Arthur said in telegram group that we don't have to do anything. So yes, just post an address that hold the old geoma token in the chat and get a pop corn. I don't know about the buyer interest after that, because it has not been shown what advantages it has, but indeed there will be a new roadmap since it become "TheCOOPnetwork" right now.
Why did he have to send the address in the telegram group, doesn't he know how to see who is holding the token? And I saw the new website, it looks the same as before, only with a different name. Not sure even though the token swap has been done, it will have enthusiasts later.
was wondering if this website was legit
EtherFlyer is one of those decentralized exchanges, of course it's legit and you can use it. also i have some atri coins but there not listed in my MEW wallet why is this has been 4 hours since the transaction they show up on the etheruem explorer but not in the wallet any suggestions? Not all ERC20 tokens are listed on MyEtherWallet directly, there are some tokens we need to add manually
So the titel says . I have by accident sent those tokens to the wrong adress. I know that the tokens are still 'there' somewhere and I am still the owner. I have the adress I sent them from and I can look it up at Etherscan. It says that it is completed. Is it possible to get them back by any ways? Is there a way I can sent those tokens to MyEtherWallet? If you send the wrong token it means you are losing your token forever, but what I know Coinbase is a centralized wallet, and they have customer support. Looks like you can try to reach him, and hope he can help. Will Coinbase ever support 3X Long Ethereum Token (ETHBULL) ? Even if they support it, your token will not be automatically credited to your account I'm sure, because you made a deposit before they opened a wallet for the token.
PayPal is not a trading platform for Bitcoin. He only facilitates us to make it easier to buy Bitcoin using a PayPal balance or credit card. If we have already bought it we are not advised to hold it there, better withdraw it directly to a personal wallet.
Maksud saya membandingkan dengan Indodax karena WazirX juga exchange lokal. Dan bisa kita liat proyek lain yang sudah banyak terdaftar di exchange global lalu terdaftar di exchange lokal harganya naik.
Setelah kemaren terdaftar di WazirX exchange India sekarang INJ terdaftar di Coinone exchange Korea di lihat dari segi perkembangan Injective Protocol sangat terlihat positif banyak sekali exchanger nya tapi saya lihat volume di Coinone lebih tinggi dari pada wazrix untuk sekarang, volume 24 jam Coinone $38.066 dan wazrix $10.537 perbedaan yang sangat jauh Kemaren di Coinone bisa lebih besar karena baru listing, naik dan turunnya harga belum stabil disana dan volume masuk kesana lebih besar. Sekarang baru keliatan volume aslinya
I was a paypal user several years ago, and often had difficulty withdrawing funds and wanted to exchange them for Bitcoin to make withdrawals easier. I think it's not just me who feels this way, and now that we can buy Bitcoin using a PayPal balance, it's a very exciting thing.
When will this madness end? Who is willing to pay such amounts for a transaction? Look at coinmarketcap, all coins bleed. I think the increase in gas prices is caused by panic sellers, people see the price of bitcoin and other altcoins have a very sharp decline, people are racing to quickly sell their tokens on uniswap, the bigger the gas price the faster transactions are processed. I am sure this will not last long, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow the gas will return to normal as before.
WazirX adalah pertukaran terbesar di india dan Volume hariannya mencapai $12jt, bagaimana hal itu bisa dikatakan minim ? Indodax saja pertukaran terbesar di indo volume hariannya $19jt. Tentu Listing di WazirX akan membawa dampak besar untuk INJ
Jangan membandingkan dengan volume indodax karena inj sudah dilisting pada exchange besar seperti binance, hotbit, poloniex dll, dari perbandingan exchange sebelumnya maka WazirX di golongkan exchange yang paling minim volume diantara exchange yang listed, mungkin gitu maksudnya gan Maksud saya membandingkan dengan Indodax karena WazirX juga exchange lokal. Dan bisa kita liat proyek lain yang sudah banyak terdaftar di exchange global lalu terdaftar di exchange lokal harganya naik.
Setelah kemaren terdaftar di WazirX exchange India sekarang INJ terdaftar di Coinone exchange Korea
Lumayan juga fee nya jika dibandingkan dengan deposit via Alfamart khususnya jika deposit dalam jumlah maksimal pada kedua metode tersebut.
