Kvalitetna signature kampanja je dobar način da se prikupi lijepa količina bitcoina bez ulaganja vlastitog novca kako Daniel kaže. To možda i ne izgleda kao mnogo kad je nagrada 0.01 ili manje bitcoina ali mjesec po mjesec i da se tu fin iznos prikupiti.
Na tjednoj bazi to izgleda jako malo ali pomnoži to recimo sa 52 koliko je tjedana u godini i uz očekivani rast bitcoina u narednim godinama, i dođe se već do jako visokih iznosa
Po meni, treba im čestitati što su se u trenutnim uvjetima u našoj državi, gdje bitcoin još nije potpuno reguliran a birokracije ima na kvadrat, uopće usudili ići ''probijati led'' sa btc mjenjačnicom. Što se tiče provizije, vjerujem da će se početi smanjivati kada budemo imali uređenije tržište, te manje poreza i manje birokracije. Na kraju krajeva, nitko ne mora koristiti njihove usluge, ako su mu preskupe i može do bitcoina doći na neki drugi, jeftiniji način.
Upravo ovo i ja cijelo vrijeme tvrdim. Ima jako puno ljudi kojima se ne da tražiti kome će "na crno" prodati kripto, pogotovo kad je cijena na ATH. Takvi ljudi će sigurno radije dati tih 5% ili 7% provizije umjesto da riskiraju trgujući s nepoznatim ljudima. Opcija "Dobar dan, kupio bi ETH za 100 kuna" ima svoju cijenu. I još nešto... Ne kažem da je provizija 5% ili 7% dobra. Naravno da nije. Dobro bi bilo kad bi bilo 0% provizije. Ali kako nema konkurencije, provizije na konverzije raznih valuta su i dalje velike, ne čudi me tolika provizija. Sve košta, pa i ''osobna komocija''. Tko želi uštediti i proći jetinije, morat će se puno više pomučiti, i izgubiti puno više vremena i energije. Uostalom, sjećam se da sam prije 3-4 godine, kada nikakvih btc mjenjačnica nije ni bilo, dogovorio sa čovjekom da se nađemo i da mu ja prodam nešto bitcoina jer mi je tada hitno trebao cash. Tražio je da prodam btc po 7 % manjoj cijeni pa na kraju ni taj način baš nije bio jeftin, ali tada nisam imao izbora jer sam hitno trebao lovu a nisam želio ostaviti nikakav ''pisani trag'' o prodaji bitcoina kao kada sjeda lova drektno na račun ili preko WU. Pa sada, kad se sjetim toga, onda provizija ove btc mjenjačnice, čak nije ni tako loša.
Since many people might not know that 2nd may was the World Password Day which is being celebrated worldwide for the sake of awareness among all netizens. The purpose of this day is to remind everyone to always use strong passwords whenever setting up. Acc. to a research, "123456" and "liverpool" are the most commonly used passwords by people which clearly shows that how much we lack online security awareness. Source: Password Security TipsHow do you know about it? Who declared that day and when? Can you share some official info?
I bought some BTC on Paxful with Paypal and there is this person who I bought from that refunded me a payment that I sent him and is asking me to send it to another paypal email, he claims that it limited his account... (I have done many trades on there and this guy seems the be the only one that has this problem).
Can he somehow recall the payment he refunded me?
I asked him to provide screen shots of the problem but it doesn't seem to match up, I am very skeptical, I already sent a payment he refunded me from another time to another one of his Paypal email but I think I might be getting scammed somehow, I am not entirely sure what the Paypal policy is so that is why I am asking here in the hopes someone can help me.
I think better you contact Paypal support or start dispute process. All situation looks very suspicious to me, please be careful. why it looks suspicious? the one that buys with PayPal is the OP, so i think there is no scam attempt in this transaction maybe the one that sold BTC has his PayPal got limited due to this transaction? Because it seems he already have one paypal account limited and using other one, what is not allowed.
Religion may save you if you have kind of severe depression, after death of relative for example. It may help you to move on, but I don't think it's not the best way to solve problems. Better go to a doctor or talk to friends if you have a choice.
The doctor can only solve physical problems but spiritual problems can solve only God, based on the conditions of our faith.
I want to leave Brazil, for somewhere else better.
But I have no idea of where to go...
My issue is not even paying taxes, I do not mind paying taxes when they are properly used, my issue is:
First, Brazil as republic is a failure (the best times in Brazil were during Monarchy, and during Dictatorships, all "republic" times had major cheating to get people in office) Second, Brazil taxes go nowhere at all, and you have to pay your taxes AND pay your private services (ie: health, security, or even road construction is paid privately) Third, Brazil government is kinda resilent, guns are de facto banned, any small protest is quickly quashed with police force (the last one was about marijuana legalization, it ended with cops attacking even bystanders and reporters), and the population is so individualistic that they actually do not care to revolt or protest in massive numbers. Fourth, I dislike brazillian people (if you are in the internet for long, you will notice why). Fifth, Brazil is too dangerous, when it is a dictatorship, people "disappear", and when not in dictatorship, crime rate skyrocket.
