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601  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution. on: August 30, 2015, 07:30:22 PM
Always remember to check sources, as Lada Ray demonstrates in the following article:

Forbes Loses Credibility After Publishing Hoax About Fake Russian Losses in Ukraine

The fact that Forbes is not credible, along with all of American MSM, isn’t news. This is confirmed by the latest scandal, when Forbes and several other major US publications republished a hoax about supposedly leaked Russian losses numbering thousands. This info was quickly tweeted and retweeted by US officials and ‘experts,’ such as former US ambassador to Russia Michael McFall and current US ambassador to the OSCE Daniel Baer.

A Russian website with a seemingly big name “Business Life” published an article in which they discussed the pay and benefits of the Russian military. Somehow, at the end of this innocent article appeared ‘data about the real losses of the Russian military in Ukraine,’ supposedly leaked to the publication. Ukrainian MSM, and after them Forbes and other US publications, jumped on it without checking sources.

RT did its own investigation. They found no phone numbers for the Business Life site; the address provided by Google was false. They finally got in touch by email with someone who called himself a representative. This person emailed them back that the article in question was about the compensation in the Russian military, published on their site since February 2015. The article in question wasn’t edited since publication. Two days ago they started getting emails from readers, asking to explain the info in the end of the article. Upon investigation, they discovered that the article was hacked and unauthorized hoax about fake Russian losses in Ukraine was implanted. They took down the fake and traced the hackers’ IP address to Ukraine.

602  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 30, 2015, 07:22:42 PM
Today is a good day in Donetsk, the Day of the City, and the Day of the Miners.

Donetsk Aquapark opened for the first time since Ukraine started its Civil War against Donbass (over 4000 civilians killed so far)

Poroshenko ominously promised that Donestk is and will be Ukrainian (presumably preferably without its citizens):

A large-scale concert was held in the center of the city:
One of the performers is Iosif Kobzon, the Soviet Singer harking from these parts, who is forbidden by Ukraine. Kobzon, as he usually does during his visits to Donetsk, brough humanitarian aid with him.

Soldiers, who defended the Republic during the last year got their medals of valour:

And a memorial to the victims of the war was unveiled.
603  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution. on: August 30, 2015, 07:06:39 PM
Apparently, oligarch and criminal Kolomoiskij, who got shelter in the USA, appropriated 1.8 billion dollars from the IMF transfer, which was to hold the Ukrainian economy afloat, and that money were traced to his account in Cyprus.

A somewhat legible English article:

The original article in German:
604  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Crimea on: August 30, 2015, 06:59:20 PM
Found a new news site in English:

And here's a related article from it:

Kiselev expressed gratitude for the courage of the musicians who came to Koktebel

The founder of the Koktebel Jazz Party, the General Director of MIA "Russia today" Dmitry Kiselev expressed gratitude for the courage of the musicians who came to the Festival in Crimea.

"Without the courage of musicians who came here from all over the world, from five continents, it (the festival - ed.) would be impossible. For this reason, we we send you all our thanks and our warm Koktebel salute, " said Kiselev in the beginning of the final concert of the festival on Sunday, and thanking those who supported the event, coming at him every year since 2003.

605  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Crimea on: August 30, 2015, 08:53:22 AM
The 5th annual Koktebel Jazz Party in Crimea was a success, despite Ukraine issuing a sanctions warning to all foreign performers attending it. Really, who cares about any warnings (or anything those coup-installed criminals say) coming from Kiev these days...

The organiser is Russian journalist Dmitrij Kiseljov, whose truthful and poignant reporting EU, USA and Canada are trying to silence by sanctions.
606  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Child kidnapping by the Norwegian State on: August 27, 2015, 12:25:10 PM

STAVANGER, Norway (AP) — One August day, Airida Pettersen received the news many immigrant mothers have come to dread: School representatives told the Lithuanian that child welfare officials removed her two children from the classroom and placed them in a foster home.

She pleaded to know why — but she said nobody would give her a straight answer.

Pettersen, who moved to Norway in 2008 after marrying a Norwegian, is one of hundreds of immigrant parents whose children were taken away by Norway's Child Protection Service, or Barnevernet, ostensibly to protect them from mistreatment.