Wah mahal juga. Setahu ane fee OVO per transaksi juga cuma 1 ribu rupiah. Ini fee Indodax emang lebih mahal ya mau deposit ataupun WD. Semoga exchange lain juga mulai support secara resmi biar feenya bisa pada turun semua, paling ngga di bawah 1% lah. Saya juga pernah deposit pake OVO dan fee nya emang cuma 1000 rupiah dipotong dari total deposit, emang sih nominalnya juga cuma 100rb. Apa mungkin kalo diatas 100rb fee nya jadi 1.5% ?
My only question to the community is that - are you guys comfortable to share your KYC details to a mobile only cryptocurrency? We have had few mobile only cryptos earlier as well but all of them failed miserably! What's you take on Pi network?
I've been mining Pi for over a year now, and suddenly they are asking for KYC. Even though we cannot make a withdrawal yet, this is very suspicious, and I will not provide my personal data for this.
I thought if you just wanted to register you could do it, but doing KYC seems like it's only for Japanese people. I'm not from Japan, and I was able to register on BitFlyer a few years ago.
ICO or IEO? Both are just methods used to raise funds, what we want to come back is a good project, a project that is actually handled by a team of experts in their field, no matter the method.
Berdasarkan CMC volume trading pada exchange wazirx masih sangat minim dan mungkin tidak memberikan dampak pada kenaikan harga INJ setelah listing karena INJ sudah terlebih dulu listing pada exchange Binance, tentu tidak logis jika exchange dengan volume minim bisa memberikan dampak yang lebih bagus pada kenaikan harga INJ dibandingkan listing pada exchange besar binance sebelumnya.
WazirX adalah pertukaran terbesar di india dan Volume hariannya mencapai $12jt, bagaimana hal itu bisa dikatakan minim ? Indodax saja pertukaran terbesar di indo volume hariannya $19jt. Tentu Listing di WazirX akan membawa dampak besar untuk INJ
Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [Out of gas] i tried sending about $50 to someone using the browser extension of MEW on firefox. i pick the fast transaction that the MEW set for users and the gas is about $1.10, but why do i get the error " Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [Out of gas] "? i tried slow, average and fast all transactions didn't went thru so i want to use the advance option, how much should the ideal fee to put for transaction to go? I also often experience this when using MyEtherWallet even though I have used the correct gwei. I prefer you to use MetaMask, because it's easier than MEW, we don't need to adjust the gas
I think Amazon has accepted bitcoin as a payment method for a long time, and it seems that not many users have made payments using bitcoin, because many people are not familiar with it.
Replace in what sense? His position on Coinmarketcap? I do not think so ! Replace for a payment method? Maybe yes. Ripple is a centralized coin and has a stable price, it is a very good method of payment.
Their device getting annoying af. I had multiple devices as some were lost and i replaced many laptops since then.
I never have moment when their Trezor worked with their cable. I always had to replace to a new Cable. It has been working for me for few days and now the new cable not work as well. Many connectivity problems
I don't know how about Ledger nano but I consider to replace now for Trezor model T since the one is terrible this company is really unprofessional to sell dysfunctional devices. Why they don't make some tests before they launch millions trezors? Are they stupid?
Did you buy it on the Trezor official website? I think if you buy it on the official website, you will not get damaged goods. I don't have a Trezor, but I've had the Ledger Nano S for years and haven't had any problems so far.
btw yang ngirim token tuh BM atau tim nya sendiri ya
Tentu saja tim makanya sampe sekarang belum dibagiin juga, kalo dipegang sama BM mungkin udah dari kemaren2 dibagiin
Namun yang jelas, kalau melihat dari fluktuasi harga YOUC saat ini, target $0.01 cukup realistis. Saya tidak mengatakan bisa tercapai dalam waktu sebulan atau dua bulan ini, yang jelas masih masuk akal naik ke rate tersebut. Apalagi tim terlihat serius untuk terus melanjutkan pengembangan proyek.
Meemang tidak bisa dikatakan bisa tercapai dalam jangka waktu satu bulan atau dua bulan, tapi kalo satu hari atau satu minggu kedepan mungkin terjadi ya gan Saya liat di Coinbene harganya sudah mencapai $0.0099 tapi di market lainnya ada yg $0.006 - $0.007