So, someone know a nice place to move in and become citizen? (thus, it must be a place where becoming a citizen is pratical...)
You are sharing here only negative things about your country. I'm sure there are also a lot of positive things about your country, people, nature etc. The problems you talk about exist in other countries, not just Brazil. So, do you really think that anything will change if you leave from Brazil? I advise you to think again and to focus instead of complaining and regret on positive things and what you can do for yourself and others.
Considering how many Bitcoin believers (maximalists) there are, with their specific beliefs of how cryptocurrency should behave, it's becoming more evident that Bitcoin is a religion. After all, this popular movement of decentralized finance has impacted our lives one way or the other. The world has its eyes on the direction of Bitcoin as a digital currency which determines the path forward of Blockchain technology. According to Google, the term "Religion" means the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. This becomes true especially when many Bitcoin followers believe that Satoshi is some sort of "god". Hence, if Satoshi would reveal himself to the public, many people will follow him. Nonetheless, what are your thoughts about this? Simple fact that many people follow someone on the public forum or social networks does not make that person divine. If that were the case then all the famous sports, music and other stars were like gods. We can believe in love, our famous sport club, our partner, political leader etc. but that does not mean we believe in religion. Religion is focused on inner, spiritual values and here we are talking about bitcoin only.
Dobio si merit! Tko je slijedeći?
pa nemas sta previse riskirati, ulozis dio novaca koji ti ne trebaju nuzno slijedecih 4-5 godina u bitcoin, to mora ici gore...gadno je onima sto su kupovali po 15k, a nisu mogli holdat...
Da se razumijemo, rizik uvijek postoji kada god ulažeš svoj vlastiti novac. Svatko mora sam odgovoriti na pitanje da li je spreman ''preuzeti'' rizik ili ne. Postoji i još jedna, sigurnija ali puno sporija varijanta, skupljati btc besplatno po raznoraznim straicama, igricama. ili se uključiti u signature kampanje.
Recimo da kupim danas 1 BTC, trgujem i na koncu imam 5 BTC. Nakon godinu dana odlucim na Bitstampu pretvoriti BTC u eure, ali cekam jos jednu godinu prije povlacenja na racun da izbjegnem placanje poreza.
Sto je mjerodavno? Trenutak povlacenja eura na racun ili pretvorba BTC u eure na mjenjacnici?
Trebam li nakon toga svejedno ispunjavati obrasce za placanje poreza, gdje se vidi da nisam 2 god povlacio na racun?
. Mislim da ti je najbolje sa ovim pitanjima otići u svoju lokalnu ispostavu porezne uprave i javiti se svome poreznom referentu. Samo ono što ti kažu u poreznoj je relevantno.
Da, malo je kasnio, što je očekivano s obzirom na gotovo 200 članova u kampanji, ali nisam sumnjao ni trenutka
The problem here is that many members believe that the Croatian board is standing up for Regulus because they want their merit source back or the milking cow
I have not read the comments, but it's safe to assume that many members have this conspiracy theory occupying a huge part of their brains, the theory however is not completely invalid. anyhow, it is almost certain that if this member is to be un-banned, there is probably less than 0.00001% chance for him becoming a merit source again, so if this is the only reason why his community are standing up for him( which i doubt), then i suggest one of them should apply for merit source already. I already applied and become merit source in January (just a few days before RegulusHr received permaban), so we don't have problem with that. In fact, I created topic in the local section where all local members can report good quality posts and if such posts pass my judgment, I give merit. So, in our local community we have merit source and this is not issue any more. I would like to ask something. Does anybody think seriously that local members still supporting RegulusHR here, even 4 months after he received permaban, because they are hoping that he will again become merit source? Seriously? If his permaban will be removed, what will be only second or third such case in the history of this forum, he will be lucky if will be allowed to write posts here or to have signature without any restrictions. Don't you think that there is another reason that is much more likely and logical for such great support for RegulusHr, support that is unrecorded in the history of this forum? By reading translations of his posts, prepared by local members, and reading how much these posts meant to many young members of our community, I think that all neutral members on this forum can understand importance of RegulusHr for this forum. Based on that, and based on the condition established by the admin for the exception from permaban, "good for the forum as a whole" we ask for removal of his permaban. We will not give up from RegulusHR and will continue this campaign how long it takes, 2 more months, 6 months, 1 year or more, doesn't matter. The only thing we are looking for and expecting is to have someone finally review this case and decides fairly and in accordance with all the facts. I think that we don't ask to much here. Don't you think so?
I suggest you to learn some skills and do some work for crypto. You can also join different signature campaign here and earn some bitcoin.
Do you use sites on your smartphone which are not mobile friendly? and / or Do you use "real computers", not just smartphones?
It's very simple for me. At work I use my smartphone only. When I come back home I use my ''real computer''.
