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761  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: [Poll] Calon Presiden 2024 Pilihanmu on: June 17, 2023, 05:23:33 AM
Sulit untuk memberikan jawaban untuk saat ini. Tapi menurut saya yang bakal maju jadi calon presiden memiliki riwayat yang cukup mentereng di dunia politik dan saya pikir salah satu faktor keberhasilan mereka untuk mendapatkan banyak suara adalah dari segi partai yang mendukungnya. Untuk saat ini mungkin pdi yang cukup kuat tapi saya pikir hal itu bukan salah satu faktor mereka juga akan menang nantinya.

Untuk saat ini ane masih yakin sama anies walaupun dia banyak dikatakan berbagai latar belakang yang mana hal ini menurut pendapat masing masing sih. Ane berharap dia menjadi presiden untuk kedepannya karena orang sangat berwibawa dan itu aja sih. Ane juga kurang ngerti sama politik  Grin Maaf klo ada yang menyinggung
Berbicara sosok Anis Baswedan, beliau sudah melalang melintang di dunia perpolitikan Indonesia. Sebelum duduk di kursi Gubernur DKI, beliau pernah menjabat sebagai menteri pendidikan di periode pertama Jokowi menjabat sebagai presiden.
Trio koalisi NasDem, PKS dan Demokrat tidak serta Merta memilih Calon yang diusung jika tidak melihat sesuatu yang berharga dalam diri Anis. Surya Paloh memilih manuver dari koalisi PDIP karena menilai Elektabilitas Anis mampu bersaing dengan colon yang diusung partai penguasa saat ini.

Demokrat kembali turun gunung setelah memilih bersikap netral di pemilu sebelumnya, PKS masih menunjukkan konsistensinya untuk terus menjadi oposisi dari partai penguasa. Tentu saya sulit memberi jawaban siapa yang akan dipilih di pemilu kali ini, ketiganya memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Prabowo, Ganjar dan Anis merupakan tiga putra terbaik yang dimiliki bangsa ini untuk melanjutkan perjuangan Jokowi dalam memajukan Indonesia. Siapapun yang memenangkan pemilu kali ini bisa menjaga kepercayaan yang diberikan rakyat untuk membawa Indonesia ke arah yang lebih maju.
762  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [HELP]Bantuan untuk menaikkan Rank (Newbie s.d Hero) V.2 [UPDATE] on: June 16, 2023, 04:17:22 PM
Selamat malam sahabat-sahabat SFI,,,
Selamat malam juga sobat.

1. Di Indonesia crypto hanya jadikan aset komoditas, bukan untuk alat pembayaran. Undang-undang telah membuat aturan hanya Rupiah yang sah digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran.
2. Ini masih kontroversi, Menang belum mengeluarkan aturan membayar zakat menggunakan Bitcoin.
3. Membenarkan post user lain namun diisi dengan penjelasan yang terarah.
4. Skip.
5. Prabowo sosok pantang menyerah, meski sempat gagal beberapa kali, dia masih memiliki minat untuk maju dalam perta demokrasi kali ini.
6. Meluruskan posting dari member lain, sangat bermanfaat.
7. Menawarkan layanan pada pendatang baru, semoga tidak pernah bosan menjawab pertanyaan dari mereka.
8. Posting yang bagus, penjelasannya mudah dipahami.
9. Ane belum menemukan informasi lebih lanjut tentang rencana ChatGPT membuat coinnya, sepertinya akan ada terobosan kesana untuk kedepannya.
10. Penjelasan yang bagus.

Kesimpulan dari link yang agan lampirkan:
Sangat luar biasa, ane sangat terkesan setelah membaca satu persatu link yang anda lampirkan. Pertahankan.

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb
Waalaukum salam.