After a series of highly charged custody disputes, the oil-rich Scandinavian country now faces accusations of cultural insensitivity at best and child theft at worst, as increasing numbers of immigrant children are being seized by officials and handed over to Norwegian foster families. Of 6,737 children taken in 2012 — the latest available data — some 1,049 were immigrants or born to immigrant parents. That compares to 744 children of immigrants taken away, of a total of 5,846, in 2009.


Pettersen believes officials took her children partly because of her 10-year-old daughter's clothes, which she alleges authorities found too provocative for a pre-teen.

"I dress my daughter in a pretty dress and make her comb her hair," she told The Associated Press in a telephone interview from Lithuania. "They look at me like I'm from a Third World country. In my country if you don't take care of yourself you don't get a husband."


The child welfare service aims to provide in-home help for struggling parents before removing a child. But in the three years to 2013, the proportion of in-home measures decreased while the number of foster cases grew.

Campaigners and lawyers for parents say the decisions too often are rooted in cultural misunderstandings.

"I have a lot of foreign cases. Often the lunchbox ... is not good enough for school or there is problem with schoolwork," said Ieva Rise, an Oslo lawyer representing several Latvian families in disputes with officials. "In Latvia and Russia, children help more in the home when they are quite small. This can be a problem as well."

607  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Microsoft is allowing itself to detect pirated games on your Windows 10 PC on: August 26, 2015, 07:24:15 PM
I have to check my computer, but I will point out, I told 2 others not to upgrade and they both have had problems recently. I also was searching why a program just suddenly stopped working. So that's 3 out of 3 computers that were running fine having problems recently. It may just be coincidence, but I'm going to check out these updates.

Now, this is uncanny. I checked Windows update just now and deselected (hid) those two updates, then started the update process. Windows 7 BSOD'ed - for the first time in a year!
608  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is the West gearing up to invade Russia once again? on: August 25, 2015, 06:13:37 PM
Having in mind that Holland still holds Crimean gold that it stole from the Crimean museums and refuses to hand it back, read the following:

Greenpeace compensation ruling in international court not recognized by Moscow

Russia’s Foreign Ministry has announced that Moscow won’t recognize an order by the International Arbitration Court to pay compensation over the 2013 impounding of the Arctic Sunrise ship that carried Greenpeace protesters to a Russian offshore rig.

The ministry’s statement released on Tuesday reads that the Russian side did not participate in the court process and continues to maintain that the arbitration tribunal has no jurisdiction in the case.

The comment came soon after the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague ordered that the Russian government must to pay damages to the Netherlands over the 2013 seizure of the Arctic Sunrise, which was protesting against oil drilling in the Russian sea-shelf zone. The court said the amount of damages would be decided at a later date.


It also said that it had already elaborated on the Russian position on the case in the resolution dated August 5, 2015, that extensively detailed previous legal cases in which various nations prevented illegal activities by Greenpeace at sea.

“We regret that the court has ignored this document,” the Russian diplomats wrote.

They added that the decision of The Hague court de facto encourages protest actions at sea that aren’t peaceful, and which hinder absolutely legal economic activities in the national economic zones and on the continental shelf. This violates the rights of both private individuals and entire maritime states, the Russian side stated.


Let me get this strait: Holland (and the master of the Dutch - USA) wants to punish Russia for arresting a ship that violated Russian borders, and then performed an act of aggression against a Russian installation in Russian territorial waters, placing Russian citizens' lives in danger? Absurdity, don't you agree?!

Greenpeace should consider itself lucky that their crew was not charged with piracy and that they got their ship back at all!
609  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 25, 2015, 06:09:55 PM
Gorlovka came under heavy artillery fire this night. Ukro-nazis were shooting from 122mm and 152mm howitzers. Two schools and kindergarten destroyed. A professional education collage was heavily damaged and the night watchman who was in the building was killed. Children will not be able to attend school until October (usual start is 1st of September) as schools need rebuilding.

