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8401  Other / Politics & Society / Re: You've been warned, America, gay marriage is just the beginning on: July 30, 2015, 07:51:20 AM
The law of God and the law of government are separated by the US government, and they do so because they want to meet more people's affection, however, they caused more dissatisfaction of believers, so I really want to know the original intention of this change.

The separation of church and state in the US was never intended to remove the idea of God from law. This was meant as a way to declare independence not only from other nations, but from religious institutions (such as the Roman Catholic church) as well. In addition to this, it was meant as a way to preserve people's freedom to worship any God they choose, or no God at all, because the state is intended to be neutral to all religious dogmas. In fact the very basis of law, especially the US Constitution and Bill of Rights are based on the concept that there is something bigger than you, me, or any government, and that those ideals should be protected above all else. To remove God from law is to remove your own rights as a human being. The very concept of spirituality is the basis of all of our rights under the law, other wise human beings would be nothing more than property to be owned, used, and disposed of by more powerful humans.
8402  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Turkey finally joins the ISIS fight. Should we be worried? on: July 30, 2015, 07:42:22 AM
This is part of a long term strategy devised long before 9-11 to build gas and oil pipelines thru that region in order to give Europe energy independence from Russia. This is in reality a war that began before world war one, and it never really ended. Iraq, Turkey, and parts of Syria will be chopped up and formed into new autonomous regions ruled by different religious sects as well as the Turkish government. Seeing as turkey stands to gain land, and that the pipeline will pass thru its territory, this would significantly increase their geopolitical leverage, so they have a vested interest in cooperating with this plan. This is the whole reason the US has created al qaeda and ISIS. With this influence, they control the opposition and use it to create the proper amount of regional chaos in order to sap resistance as well as provide pretext for meddling in local affairs and allowing the corporate pillage of local land and resources.
8403  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why not do the right thing'? Renewed gun control push targets firearm dealers on: July 30, 2015, 07:29:16 AM
The Senators simply do not know what they are talking about.

They know. They just spin to fit their agenda.
You would be amazed at how many people are ignorant of the fact that all purchases from gun dealers require a background check by federal law. The myth that some states do not require it is perpetuated by fear mongering media hype like this.
8404  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: July 30, 2015, 07:21:56 AM
People should simply don't own guns at all , it's too dangerous and will just make chaos everywhere .
A lot of countries don't have gun control and it's the total peace comparing with the other countries

I agree, gun control results in more violent crime.

I'm not a fan of any 'hard' gun control, but I do think there should be a few restrictions to reduce the amounts of them that get into the wrong hands, and make sure the people that do own them know how to use them:

  • Background check for violent crime
  • Mental health evaluation
  • Training course complete with range practice
  • 7-10 day waiting period

The training course seems reasonable on the surface, but what about poor people? Aren't you effectively limiting the most in danger segment of the populations ability to protect themselves by forcing them to pay for a class, take off work, and actually go to classes? As for the waiting period, this is already law in most states.

By federal law everyone has a background check on them when buying a gun from a dealer. As far as your mental health evaluation, 1/5th of the entire country is on at least 1 psychiatric medication. Even if the mental health evaluations start off as reasonable, you know damned well it won't stop there. It could easily include anyone on any psychiatric meds, then anyone with depression, or anxiety, or even family history of issues.

Using the excuse of "mental health evaluations" you could effectively disarm more than half of the US population. I agree crazy people shouldn't have guns, but the issue is not if crazy people should have guns, it is how do you effectively enforce this is a in REALITY without stripping the rights of millions of others as well. Additionally perhaps instead of treating the symptom of gun violence, maybe we should be treating the USA's crazy person problem instead. The mental health care options in the US are almost nil unless you have the big bucks to afford it, which IMO is one of the primary causes of this issue along with certain types of psychiatric meds.

Mental health is the real issue, and addressing it in an effective way should be the primary concern.  I don't find anything wrong with a gun in the hand of a morally sound, mentally stable person that is able to manage anger.

As for limiting less affluent folks from being able to take a course and own a firearm, that can be said about any expense in general.  A gun is not a basic need so it doesn't need to be subsidized.

