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61  Other / Politics & Society / coronavirus is "racist" and disproportionally kills nonwhite people on: April 17, 2020, 12:38:27 AM
how is coronavirus so racist against blacks and other nonwhite people?

or is this just fakenews from established media?
62  Other / Politics & Society / racist cnn, generalises and invites everyone to peer the dutch on: April 15, 2020, 06:16:59 PM
cnn is pure american leftist retardation,

that activly acts racist, they have generalised now all dutch that they don't care weather someone is peering into their homes with a crazy article:, of course without comments, so no one was able to defend against that nonsense

how long do we have to live with such a retarded left wing media sitting in america, acting as if they are professionals?

some american leftists are out of mind, they should stop damaging others with their problems.

are now all dutch supposed to live in fear of all refugees peering on them?
63  Other / Politics & Society / States are like ICO's they constantly attack each other. on: April 07, 2020, 05:25:27 PM
for financial gains,

thats why why the uk and the usa hated the nation states in europe (called them nazis) and now are hating the EU.

same is with russia that also attacked european nations as nazis and once those nations formed a continental block like the USA they started to attack that one too, although they are much more nazi than the eu kapitalists.

expect no sanity comming anytime soon, as these financial elites of nation (russia, uk, usa, and italy) act like mad ICO's and will continue to do so.

could ICO's free us from the madness of those government's while at the same time protecting us from the ills they are supposed to protect us from (isis migrant crime etc.)

thats the question, in my oppinion people in the west especially europe have startet to rely to much on the state, which will eventually leave them alone in a hostile environment.

in third world countries people never where able to rely on the state in the first place. so its somehow also good for them, that their human rights where treated like shit through their states.

64  Other / Politics & Society / Corona Pandemy is a gift from God on: April 04, 2020, 08:58:57 PM
it reduces median age in the developed world,

reliefs stress of the medical system,

relives pressure from the housing market.

and revitalises the society,

perfect idea, for something that was needed,

many communist governments simply ignore corona crisis because they know of the benefits.

those that want to create panic in order to sell and market vaccines are jackasses,

hopefully we will overcome them

it also proves that gods ways are beyond good and evil.

and cannot therefore be understood, by atheist humanists
65  Other / Politics & Society / Chinese official numbers are they truly trustworthy? on: April 03, 2020, 09:37:33 AM
china has some strange numbers regarding chorona epedemic that make it doubtable weather china is able to really be that successful as they pretend,

also in other fields china gives out strange numbers like for example the human intensive farming of Asparagus

according to my german wikipedia site china produces 87.6% of the worlds aspargus,

with 1.3 billion people,

germany produces just 133.020 tones of it with 83 million people economy, while china produces 7.982.230 tones

china has 15 times more people than germany, but produces 60 times more asparus per person than germany, and that although germany is farming quite a lot of aspargus.

what is happening with all the aspargus produced in china, are they exporting it worldwide? or does it get wasted or is the number a lie in the first place?

are chinese official numbers actually trustworthy?

66  Other / Politics & Society / Fascism vs. Communism What is worse any why? on: March 30, 2020, 08:30:40 PM
many say that in the end communism and fascism will be the same.


67  Other / Politics & Society / humanist mindset of american revolution got toxic feminism out of controll on: March 28, 2020, 04:50:59 PM
american humanist revolution accompanied by the enlightenment caused an unprecendented unleashment of toxic feminism that got completely out of controll and made entire societies in the developed world !!! that got out of controll,

what to do about the threats of toxic feminism?

before the american revolution toxic feminism was kept under control by burning witches, but that has been now banned since 200 years, feminism was capable to evolve and develop dangerous traits in the meantime, like pornography and very extreme versions of it.
68  Other / Politics & Society / Corona Nationalsocialism in western Europe on: March 27, 2020, 11:36:32 AM
during the corona crisis western european countries tend to massively indept an damage europe's debt, in order to profilate themselves among their aging population, so they can live a bit longer, and of course at the expense of eastern europe,

remarkably these "nazis" that only thing about themselves accuse the EU of being nazi as it is limiting their ability to print their worthless money, but the truth is the eu is not preventing them to print money as long as it is their own nationalist crap (italian lira french franc)

it will be a hard time for the EU to survive western european egoism and nazism in the comming decades, their elites are often idiots and think short termly.