1. Penjelasan sangat terarah didukung dengan gaya penulisan yang mudah dipahami, saya pikir agan telah mewakili member SFI dengan penjelasan agan.
2. Mengganti mengganti Email dan password sepenuhnya menjadi hak pemilik akun, tidak ada pelanggaran dalam hal ini karena tidak ada aturan tertulis yang melarang seseorang mengganti Email dan password dalam durasi tertentu.
3. Sambutan hangat pada pendatang baru, isinya penuh dengan motivasi.
4. Menjawab pertanyaan member lain, cukup bagus.
5. Kebetulan ini Minggu pertama saya di Yo!Mix, di rule tidak ada lagi aturan yang membatasi memposting di lokal.
6. Penjelasan yang bagus dalam meningkatkan kualitas posting.
7. Penjelasannya sama seperti nomor 1.
8. Setiap kelebihan ada juga kekurangannya, masalah gagal WD  kadang bisa terjadi pada siapa saja. Admin akan memproses setiap pengaduan dari penggunanya demi kelancaran proses WD.
9. Sangat masuk akal, rata-rata yang kita lihat user yang masih aktif selalu memakai signature berbeda. income sudah pasti.
10. Sangat tidak disarankan berinvestasi di token yang baru lahir apalagi tingkat pemasarannya masih terbatas.

Kesimpulan dari link yang agan lampirkan:
Setelah melihat satu persatu link yang agan lampirkan, hampir semuanya memiliki penjelasan yang mudah dipahami. Beberapa Posting di isi dengan menjawab pertanyaan dari user lain, motivasi buat member yang baru bergabung dan cara menghindari berinvestasi yang dapat membawa pada resiko kehilangan. Tidak ada koreksi dari ane, tetap pertahankan kualitas posting agar segera meraih peringkat baru.

Hallo kawan-kawan yang sangat-ku sayangi, salam, jumpa lagi denganku di bulan Juni yang menggairahkan ini.
Hallo juga Sarah Azhari, izinkan saya mereview posting yang anda titip di sini.

1. Semua member yang ada di forum ini sangat termotivasi dengan Top 5 account yang memiliki +10,000 merit, kadang keinginan mereka tidak bisa terealisasi akibat keterbatasan pengetahuan yang dimiliki.
2. Kalau yang berhubungan dengan pihak bank, tentu transaksi itu sangat membayakan untuk pembeli. Tetapi kalau untuk daftar exchange ane pikir tidak mungkin, data pengguna haru sesuai dengan nama rekening bank.
3. Skip.
4. Layanan jasa, ok ane simpan. Sewaktu-waktu saat dibutuhkan, anda orang pertama yang ane hubungi.
5. Iming-iming keuntungan masih menjadi senjata utama, baiknya hati-hati dalam menyerap informasi yang dapat menimbulkan kerugian.
6. Rupiah menjadi salah satu alat pembayaran sah yang diakui negara.
7. Siapapun yang terpilih, semoga amanah dan bisa memberantas korupsi di negara kita.
8. Skip.
9. Sangat mengedukasi.
10. Opsi pada increase fee sudah ada di versi sebelumnya kok gan.

Kesimpulan dari link yang agan lampirkan:
Pertahankan kualitasnya, anda telah mengalami peningkatan setiap kali melakukan percobaan disini. Ane juga menemukan beberapa Original Thread dari agan satu diantaranya sangat mengedukasi dan informatif, kali ini tidak ada koreksi dari ane karena pemilih link sangat tepat.

Pengajuan review ketiga untuk Tahun 2023,
Untuk Om Luzin, setelah melihat 10 link yang diajukan disini, saya menarik kesimpulan sangat layak dan pantas seluruh link yang telah dipilih untuk diajukan disini. Semuanya memiliki kualitas, posting agan sangat informatif dan dilengkapi dengan sumber asli. Saya memilih jalur ini karena merasa diri belum pantas mereview posting agan yang penuh dengan motivasi, pengetahuan dan informasi, pokoknya lengkap banget dah. Saya akan mengatakan anda salah satu poster SFI yang selalu konsisten menjaga kualitas posting, setiap periode pengajuan link disini selalu di isi dengan posting berkualitas yang membuat user sekelas ane merasa minder mereview posting anda.
Semoga terus konsisten dengan tulisan yang penuh dengan pengetahuan bagi member sekelas ane.

