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1  Local / עברית (Hebrew) / Re: עזרה בתרגום לעברית on: July 11, 2019, 10:53:39 PM
You'll probably get a better response by posting on (English is preferred over Google-Translated Hebrew).
2  Local / עברית (Hebrew) / Re: למה הלוח העברי של הפורום מת? on: March 12, 2018, 09:31:26 PM
לא חושב שצריך להתאמץ, מי שרוצה לכתוב פה מוזמן, מי שלא יש קבוצות בפייסבוק וכו'.
3  Local / עברית (Hebrew) / Re: לגבי on: January 04, 2018, 04:28:29 PM
Bit2c הוא עסק אמין שפעיל כבר כ-5 שנים, ועקרונית לא אמורה להיות בעיה.

עם זאת הבעיות האפשריות הן:

1. כמו כל הגופים בארץ ובעולם העוסקים בהמרות ביטקוין, הם נתונים לעומסים כבדים ולכן ייתכנו עיכובים בטיפול בבקשות.
2. הבנקים בארץ מערימים קשיים על המעוניינים לסחור בביטקוין, והבנק שלך עשוי לסרב להעברה.

מידע על כמה מהדרכים האפשריות לקנות או למכור ביטקוין ניתן למצוא ב -
4  Local / עברית (Hebrew) / Re: ליקנות ביתקוין on: November 02, 2017, 05:36:16 PM
אם לא תמצא מענה פה, מציע לנסות גם בקבוצה בפייבוק שהיא יותר פעילה (ויש בפוסט הנעוץ בה הסברים)
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: BCC/BCH Electron Cash - SIGHASH FORKID error on: August 05, 2017, 09:37:38 PM
Unfortunately, I do not know the answer. But I have a friend who has encountered the same problem, so I'm bumping in hopes someone does...
6  Local / עברית (Hebrew) / Re: looking to advertise in israel on: July 29, 2017, 08:55:41 PM
if israel or saudi arabia- i dont speak their language and i dont understand anything they say so to me this is all the same
You do know that completely different languages are spoken in Israel and in Saudi Arabia? And that there are hardly any Jews living in Saudi Arabia?

You really would be hard-pressed to find two countries which are more dissimilar. To lump them together as you have is extremely bizarre, to say the least.

I recommend dropping the whole thing.
7  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Segwit2x, UASF and the Possible Fork – Here’s What You Need to Know on: July 20, 2017, 09:01:27 AM

This is an English translation of the Israeli Bitcoin Association's guidelines in Hebrew.

If you've been following what's happening it will probably not be much news to you, but you may consider using it as a reference for people who inquire about this.

Note that originally I was told that BitcoinABC is Bitmain's contingency plan for the case that UASF succeeds, and thus irrelevant if NYA succeeds. Since the time I wrote the original post there have been more talk about BitcoinABC, which can happen regardless of NYA, and thus the prospects of a split are more likely.

By the way, our name in Hebrew for UASF is Yossef / Joseph.
8  Economy / Web Wallets / Re: Is legit? How can the owners be reached? on: June 13, 2017, 02:44:57 PM
Update: Interpol was contacted, they managed to track the owner, my friend has received his money back, and I hope other victims will get their money soon too.
9  Local / עברית (Hebrew) / Re: bitsofgold יצירת קשר on: June 13, 2017, 10:12:00 AM
כן אני מסכים שלא יהיה פשוט להשיג הקלות רגולציה בארץ חחח
אגב קראתי משהו שהיה קשור בבנק לאומי וביטס אוף גולד, זה ישפיע על הלקוחות?
הם יוציאו הודעה מסודרת בקרוב.

Off topic
 יש מפגשים בקרוב? לא יצא לי להיות באחד בארץ ואני מאוד מתעניין בתחום, מאוד.
כל יום ראשון ב-19:00 אנחנו נפגשים בשגרירות הביטקוין, אחוזת בית 1 ת"א. פעם זה היה מפגש חברתי אינטימי אבל נוכח העניין הגובר, בפעם האחרונה הגיעו כ-50 איש.

מפגשים גדולים יותר מפורסמים ב -
10  Local / עברית (Hebrew) / Re: bitsofgold יצירת קשר on: June 12, 2017, 07:34:58 PM
כבר כמה ימים ניסיתי לקנות\להשיג\להתקשר\פייסבוק\משהו מול bitsofgold
כלום, החבר'ה מתים שם.

צריכים להרים את הכפפה ולשפר את המצב בארץ דחוף.

אני אנסה לקנות דרך bits2c
אני אעדכן איך הולך.
לא מתים, פשוט מטפלים במאות הפניות האחרות.