Again, I bring you back to the issue of effective enforcement and prevention of "mission creep" and abuse of these newly issued powers, which has still not been addressed. Also who makes the rules and draws the lines? Just like gun control in general, this is a really good idea that sounds great, but is missing the parts that show how it would implemented effectively and respectfully regarding people's rights. Additionally, even if they did do it correctly, why would crazy people care about following the law when murder is already illegal? Do you really believe they would not be able to find an illegal weapon if they so desired? It is safer to err on the side of caution and make sure the maximal number of law abiding citizens are armed so as to be able to respond most effectively when crazies do get a hold of firearms. Gun control is treating the symptom of gun violence, not the source. The source is not guns themselves, but the increasingly poor mental health of the American populace. Gun control is like giving cough medicine to some one with lung cancer. It may provide temporary and superficial relief, but the source of the destructive element still remains unhindered, allowed to fester untreated.

As far as your suggestion of subsidizing firearms training, that was not my suggestion at all, but your own idea. I am opposed to the idea in whole because as I stated, it provides yet another barrier of entry for the most at risk elements of society, those that live in poverty and crime stricken areas. If I had to design a system of mandatory firearms training, I would model it after the Swiss system of a short period of mandatory civil service under which every citizen is trained with firearms and prepared as a civil defense force, along with mandatory firearm ownership in every household. Every indication shows this is the most effective model relating to gun ownership, and this would be the only circumstances under which I would support mandatory firearms training for general ownership. Again, I think training is a very good idea, but the question is not if it is a good idea, but how do you do so without putting those at most risk in harms way even more so?

You are likely far too trusting of your Overlords on the bolded above.  You presume they have good intent - I presume that they don't, often times.

Further, mental illness is far less precise than these words imply.  And it wasn't too long ago that actual, certified Mental Illnesses included -


Certainly you don't want THOSE PEOPLE to have guns.  Do you?  Wait, are we more enlightened today?  Smarter?  Better informed?  More scientific?

Might want to think those things over a bit, lol....
It's not a matter of any mental illness, it's whether said mental illness reasonably poses a danger to any other people.  Same standard we use for involuntary hospitalization, but maybe take out the 'to yourself' part.

Step 1: Collect Underpants
Step 2: ?
Step 3: Profit
8405  Other / Politics & Society / Re: You've been warned, America, gay marriage is just the beginning on: July 30, 2015, 06:55:26 AM
It's compassion that rules now, and there's nothing you theists can do to stop it. Perhaps search for your god in compassion and you will find him.

The 10,000 year era of violence is coming to a close now, and without violence religion has no chance to survive.
Why will none of the athiests on this forum (including myself) agree with you?

Worth pondering, really....

You don't agree with Liathon ... therefore science says you must be a theist.
8406  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The road to the End of Religion: How sex will kill God on: July 30, 2015, 06:46:39 AM
So you are only able to provide video of some hipster instead of making your own argument?

Of course, he has a habit of doing this. If he doesn't make his own arguments then he can never be proven wrong because he never states the supposed self proclaimed factual basis from which he derives his ideology. In this way he can have an endless argument over opinions while never once supporting his stance with scientific studies. Just look a few posts back, he just cited the entire bibliography of a book as if the collection of studies some how support his argument in whole, absolving himself from the responsibility of supporting any one individual study. Quite a fallacious, cowardly, and intellectually dishonest way to "debate".
8407  Other / Politics & Society / An Expert That Correctly Called The Last Two Stock Crashes Now Predicts Another on: July 30, 2015, 06:35:24 AM
8408  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The road to the End of Religion: How sex will kill God on: July 29, 2015, 05:00:15 PM
Don't strain yourself too hard looking for facts, logic, or reason from Liathon. There is none of that to be found.
Yeah, you'll find nothing like that in the hundreds of cited sources here.

Sorry but you don't just get to take a bibliography from a book and claim they all back your argument. Make one premise and support it with as many studies as you can. This behavior is not just incredibly lazy, but intellectually dishonest. If you believe there is science behind your argument PICK A STUDY AND STAND BEHIND IT. Of course you won't though, because you and I both know your ignorance of scientific method in general is so great you are terrified to pick a study and stand behind it for fear of your ignorance and intellectual dishonesty being exposed.
8409  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Transgender on: July 29, 2015, 04:52:40 PM
Is it a crime to misgender somebody?  No, and it never will be (hopefully).  Is it dickish?  Yes, but that's your right as long as it's only words and nobody gets physical. 
Words kill too.

Are there any studies demonstrating that LGBT suicides are a direct result of bullying and harassment and not from hormonal imbalances which are known to cause emotional problems? Oh that's right, you just make this assumption without scientific basis and those studies don't exist.