OCSE observers left Gorlovka only yesterday, and Ukro-punishers used the opportunity to hit the town hard. Today the observers are back, taking statements and noting the damage.

Gorlovka resident dies in Ukrainian artillery bombardment

A resident of the eastern Ukrainian city of Gorlovka has been killed and five others have been wounded in a massive artillery bombardment of the city center by the Ukrainian army overnight on August 25, the press service of the City Hall reported on Monday.

The destruction can be viewed here:

23 civilians die in shellings by Ukrainian forces over last week in Donbas

According to DPR office of human rights ombudsperson, almost 1,300 people have been killed in shellings by Ukraine forces in DPR since the beginning of 2015
610  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Europe Facing New Uncertainty in Terrorism Fight on: August 25, 2015, 10:29:24 AM
My view on things: The flood of "refugees" swarming Europe is in effect a weapon used against Europe by You-Know-Who, a weapon hidden in plain sight.
611  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 25, 2015, 10:26:25 AM
Duplicating this here as well:

Important Breaking News and Latest Intel from Ukraine!

The situation in Donbass is the following: Donbass is roughly divided into two halves. One half belongs with Donetsk and Lugansk Republics and another half is under junta occupation. We all remember that on May 11, 2014, the people of then Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts in their entirety voted in a referendum against Kiev junta and ukro-nazis, and for their independence. That was well before the war started.

It is understood that people all over the occupied parts of Donbass will vote for those candidates who are the closest to the Republics and furthest from the junta. This may create the situation in which these areas are formally under Kiev, but de-facto a part of LNR and DNR.

Widespread electoral fraud is also expected throughout Ukraine. However, my intel suggests that Russia, Eurasian Union and SCO are sending large election monitoring delegations to each polling station on the occupied territory of Donbass. Therefore, at least in Donbass fraud may be very hard to execute.

That’s why Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk and Klichko are scrambling to join forces, attempting to boost their numbers. However, this will likely not help their chances. They are risking losing the rest of Donbass without a single shot fired, based on democratic elections.

This is one of the main reasons for the intensified shelling of Donetsk: Poroshenko and his puppet masters are attempting to make DNR and LNR lose their cool and counter-attack. After that, DNR/LNR get accused of breaking Minsk accords and the new round of sanctions against Russia begins.

According to my intel, if DNR/LNR don’t lose their cool, watching their peaceful population being bombed every day, Kiev plans to re-start war by beginning its own massive attack, as seen above. In either event, the escalation of conflict will allow Kiev to cancel local elections.

Poland seems to be waking up. Well, regular Poles knew all along what the Bandera-praising Nazi thugs meant, but the official Poland continued to sponsor them. Now there seems to be a gradual shift in the tops.

Two journalists from the Polish state television spent some time with the Azov battalion, stationed near Mariupol. They observed them shelling the residential outskirts of the nearby villages, they asked them about their political views, their view on UPA/Bandera exterminating Poles during WWII (response: tough time, such things happen) and saw for themselves the Nazi symbolism used by Azov, listened to Azov soldiers boasting that the uniforms they wear came as humanitarian aid from Poland.

The result is a documentary film that shook up the Poles: "Fascists in the Trenches",1356,title,Faszysci-w-okopach-Zycie-pod-ostrzalem-rosyjskich-separatystow,wid,17793811,wiadomosc.html?ticaid=115774
612  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution. on: August 25, 2015, 10:17:52 AM
Important Breaking News and Latest Intel from Ukraine!

The article is very long and detailed in its analysis. I give some short fragments below:

Intel 1

Donetsk Republic announced that they had uncovered secret plans for a new massive attack on Donetsk and Lugansk by Kiev.

I have translated/summarised the urgent announcement by DNR Defence Spokesman, Eduard Basurin.

DNR received this secret intel from high level sources within Kiev army ranks.  

Kiev amassed 90,000 troops on Ukraine/DNR-LNR (Novorossia) border, preparing to attack. This armed force includes 450 tanks, 2500 armored vehicles, 5 heavy rocket launchers Tochka-U and thousands in various artillery hardware. This army has been concentrated in four key locations. Mariupol, to attack Donetsk from the south; central to attack Donetsk from the west; third one to cut off Donetsk from Lugansk and fourth to attack Lugansk from the north. The reserve group is located behind these four army groupings. The north and south groupings will also cut off LNR and DNR from the Russian border in order to stop humanitarian assistance and close the circle around both republics, thus suffocating them.

