Icopress je jučer objavio da je MonkeyTilt kampanja pauzirana jer nema love u escrow walletu. Izgleda da već par tjedana ima problema s isplatama jer piše da je zadnjih nekoliko tjedana isplatio iz vlastitih sredstava. Uglavnom, nadam se da će uskoro biti kampanja sa sličnim uvjetima.
Zna li netko onu sig. kampanju gdje se sudjelovanje ne plaća? Mislim da je icopress imao takvu kampanju, a sad ju ne mogu pronaći.
A koja je svrha, tj benefit te kampanje gdje se ne placa? Ono, tipa dobra volja i ciscenje carboon footprinta, ili ima neki off-forum benefit? Cisto pitam, jer vecina je tu zbog kampanja koje se placaju, pa ono A svrha je da se pokažeš kao dobar user kojem nije problem nositi signature besplatno za vrijeme dok nisi u kampanji. A onda te menadžer nagradi s pozivom u neku od plaćenih kampanja kad se otvori mjesto. Tako sam ja dobio mjesto u MonkeyTilt kampanji.
Icopress je jučer objavio da je MonkeyTilt kampanja pauzirana jer nema love u escrow walletu. Izgleda da već par tjedana ima problema s isplatama jer piše da je zadnjih nekoliko tjedana isplatio iz vlastitih sredstava. Uglavnom, nadam se da će uskoro biti kampanja sa sličnim uvjetima.
Zna li netko onu sig. kampanju gdje se sudjelovanje ne plaća? Mislim da je icopress imao takvu kampanju, a sad ju ne mogu pronaći.
Ja sam definitivno odlučio ne gledati ništa vezano uz kripto idućih par mjeseci, vjerojatno tamo do ljeta. Nekako sam sam sebi zamislio da će bull run trajati upravo tamo do kraja ljeta ili početka jeseni. U tom trenutku ću izaći u stablecoin i vidjeti što dalje. Jer kripto je ionako teško pratiti, a kad se onda još dogodi da jedan Trump pokrene vlastiti memecoin i pokupi likvidnost iz svih ostalih kriptovaluta, stvarno se moraš zapitati ima li sve to smisla.
Imao sam da, i sjecam se da si se jos bio i cudio preko Telegrama kak ja imam onaj neki jedan koji ti nisi dobio. Al eto, sad na eligability checkeru pise da nemam niti jedan, tak da iskreno neznam. I neznam dal mi se da ic ganjat sad to da me ponovo provjeravaju.
A ovo sto frka kaze, istina je. Kada neki airdrop postane mainstream, znas da nece vrijediti nista osim ako ne diskvalificiraju 99% ekipe.
Recimo onaj berachain, tamo valjda jedno 5 miliona walleta (namjerno kazem walleta, ne usera) farma. Tak da ono...
Ma ne da se ni meni ići ganjati sad to. Ali mislio sam da sam lud kad sam znao da sam imao NFT-ove, a sad piše da nemam. Valjda budu sredili to do claima. A što se tiče airdropova, dosad sam najviše love dobio na airdropovima za koje nisam ni očekivao. Ovi projekti za koje se zna da će imati airdrop su puni farmera gdje ekipa farma sa stotinama walleta. Očito je vlasnicima tih projekata važnije da se stvori kakav-takav hype nego da ugrade neki sybil check kod claima.
Isto tako, Trofo i ja smo napravili hrpetinu Ordinalsa iz zajebancije, svaki na svom walletu. Trebalo je 3 na istom za neki Runes airdrop koji je vrijedio baš dosta - mogli smo dobiti hrpu toga, nismo dobili ni jedan. Nekad te posere, nekad baš neće.
E taj Runes airdrop je bio baš dobar. Ja sam dobio jedan čini mi se. @btcltcdigger - jel ti na Orbiteru imaš jedan od onih NFT-ova temeljem kojih se dobiva još tokena? Ja bi se mogao okladiti da sam imao oba i neki dan kad sam provjeravao je pisalo da imam po jedan, ali sad kad otvorim airdrop stranicu piše mi da nemam niti jedan.
Yes you need to be Rune get elimination by Sunday because you have no.
Yeah, I know. I went with "No" for Rune because I saw that he will be up against Sinner. Currently their game is scheduled for 19 Jan at 01:00 (Central European Time) so I hope it won't be delayed for Monday. I need him to lose Humbert won his game because Fils retired. I'm not sure what happened but Humbert was leading 2-1 and 1-0 in the fourth set so he would have probably won anyway. Now he is up against Zverev on Sunday.
I just remembered to check on my tennis predictions. Rune and Humbert are the only ones left. Rune is up against Sinner if he manages to beat Kecmanović and Humbert is currently playing against Fils. If he wins, he will play against Zverev. I must say that I like my chances with all "No".