I bought some BTC on Paxful with Paypal and there is this person who I bought from that refunded me a payment that I sent him and is asking me to send it to another paypal email, he claims that it limited his account... (I have done many trades on there and this guy seems the be the only one that has this problem).
Can he somehow recall the payment he refunded me?
I asked him to provide screen shots of the problem but it doesn't seem to match up, I am very skeptical, I already sent a payment he refunded me from another time to another one of his Paypal email but I think I might be getting scammed somehow, I am not entirely sure what the Paypal policy is so that is why I am asking here in the hopes someone can help me.
I think better you contact Paypal support or start dispute process. All situation looks very suspicious to me, please be careful.
The second that this happens is the second that Venezuela becomes a US-puppet state. Any way, already for the whole century Latin America is a playground for US foreign policy. Everyone knows this because it's just that way. America has too many strategic, economic, political and other interests there and will not let anyone upset their plans. Maduro will realize soon or later that he can not stand on the road to America and defy them. In the long term, America will win here and help Guaidó to become president. I'm sure that Guaidó didn't start this action without support and help from America.
Thanks for the reminder, I have done all these. I'm now waiting for your 2nd reply to know when I can be officially a member of the campaign.
You may want to message him and notify him again about your application if a day passes by. Steve's too busy with a lot of work. I hope he will have some more time to check my application again. I'm still waiting for his response in BTT and telegram. Right now he is very busy checking and counting posts from almost 200 members in the campaign. Don't worry, he will contact you when he finish payments today.
Brutalna zarada sa 100 dolara ulaganja je zapravo jedna dobra btc anegdota, ja tad i da sam htjela ulozit vjerojatno ne bi znala kako. Jednostavno i dalje kripto nije user friendly bas, mogu rec da se ja tek nakon par god osjecam sigurnije dok baratam sa svim tim mjenjacnicama (ne burzama), novcanicima i ostalim, i to nakon dosta citanja i proucavanja tematike (nadam se ne uzalud ). Najveća anegdota je sasvim sigurno priča o onom liku koji je na samim počecima bitcoina izgubio strpljenje čekajući da bitcoin naraste i prodao bitcoine koje je imao za 1 pizzu. To je vjerojatno bila najskuplja pizza u povijesti ljudskog roda
Tom ludilu i popularnosti kupovine bitcoina su krajem 2017. najviše doprinjeli neki ''mainstream'' mediji koji su stalno širili neke ''bombastične'' vijesti o ludom rastu cijene bitcoina i kako su se mnogi ljudi preko noći obogatili... Mnogi su se ''polakomili'' nakon tih vijesti i počeli ulagati u bitcoin. Čak su i mene mnogi prijatelji počeli ispitivati o bitcoinu, koje ta priča prije uopće nije zanimala, iako sam im ja govorio o tome ali su se odjednom zainteresirali kada su poznai mediji počeli govoriti o bitcoinu. Mislim da je to stvorilo jedan veliki ''balon'' koji je pomogao naglom rastu cijene bitcoina ali jednom kada se taj ''balon'' očekivanja ispuhao, cijena je naglo počela padati (tako nagli rast cijene ipak nije bio realan i dugoročno održiv) a mnogi ''novi'' korisnici su se uspaničili i počeli naglo prodavati bitcoin što je još više ubrzalo pad vrijednosti bitcoina. Mislim da sada imamo rast koji je polagan i održiv sa većinom korisnika koji znaju što hoće i ulažu i planiraju dugoročno, ne paničare. Da li je to ''pravi'' bull market nisam siguran ali mislim da ima dovoljno naznaka da krećemo u ''bikovske'' vode Da, istina. Još nešto što mi je zanimljivo je kako pozitivne vijesti više nemaju tako veliki utjecaj na skok u vrijednosti kao prije godinu dvije dok negativne vijesti i dalje utiču na kompletno tržište. Primjer je npr partnerstvo koje je IOTA napravila sa Jaguarom prije par dana, to nije imalo velikog utjecaja niti je izazvalo neku galamu. Dok je recimo vijest sa Bitfinexom i Tetherom sasvim druga priča. Mislim da smo još u dosta ''ranoj'' fazi crypta kada je tržište još dosta nepredvidljivo. Najveći ''paničari'' su vjerojatno već izašli van početkom 2018. a ostali su oni koji malo bolje razumiju stvari i spremni su holdati i čekati. Svi prate sve i pokušavaju pogoditi ''trendove'' na crypto tržištu, a nitko ne želi previše riskirati
Po meni, treba im čestitati što su se u trenutnim uvjetima u našoj državi, gdje bitcoin još nije potpuno reguliran a birokracije ima na kvadrat, uopće usudili ići ''probijati led'' sa btc mjenjačnicom. Što se tiče provizije, vjerujem da će se početi smanjivati kada budemo imali uređenije tržište, te manje poreza i manje birokracije. Na kraju krajeva, nitko ne mora koristiti njihove usluge, ako su mu preskupe i može do bitcoina doći na neki drugi, jeftiniji način.