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08/27/2021 - Still looking for one
I'm looking for a Solidity Developer. I've different request and specs for this contract.
i'm available to paid in BTC, ETH or USDT / USDC
You can contact me on Telegram : @iron_mast
I don't know what the average price for this kind of job, so you can ask me how much you will charge me for this work.
Thank you
Hello, the current price on CMC is $2,032 per THR've 1 THR, i sell it for $1,900 $1,500. For USDT or BTC We can use an Escrow if you need one. (at your charge) If else, we can sell it step by step (0.3 THR / 0.3 THR / 0.4 THR) If you need proof i can give it. My current THR is available on "LumiWallet Web" I don't sell it on Crex because they require KYC validation. And i don't want. Thank you.
EXCHANGE SERVICE Hello everyone, For all those who wish to embark on the adventure of an exchange, We suggest you setting up your exchange. At least the basic configuration of it. After which, you will have to modify it to adapt it to your convenience. This exchange is configurate with Openware , Opendax , Back-End, Front-End and Administration Monitoring/Menu. Forget Peatio + MicroKube they are outdated version. We do not give a price here to avoid unnecessary comments but also because each person needs a configuration adapted to these needs, therefore the prices are variable. -->We can also put in place the node of you need (Example BTC Node, ETH Node...) -->The possibility also to set up tokens according to your convenience. There is no limit in terms of management and number. Please note our starting price with a basic package from 0.2 BTC to 1.5 BTCThe items included in this package are: - Installation Opendax by Openware
- Setup our own Frontend (Picture below)
- Adding a BTC Node
- Installation 1 ERC20 token
- Implementation of the administration platform
- Platform functionality test
The following items are not included in the basic package : - SSL configuration
- Technical document for internal modifications of the frontend
- Add ETH Node
- Mail system for account verification
- KYC Implementation
- support 1 month or more
- And more....
Technical Specs : Our exchange uses an encrypted BackEnd and user files are all encrypted with an encryption keys. Each part are all API, like plugs. You can easily detach anyone. Thats how technical. Opendax is the best engine available because it is constantly maintained and meets the requirements of the moment in terms of secure and flexible exchange. To configure, since all are APIs, you can easily bring each part together files on their own, users on their own, the coins on their own, this make it easy to maintain Its fast and user friendly Contact : For more information or get a demo please contact me on Telegram : a demo image :
Hi guys, i search someone that can translate "ENGLISH to GERMAN(DEUTSCH)" if you have skills for that please contact me MP
Hi everyone, We have a big project to the fire.
We're launching a recruitment campaign,you will have the opportunity to integrate a competent team with a good project and a good atmosphere you will work from your home in cooperation with a team
Of course, we can not reveal the idea here.
We search :
If you need more info or be candidat please contact us directly on Discord : LINK EXPIRED
Hello everyone, I really need your help. After having traveled in the web, i don't found a solution for mining Blake2s with AMD GPU I see we can with "Claymore" or "PhoenixMiner" but it's never working  With claymore it's write : [color=red]B2S: http error #22. B2S: Check username and password, and/or pool state. B2S: Failed to connect to pool (, retry in 10 sec...[/color] Yes in the .conf i have add my username, etcc.. Any idea ? See my line : EthDcrMiner64.exe -epool -ewal MYWALLET -di 0 -dpool -dwal test -dpsw abcd -dcoin blake2s pause
Thanks for your help
Hello everyone, Many of us features of this Antminer, but no discussion center expect this forum. I have for project to create a Discord Channel for Everyone. -Answer faster -Help the newbie -Upload screen -Best Equihash crypto to mining day to day -Configuration -Share our opinions and return Etc etc.. I need to know if u are interesting. PS : If a discord channel already exist, can u send me the link. Thanks everyone. EDIT : AVAILABLE NOW :
Hi everyone, i'm looking for a seller serious for buy "Many" GPU If you have an idea, i take it  Thanks everyone
Strength (STR) est une crypto-monnaie "Peer to Peer" basée sur la communauté qui permet des transactions rapides, peu coûteuses et anonymes à n'importe qui dans le monde. Basé sur le projet PIVX, Strength vise à être l'un des systèmes de paiement les plus conviviaux et évolutifs. Strength sera publiée le 16 Mars Transactions instantanées et anonymes
POS (Preuve d'enjeu) Protocol v3.0
Faible frais et pre-mining
Récompense élevée Masternodes
Système de pré-vente automatisée
Robust Airdrop Bot
Communitée suivie
Ticker: STR Modèle: PoS / Masternodes Temps du bloc: 60 secondes Age d'entrée minimum "mise": 1 heure Maturité CoinBase: 51 confirmations Stock maximum: 30 000 000 MN Collatéral: 5,000 STR Reciblage de la difficulté: Tous les blocs, DGW Pre-mining: 2.5% P2P Port: 36900 RPC Port: 36901
La récompense de bloc est répartie entre Masternodes et Stakers. 75% - pour les Masternodes / 25% - pour les Stakers.
