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1  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Bitcoin u Fiat on: January 09, 2018, 09:20:10 AM
Premda ima više načina kako iz BTC doći do kuna, za takve je iznose svakako najjednostavnije i najsigurnije riješiti to preko računa u banci.
Tvoja je dužnost nakon toga prijaviti i uplatiti porez na kapitalnu dobit (prijavljuješ dakle čisti profit - od onog što si isplatiš na račun oduzmeš ono što si uložio, ako si do toga došao nekim inicijalnim ulogom), što će iznositi 12% na tvoju dobit + prirez na tih 12% (prirez ovisi o tvom boravištu).

Najbolje bi bilo obratiti se nadležnom uredu Porezne uprave, no pripremi se na to da možda nećeš odmah od prve osobe s kojom razgovaraš dobiti odgovor koji ti treba, mada su sad možda već i ustanovili neku praksu koje se drže pa će odmah znati što treba.

Uz to, možeš si isplatiti odmah, pa onda dalje rješavati porez (možeš i recimo barem dio isplatiti i vidjeti kako se rješava, pa onda isto tako napraviš i za ostatak).

Sretno. Smiley
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Electroneum Price Prediction on: December 14, 2017, 02:24:38 PM
To be honest, I expected it to get dumped quite close to the ICO value after everyone got access to their coins yesterday.

However it wasn't even nearly that low, and as a result, even my cautious prediction says that it can't fall down much more. It's more likely to go up quite soon, especially when marketing kicks in. So I wouldn't be surprised if we see it somewhere near 0.15 at the end of the year.
3  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Bankovni transfer na Bitstamp? on: December 05, 2017, 12:19:24 PM
Zna netko možda kojom bankom se može poslati novce na Bitstamp.
Odbijena je uplata putem Erste banke, a ni Zagrebačka tj. cijela Unicredit grupa ne dozvoljavaju.

Probao možda netko PBZ ili neku koja ide?

Ja preko PBZ-ovog internet bankarstva nisam imao nikakvih problema s uplatom. S deviznog računa sam poslao na Bitstamp i to me koštalo 30kn.

Navodno je ako se plaća u poslovnici umjesto preko interneta nešto veća naknada, ali trebalo bi funkcionirati. Pazi samo da je sve dobro ispunjeno.
4  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Kako da postanem veteran on: November 23, 2017, 09:32:49 PM
Meni ovo nista nije jasno.

Kako ti nije jasno? Rang na forumu ne određuje broj postova nego broj dana u kojima si napisao makar jedan post (to se zove activity).
Da malo pojasnim kako sam ja to shvatio... Rang se ažurira svakih 14 dana. Ako si u tih 14 dana svaki dan napisao barem jedan post, activity će se povećati za 14 (negdje na forumu ima i popis koliko za pojedini rang moraš imati activity, potraži malo). Ako si u tih 14 dana samo 9 dana pisao po forumu (a ostalih 5 dana nisi napisao niti jedan post), tada će ti se activity povećati za 9.

Mala ispravka.
Ne mora biti 1 post po danu, može i više.
Bitno je da je je na kraju perioda od 14 dana, minimalno napisano 14 postova (a moŽe i više naravno).
Ako je manje od 14 postova, recimo 12, tada se activity poveća samo za 12.
Ako je napisano recimo 16 postova,ili 20, activity se svejedno poveća maximalno za 14.
Nadam se da je sada sve jasno Smiley

Zato sam i napisao barem jedan post po danu. Ali drago mi je da je netko od iskusnijih potvrdio da sam dobro shvatio kako rangovi ovdje funkcioniraju Smiley

Ali ne mora biti barem jedan post po danu.
Može deset dana ništa, a u četiri dana 14 postova, opet se activity diže za 14. Smiley

Odnosno koliko sam primijetio, activity se odmah svakim postom diže, ali je limitirano dizanje za 14 u dvotjednom periodu.
5  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Jugoslovenian Dinara Tokenization on: November 12, 2017, 07:38:43 PM
Ma hajde, svi samo kukaju, a zapravo i nije toliko loše koliko bi neki htjeli prikazati. Zato i kažem, nama samo fali malo optimizma. Dobro, i reda u politici, ali to će stići tek kad prođu još dvije-tri generacije političara i kad se potpuno istrijebi jugoslavenska politička ostavština. Naravno da puno toga ne valja i da bi puno toga moglo i moralo biti bolje, no doći ćemo nadam se i do toga jednom.