what could be done however in my opinnion is that the EU allows frictionless trade for corona pandemic equipment to put down prices and put pressure of the german med industry.
69  Other / Politics & Society / how to fix children are an unprofitable liability in the developed world dilema on: March 26, 2020, 02:10:49 AM
the developed world suffers from a drama that it didnt had before industrialisation,

during ages having children was something profitable, people had them for profit gains, children were teached religious teachings to serve their parents,

and till today among wild people in africa or the middle east having children is access to cheap farm labour, but not in the west.

children here have become some kind of fun object, like an ultra expensive toy.

this can't last forever, as it is also damaging the developed societies. leaving the people there alone with third world immigrants.

now how to fix that issue, in order to make the developed world more sustainable?

70  Other / Politics & Society / restoring the ottoman/istanbul/byzantum empire the smart way (for turks) on: March 25, 2020, 01:23:58 PM
turks are sad about the fall of the ottoman empire, similar but restoring it with a nationalist/islamist way will not work, and turkey will lose its good relationships with europe if erdogan continues to use migrants as negotiation chips.

but there is still a much smarter way, turks can make their istanbul a world respected city, they have to do it the smart way, here my suggestion how:

1. make istanbul a neutral city abandoning turkish nationalism

2. make istanbul a religiously neutral city, stopping the 99% muslim dominance (istanbul had majority christian population during ottoman age.

3.make istanbul a neutral bicontinental city. meaning it has to controll its borders to both sides europe and the middle east.

4. istanbul has also to get a a neutral names, constantinople, and byzantum are also allowed official names of the city.

5. istanbul becomes a merchant and soft power respected in europe and in the middle east, it needs to have a strict corruption free burocracy as istanbul would have privileged relations with europe istanbul would be allowed to appoint visas for trusted merchants, companies and tourists to europe and maybe also into the middle east. (if the middle east ever decides to become a peaceful and prosperous region.

6. istanbul as a newly created city state would be vastly influential and powerful, it also would need a monarch controlling the financial system like during ottoman age.

there are more steps to this in reality but it also is comming automatically istanbul is distinguishing itself from anatolian turkish cities. trying to be more neutral and less middle eastern

71  Other / Politics & Society / Boris johnson destroyes uk pound with 360 billion anti chorona programm on: March 17, 2020, 08:55:51 PM
seems like brexit will not work well in uk
72  Other / Politics & Society / coronavirus as excuse to stop muslim and african zerg from entering the country? on: March 16, 2020, 08:20:13 PM
are border closures around corona virus a great nonracist nonislamophobic excuse to protect a region from muslim and african third world migration zerg?

will they take it?
73  Other / Politics & Society / another proof for intelligent design and that evolution is a hoax on: March 15, 2020, 08:14:20 PM
look at this snake

a snake with 2 horns, symbolising the devil, and where does it live? apperantly in the biblical region around israel and the middle east. where those religious believes came from.

horns exist according to evolution theory only on animals that also fight with those horns but a snake with horns fighting another snake with horns for a female or theory with horns although it has a poisonous bite?

besides male and female have same horns.

if that snake would be from china or america, where there are no divine asociation of devil and snake, it would be a thing, but this one is from the middle east.

74  Other / Politics & Society / anti islam hatred/islamophobia campaign completely pointless on: March 12, 2020, 07:43:58 PM
regarding this article

muslims in the west are getting more and more absurd.
especially the fundamentallists that want a wahabi way of life.

muslims litereally try prevent people from hating slavery, poverty, sexual abbuse, crime and violence.

because islamic mindset creates these things for all automatically,

just look at the greek turkish border where muslim migrants literally rob innocent people destroy economies and livelyhood, and why? because those people dont kill the intruders. if they would muslims would be angry again accusing them of being inhumane.

it has become completely pointless to even listen to them.

this is also why israel has to kill palestinians, because if they wouldn't arabs woudl simply rob and enslave them.

