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8901  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Porez on: October 10, 2016, 03:45:49 PM
Što se tiče poslovanja i plaćanja poreza, srećom više ne živimo u 20 već u 21. stoljeću.
To konkretno znači da možete živjeti i raditi u Hrvatskoj a potpuno legalno otvoriti business npr. u UK, ltd firmu, poslovati preko nje, i u UK plaćati porez (firmu praktički registrirate za 5 minuta online dok kod nas to traje 2-3 tjedna na tzv., i puno je skuplje).
U RH bi tada plaćali porez samo na osobnu zaradu dok bi cooperativni porez plaćali tamo gdje je sjedište firme, u UK.
Također bi izbjegli hrvatsku birokraciju, brojne doprinose i dr.
Isto tako, između UK i RH postoji sporazum o izbjegavanju dvostrukog oporezivanja.
Ne pričam to napamet, već iz vlastitog iskustva s obzirom da sam otvorio firmu u UK i tako poslujem već godinu dana, a živim u RH.
Dakle, za svaki problem postoji riješenje, i nije potrebno seliti iz Hrvatske, a ni izbjegavati plaćanje poreza.

8902  Local / Trgovina / Re: Prilika za zaradu kroz novi mining project on: October 10, 2016, 03:38:02 PM
[...] a moderatora molim da zatvori ovaj topic, s obzirom da je ispunio svoju svrhu.

Ako se ne varam, i posto ste sami ovaj topic otvorili, mozete sami da ga zakljucate...

skroz na pocetak topica biste trebali vidjeti neki mali (i otvoreni) lokot. Kada kliknite lokot i potvrdite izbor, topic bi se trebao zakljucat...

OK hvala na informaciji ali nije lokot već riječ i nije na početku već na kraju.
Uglavnom, zaključavam Smiley
8903  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Trump on his last leg? on: October 10, 2016, 03:33:22 PM
Honestly, I really believe that both Clinton and Trump are very bad candidates, maybe worse presidential candidates in the last 100 years!
It's obvious that people don't like them.
But, they are here and what can we do now?
Voters will have to choose between 2 very bad choices.
What is worse, sexual scandals or email scandals?
Tax problem or dishonesty?
Hard choice.
8904  Other / Politics & Society / Re: purpose of life on: October 10, 2016, 03:24:57 PM
If what your life purpose is not achieved at the age of young to old, what do you do with your own life purpose is not yet achieved it Huh? Forward or surrender to circumstances,

I need help for my consideration opinion?Huh??  Huh

I think that you searching for purpose of your life in the wrong place.
If you, for example, create table or chair, who gave purpose to this things?
Of course, you, as creator, giving purpose to all things you create.
It's the same with us.
We are already born with purpose we received from our creator, God.
If you want to find more about it, read Bible, Gen: 1:28.

8905  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: BTC has too few coins to function as a global currency. on: October 10, 2016, 03:11:41 PM
I don't think that is important how much Bitcoins exist in the world.
In fact, it will be even better than we have less bitcoin available.
In such way, value of Bitcoin will increase and we will have profit from it Smiley
Bitcoin is already global currency and people from all over the world can buy, sell or keep Bitcoins in their wallets.
If demand for Bitcoin will be high, its price will also increase a lot, and this price will become to high for average users.
So, don't worry about it, free market will regulate everything.

8906  Economy / Economics / Re: Is gold better than Bitcoin? on: October 10, 2016, 03:03:43 PM
In my opinion, Bitcoin is much better as liquid financial asset, virtual currency, for fast and secure online payments.
Gold is long term financial instrument and safe way to protect wealth.
So, I don't think really that we can compare gold and Bitcoin.
People have very different reasons to use Bitcoin or to use Gold.
Don't confuse it.
8907  Local / Trgovina / Re: Prilika za zaradu kroz novi mining project on: October 10, 2016, 02:58:10 PM
OK, nakon svih informacija koje sam prikupio do sada, u ovoj pre launch fazi, odlučio sam se povući iz ovog projekta.
Savjetovat ću svim članovima koji su se uključili ispod mene da ništa ne uplaćuju i da se također povuku s obzirom da nema dokaza da se ovdje radi o nekom profitabilnom miningu a MLM komponenta me ne zanima.
S obzirom da se radi o pre launch fazi projekta, nitko ništa nije uložio pa nitko ništa nije ni izgubio.
Tek sam prije par dana dobio malo više informacija o ovom projektu tako da ranije nisam mogao donijeti konačan sud o ozbiljnosti ovog posla.
Hvala svima na kvalitetnim raspravama, koje su mi pomogle u donošenju konačne odluke o napuštanju projekta, a moderatora molim da zatvori ovaj topic, s obzirom da je ispunio svoju svrhu.