Uspoređivati današnji život i tadašnji je nebo i zemlja, danas je opće blagostanje u usporedbi s tadašnjom situacijom. Bilo je nekih podobnih koji su mogli iskoristiti situaciju i živjeti dobro, no ostatku ljudi se samo prodavala magla i uvjeravalo ih se da dobro žive, a posljedice trpimo i dan danas.

Nije čak to sve skupa ni do Jugoslavije kao takve, ni do sukoba kroz koje smo prolazili, već je to jednostavno ono što nam je komunizam ostavio. I ne samo kod nas, sve europske bivše komunističke zemlje još će dugo zaostajati za onima koji nisu morali proživljavati kroz to zlo. Kad spominješ da ljudi iz naših krajeva bježe van, zapitaj se gdje to točno bježe, u koje zemlje i kakvog uređenja. S time da je to iseljavanje jednostavno posljedica slobodnog kretanja radnika više nego posljedica lošeg stanja ovdje - jednostavno ljudi idu gdje misle da će im biti bolje, ako to mogu. A ne zaboravi ni da su se ljudi masovno iseljavali i nekad.

No dobro, svatko je valjda svjedočio svojoj nekoj istini, pa onda možda bolje da se u to ne dira. Nije ovo rasprava za ovaj forum, niti je tema tako zamišljena, tako da ću tu stati.
6  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Jugoslovenian Dinara Tokenization on: November 11, 2017, 10:09:38 PM
Leave the ghosts of past in history.
For a large number of people crypto currency with that name will be repulsive. For Croatia I estimate to 60% of the population.

I would call that a conservative estimation on country scale. But on the other hand it is probably lover for Croatians who are into crypto stuff. I have them pegged as younger generation with less memories about the whole unfortunate situation.
In Yugoslavia we had factories, money, cheap apartments, cars.
In Croatia we don't have factories, we don't have money, we have expensive apartments and cars, credits credits and more credits, people are leaving country because either they can't find job or they are working for peanuts.
Younger population is even worst because they are listening brainwashers on TV and they are acting like they have horse blinkers on their eyes and they can't see these facts.

I like OP's idea and nostalgia but i don't see how that crypto can succeed, there are thousands of altcoins and erc20 tokens with no real use.

We had jack shit in Yugoslavia. Well, some privileged people had something, but the rest were living very poorly. We're miles ahead of that now, thank god.

What we lack here is just a little bit of optimism. And crypto is a good start to get that optimism. Smiley
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Electroneum delayed another three to four weeks on: November 09, 2017, 07:17:45 AM
Quick timeline/summary of what's going on from the devs perspective:

ICO was AWESOME - it was so AWESOME that tons of people tried to hack us! - we delayed the release of the ICO coins to protect you guys! - we can fix it by resetting your passwords! - Wait! People tried to hack us again! - We are going to recode the entire thing! - it's going to be done soon! - A little bit more! - Look! We have coffee mugs and are coding, just a little more! - soon I promise! - Oh, we decided to test the entire thing using this elite group and it will take another three to four weeks...

Ok, so if I am level headed I would assume that this is for the best and the devs really are trying to secure our coins.
But, also, if I am level headed doesn't this just seem really messed up?
On top of that here are some hardcore red flags:

official EU, Asia, and US mining pools stopped paying out ETN even after blocks were still being mined.  There's 5 to 10BTC that just hasn't been payed out.
blockchain explorer is buggy.
only paper wallet, no gui, mobile wallets.
no app for apple devices.