Assalamualaikum WR.WB.
Waalaukum salam.

1. Benar, Masih sangat banyak yang masih aktif di forum baik di global maupun di lokal. Semakin hari semakin bertambah member baru yang mendaftar di forum.
2. Penjelasannya sangat masuk akal.
3. platform BTT masih berdiri tegak meski pengembang tidak lagi memanfaatkan forum ini sebagai tempat mempromosikan proyek mereka.
4. Posting yang bagus, layak dihargai.
5. Benar, keberuntungan setiap orang selalu berbeda-beda. Tidak harus berharap pada keberuntungan saja, kita juga harus bekerja demi menjaga kestabilan ekonomi.
6. Yang penting selalu istiqamah Om.
7. Masa lalu sebagai pelajaran, masa depan adalah tantangan.
8. Semuanya masih abu-abu atau mungkin, siapa yang bisa meramal sebuah kepastian yang akan terjadi di masa depan.
9. Meski agak bosan membaca karena tulisan yang panjang tetapi memiliki makna yang mendalam.
10. Penjelasan yang Bagus.

Kesimpulan dari link yang agan lampirkan:
Sangat pantas anda berada di peringkat Hero karena memiliki posting yang layak mendapat merit. Usaha agan selama ini sudah mendapat hasil, selalu pertahankan kualitas posting sebagaimana yang telah anda lakukan di periode sebelumnya.
Selamat atas peringkat baru anda dan selalu berjuang meraih peringkat tertinggi di forum.

Lelah juga ternyata mereview 5 aplikasi sekaligus, tak terasa sudah menghabiskan waktu lebih dari satu jam. Buat Aplikasi yang belum sempat direview akan ane lanjut di lain kesempatan.
763  Economy / Economics / Re: Is poverty a lack of money? on: June 14, 2023, 02:07:50 PM
A natural life in an agricultural context seems very pleasant for people who have never experienced how difficult it is to survive in difficult times. Prolonged drought, health problems and floods that damage agriculture are part of the challenges for people who depend on natural products for their survival. Maybe you've heard of this, money is not a medium for survival, but without money you will encounter many difficulties in life.
Of course, even if you have abundant resources to survive but no money, you are part of the poor. The cost of medical treatment, children's schooling, paying a monthly electricity fee, and other needs requires money. You can't pay for all of that by bartering with the resources you have because 2023 is no longer the stone age.
764  Economy / Economics / Re: The impact of artificial intelligence, chat GPT on the crypto market. on: June 14, 2023, 01:39:58 PM
It is true that GPT Chat and other AI technologies have the potential to enhance security measures and reduce volatility in the cryptocurrency market but they are not a complete solution and should be used in conjunction with other security measures and investment strategies.
Unfortunately GPT Chat's artificial intelligence and AI technologies are abused a lot in forums. Forum members do not use artificial intelligence to monitor cryptocurrency market developments, they take advantage of opportunities to spam forums using AI. Some campaign signatures strictly prohibit the use of AI in campaigns, but there are some members whose posts are mostly written by the AI Text Generated Tool as some of the findings discussed in the Thread and

765  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [INFO] Signature Campaign [Hanya Pembayaran Bitcoin]| Ter-Update !!! on: June 13, 2023, 05:05:23 PM
Pengumuman penting untuk semua peserta campaign Roobet. Hhampuz meminta anda untuk menggunakan set kode tanda tangan dan avatar baru secepatnya seperti yang telah diumumkan pada thread campaign-nya:
Khususnya bagi peserta signature campaign harap segera memakai Signature baru, Hhampuz baru saja memberitahu di Thread Campaign. Bagi Member SFI yang ada di signature dapat menemukan kode Signature baru disini

Sekarang masih ada beberapa Campaign yang masih Open.
[OPEN] | Redefining Mixing | Signature Campaign ~Up to $150/week
[OPEN] OzoneChain | OZO | Signature Campaign | Up to $100/wk | ICO LIVE

Khusus untuk Campaign, Hhampuz memprioritaskan anggota prominent dan eks CM.
We may still consider applications from prominent members or previous CM participants and as such this campaign is still considered OPEN.