Intel 2

On August 24, Ukraine celebrates its independence day. According to intel, today Poroshenko (oligarch, president), Yatsenyuk (oligarch, PM) and Klichko (boxer, mayor of Kiev) will announce a coalition of their three parties in order to run together in the upcoming local elections.

Ukraine will have local elections in October. Poroshenko’s ratings are down and even his former cronies distrust him. The right sector is threatening to start maidan-3 at any moment. Attempts to start a new maidan have been made by various groups, mainly protesting the economic collapse, shortages, hyperinflation and unemployment. However, every protest attempt has been squashed.


My intel says that people in cities of Kherson and Nikolaev (south/Black Sea area) would prefer the Opposition Block. It consists of sort of remnants of the Party of the Regions and certain minor oligarchs who are for better relations with Russia, while also maintaining closer relations with the EU. In addition to the above, there are also some relatively honest people in the Opposition Block.

In Odessa, if elections were semi-honest (and this is a huge IF), the winners could be the pro-Russian, pro-Odessa-autonomy, anti-Kiev party Rodina (Motherland), and possibly also Opposition Block. Rodina is one of the main forces still legally remaining in opposition. They used to have good positions in the city council, however, many of them had to flee Ukraine and are now in exile.


Generally, Odessa is very oppressed and suppressed; people are afraid to speak up. The situation is very similar in Kiev, Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk.

The situation in Donbass is the following: Donbass is roughly divided into two halves. One half belongs with Donetsk and Lugansk Republics and another half is under junta occupation. We all remember that on May 11, 2014, the people of then Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts in their entirety voted in a referendum against Kiev junta and ukro-nazis, and for their independence. That was well before the war started.

It is understood that people all over the occupied parts of Donbass will vote for those candidates who are the closest to the Republics and furthest from the junta. This may create the situation in which these areas are formally under Kiev, but de-facto a part of LNR and DNR.


Intel 3

Today Ukraine is celebrating its independence-from-Russia day. Some call it: ‘the independence from the common sense day.’

After participating in early celebrations and officially announcing his alliance with Yatsenyuk and Klichko, Poroshenko will the same day fly to Berlin to meet with Merkel and Hollande. Therefore, the announcement of the Porosh-Yats-Klich election coalition has been deliberately orchestrated to coincide with the independence day – for internal consumption, and with the trip to Berlin – for external consumption.

Poroshenko is trying to demonstrate something to the EU. That he is serious about staying in his post? That he means business and wants to win local elections? Or that he can in fact work with others? Or he thinks that’s how he can get more money? All of the above, I think.

There is a school of thought that suggests that Russia is tying up a lot of resources supporting Donbass (about 2.5 million people left there since the war started), therefore, weakening her economy.

But Donbas is one of the most developed territories of the former Ukraine, which provided during good times up to 30% of Ukraine’s GDP. Donbass can support itself.

The rest of Ukraine is much larger in size and much less productive. Kiev, western and central Ukraine were subsidised by Donbass and the rest of the South-East.

Pay attention, US and EU taxpayers! US is stuck having to support the entire Ukraine: 30-35 million people and the territory the size of France. Nuland and US State Dept spent $5 bln to subvert Ukraine. How much do they spend daily now to KEEP UKRAINE ON LIFE SUPPORT, especially considering all the crooks and thieves in power, pocketing most of the US and EU infusions?
613  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Crimea on: August 23, 2015, 07:28:34 PM
the tension nervous into crimea will burst a bit into the scar tissue hummed side for war cause putin needs the gas for winter

Um, do you even understand what you wrote here? And which language was that in?  Roll Eyes
614  Other / Politics & Society / Talk of a government sponsored “gold-chipped supercomputer” giveaway... on: August 23, 2015, 07:26:22 PM
I received a video email from a financial advisory service that made my jaw drop. If true, then the economic ramifications for our future would be staggering! There’s talk of a government sponsored “gold-chipped supercomputer” giveaway which would impact every person in the world who uses money, which means all of us.