Well, basically, it seems like they are using the hack (whether real or not) to spend a month finishing things that weren't finished in the first place.
And all the while bragging about how ETN is in the top 30 at coinmarketcap

I was a day one ico investor (meh, "investor", I only put 2 eth in) and have been really supportive of the project.
But this sucks all kind of major balls.

and now you can consider my venting over and proceed with the "I told you so" or "Stop spreading FUD! ETN is my lover!" posts

They are very incompetent at everything except marketing. As much as delays can always be expected, what this all means is that they were not doing anything at all for a month and a half while they were receiving a lot of money, and just like you noticed, they are using false excuses just to make up the time now.

However, thanks to their marketing, I still have no doubts that we can expect great things from ETN once when (or IF, it fits much better than "when") they complete the basic stuff that should have already been done.
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: WAVES SPECULATION on: November 08, 2017, 07:44:12 AM
Say what?  It's not possible to lose more than 100%.  
Someone losing 100% of his investment is possible if the altcoin an investor picked and hold lost it's value and dumped to 1 satoshi with a huge buywall. In waves case, you are right that its not possible for it's holder to lose 100% of his investment since it has retained it's value even if the price dropped big. Investors have lost a huge percent of their investment though even if waves still have value. Probably waves would pump soon after hardforks of bitcoin stop.

100% loss is if what you invested in drops to zero.

More than 100% is, well, just not possible.
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Electroneum (ETN) oficial pool not working? on: November 07, 2017, 12:35:15 PM
Been following the team 24/7 .... theyre rotating shifts... working until daybreak to get this sorted.... I believe in them still. They've been totally honest with all their issues and dealings with Amazon for advice on fixing the infrastructure to combat fraud and phishing etc.. to protect the investors. Definitely not a scam.. just wasnt expecting the phenominal attention and success of the ICO.. which unfortuantely attracted negative attention from sophisticated hackers.

But this wasn't at all about hackers, and even less about sophisticated hackers. The issues they have is just pure incompetency and lack of proper time management.
On the bright side, it looks like they've come to their senses and are at least trying to make sure they get it right before it goes live.

Investors are getting (rightfully) impatient, less interested in the project and more willing to just dump it as soon as they can. But then again, Electroneum team seem to be better at marketing than at anything else, so there still is hope that the whole project succeeds once the proper infrastructure is finally completed.
10  Economy / Speculation / Re: Will reach $10,000 before the end of the year? on: October 31, 2017, 09:35:35 PM
although I guess Bitcoin price will be higher than at present but I do not think Bitcoin reach $ 10,000 this year. increase $ 4000 within 2 months is hard thing to happen

Don't look at it in absolute values (well, not just you, there are many others looking at it the same way). Smiley

They way I like to see it, is that 1 USD is currently worth 0.00016667 BTC.
A month ago, 1 USD was roughly 0.00025 BTC.

So USD lost 0.00008333 BTC in the last month.

Now, in order for 1 BTC to reach 10000 USD, 1 USD would have to be 0.0001 BTC. So USD would have to lose only 0.00006667 BTC of value, which means it would have to lose less value than in the last month. Smiley

The point is, absolute value difference of 4000$ does not really mean a lot. As I already said previously, I also don't think it BTC will reach 10000$ this year, but it wouldn't really require a lot to reach it.
nobody convert dollars at BTC. USD's value fixed figure. We determine the value of a BTC =? $ Because the USD is fixed price, so we know that the price should go up or down

While I definitely agree it's unconventional, looking at USD value in BTC is mathematically the same as looking at BTC value in USD. If more people would look at it that way, more people would realize why BTC is actually very close to 10000$ value.

Also, due to constant inflation, USD is actually losing value more or less constantly, it's certainly not fixed.