766  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: UEFA Champions League 2023/24 Season on: June 13, 2023, 01:48:25 PM
The Champions League is one of the most elite competitions on European soil, Manchester City have just won the trophy for the first time in their history. Next season it is still unknown what surprises will happen next, whether Manchester City will successfully defend the title or PSG will follow in the footsteps of Manchester City. One of the surprises that will be present in the Champions League will come from Newcastle, the club owner will not remain silent after his team has qualified for the UCL. The power of money that Newcastle has can bring in quality players to boost the quality of the team.

Real Madrid as the team that has collected the most UCL trophies will do anything to make up for its failure after being humiliated by Manchester City at the Etihad stadium. Perez, who is known to be ambitious, will bring in quality players to win the most prestigious trophy in European competition. Mbappe is still his prey until now, it is very realistic if he really wants Mbappe because Real Madrid just lost Benzema who moved to the Arab League.
767  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: how to get over it on: June 13, 2023, 01:29:03 PM
Previously you have succeeded in turning small amounts of money into larger amounts, why should you be confused about the situation you are facing now. The more you progress, the more confused you are with the situation you will face, I mean you will get a win if you are lucky and you will lose if you are unlucky, one of these two sides always approaches you when you are gambling. Greed becomes the one thing that has made you lose control, the dream of getting $ 1,000,000 is like you want to touch the sky with your hands, you can see the sky but can't reach it.
768  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Premier League Prediction Thread 2022/2023 on: June 13, 2023, 01:12:29 PM
What I don't understand is why Ilkay would leave Manchester City for Arsenal when he's still a key member of the squad and if he wants to change League, he will go to Barcelona. I want him at Arsenal but I am not sure he will join. He has won a vast array of trophies at Manchester City but it remains to be seen where he will be playing next season. Then again, the constant pursuit of Manchester City's players seems somewhat questionable to me. I’d love Arsenal to continue with their recruitment strategy.
Manchester City have offered their team captain a contract extension option but the player's decision is unanimous to leave the club, i don't know what was on his mind wanting to leave the club after being part of the success of Manchester City. Leaving Manchester City to join Arsenal makes no sense in my opinion, in general Manchester City is stronger than Arsenal.