8908  Local / Trgovina / Re: Prilika za zaradu kroz novi mining project on: October 09, 2016, 03:39:15 PM
Ako me pamćenje dobro služi, sve "velike cloud mining firme" koje su na kraju prevarile ljude, ili većina takvih firmi je registrirana u nekakvoj kućici u nekakvoj sporednoj uličici u engleskoj, tako da što se tog djela tiče to ništa ne znači.
Drugo, sha256 cloud mining se ne isplati niti se više može doći do povratka investicije zbog raznih faktora, počevši od male nagrade za blok, težine rudarenja, održavanja opreme itd,
MLM svi znamo što je, to neću objašnjavati.
Interesantno je da se baš sad nakon 3 godine rudarenja odlučuju iznajmljivati opremu, kad je to najneisplativije.

Tako da eto, bez neke velike provjere 99% sam uvjeren da je ovo čista prijevara.

OK hvala na informacijama.
Ja ću ipak još pričekati i službeni odgovor od firme na naš službeni upit prije nego što pošaljem preporuku svojim referallima.
Nikad ne žurim sa zaključcima pa neću ni sada, dok ne dobijem sve odgovore i ne provjerim sve dostupne informacije.
8909  Local / Trgovina / Re: Prilika za zaradu kroz novi mining project on: October 09, 2016, 01:51:27 PM
Pratim ovu temu već par dana odnosno od kad je otvorena. Nemam ništa protiv tebe Daniel91, ali moram prokomentirati da veću glupost odnosno sranje, oprosti na izrazu, nisam vidio. Taj, možemo ga tako nazvati, "vlasnik" imaginarne "tvrtke" je stvarno teški prevarant. Daj mi njegovu adresu da mu kupim WC papir da se ode po*rat kao čovjek, da ne *ere na usta. XD...

Kao prvo, ne radi se o imaginarnoj već stvarnoj firmi, registriranoj u UK.
Kao drugo, veliki su se marketing leaderi uključili u ovaj projekt, trenutno je nekolio desetaka tisuća ljudi registrirano, a vjerojatno će ih biti i više od 100 000 dfo launcha 1.11. dakle, ne radi se o nekoj gluposti već nečemu što je i bez javnog oglašavanja postalo jako veliko.
No, mene ne zanimaju brojke i imena ljudi koji su tu uključeni, već konkretni podaci o poslovanju firme i miningu i to sam zatražio od vlasnika firme.
Ako mi odgovore na zadovoljavajući način, savjetovat ću svojim referalima da se uključe u projekt, a ako ne dobijem zadovoljavajući odgovor, savjetovat ću im da se ne uključe i to je sve.
Tako radim svaki put, prije uključivanja u bilo kakav projekt, uvijek sve detaljno provjerim.
Ne bih ni pozivao nikoga da se uključi da se ne radi o besplatnoj registraciji i prilici da se dobije više informacija o projektu iz prve ruke.
Neću nikome savjetovati kako da izgubi novac i nikada nisam ''navlačio'' ljude u nešto što nije sigurno i ozbiljno,
Većina drugih leadera u ovom projektu nije radila nikakav research i revew projekta i zanima ih samo koliko će sljedbenika skupiti i koliko zaraditi na referallima.
Meni to nije cilj i dok ne dobijem dokaze o miningu neću nikome savjetrovati da uloži i 1 cent ovdje.
8910  Local / Trgovina / Re: Prilika za zaradu kroz novi mining project on: October 09, 2016, 11:19:15 AM
Mnogo si toga naveo ovdje, ali nisi ono sto je najbitnije. Kako tocno se netko moze ukljuciti u ovaj business? Meni se cini da je ovo klasican cloud mining koji nudi neke "investor tier", i to je sve. Takoder mi nije jasno cemu 'skrivati' ovo ako je sve onako kako govoris, mislim zasto ne bi naveo ime ili dao link te web stranice?