I'm not saying you are wrong, I just want to stress out that looking at the same data in a little bit different way can give you a good clue why something could (or couldn't) happen. Or rather, why it wouldn't really be hard for something to happen (i.e. BTC reaching 10k$).
11  Economy / Speculation / Re: Will reach $10,000 before the end of the year? on: October 31, 2017, 02:48:59 PM
although I guess Bitcoin price will be higher than at present but I do not think Bitcoin reach $ 10,000 this year. increase $ 4000 within 2 months is hard thing to happen

Don't look at it in absolute values (well, not just you, there are many others looking at it the same way). Smiley

They way I like to see it, is that 1 USD is currently worth 0.00016667 BTC.
A month ago, 1 USD was roughly 0.00025 BTC.

So USD lost 0.00008333 BTC in the last month.

Now, in order for 1 BTC to reach 10000 USD, 1 USD would have to be 0.0001 BTC. So USD would have to lose only 0.00006667 BTC of value, which means it would have to lose less value than in the last month. Smiley

The point is, absolute value difference of 4000$ does not really mean a lot. As I already said previously, I also don't think it BTC will reach 10000$ this year, but it wouldn't really require a lot to reach it.
12  Economy / Speculation / Re: Will reach $10,000 before the end of the year? on: October 31, 2017, 12:43:37 PM
Right now the Bitcoin is above $6,000

$6,220 according to
and $6,230 according to

Will the coin reach $10,000 before the end of the year?
Would be a nice Christmasgift Smiley

What do you think?

We'll see, especially after the fork drama. Smiley

I definitely wouldn't rule it out, although I'd say a much more realistic prediction would be quite a bit lower. 10k would mean over 50% increase in two months... While this isn't something that BTC has not already done in the past, nor would it surprise me, my pick would be somewhere halfway to 10k from this point, if all goes well.
13  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Airdropovi on: October 31, 2017, 08:56:34 AM
Taj bitcore je i meni interesantan. Vredece sigurno.

Moze link na njihov topic?
14  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Airdropovi on: October 31, 2017, 06:05:06 AM

U ovaj Bitcore sam uletio taman nedavno kad su još razmišljali kako će točno izgledati airdropovi u narednom razdoblju... I nisu razočarali. Matematika je neumoljiva, ako se ubroji jučerašnji airdrop od 25% skupa s ovim svakotjednim airdropovima, taman negdje u godinu dana svatko može ušezdeseterostručiti svoj broj BTX-a. Smiley
Pitanje je samo neće li vrijednost previše pasti, no kako se za airdrop zahtijeva držanje na privatnom walletu, moglo bi se dogoditi da i ne padne nešto jako puno.
15  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Koliko nas ima? on: October 31, 2017, 05:50:51 AM
Pozdrav ljudi, novi sam član sam na forumu, pa da se predstavim...

U cijelu pricu oko kriptovaluta sam usao tek prije par dana kupovinom bitcoina na bakomatu u Zagrebu.

Trenutno ne planiram minati, nego naučiti nešto više o kriptovalutama.

Trenutno mi je cilj mi je na forumu naći neki jeftiniji način kupovine bitcoina, jer su na bankomatu naknade cca 10%, pa bih bio zahvalan ako netko ima kakav prijedlog.

To je sve za sada, lijep pozdrav svima!

Dobrodošao. Smiley

Ja primjerice kupujem preko Bitstampa, preko deviznog računa uplatim tamo (što mi je sitan trošak od 30kn za SEPA transfer), a fee za kupnju BTC-a je tamo 0.25%.

Imaš i ovdje u podforumu "Trgovina" mogućnost da se dogovoriš čak i bez ikakve provizije, ili barem za puno manje od 10%.
16  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Bitcoin gold prevara početak kraja BTC-a??? on: October 27, 2017, 06:07:39 PM
Danas mi je brat poslao jedan članak o bitcoin goldu i priča uopšte ne obećava, dali je to opet kakva lažna vest ili se bliži početak kraja vodstva bitcoina na berzama???

Uzmi u obzir da Bitcoin gold zapravo nema nikakve veze s BTC-om, osim zajedničke povijesti u tehničkom dijelu.