According to reports I got from one of the Spanish media, Gundogan has reached an agreement with Barcelona. Both parties have received a verbal agreement to continue contract negotiations to a further stage. I think Gundogan will choose Barcelona over Arsenal, especially since the player is very interested in joining Barcelona.
769  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [Belajar] Strategi Pemula Biar Tetap Eksis di Sini on: June 13, 2023, 10:45:05 AM
, kalo melanggar rule bisa kena banned permanen. Kadang jadi ada ke khawatiran tersedniri, takut kalo ternyata salah melanggar rule
Setidaknya biasanya kalau masalah post tentu ada toleransi, biasanya dihapus karena OOT, atau plagiat post reply bisa dihapus tapi ada batasannya jika memang sudah diingatkan masih tetap saja tidak berubah ya diban. Masalah aturan tata cara sudah terpampang jelas, selama masih dalam koridor yang ada tidak perlu merasa kawatir. Tapi memang kadang kalau anggota baru (pengalaman saya dulu) mau post, buat thread baru memang ada rasa takut dihapus, ada yang salah, tapi tumbuhnya kebiasaan menulis di forum akan menghilangkan masalah ketakutan ini.
Rasa takut dihapus post akan hilang dengan sendirinya seiring terlibat berdiskusi dengan top member atau belajar dari pengalaman masa lalu. Benar, ada batasan-batasan tertentu yang tidak boleh dilewati yang mengakibatkan akun di ban. Kalau masalah post dihapus karena OTT atau hal semacamnya masih dapat ditolerir karena masih dianggap kesalahan kecil.
Awalnya ane juga merasakan semacam ketakutan setelah membuat post di Global seperti Meta dan reputasi yang lebih banyak di singgah top member, setelah memahami aturan yang tertulis di forum dan belajar dari kesalahan penghapusan post, pelan-pelan ane mulai memberanikan diri terlibat diskusi disana tanpa dihantui rasa takut.
770  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [LOG] List Rank Up Member Indonesia (Member - Legendary) on: June 13, 2023, 10:26:37 AM
Setidaknya saya menangkap dua member asal SFI yang baru saja promosi ke Hero Member, agan erep  dan agan CageMabok.
Saya sangat tertarik dengan perkembangan pengetahuan agan CageMabok yang menempuh jalan cukup cepat sampai ke Hero Member, seingat saya beberapa waktu lalu dia masih di rank Full Member. Konsisten dalam menjaga kualitas posting dan aktif di forum membuat merit terus menghampirinya yang membawanya ke peringkat lebih tinggi.

Lagi-lagi keberhasilan agan @erep dan agan @CageMabok atas dukungan Ratimov, boom merit dari dia membuat mereka lebih cepat promosi ke Hero Member. mod SFI dbshck , Merit Source lokal dan member SFI juga memegang kontribusi penting dalam keberhasilan mereka. Semoga setelah ini akan ada lebih banyak lagi user SFI yang bisa menikmati rank baru.

Btw selamat pada agan erep dan agan CageMabok atas keberhasilannya promosi ke rank yang lebih tinggi.
771  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽ Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: June 12, 2023, 01:27:53 PM
Many media are currently discussing Kane's future, but until now no one has managed to guess what Kane was thinking.  I applaud the loyalty Kane has shown to Tottenham but that is not enough, however Kane is a great striker, he has to be in the right team, and hopefully next season, he will move on from Tottenham
Harry Kane name always sticks out before the transfer market re-opens, so far Tottenham have always been able to convince Kane to stay but the situation is a little different because his contract with Tottenham will expire in the summer of 2024. At the age of 29, Kane needs to look for challenges with other clubs that can guarantee him lifting a trophy. Kane needs to win a few trophies in the top flight before moving to leagues outside of Europe like Benzema, Messi, Ramos and Ronaldo.

Manchester United reportedly really want Kane, before the transfer market opened Manchester United again showed interest in bringing in Kane. They have not given up on the hunt for Kane even though their efforts over the past two seasons have always ended in failure. Kane is considered to be a solution for Manchester United's front line in increasing the productivity of their goals, this time Manchester United are not alone in hunting for Kane, clubs outside the Premier League such as Real Madrid and PSG are also very interested in bringing Kane.
772  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: [Edukasi] Seed Storage - Tempat Penyimpanan Mnemonic Phrase on: June 12, 2023, 12:46:08 PM
Selain menulis diatas kertas, ane juga membuat cadangan penyimpanan atau opsi kedua dengan menulis di belakang foto yang terpajang di rumah, cara ini sangat aman menurut saya karena tidak diduga oleh pihak kedua dan aman apabila kena air.
Cara-cara Offline seperti itu memang banyak macemnya, sepertti yang sampean gunakan. Tapi Opsi untuk menyimpan dibelakang Foto tampaknya juga jadi resiko yang gak terkira, karena beberapa orang kadang lupa kalo mereka menulisnya dibelakang foto dan fotonya hilang atau tintanya pudar. Meskipun tidak terduga oleh pihak ketiga perlu waspada sama kerusakan yang akan terjadi. Biasnaya karena keadaan ruangan klembab akan mengakibatkan tinta luntur dan semacamnya.
Menulis yang ane maksud memiliki arti yang luas, menggunakan pensil dan pena juga menulis. Dalam hal menulis sesuatu yang dianggap penting tidak mungkin ditulis menggunakan tinta biasa yang mudah luntur apabila kena air, ada cara lain yang lebih efektif dan permanen seperti mencetak print, menggunakan marker permanen atau cara yang paling sederhana menulis dengan kuas melukis menggunakan tinta cat.

