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So withdraw all funds from Coinbase now.
That's silly. But I very much resent the position they've put me in with regard to my creditors. They've jeopardized the project I'm involved in. I had to borrow money from my kids with minimum wage jobs to make payroll last week. I will never forget this and when there are other options I will definitely leave them.
Looks like fud. Companies sometimes have problems but most people seem to be getting their money fine.
No, they are actually not paying people. I am personally VERY affected.
I can confirm that Coinbase is delaying some payouts. I have numerous bitcoin sales for which I've received nothing. One of them should have paid into my bank account on Tuesday.
Here is what they are saying: "During one of our recent code releases, we experienced a rare instance in which some of the ACHs from this weekend were delayed. We are currently putting our Engineering resources on this to mitigate this from happening again."
They are handling it terribly. Every person who responds to email had a different time when I would get paid until a big mass mail went out saying "next Friday" we will get paid.
This is jeopardizing some very important projects for me. And it may destroy my reputation in my community. Can't say how much I loathe Coinbase.
Since you asked, in my person opinion I think some bad men hijacked the planes and flew them into the buildings. I think the towers fell on their own accord and I believe pretty much everything in that one Popular Mechanics article on debunking 9/11 conspiracies. I also believe that the principle of Occam's Razor applies here as with most conspiracy theories. You can argue that Osama was trained by the CIA and had other motives for his actions than what became the focal point (Iraq) as the result of 9/11, but I get offended when I see all these armchair rocket scientists arguing about the temperature of burning jet fuel and the melting point of steel. The same instant master architects and construction experts insist they know things they simply do not. Similar to the Sandy Hook conspiracy nuts who are now suddenly all clinical psychologists and long-careered thespians. They're none of those things. Who needs chemtrails and water fluoridation when you've got Alex Jones, the world's newest and greatest Rush Limbaugh? I knew that would be your answer, I just wanted to confirm it. You are a man who has very strong opinions but doesn't have good reasons for having them. Many of us have spent years researching these issues so encountering people like you is very familiar. You are simply wrong about 9-11, Sandy Hook, and probably most everything in your mental landscape. But there's absolutely no point in going into the details because your mind is made up before you know the first new thing about them. You are either lazy, as in "I wouldn't want to have to rearrange my whole belief system to let this startling new information in, so I won't." Or you are arrogant, as in "If there WERE such huge conspiracies then someone of my intellect would surely have figured it out." Given the high opinion you've expressed of your mental faculties I'd say it's the latter. I'd be willing to bet you are a software engineer.
You're not much of a critical thinker or believer in demonstration of evidence are you?
Nutildah, what do you think happened on 9-11?
I think Alex Jones' role is to gather up the ignorant, patriot prepper community and soften them up for his survival products. Dude's making a mint.
This is good for bitcoin, however, not a huge thing but good because his audience is huge. So if just some of them buy some bitcoin that is very, very good.
BTW, he has put bitcoin off as long as he could because the owner of his network, Ted Anderson, owns Midas Metals, a gold bullion company. Sort of like the Steve Schiff thing.
Nearly everyone here and on reddit is critical of Alex Jones, and there is A LOT to be critical of.
But I would bet that most of his critics believe the official story of 9-11, as an important example. If you haven't figured out that was a false flag event (one of MANY) then go ahead and criticize Alex Jones because you are just another know-it-all, arrogant windbag.
Alex Jones is a deeply flawed man, but he IS talking about important stuff.
Thanks Deebo.
I would be using unless there is a better alternative at the time. As per your advice, I will definitely ask my bank before I do it. I just wonder if they ask me what it's from and I tell them from selling digital currency/property, if that will make any difference? or raise additional flags? I don't want my bank account shut down or frozen or anything. Maybe this is not realistically going to happen, which would be good.
Does anyone have any experience with withdrawing large dollar amounts to their bank account with coinbase?
Your bank account is linked to coinbase, right? You're not holding bitcoin elsewhere in an "offshore" account, right, so you're not using an actual wire transfer? If you're just dealing with Coinbase then your bank will see where the funds came from and you should check with your bank what their policy is on bitcoin. My bank was opposed to bitcoin and accepted the coinbase transfer one time only and I was warned not to do it again.
Why would I sell my bitcoin for $115?
Because it increases your liquidity and allows you to maintain your anonymity. Seems like an obvious answer. Too steep of a discount for me. But if they are getting this price more power to them.
One observation: bitcoin is not liquid. I have offered to buy a car with bitcoin in the Austin market. I have had a localbitcoins ad up for almost a week now in the Austin market. No one is contacting me. is disappointing. I am attracted to localbitcoins because I want a smooth, anonymous cash transaction, and now that I've thought about it, I would be willing to give the buyer a good deal for this. But the majority of action on localbitcoins seems to be among people buying and selling to nationwide customers and they're not offering very good deals. For one thing, the transactions are not in cash, but in traceable, trackable ways that betray oneself to the antimoney-laundering-know-your-customer assholes. (If I can do better by selling on an exchange, wiring to my bank, and paying tax then why wouldn't I?)