Self reported surveys, the pinnacle of scientific method! At least you are learning how to reference things (even if it is still unscientific).
8410  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The road to the End of Religion: How sex will kill God on: July 29, 2015, 04:35:31 PM
Don't strain yourself too hard looking for facts, logic, or reason from Liathon. There is none of that to be found.
8411  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: July 29, 2015, 04:33:38 PM
People should simply don't own guns at all , it's too dangerous and will just make chaos everywhere .
A lot of countries don't have gun control and it's the total peace comparing with the other countries

I agree, gun control results in more violent crime.

I'm not a fan of any 'hard' gun control, but I do think there should be a few restrictions to reduce the amounts of them that get into the wrong hands, and make sure the people that do own them know how to use them:

  • Background check for violent crime
  • Mental health evaluation
  • Training course complete with range practice
  • 7-10 day waiting period

The training course seems reasonable on the surface, but what about poor people? Aren't you effectively limiting the most in danger segment of the populations ability to protect themselves by forcing them to pay for a class, take off work, and actually go to classes? As for the waiting period, this is already law in most states.

By federal law everyone has a background check on them when buying a gun from a dealer. As far as your mental health evaluation, 1/5th of the entire country is on at least 1 psychiatric medication. Even if the mental health evaluations start off as reasonable, you know damned well it won't stop there. It could easily include anyone on any psychiatric meds, then anyone with depression, or anxiety, or even family history of issues.

Using the excuse of "mental health evaluations" you could effectively disarm more than half of the US population. I agree crazy people shouldn't have guns, but the issue is not if crazy people should have guns, it is how do you effectively enforce this is a in REALITY without stripping the rights of millions of others as well. Additionally perhaps instead of treating the symptom of gun violence, maybe we should be treating the USA's crazy person problem instead. The mental health care options in the US are almost nil unless you have the big bucks to afford it, which IMO is one of the primary causes of this issue along with certain types of psychiatric meds.
8412  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Transgender on: July 29, 2015, 08:14:09 AM
Well this thread certainly got derailed fast.  Back on topic, the experiment posted above is a massive violation of scientific ethics and plain common sense.  Forcing someone to change their gender identity based on an accident is just.. wow.  Just because you don't have the parts doesn't mean you automatically switch mentally to the other gender.

It does seem to show that gender is hardwired into the brain one way or the other (as it should be).  The findings could also be used as an argument that trans people can't just accept the gender they were assigned, since the general consensus of the medical community says the hormones bursts that decide it are before the child is born

Edit for source with more studies

You bring up a very important point that social justice warriors and progressive cultists like to dance around. There is a biological component to gender identity. Gender identity is not just a social construct, it also has basis in biology and hormonal balance. Of course to bring this point up is to some how deny transgender people the ability to identify as they like and even a form of hate speech! Better not discuss any facts, it might offend some one's ideology.
I don't particularly think that they were denying that there is a biological aspect.  On the contrary, the point seeming to be made is that it is not a choice one way or the other, and people should be able to identify with whatever they feel is right for them.  Trans people should really be happy with these findings as it puts a dent in the 'You're just a freak' mentality some people have.

It is a pretty sad day when politics get in the way of science. 

I find most social justice warriors do in fact deny the biological component of homosexuality/transgender people, because in order for them to justify their "progressive" cult ideology, they have to sell people on the idea that society is 100% responsible and therefore needs to be forcefully reorganized to accommodate their progressive cultist dogmas. I would recommend looking at the history of Feminism and Marxism, and how closely the two ideologies are intertwined a long with many of the same goals, such as destruction of the family unit and abolition of religion. It will provide some amazing insights into the true driving forces behind all these social movements happening today operating under the self proclaimed guise of tolerance and equality.
8413  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Transgender on: July 29, 2015, 07:53:58 AM
Well this thread certainly got derailed fast.  Back on topic, the experiment posted above is a massive violation of scientific ethics and plain common sense.  Forcing someone to change their gender identity based on an accident is just.. wow.  Just because you don't have the parts doesn't mean you automatically switch mentally to the other gender.

It does seem to show that gender is hardwired into the brain one way or the other (as it should be).  The findings could also be used as an argument that trans people can't just accept the gender they were assigned, since the general consensus of the medical community says the hormones bursts that decide it are before the child is born

Edit for source with more studies

You bring up a very important point that social justice warriors and progressive cultists like to dance around. There is a biological component to gender identity. Gender identity is not just a social construct, it also has basis in biology and hormonal balance. Of course to bring this point up is to some how deny transgender people the ability to identify as they like and even a form of hate speech! Better not discuss any facts, it might offend some one's ideology.
8414  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What's your opinion of gun control? on: July 29, 2015, 07:33:36 AM
I have heard all arguments for and against gun control but why is there such passion on such a large scale in defence of gun ownership rights in USA?