Tako da iako Bitcoin gold ne obećava (nikada ni nije, realno), to će gotovo zanemarivo (ako i toliko) utjecati na položaj bitcoina kao kralja kriptovaluta.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: ELECTRONEUM SPECULATION THREAD on: October 26, 2017, 11:31:40 AM
It have hardcap 40mln$, do you,guys,want do x5 in one moment? If sale was 10 days, almost everybody who wanted to invest - already bought it. Why it should even do x3? There are no reasons at all.

What makes you think that anyone who wanted to invest in this has already bought it? Every fact suggests otherwise.

First of all, not everyone wants to do anything with ICOs, meaning they are waiting for it to hit the exchange.
Second, as the time was passing by, there were more and more buyers, so naturally there are plenty left who didn't manage to buy it on time.

So even after much more than 10 days (sale was going on for month and a bit), there were still more and more people interested in buying it.

Third, there are always some newcomers who had not heard of it before.

Depending on how things will go at the start after inevitable initial dump of some buyers, I can actually see it doing even more than ×5 in quite a short time. My initial thoughts were that it would be quite fine at ×2-3, but I did not expect it to sell out, especially not so early, so I wouldn't be surprised if we see it gaining a lot of momentum right from the start.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: What Do You Think Of IOTA? on: October 26, 2017, 11:07:35 AM
Hey there all. New here. I am just getting into cryptocurrencies and I currently own Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and have now added IOTA to my portfolio.

What do you guys think of IOTA?

Huge potential, but don't expect anything short-term.

If everything goes according to plan, it might reach very high value in couple of years, but of course anything that requires so much time can fail at many points. So do your research and decide for yourself if you like the project and whether you are willing to keep your investment locked for some time in order to get a profit. As usual, it could go either way, you could lose what you invested, but you could also gain hugely.
But as I said, from this point of view, I can see IOTA very high in several years.
19  Local / Altcoins (Hrvatski) / Re: Bittrex - BitcoinGOLD on: October 23, 2017, 09:02:14 AM
Hteo bih da pitam starije članove o iskustvu u vezi podele Bitcoina i BitcoinCash 01.08.2017. godine.
Preporuka je bila da se Bitcoini prebace sa menjačnica u offline wallete kako bi se dobila ista količina BitcoinCasha.

Koliko sam uspeo da pročitam menjačnica Bittrex je podržala BitcoinCash i nije trebalo prebacivati Bitcoine u offline wallet.
Nešto slično je najavljeno i sad:

Oni su ovde objavili da će podržati Bitcoin Gold i da će korisnici dobiti BTG u odnosu 1:1 sa BTC, ali da još uvek tehnički to sve nije pripremljeno ...

Interesuje me da li je slično bilo i 01.08. kad je došlo do podele na BitcoinCash?

Da li je potrebno prebacivati BTC sa Bittrexa u offline wallet nakon ove objave?

Sve najvažnije ti je sadržano u ovoj rečenici:

Bittrex will make all reasonable attempts to credit our users BTG but until we have a fully supported wallet, we can neither guarantee tokens or consider creating a market. We will continue to monitor the state of the codebase and network.

Dakle, ako želiš biti potpuno siguran da ćeš moći do golda, a naročito u što kraćem roku, onda koristi svoj wallet.

Rekao bih da će i Bittrex riješiti to na vrijeme, no garancije nema. Kako bilo, s obzirom na trenutni blok, mislim da su već zatvorili deposit/withdrawal, tako da što god da sad kažem više nema učinka. Smiley
20  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: ** Svakodnevne vijesti iz svijeta kriptovaluta on: October 22, 2017, 08:02:07 PM

Bacio sam oko na članak, imate grešku:

Kao što vam je vjerujemo već poznato, prva stvar što vam je potrebna je posjedovanje minimalno 1 BTC.

NIJE potrebno imati 1 BTC, nije to nikakav uvjet koliko znam. Koliko god BTC-a stoji u walletu, toliko će se golda dobiti, bilo to 10, 1, ili 0.000001.

Pa eto čisto da znate i ispravite ako je moguće. Smiley
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