Prvo zato sto je do poćetka službenog launcha, zabranjeno bilo gdje javno objavljivati webstranicu ili ime firme (pod prijetnjom suspenzije accounta).
Drugo, ne želim spamati ovaj forum i dijeliti detaljnije informacije s onima koje to ne zanima.
Više informacija o projektu dati ću svima koji mi se jave na pp.

Oni znaju tvoj bitcointalk nick pa će ti zgasit acc?  Grin

Pošalji mi pm da vidim o čem se radi..još mi jedino nije jasan ovaj dio:

zabranjeno bilo gdje javno objavljivati webstranicu ili ime firme
U FB grupi, odmah u prva 24 sata od pre- launcha već je preko 1 000 članova
A ja mislio fb je javan...Loviš referrale?  Grin

Ne znaju moj Bitcointalk nick ali znaju moj referral link Smiley
Dok je firma u pre launchu, neće se nigdje javno reklamirati. To je njihova odluka a ne moja.
Referali su dodatna opcija za zaradu. nije obavezno već optionalno, kao što sam već rekao prije.
Ostale informacije ti šaljem na pp.

Čuj stari, ovo što si mi poslao ti nema nikakve veze sa cloud miningom, ovo ti je MLM iliti piramida. Trebale su mi dobre 2 minute da vidim da im se cijeli projekt im se bazira na referralima, tj nekakvim timovima referrala, regao sam se tek tolko da vidim o čem se radi i pazi sad odmah nakon reganja stavljen sam u nekakav tim. Druga stvar je da im je mining tek na petom mjestu, ide dashboard, referral links, promote site, referral network, i tek onda mining.
Čisti MLM scam.

Kao što sam ti već objasnio i u pp, nikoga ne tjeram da se registrira i uđe u ovaj projekt.
Samo sam proslijedio informaciju od drugih, koja mi se učinila zanimljivom zbog ljudi koji su je predstavili, a koje osobno poznajem godinama i kojima vjerujem.
Meni nije problem ako netko poveže 2 koncepta, MLM i mining u jedan business ali prije nego što od bilo koga tražim da potroši i lipu svog novca, uvijek sam prvo sve detaljno proučim i istražim i tek onda odlučim da li je taj business prošao moju provjeru i da li ga mogu preporučiti drugima ili ne.
Ovaj business još nije prošao moju provjeru i još tražim i očekujem neke odgovore od vlasnika firme koja je iza projekta.
Ako te odgovore ne dobijem, preporučit ću ljudima koji su me kontaktirali, da ne ulaze u ovaj projekt, i ne troše svoje novce na njega.
Projekt je trenutno u pre launch fazi do 1.11 i nikakvog plaćanja trenutno nema pa nitko nije ni izgubio nikakav novac.
Sve sam ovo i tebi objasnio detaljno u privatnoj poruci, a isto sam rekao i drugima.
Dakle, mislim da sam bio vrlo jasan ovdje i da nikoga ni na koji način nisam oštetio.

8911  Other / Politics & Society / Re: What do you think about 9/11 mystery? on: October 09, 2016, 09:13:00 AM
9/11 not mystery
only terrorist in atack in US

This is the easy thing to understand. The difficult thing is finding out which U.S. Government and other American terrorists did it. If there were any Middle east terrorists involved, they were patsies, for the American Government terrorists.


It's not possible to understand motivation of terrorist.
They are not reasonable people, they only have desire for destruction and killing.
For them, western world represent evil and they want to destroy us.
There is no mystery really behind 9/11 terrorist attacks.
Of course, people always like to speculate and to believe in some conspiracy theories but in reality everything is very clear.
We fight with very bad people which don't respect human lives.
Our governments wasn't ready for such attacks and failed to protect us.
It's all truth we have to understand.