Iskreno nisam koristio al provjerite ako i niste direktno jer vam Phantom sam po sebi dio prometa provlači kroz Jupiter ako koristite njegov swap. Eligible sam za neku siću, s obzirom da je na Solani naravno da ću claimat. Kako kažu, 100 po 100.. Upravo na taj način sam i ja eligible. Swapao sam neke stvari kroz Phantom pa je on automatski odabrao Jupiter. Samo što je još uvijek sve tako sporo na toj checker stranici. Kad je tek izašao checker, vidio sam da sam eligible ali nisam se mogao ulogirati u account (nije dolazio mail s kodom za potvrdu). Sad sam probao preko kompa ali sad mi ne radi niti checker. Kad spojim wallet, samo vrti Loading i to je to. EDIT: Orbiter je upravo najavio svoj airdrop. Ovdje možete provjeriti jeste li eligible: https://orbiter.finance/en/airdrop
For me it's tennis, I still remember getting screwed over by the scheduling back then and lost a point because of a match that played on Sunday.
Yeah, tennis likes to screw a lot of us. I remember the time when I was always putting Tsitsipas to win or at least go to the final only to lose a point because he lost his game against much weaker opponent. In fact, I have a lot of kryptonite sports where I fuck up all the time. That's probably the reason I'm in division 3
Hah bio sam na par foruma koji su svojedobno "upgradeali" svoj izgled, i stavili novi softver ili novi template. Uglavnom, patnja. Godinama si naviknut na nesto, i odjednom paf. Bit ce sigurno kukanja
Upravo tako. Kad čovjek koristi nešto godinama i navikne se na to, jako je teško prijeći na nešto drugo, koliko god to bilo bolje i preglednije. Meni je isto muka kad forum gledam na mobitelu, ali već sam navikao na to tako da nije strašno. Ovo sučelje je svakako velika promjena i znam da će biti jako velikih pobuna zbog promjene. Možda bi bilo bolje rješenje da su uzeli novi softver ali da se dizajn što više prilagodio trenutnom izgledu jer bi onda sigurno bilo puno manje kukanja. Kad samo pomislim koliko vremena je uloženo u razvoj, svakako se moglo puno bolje to odraditi da se izbjegne kukanje za starim izgledom na koji su svi navikli. EDIT: Sad sam ponovo pogledao i primijetio sam da nema potpisa. To je valjda samo privremeno jer ako ugase mogućnost potpisa, 75% ljudi će otići.
I absolutely support this proposal.
It is evident that a lot of effort has been put into the guide, and I believe it will be helpful to casino owners who want to advertise on the forum.
Oh wow. I'm up against yassinmanai who sits on top of the division 3. It should be an interesting and probably a pretty tough round since he still didn't lose this season. I must say that the tennis question is pretty interesting. Usually in this type of questions we have the best players to choose, but now the Cro2 team decided to make things interesting by not giving us the top players to choose from. As for the snooker question... I have no idea how to answer
My edge had same issue for a while now, and i've been using brave (which is basically chrome) for a while now and that works just fine. I thought it was me issue, because it used to run in edge and i wouldn't have thought that they changed the code, and usually web developers check these things before launching updates. But apparently they didn't.
It wouldn't have been an issue before, but edge is an actually good browser these days and been as my default browser for a while now.
What's strange is that Edge is practically the same browser as Chrome (that's why Chrome extensions work in Edge) so it's weird that stuff work on Chrome and not on Edge. I remember that it was working without a problem last month when I was writing my review of the MonkeyTilt. I guess that they changed something that broke the website on Edge.
I just tried opening the Monkeytilt website, but it wouldn't load. I just see the logo that represents that website is loading (I guess), but I couldn't get past that. I even tried force refresh (Shift + F5), but it didn't help. Then I tried using Chrome (Edge is my default browser) and the website loaded almost instantly. I'm not sure what's the problem, but I can't seem to open the site in Edge.
Well, it looks like B1g4udge and I have only three different answers. So far, it's 1-1 because we have the same first and second answer. The competition for us starts with the third and fourth questions where one of us can earn two points. Seeing how others answered the third questions, I'm not that confident that I will win this one with "5 or more", but we will see.
With Newcastle winning the game, this is another win for my team! My opponent and I have the same answers on the two remaining questions so there's no chance for me to lose. So far the division 3 doesn't look that bad
Meh, Dimitrov is out too, meaning (afaik) no one gets a point from question nr 10.
Serves me well, for already counting that point after both Tiafoe and Rune got kicked out of the tournament as I thought that at least one of Djokovic/Dimitrov must reach the final.
What? He us out? I didn't even remember to check. That's how certain I was that he will get to the final. Now I lost an important point that I already counted in my duel against Vivekdhyani1. Now I really need Newcastle to win against Tottenham to win this round. That question will decide the winner of our duel. Or we end up with a draw if the match ends up with a draw.
I agree, those were some unreal scenes in the second half of the Real Madrid match, it felt like they got cursed by something with those missed opportunities.
It looked bleak when they were a man down, and surprisingly it wasn't enough for Valencia to seal the deal, it's crazy to think they're likely going to get relegated.
Damn! Now Vivekdhyani1 managed to equalize. I hope that Dimitrov can make it to the final. I need that or Newcastle to win against Tottenham to give me an important point. I hope that with three points I'm safe in the LMS.
Juventus winning at half time in the semi-final. The best case scenario for me from here is for Milan to equalize and win it on penalties. If it stays this way, I will still win my round and I will prefer if no more goals are scored, one going in increases the chances of another coming soon after.
- Jay -
No, no... I need Juventus to score one more goal so that they win and that it's over 4,5 goals in both games. Inter won with 2-0 against Atalanta, so 2-1 for Juve is the best possible scenario for my LMS points.