75  Other / Politics & Society / refugee racism paradox of racist erdogan on: March 10, 2020, 09:28:25 AM
here a paradox in order to show how absurd politicians are that accuse the west continously of racism

first of all

refugees are not all 100% labour for a receiving economy, they have to be educated very hardly to ever become.


if they are labour is transafarable at all and often not it is not transferable those refugees are missing often where they are coming from.

we take three nations as an example

germany as a receiving country

turkey and afghanistan as sending countries.

germany has to spend massive amounts of its own social fabric to educate uneducated and lingually unusuable labour from turkey and afghanistan,

the time till they are theoretically educated, they don't work.

on the other side, germany and other european nations can't spend their social fabric towards the own reproduction, because they are being forced to educate and raise, the offspring from turkey and afghanistan and other third world nations, the same is the case in many other western region.

if those people would have come completely educated also in english or the host nations langauge, that would be a different isssue (that education is free available in youtube)

but its not the case.

erdogans logic is to eternally demand from any community that runs a national welfare system for its own economic stability, which doesnt includes the whole world including reptilians and crab people as racist.
but in truth erdogan runs a racist agenda weather unaware and not admitting or aware because he is a turkish racist nationalist himself, by forcing others to care for his migrants.

turks are still to stupid to realise that they have to either integrate their refugees and migrants into their own economy (which shouldn't be a problem since turkey and afghanistan are each at least 3 times bigger)
turkey has to send all those migrants back to where they came from and ensure they are working and building their countries instead of trying to leech.

as islam says: serve no one but god.

76  Other / Politics & Society / why is turkey welcoming more people than it can economically occupy, and supply? on: March 08, 2020, 08:39:57 PM
turkey is completely out of mind,

it is attracting in the name of islam and nonracism, by far more people to its own country than it can give jobs to, integrate or educate, and use in its economy

at the same time turkey is saving itself by sending simply a large portion of those migrants further into europe,

now with greece closing the border turkey is finanly forced to think about how it runs its own economy, and finnally support the west in managing migration and securing that all land is being used for development and not just the western world, and turkey finally has to deal with the behavior of migrants in their new home.

and how important it is that that new home doesn't die.

77  Other / Politics & Society / american left tries to return to racial segregation on: March 08, 2020, 02:09:28 PM
Leftist Students Want Racial Segregation

first they wanted to end it now they want racial segregation back what is wrong with those people?
78  Other / Politics & Society / Saurogan uses desperate people as a weapon against greeks on: March 04, 2020, 05:06:43 PM
the Sauron of the Middle east (erdogan) also known as Saurogan sends desperate people to the border of greece in the hope to enslave the greeks for their wellbeing.

erdogan is completely unaware that he is practicing racism against the greeks that have to defend their country against his bioweapon.

the migrants are to 2/3 no syrians, and many of them speak fluent turkish

what kind of monster is saurogan?
79  Other / Politics & Society / Flag for Middle Eastern Union on: March 04, 2020, 01:50:28 PM
middle east needs also a free trade zone to prevent violence, people should use their labour to build themselves communities

here my suggestion how to start the middle eastern union (other name suggestions middle western/middle eastern union (china centric view/eurocentric view) or the middle union

core countries turkey, iran, iraq, syria, saudi arabia, uae, kuwait, oman, potentially also: pakistan, afghanistan, north afrika

with religious freedom, sustainability environmental protection and also humanism with some forms of democracy and human rights as political goal

flag of the middle eastern union

suggestion EU flag reverse.

lots of yellow for the lot of sanddesert they have
little blue for the little water oasis they have

12 stars representing the community with the number 12 of being completeness

what do you think?

80  Other / Politics & Society / US led Nato retards do anti russia manouver, while greece is being sieged on: March 03, 2020, 12:13:54 PM

at the same time turks are arming migrants in order to enslave the greeks
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