Lupa, ane pikir tidak, lagian kalau pun lupa itu sebagai opsi kedua. Menyimpan Mnemonic seed tidak boleh di satu tempat saja, harus ada plan B untuk mencegah kehilangan akses apabila Mnemonic seed yang disimpan di opsi pertama hilang atau lupa ditaro dimana.

ane juga membuat cadangan penyimpanan atau opsi kedua dengan menulis di belakang foto yang terpajang di rumah, cara ini sangat aman menurut saya karena tidak diduga oleh pihak kedua dan aman apabila kena air.
Mudah-mudahan tidak ada yang kenal sampeyan di sini, sehingga ketika dia main ke rumah sampeyan, tidak ngulik dan kepoin bingkai foto di ruangan tamu rumah.
Kalaupun ada yang kenal, ane pikir tidak menjadi masalah karena ane tidak menyebut secara spesifik dibelakang foto mana ane simpan Mnemonic seed dan di ruangan mana foto itu di pajang, mungkin di ruang tamu, di ruang makan, di dapur atau di kamar pribadi. Cheesy
773  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Premier League Prediction Thread 2022/2023 on: June 12, 2023, 10:21:07 AM
The Premier League has very tight competition from other teams, therefore teams are required to continue to develop much better.
currently the most competitive league is the Premier League even though man CIty has dominated in the last few seasons but that is inseparable from the strength and consistency of this team which is very good.
Next season, Manchester City will get more difficulty to protect their crown in Premier League because logically Arsenal would become stronger, same for Newcastle United. Manchester United, Chelsea can get improvement in the summer too.
Liverpool will also be involved in the Premier League title race after experiencing a slump this season. Liverpool appearance that did not match expectations has signaled management to jump into the transfer market to bring in quality players. Chelsea will also do the same, the arrival of Mauricio Pochettino is expected to improve Chelsea quality after experiencing difficult times. Newcastle, who have performed well since the start of the season, will strengthen their squad so they can compete in the Champions League.

Next season there will be more exciting competition in the Premier League, Manchester City will find it even more difficult to compete because other teams are starting to form new forces to achieve their goals. Arsenal and Manchester United will not remain silent, they will try to do their best to maintain the opportunity to finish first in the standings list.
774  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Bitcointalk is not an office on: June 12, 2023, 10:06:30 AM
Bitcointalk is not an office, company or government institution that guarantees that someone can get money, this is a forum for discussion about bitcoin and also a place for sharing knowledge. Behind that Bitcointalk can be used as a field where you can make money "if" you know how, you will be even more interested in the Bitcointalk forum when you can wear a hat on your profile and then be accepted in the paid Bitcoin signature campaign. Simply put, besides being able to increase knowledge from information shared by other users, you can earn dollars from signature campaigns.