Also, everyone is, for the most part, trying to scalp the other guy. In my opinion someone buying bitcoin for a moneypak should be paying full price and someone paying cash should get a discount but on localbitcoins the local deals are so silly I can't take them serious. Why would I sell my bitcoin for $115?
Sounds like localbitcoins is working well in a handful of cities, but it's broken in Austin.
Alrighty then, you all have been most helpful. Such is the tenuous state of bitcoin that I am hard pressed to exchange them for real-world items, like cars and groceries. Hopefully we will all look back on these times and laugh at the folly of it all.
Meantime, I am going to do a deep dive into prepaid debit cards and moneypaks and I will report back to you on what I find out.
Many thanks.
It is sounding more and more like there IS no way to convert moneypaks into cold, hard CASH! Without first having to announce to the know-your-customer-we-are-anti-money-laundering people that you are receiving "moneypaks" for SOME service or product rendered.
Is that so?
Ah Hah! Well apparently YOU know how to convert these "moneypaks" into packs of money by your earlier response to my question. So tell me then, how does one do this??
Is there any way to convert these "moneypaks" to packs of money?
Okay, jerkey and scrapple it is. The ganja I will keep for meself!
Now that I've bought land I definitely plan to sell food for bitcoin. My farm will focus on high-quality, free range pork and chicken. When the food forest crops come in we'll have many kinds of berries and fruits, and eventually nuts.
I need something that I can ship out to internet customers. Any ideas?
Jbanna, could you give more detail on the conference? Presentations? Conversations? Attendees?
I would like to know how Matonis plans to appease the forces that want to "regulate" (control, neuter) bitcoin while at the same time protecting those aspects that make bitcoin extraordinary.
Also, since the Foundation appears to have attracted people with statist, regulatory inclinations what does it say about the organization that it has now installed him as its director?
Also, given that there are many prominent people in the bitcoin community that are pro-regulation as well as very many who are rabidly anti-regulation what future paths does he see? No problem it will take care of itself? Blockchain fork? New darkhorse technology like zerocoin?
Let us remember, people, that "regulation" means being prevented from engaging in "crimes" that are UNAUTHORIZED. You see, the anti-money laundering laws are intended to keep money flowing TO THE BOYS and no one else. The purpose of such laws is to eliminate competition! Do you know who Dick Grasso is? He was the head of the New York Stock Exchange. Here is a picture of Big Dick hugging a leader of the FARC guerillas in Colombia in 1999:  Why would the head of the NYSE be in a Colombian jungle hugging up a sweaty gun-toting rebel leader? To make a deal to launder drug money through Wall Street, of course! Big Dick said he was there to invite the rebel leaders up to New York to see capitalism first-hand and if you believe that you are, indeed, a statist tool. But Big Dick's visit paid off because a few years later we have Wachovia Bank paying a trivial fine for nearly $400 BILLION of drug related money laundering:
"Criminal proceedings were brought against Wachovia, though not against any individual, but the case never came to court. In March 2010, Wachovia settled the biggest action brought under the US bank secrecy act, through the US district court in Miami. Now that the year’s “deferred prosecution” has expired, the bank is in effect in the clear. It paid federal authorities $110m in forfeiture, for allowing transactions later proved to be connected to drug smuggling, and incurred a $50m fine for failing to monitor cash used to ship 22 tons of cocaine." Did you get that number? FOUR HUNDRED BILLION!! And then more recently HSBC gets away with laundering more billions of drug cartel money: "Senator Elizabeth Warren (Democrat-Massachusetts), has once again revealed the dangerous double standards at the heart of the US justice system. Appearing at the Senate Banking Committee, the former Harvard law professor questioned officials from the US Treasury Department and US Federal Reserve over why criminal charges were not pressed on HSBC or any HSBC official who helped to launder hundreds of millions of dollars for Mexican drug cartels. But just like the last time, she was met with wholly inadequate responses. The impression one got from the Treasury and Fed officials was that some banks are not just ‘too big to fail’, they are also ‘too big to prosecute’, and ‘too big to jail’." So, when Jennifer Shasky Calvery, Director of FINCEN says THIS: "Liberty Reserve operated as an online money transmitter deliberately designed to avoid regulatory scrutiny and tailored its services to illicit actors looking to launder their ill-gotten gains" we know what's going on, right? She's either too stupid to know what her bosses are up to or she's in league WITH them! I mean how can we pretend that FINCEN is interested in stopping money laundering when they let BILLIONS and BILLIONS get laundered right under their noses? FINCEN is organized crime with a flag on the wall. So for those who say "let's work with the regulators", you are now negotiating with the most bad-assed, ruthless criminal organization on the planet. What kind of a deal do you think they will cut with you?