1 000 - 10 000: 15 STR 10 001 - 30 000: 10 STR 30 001 - 50 000: 12 STR 50 001 - 80 000: 14 STR 80 001 - 100 000: 18 STR 100 001 - 120 000: 16 STR 120 001 - 155 000: 12 STR 155 001+: 10 STR
Afin de rassembler des fonds pour le développement et l'échange de listes, des paquets (Package) de notre crypto-monnaie Strength (Pour un total de 700,000 STR) seront disponibles à l'achat. Pour plus d'informations sur ce sujet, rejoignez notre groupe : Discord
hello everyone.. I have a problem (It's a strange problem wtf...) my rig working since 1 month and now i see, 2 of my GPU (I have 8 GPU) the hashrate has loss 5 mh/s (30mh/s to 25mh/s) i check why. And i see its the coreclock fluctuating everytime. (Coreclock : 1150) Fluctuating exemple ( 800-850-790-1100-1000-900-1060 etc..) 6 GPU working perfect, without fluctuating and "THIS" GPU change everytime... and the mh/s follow him.. Image :   Do you have an idea please ? Thanks
Hello everyone,
After a long search i noted "This communauty" have many software for mining (Claymore, sgminer, cgminer .etc..) I am not a pro on the subject, but i have like objectif to inventory all of them here to facilitate beginner's research (and for us too).
LAST UPDATE : February 16, 2018Nvidia Miner : Amd Miner :Mixed Miner (Nvidia / Amd) : Other Interesting SoftwareIt's possible i wrong, that why i need all of you for help me to update my post everyday. You can notified me if i has forget another software or more. Thanks for your backup and good mining to everyone
--Sorry if I make mistakes, or bad expression but i don't speak english fluently--[/list]
Hello everyone, I know this question has already been asked. But month after month, many software or website are available for that. That why i need you for know what is better. Question : I need to know what is better for monitoring a rig / worker . I have windows 10 and 4 Rigs and use currently "Team Viewer" But it's so long for know 1 by 1 stats of my rigs and Screen Resolution have many probleme without monitor. I have hear of www.monitorig.comOr maybe do you have better idea and free if it's possible for 4 rigs. Thanks for your futur answer 
Hi everyone, i need your help, i have try to found a solution for resolve my problem.. But many post, many answer and not really my case. I have 4 RX 580 4GB Sapphire Nitro+ but they have only 19mh/s in ETH :/ My driver : Win10-64Bit-Crimson-ReLive-Beta-Blockchain-Workloads-Aug23 My ROM : Sapphire RX 580 Nitro(plus) 4GB Elpida Bios you have an idea why its stuck at this mh/s .... I have flashed my bios with AtiFlash THanks for help
Hi everyone,
Sorry if this question was asked, but i dont found a answer correct.
Can we use in a RIG a Graphic Card "Nvidia" and "AMD" ? Exemple : Nvidia GTX 1060 + Radeon RX 580
Hi everyone,
I try to find an information or 2... What is the good graphic card (low cost) for mining XVG ? [[Nvidia or AMD] / 6 GB or 3 GB and why ? ]
And do you have an idea, why mining in X17 or Script or Lyra2Rev2 etc...
Je suis à la recherche d'une personne qui vends des BTC en France.
Peut importe le secteur, je peux me déplacer. PS : L'avantage d'un achat direct, c'est d'éviter le temps de transaction de virement bancaire souvent trop longue.
Merci de me contacter par MP pour en discuté. [OFFRE SERIEUSE] Curieux s'abstenir.
Hi everyone, I'm sorry if i'm wrong i don't speak english very well, so. I want buy Bitcoin in cash exclusive (Liquidity). For your information i dont want buy 1 or 2 BTC if you understand Do you have an idea how buy ? With Who ? I have try localbitcoin.. But anyone are seriously its complicate to find a person serious.. PS : If you have BTC contact me MP , we going to discuss about it Smiley I hope you understand what i say  I'm bad in english. Thanks for future answer 
Hi everyone, I'm sorry if i'm wrong i don't speak english very well, so. I want buy Bitcoin in cash exclusive (Liquidity). For your information i dont want buy 1 or 2 BTC if you understand Do you have an idea how buy ? With Who ? I have try localbitcoin.. But anyone are seriously its complicate to find a person serious.. PS : If you have BTC contact me MP , we going to discuss about it I hope you understand what i say  I'm bad in english. Thanks for future answer 