People in the USA will defend their right to own guns literally to their deaths. On its surface this seems senseless and insane, until you realize how much more senseless and insane our government is, and what the costs of allowing it to continue unchecked is. Guns aren't just to protect us from murderers, rapists, and thieves walking the streets. It is too easily forgotten that the government is made up of people too, and people are imperfect.

Imagine how much harder it would have been for Hitler to set up Nazi Germany if the German people remained armed. Disarmament of the general population ALWAYS results in tyranny. The right to bear arms is the one right that is designed to protect all other rights. This is why Americans are so passionate about it, because removing the right to bear arms removes any ability for our nation's people to protect any of their other rights. Rights are meaningless unless you can back them up and take what is rightfully yours.
8415  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why is there such an insurgence of flat-earthers in 2015? on: July 29, 2015, 07:18:53 AM
I feel like I am absorbing stupid via osmosis just reading this thread.

8416  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Transgender on: July 29, 2015, 07:10:34 AM

Dr. Money And The Boy With No Penis

I am glad you think that the grandfather of your theories forcing a boy to live as a girl from infancy against his will eventually resulting in his suicide is so hilarious. I can't blame you though, after all the title did have the word "penis" in it, and we can't expect people like you who are emotionally at the level of a preschooler to take anything like this seriously.

Dr. Money And The Boy With No Penis
8417  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Transgender on: July 29, 2015, 07:05:15 AM
The adults are trying to have a discussion with out your constant off topic propagandizing.
Given there is a functional ignore button right next to my name, I wonder why TECSHARE wants to call down mods to silence me?

Could it be that he is not concerned with what he sees, but rather what you see, dear readers?

"Beware those who would deny you access to information, for the dream themselves your masters."

Better watch yourself, that "fucktoy" might bite your dick off.
Ahh, there's that not-so-subtle violent undertone you theists are famous for. What is it, you want to make my soul SUPER pure with the agony of a severed dick? Ask yourself: why does it always comes back to pain, suffering, and violence with you people?

Ignoring you doesn't change the fact that you destroy any actually legitimate debate with your baseless dogmas and evangelizing.  I don't want to silence you, I just want to limit the endless stream of fecal matter that flows from your mouth to the raw sewage holding areas you call your threads so the rest of us can have an adult discussion with things like facts and scientific studies. Still waiting for you to quote any theist statement I have made on this forum, but that isn't necessary because everyone whom disagrees with you is a theist aren't they?

Again: the topic is "Transgender", not "Liathon calls everyone theists and argues endlessly about religion."

Dr. Money And The Boy With No Penis
8418  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The road to the End of Religion: How sex will kill God on: July 29, 2015, 06:55:53 AM
...the next wave will demand sexual rights at puberty and 13 as new age of consent.

Finally he reveals his true goal.... fucking 13 year olds.
8419  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Transgender on: July 29, 2015, 06:51:04 AM
Childish? Your inability to communicate in anything but memes is not childish at all. Reason? Spongebob is pretty convincing empirical data, you got me there.
ITT: Butthurt Theistard threatens to call mom and get me in trouble; later accuses me of childishness.

Hey, at least he didn't burn me alive (yet)!

The adults are trying to have a discussion with out your constant off topic propagandizing. Propagandize your own threads and let the big kids have an actual debate. Better watch yourself, that "fucktoy" might bite your dick off. Ironically then you should have no problems staying on topic because you will have plenty of transgender issues to discuss.
8420  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Transgender on: July 29, 2015, 06:27:09 AM
No one likes idiots shitting up every single thread with cultist bullshit either.

(ps, posting a picture about transgender person after your off topic post doesn't just magically make you on topic.)

Quoting for reference:

Bethalion if you can't keep your bullshit contained to threads where they are on topic I am going to start reporting your posts (I suggest others do the same). The entirety of the politics and society section is not your personal toilet to dump your ideological bullshit.

LOL! Yes, please bother the mods with your childish irrelevant whiny horseshit.

[/size]Suck it up, Princess Peach.

FYI, Politics & Society isn't my toilet, it's my personal fucktoy.

Where did you think you were? This is the internet, you come armed with Heavy Reason or you get wrecked and laughed at.

On topic:

Childish? Your inability to communicate in anything but memes is not childish at all. Reason? Spongebob is pretty convincing empirical data, you got me there. PS, I wonder if anyone else finds it ironic that a social justice cultist like you supposedly arguing for gender equality would label some one with effeminate labels as if it were an insult. Way to practice what you preach Wink
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