You can also sell services on the Services board as other users who have certain skills do, I think you will take advantage of the situation of making extra money on the forum when the road is open. I am very sure, you will do both learn the advantages and disadvantages of bitcoin while making money in your own way.
775  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: The Man Who Saw Tomorrow on: June 12, 2023, 08:49:09 AM
Satoshi is one of the geniuses who made the world in an uproar with his product, the presence of Bitcoin has received international recognition for Satoshi's success in launching his product called "BITCOIN". Satoshi can't really see the future, Satoshi's writing you quote has two different meanings. Even though he starts the word with "I'm sure", at the end of the sentence he uses the word uncertainty there. There will or no volume indicates his prediction does not have 100% accuracy.
If different conditions existed in the present, perhaps people would think what Satoshi said was inconsistent with genius. Even though at that time he made predictions based on two different paths, maybe there would be volume or no volume.
776  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: New beginner on: June 12, 2023, 07:35:01 AM
Hi everyone, please can someone put me through on how the forum works, because I can't find my way around it please. Thanks.
Hi Aforhok, welcome to the forum.
What way out do you mean, in the forum there are many ways that can lead you to understand how to get Bitcoin and store it in a safe place. Determine the direction during the forum, every limited knowledge there is always a way out as long as you are willing to learn. Study every reference that is presented to you as the main way to shape your character to become an established user, you can get a lot of knowledge in forums as long as you are not lazy to read.
777  Economy / Speculation / Re: Can anyone Predict What's going on crypto market? on: June 11, 2023, 05:01:07 PM
We all know that it is impossible to predict the future of the crypto market. However, according to the current world economy, the market is still in a good position. Still, who knows if there is even any news or when this market will turn around again. According to the economy going down a bit too slowly can new investments be made at the moment.
Prediction can be simplified as an estimate or likelihood or chance of something happening. Predictions are on two possibilities "will happen or will not happen". Predictions are made based on signs that indicate an event will appear but predictions are not always correct. Never rely on predictions made by other people as a basis for jumping into the market, you need to make your own predictions based on research conducted with price movements that have occurred before.
The combination of price history with current issues can be a reference for you in making decisions, your own predictions will build confidence in you when you want to do something.
778  Economy / Speculation / Re: Crypto experienced bloodshed on: June 11, 2023, 04:42:06 PM
Does anyone know if there is a chance that the USA government will ban crypto or not allow any exchanges to sell bitcoin?
The USA government can do anything including banning crypto or closing doors on bitcoins in their country if supported by a law that has been passed in parliament. Government bans will not make citizens comply with government policies when it comes to crypto assets, after Bitcoin has existed in parts of the world for more than 10 years, many USA citizens in particular have been involved in Bitcoin trading. Their conscience has stuck with Bitcoin or other crypto assets, they have gained a lot of profit while plunging into the crypto market. The percentage of crypto asset users in the US is very large, they not only oppose the rules issued by the government, but are willing to go to other countries so they can do something that has been profitable for them so far.
779  Economy / Reputation / Re: 5 Years, 5000 Merit and 7000 Posts. on: June 11, 2023, 04:24:39 PM
Now a new journey begins, and hopefully, 5 years later I would be able to write another boring story like this one.

I promise that someday I will write it too. But I don't know when, this is just the beginning, hopefully I can be as consistent as you.
Don't promise anyone to do anything extraordinary in the future, as long as the BTT forum is accessible there is always a chance for you to write like Op when the time comes. Try contributing to the forum from now on, you can do small things that can bring merit to your profile. Getting 5000 merit in five years is not an easy job that can be done by ordinary users, many want to do like Op but not all of them can achieve it. Hopefully this topic can be a motivation for you to contribute to the forum, anything is still possible as long as you have a strong will.
780  Economy / Reputation / Re: who is JayJuanGee is he or she a human? on: June 11, 2023, 04:09:48 PM
JayJuanGee and DdmrDdmr are just like other users, they need to eat, drink and do activities like other people generally do. Both are human, at times they can get tired and need rest, but they do things above normal that other users might find difficult to do. Their contributions to the forum are amazing, I don't know how much time is spent looking at each post from other users then spending the merit there if it's worth it.
The presence of the two on the forum has helped many other users in terms of knowledge and hastened promotion to a higher rank, members who have a good reputation like them are a miracle for the forum. Hopefully they will always be healthy so they can continue to contribute to the forum.
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