8912  Other / Politics & Society / Re: UK leaving EU is a peoples revolution on: October 09, 2016, 09:06:22 AM
Remember that originally EU was a project of protecting the peace. As we all know a lot of wars has taken place during history in Europe. EU had the chance to create a free market for the countries inside, but instead we have seen a lot of disagreement like the farce of moving between Brussels and Strasbourg. We have also seen a lot of lobbyist trying to affect the politicians and without a doubt I say that many are corrupt especially those from the poorest countries (eastern Europe) and countries like Greece.

Instead of creating a paradise for the citizens in EU the politicians has in greed feed themselves with crazy high salaries and almost no tax without thinking of the common people that pay for their salaries.

I therefore see the result as a peoples revolution against the bureaucracy in EU and a revolution against the entire financial system in EU.

Brexit is just the beginning. Soon other the people in other countries will demand to vote for leaving EU. The politicians in Denmark right now is against such an election.....probably because the polls show a huge margin to those who will leave the EU. Similar situations in other countries, but of course not in the poorest countries.

It will be interesting to follow how much money is transferred to crypto. If I was living in UK I would have invested heavily in crypto before the election. Now the GBP is down with almost 10% against USD.

Maybe this is the start of a new beginning for the peoples currency Rimbit. (

I mostly agree with you but you have to understand historical context of the establishment of the EU.
Second world war just finished and politicians felt that European countries need more cooperation and open borders, in order to avoid conflicts and division which caused WWI and WWII.
Main idea behind EU was to create stability and peace in Europe and EU achieved this goal.
Over time EU become corrupted, bureaucracy became to big but still EU is not bad idea.
We just need to transform EU in modern organization, more open to average people, more transparent etc.
EU will have future if their politicians find wisdom and power to adapt and change, and start to live for small people, not only cooperation and bureaucracy.

8913  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: You accidentally find Satoshi.....What would you do? on: October 09, 2016, 08:56:29 AM
First, I will thank him for everything he did for me and many other people in the world.
He really started real revolution and helped many people to become financially free and also changed our concept about moneya and payments.
I will ask him why he is not active any more in the Bitcoin community and how he started Bitcoin.
I'm sure his testimony will be fascinating, very good material for Hollywood movie Smiley
Unfortunately, it will never happen.
8914  Other / Off-topic / Re: Why are you investing in Bitcoin? on: October 09, 2016, 08:51:00 AM
I don't invest in Bitcoin.
I invest Bitcoin in my own online business and some other business projects.
I have several ways how I earn Bitcoin regularly, for my work, and part of this funds I keep in my BTC wallet, for the price increase, and some funds I invest in some other projects.
It will be good to invest also in Bitcoin directly, but right now I want first to build my own business and later I will use this profit to invest in Bitcoin.
8915  Local / Trgovina / Re: Prilika za zaradu kroz novi mining project on: October 09, 2016, 08:37:50 AM
Mnogo si toga naveo ovdje, ali nisi ono sto je najbitnije. Kako tocno se netko moze ukljuciti u ovaj business? Meni se cini da je ovo klasican cloud mining koji nudi neke "investor tier", i to je sve. Takoder mi nije jasno cemu 'skrivati' ovo ako je sve onako kako govoris, mislim zasto ne bi naveo ime ili dao link te web stranice?

Prvo zato sto je do poćetka službenog launcha, zabranjeno bilo gdje javno objavljivati webstranicu ili ime firme (pod prijetnjom suspenzije accounta).
Drugo, ne želim spamati ovaj forum i dijeliti detaljnije informacije s onima koje to ne zanima.
Više informacija o projektu dati ću svima koji mi se jave na pp.