This video explains how the US gov’t would provide every citizen with a free penny sized supercomputer that would never need charging or maintenance, it would “protect” you from cyber-attacks, hacking, identity theft of your financial accounts and cyber-terrorism. Uncle Sam plans to spend $33 billion on this project, first rolling out at the largest financial centers like NY, TX, CA, FL, CO, DC by Dec. 2015, then other states would follow. Countries in the Western world would be mandated to comply as they are launching their own gold-chip programs. This includes Europe, Australia, Canada, also Japan, Indonesia and China.


Read more:
615  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution. on: August 23, 2015, 07:14:34 PM
Just when I thought things couldn't get any more surreal, they did:

The occupational forces of NATO congratulated Ukraine with the Independence Day by doing the UPA (UIA) call. UPA was a paramilitary (read:terrorist) force that collaborated with Nazi German forces during WWII and which tortured and killed hundreds of thousands of Poles, Russians, Rusins, Jews and other nationalities that live in what is now Western Ukraine.

Thus NATO acknowledges its continuity to the Nazi Germany, which is not surprising, given the large number of Nazi war criminals, who found sanctuary in USA and Canada and who continued doing what they did before, but for the new masters.
616  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Crimea on: August 22, 2015, 08:03:32 PM
Today is a National Holiday in Russia - the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation.

Crimea received a gift from Mexico - a Russian tricolour measuring 500m2 and weighing 100kg, made of silk. The flag was sent from Mexico via New-York, Frankfurt-am-Main and Moscow. It was unfurled on the central Lenin Square in Simferopol.

Better Late Than Never: West Starting to Accept Crimea as Part of Russia

Member of European Parliament Aymeric Chauprade said he considers the events that transpired on the peninsula in 2014 as a historical reunification of Crimea with Russia.

The politician said he believes that this tendency will continue to improve, and that he considers the events that transpired on the peninsula in 2014 as a historical reunification of Crimea with Russia.

"In my opinion, that event was doubly legitimate," Chauprade said. "It was legitimate from a historical standpoint, considering how Crimea was a part of Ukraine for a relatively short period of time. It was also legitimate in terms of elections because there was a referendum regarding the issue, a referendum that I attended as one of the few international monitors who observed the event. During that referendum, which was marked by a high voter turnout, 97% of voters supported the peaceful reunification with Russia. And I believe that eventually all honest, unbiased and free parliamentarians will realize that the future of Crimea is intrinsically linked with Russia."


"Crimean Tatars comprise about 8-10% of Crimea's population and their participation in the referendum wasn’t exactly active. Still, you can't say that the majority of Tatars were against the reunification with Russia," Chauprade said. "There were definitely attempts to manipulate the segments of the Crimean Tatar population that are most susceptible to the influence of Islamic ideas that are often employed by the US and Turkey. We’ve seen how the US and Turkey attempted to use them just like in the Caucasus region or in Central Asia. Or like in Xinjiang, where the US and Turkey seek to manipulate the Uyghurs in a similar fashion."

"As a historian and a political scientist I have a habit of doing a comparative study when reviewing some historical issue," Chauprade explains. "I worked on the issue of Chechnya and I remember how the US played a pivotal role in arming the Chechen rebels since the early 90s. Now we see the same thing happening in other parts of the world like in the Middle East. The Islamic State of today was born thanks to the US policy of using Islamism to advance its interests, and it resulted in the destabilization of nation-states. If we want to improve international stability, we must help reinforce the nation-states. Russia upholds this perception of international law, to stabilize the nation-states against all these destabilizing games the US plays with Islamism and mafias. And when you consider the Crimean issue, not to mention other important geopolitically important regions, one must always remember the dangerous and destabilizing games that the US plays behind the scenes."
617  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 22, 2015, 07:56:03 PM
In the text they ask, but where is Russia, why is Russia still not helping out? Cities, fall, but they believe that all will return and call for Russians to help Russians.

