = x:\BitcoinDataDir

One thing (or two) that was always missing in my tests and may be just the part I've missed in the official tutorial (thank you Sparrow wallet) :
bitcoin-cli.exe -datadir=x:\BitcoinDataDir createwallet myHWallet
in subsequent runs it will be
bitcoin-cli.exe -datadir=x:\BitcoinDataDir loadwallet myHWallet

From here, according to the tutorial:
electrum-personal-server.exe config.ini
electrum-personal-server-rescan.bat config.ini

Now Electrum connects:
electrum --oneserver --server

I have a new problem now.
For now I am testing with my current HW having quite a number of addresses and transactions.
But most of my addresses are displayed with red background, my transactions are shown as "This transaction is only available on your local machine", and the final sum of coins shown is 0.
Something is incorrect and I don't even know where (any ideas?).

Of course that I'd also prefer a server that works with more wallets. But it's a start.
If you're looking for simple setup, you should use ElectrumX which packaged on Docker ( You just need to run one command to run ElectrumX server. But AFAIK installing Docker on Windows is a bit annoying.

Thank you. I will look into this too; hopefully tomorrow.
5740  Bitcoin / Hardware wallets / Re: AirGapped Hardware Wallets on: September 28, 2021, 10:03:47 AM
While more difficult, it is possible to transmit malware via a QR code. Such malware would likely be targeted at you specifically. Malware could potentially cause your airgapped computer to sign your transaction in a way that reveals

Well, for that the QR reading part of airgapped wallet software, the one that should read the QR and treat is as an unsigned transaction, for example, will have to treat it as executable. For that it should be incredibly badly written in the first place.
Really, that's greatly unrealistic.
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