Oni znaju tvoj bitcointalk nick pa će ti zgasit acc?  Grin

Pošalji mi pm da vidim o čem se radi..još mi jedino nije jasan ovaj dio:

zabranjeno bilo gdje javno objavljivati webstranicu ili ime firme
U FB grupi, odmah u prva 24 sata od pre- launcha već je preko 1 000 članova
A ja mislio fb je javan...Loviš referrale?  Grin

Ne znaju moj Bitcointalk nick ali znaju moj referral link Smiley
Dok je firma u pre launchu, neće se nigdje javno reklamirati. To je njihova odluka a ne moja.
Referali su dodatna opcija za zaradu. nije obavezno već optionalno, kao što sam već rekao prije.
Ostale informacije ti šaljem na pp.
8916  Other / Politics & Society / Re: It is time to Ban Religion on: October 08, 2016, 02:52:20 PM
I think countries are already doing it from the start, which religion is the most hated in the world?
People killing and bombing and spreading fear in the name of which religion?
Have you ever thought about it why?

When a religion says you need to do by others the way you like them to do by you and you see a few group of people doing the opposite and the same time pretending to be the followers of said religion, who is to blame here? those groups trying to make that religion the most hated one?

Example: ISIS  members are not Muslims because all they doing is completely opposite of what Islam wants you to do.

I agree with you.
If ISIS is terrorist organization we can't hate all Muslims because of them.
We can't say that ISIS represent Muslim world.
Religion is institution only.
Religion can't be guilty for the evil act of people because they always have choice: to do good or evil.
So, people kill other people, based on their wrong choice, not institution.
So, we should stop people really, and not ban religion.
Religions mostly teach about peace, love, compassion etc.
Unfortunately, some people twist this message for their own goals.

8917  Other / Politics & Society / Re: I'm an atheist and i have The 100% proof (No doubt sir) on: October 08, 2016, 02:45:07 PM
I don't see air but I know air exist.
I don't see love but I know that love exist.
I don't see electricity and many other things but I know that such things exist.
You don't have any real and concrete proof for your claims.
I suggest that you start to read Bible and other holy books and start to think more deeply about it.
Even if you don't accept God, you will learn something and become better person, with higher moral standard.

8918  Other / Off-topic / Re: Will you accept bitcoin as your salary? on: October 08, 2016, 02:39:26 PM
Well, Bitcoin is mot recognized as official money or currency in my country.
It means that I can't have salary in the Bitcoin, even if I want to.
I also just starting my own online business and will accept payments in the Bitcoins.
So, from this business, indirectly, I will earn my salary also from Bitcoin.
Of course, still I will have to exchange this BTC funds to my own local currency.
8919  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: If you believe banks will work with Bitcoin, you're delusional on: October 08, 2016, 02:35:52 PM
I see this often "banks should start working with Bitcoin users since that's where things are headed, why not cooperate?".

If you think your bank is going to keep your bitcoins in some account then you can use your debit card to convert to dollars at the point of sale then you don't really understand the main revenue of banks.

Banks hold your dollars in their bank accounts. They then turn around and leverage your dollars in their account by 10 times to issue loans to people where they get their main revenue.

If people are holding their funds in bitcoins and only using banks as a transaction medium the bank is not making much money.

Don't expect banks to embrace Bitcoin. The reason they're all creating their own "blockchains" is so they can make it so that they can hold your funds and leverage it.

Every central bank warning about Bitcoin is another central bank realizing that they are going to lose if people start using Bitcoin.

Banks can still make some revenues through the exchange rates.
In fact, main problem (for the banks) is that Bitcoin is not regulated in the financial market.
Bitcoin is not recognized by the law as financial asset or official money (in the most countries).
So, even if some banks consider to offer Bitcoin, there is no way to do it legally.

8920  Other / Politics & Society / Re: RELIGION AND TRUTH on: October 06, 2016, 05:11:47 PM
With the rising rate of Islamic terrorism around the world especially Europe and Africa. do you think the world can be conquered by this Islamic jihadist

No, I don't think so.
In fact, Islamic jihadists was much more stronger in 8th century in Spain or 15 and 16th century in Eastern Europe.
They had very strong armies behind them but couldn't conquer the Europe.
Christians won in that battle and will win again, specially because, this time, only small portion of Muslims are ready to fight through ISIS.
Most Muslims live peacefully and respect communities, laws and countries where they live (in the Western world).
ISIS is not truth but lie and don't belong to real Islam.
Most Muslims understand it.

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