The rebels are busy fighting against each other, especially in the LNR. The regime of Igor Plotnitsky (who is supported by Putin) is silently exterminating the free Cossacks, who helped him to defeat the Ukrainians a year ago. A large number of their leaders have been assassinated by Plotnitsky's men, including Aleksey Mozgovoy, Yevgeny Ischenko and Alexander Bednov (Batman).

To a degree DNR seems to be better organised and viable as a state. It's quite natural that it's DNR that is claiming legacy to the Donetsk-Krivorozhje People's Republic of 1918.

The land of Don Basin (Donbass) has not entirely healed after WWII and is already being scarred by Nazis again. A reminder of WWII was unearthed these days. Russia is building a railway bypass so as not to cross Ukrainian territory. Along the route, 7 undetonated German bombs weighing between 50kg and 100kg were founded and destroyed.

Newest Defection: High-ranking Ukrainian Officer Says Ukraine Army Used Banned Mines in E.Ukraine

According to Kiev’s official data, as voiced by the Attorney General of Ukraine, since last year, eight thousand Ukraine military defected to the side of Donetsk and Lugansk Republics: five thousand policemen and three thousand combat personnel.

I previously wrote about high-profile defections from Ukraine. This is the latest. This high-ranking officer of the National Guard says he was given unlawful orders to install internationally banned land mines in E. Ukraine. When he refused and blew the whistle, he was fired and had to flee the country.

This new revelation is likely to open a floodgate of investigations into the inhumane and illegal practices of the Kiev junta in E. Ukraine. And this is just the beginning!

The newest revelations will do a lot to withdraw the EU support for the Kiev junta. After EU support is gone, it will be harder and harder for the US to justify theirs.
618  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 21, 2015, 08:06:35 PM
Current situation along DNR and LNR borders:

- Donetsk airport
- MH-17 crash site
- Ukrainian heavy artillery
- Shelling of residential areas
- Front line

According to Donetsk officials, Ukrainians plan a major assault on the 24th of August. They will most likely attack from two directions, trying to take Donetsk into a ring around village Uspenskaja and pushing towards Russian border. Ukrainian forces amassed 90000 in cannon fodder, 450 tanks, 5 Tochka-U rocket launching systems and about 20 artillery units near the republican border.
619  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Is the West gearing up to invade Russia once again? on: August 21, 2015, 06:40:30 PM
Opinion moulding and black-painting or Russia in the minds of sheeple continues.

Some news from Norway. Norwegian TV2 will film a serial called "Occupiers", in which Russia invades and occupies Norway, after an ecologist party becomes a ruling party. Russia then supposedly takes over the Norwegian oil and gas sector (as if Russia does not have its own  Roll Eyes ).

This is the most expensive TV production in Norway, costing €9,7 million (I wonder who foots the bill?)

Russian embassy expressed regret that Norway decides to scare its citizens with an ephemeral threat. An on the 70th anniversary of Russia liberating Norway from the Nazi occupation. But Russia will not be reacting to it in any other way (such as hysteria) as it is not the Russian way.

“Russia is unfortunately presented as the aggressor,” Andrey Kulikov, a press officer at the Russian embassy in Oslo told TV2 of the series.
“It is of course a pity that on the 70th anniversary of victory in World War II,” he adds, “the show’s writers decide to intimidate Norwegian viewers with a non-existent threat from the East.”

The memorial to the Soviet liberators in Northern Norway.

In English:

In Russian:

What can I say. I can quote Master Yoda:

“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

And fear (of Russia) is exactly what is being instilled in the minds of the Western audience.
620  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: August 18, 2015, 09:37:25 PM
Emotions run high as citizens of Gorlovka (shelled by Ukro-Nazis for a few days), meet OCSE observers:
The woman screams that when shelling starts at 10 o'clock let these observers stay and feel it on their hind.

During their stay in Crimea, children from Debalcevo sing about the war raging in their home. They sing with passion and feeling. The audience was driven to tears, giving a standing ovation:

In the text they ask, but where is Russia, why is Russia still not helping out? Cities, fall, but they believe that all will return and call for Russians to help Russians.
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