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21  Economy / Service Discussion / What does "taint analyis" on really mean? on: June 13, 2015, 11:40:01 AM
I have always wondered what they meant by that. Clicking on it gives some bunch of addresses and a "taint percentage". Is there any proper document explaining these terms?

I guess its been asked before. So please point me to the link.
22  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Using Blockchain as a replacement for PKI on: June 12, 2015, 04:40:26 PM
Is there any work done on using the blockchain for public key certification/authentication, the job CAs currently do?

Bitcoin has challenged banks, the central authorities of money;
why not do the same to CAs, the centralized authorities of the Internet.

Namecoin does something close but we need a general way to map any domain name/email address to a public key (even a bitcoin address).

Please point me to any work done in this regard.
23  Bitcoin / BitcoinJ / Major differences between bitcoinj-0.11 and bitcoinj-0.12 on: May 30, 2015, 04:37:53 AM
What are the main differences between the two versions?

Some I could immediately see: (in 0.12)

1. reformatted packages ( to org.bitcoinj)
2. support for multisigs
3. default private key is compressed

Are there any other?
24  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Any website that lets me check for reused r-values? on: February 20, 2015, 10:15:40 AM
With so many hacks recently, I wonder if some of them are related to reused r-values.
Is there a website where I can enter a "hacked address" and find out if any r-values were reused for that address?
25  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / List of addresses that regularly receive and send bitcoins? on: January 29, 2015, 04:13:20 AM
I need a list of addresses that regularly receive and send bitcoins (say every 10 mins). I need it to test some notifiers I am building. Would be great to have some of them posted here.
26  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / How would an exchange handle a reorg? on: January 27, 2015, 05:05:51 PM
Say someone deposits 10 BTC, with 6 confirmations and immediately places a sell. Someone else buys them and withdraws quickly.
After sometime a reorg invalidates the initial 10 BTC tx. What is the right way to handle this?
27  Economy / Speculation / Going to bed @184 bitstamp. What will it be when I wake up? on: January 14, 2015, 08:39:51 PM
I'm guessing its going to swing either way at least 100. Anything in between is just ridiculous.
28  Economy / Goods / Selling BIC lighters full size x 12 at half price on: December 03, 2014, 12:13:28 PM
Got them delivered for forwarding from US but its not allowed to ship to my country. So selling it at half price

Price at Amazon $14.99. Selling for $7.50. Shipping depends on location.
Item location new york.

Payment accepted : BTC preev rate.

PM me for details
Will escrow if needed.
29  Economy / Currency exchange / removed on: November 19, 2014, 10:35:00 PM
30  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / List of bitcoin payment notification services on: October 26, 2014, 09:59:44 AM
I am making a list of services that provide payment notifications for watched bitcoin addresses; so I should give them addresses to watch and they should push a notifications to me when that address receives bitcoins. This is a very useful service for developers.

Are there others? Lets make a list here.
I am looking especially at ones that use HTTP callback rather than via websocket.. something like

EDIT: added suggestions by other posters (Have not tested all of them myself).
31  Other / Meta / search feature is pretty much useless on: July 17, 2014, 03:23:46 AM
I don't know if this was posted before. At least, I could not find it using the "search".

Say you search for MtGox, looking for latest about MtGox, you will get pretty much everything *except* what you are looking for. Sometimes I think it has some sadistic intelligence and guesses what you need to give you something entirely different.

And what is this "relevance"? Doesn't make any sense.
32  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / How does a Bitcoin ATM actually work? on: April 01, 2014, 08:54:27 AM
There are a few bitcoin ATMs in Singapore. Has anyone used such an ATM?

I want to know how they work.

Say I want to buy bitcoins...

I know I have to give them banknotes, or maybe use my debit card (would be great if that's allowed)
Then what next?

Do I give them a bitcoin address (how?)
Or does it give me a preassigned address with the private key?

And finally, how is the rate decided?
33  Economy / Service Discussion / MtGox "thought" a wallet containing 200000 BTC was empty ?? WTF !! on: March 21, 2014, 07:15:02 AM
This is definitely a wtf moment.

How can mtgox have "thought" that a wallet containing 200k was empty?

34  Economy / Service Discussion / Alternatives to API on: March 18, 2014, 02:52:27 PM
I have used and it is awesome! (as advanced as or more)
I have no hesitation recommending it.

Only thing it does not have is pushtx is pretty primitive.

What else is there?

Who provides a pushtx?
35  Other / Off-topic / What is the connection between alcohol, tobacco and firearms? on: February 20, 2014, 09:12:31 AM
I don't get it. Are they somehow connected. I guess, people smoke tobacco when drinking alcohol and those people also carry guns.. Or am I missing something here?
36  Economy / Service Discussion / API not working on: February 12, 2014, 09:51:32 AM
Since a few hours, has included "cloudflare DDoS protection".
This results in all API calls to fail.
I want to know if this will eventually be fixed (soon) or should we start looking at alternative API providers?

37  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / What exactly is malleable? on: February 11, 2014, 04:11:06 PM
Lets say we have inputs A, B and outputs X, Y.

Say we have a tx = (Sign_A((A, B), (X, Y)), Sign_B((A, B), (X, Y)), (A, B), (X, Y))

What exactly is malleable here?

Please point me to the thread where this is explained.
38  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Recently mined block with no transactions (except coinbase tx) on: February 05, 2014, 06:56:18 PM

contains no transactions except the newly generated coins. Why?
39  Economy / Speculation / Proudhon...can you please send me 1 BTC as you promised? [Paid!] on: January 14, 2014, 10:59:31 PM
Hey proudhon, guess you forgot.. so pointing you to the original thread:

In case others are wondering, I speculated in March that 1 BTC will hit 1000 USD before 2013 end. Proudhon said that he'll give me one BTC if it does (and it won't happen)/
Well it did cross 1000 USD in 2013, so I am owed 1 BTC.. would most people agree?

With the recent screwps.. Cyprus, Chase bank, etc. and so many new adopters, it looks like we will cross 1000 this year, a couple of years too soon in my opinion.. And im not complaining Cheesy

I'll give OP a bitcoin if it hits $1000/BTC this year.  Will not happen.

Proudhon, hope you will be as good as your word.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Proudhon was true to his word. (Proudhon, hope you didn't mind my gentle remainder)
40  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Which altcoins have a type API? on: January 02, 2014, 08:42:22 AM
I am looking for altcoins having API providers similar to

Specifically, the following functions are needed.

1. (push a tx)
2. (get all transactions for an address)

Which altcoins have such an API?

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