הביקוש עלה בסדר גודל תוך כמה ימים, ולהרחיב אופרציה זה לא משהו שקורה מהיום להיום.

אני בספק אם המצב ישתפר משמעותית לפני שתהיה בהירות רגולטורית גדולה יותר, ואנחנו עובדים על זה.

בכל מקרה גם bit2c אפשרות מצוינת, שים לב אבל שגם הם עמוסים.
11  Economy / Web Wallets / Is legit? How can the owners be reached? on: June 12, 2017, 06:58:46 PM
A friend has kept a substantial amount of money in a hosted mobile wallet by, and is now unable to access it. He has sent an outgoing transaction which has been deducted from his account but does not appear on the blockchain.

The money has been stuck for a day, and he has tried contacting their support on multiple channels to no avail.

Is Freewallet legit? Is anyone in touch with its owners? Did other people encounter similar problems?

Are they simply experiencing overload as do all Bitcoin services currently? Or have they performed an exit scam?

Update: Interpol was contacted, they managed to track the owner, my friend has received his money back, and I hope other victims will get their money soon too.
12  Local / עברית (Hebrew) / Re: bitsofgold יצירת קשר on: June 12, 2017, 06:56:45 PM
האם הבעיה כבר נפתרה?

בכל מקרה התשובה היא שבעקבות העלייה בביקוש לביטקוין הם לא עומדים בעומס של הפניות ולפעמים דברים מתפספסים, אבל כל מה שמגיע לך תקבל. אתה מוזמן גם להצטרף לקבוצה בפייסבוק -
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Between two extremes, but not quite in the middle on: May 22, 2017, 08:05:57 PM
(Cross-post from my blog)

If you're reading this, you probably know that the Bitcoin community is amidst a civil war.

And you might also know that for almost 2 years, I've been advocating the position that if no agreement or compromise can be reached, the best course of action is to have a clean split of the network into two incompatible, competing currencies.

However, I also said that a compromise is the better outcome if at all possible. And I also said that for a split to work it must be done properly, and my fear that this will not be the case is growing.

Which is why I think we should give diplomacy another shot and pursue a genuine compromise, and why I urge people from both sides of the fence to be more receptive to it. And yes, compromise does mean giving up things that you hold dear.

I will not go into exact detail about what such a compromise could consist in. But overall, two key components will almost certainly have to be activation of Soft-Fork SegWit as soon as possible, together with a hard fork to increase the block size further (perhaps with a built-in growth schedule) without more delay than is necessary.

My own side in the debate is no secret - I believe that the best technical solution is to activate SegWit immediately, and figure out later whether we need a hard fork, and which.

But I support a compromise along the aforementioned general lines, for several reasons which I will explain.

Technical merit

I've said before that I didn't really personally experience the dreaded datageddon that others reported, with slowly confirming transactions and prohibitive fees. Transactions still confirmed quickly and with relatively cheap fees. This made me question the need to rush the scaling solutions.

But time has passed and I'm sad to report this is no longer the case. Bitcoin has experienced another burst of explosive growth, and so did demand for space in the blockchain. I've observed firsthand that getting transactions confirmed within reasonable time requires fees upwards of a dollar. I don't care too much about my own costs, but I'm beginning to feel embarrassed to praise the merits of Bitcoin as I have always done.

This leads to two conclusions: First, we need to resolve the situation, we can't remain in the current situation indefinitely. If a compromise is what it takes to move forward, so be it.

Second, if previously I thought that SFSW is good enough for now - now I think that SFSW is probably sorta kinda good enough for now. If growth continues as it has so far, we'll need a more aggressive blocksize increase sooner rather than later. So despite all the risks and disruptions, an expedited movement towards a hard fork starts to sound like not such a terrible idea.

The other technical issue is that I think we should be more open to the concept of a hard fork. When I got into Bitcoin I didn't sign up to the idea that a hard fork would occur only whenever a mule foals. There are many much-needed upgrades to the protocol which can only be done by way of a hard fork. If we can't even change a well-understood parameter, it doesn't inspire confidence that we'll be able to handle the bigger changes ahead.

Conservativeness in forks is important, but there is such a thing as too much conservatism, and we might be approaching that point. Which is why, again, expediting the hardfork schedule might not be such a bad idea.

For people, by people

More important than the technical reasons why a compromise is palatable, are the social reasons why we need it.

I don't see Bitcoin as a piece of art, an engineering wonder that I can put on display and marvel at its technical correctness. It is a tool created by people with the goal of benefiting people. If it fails at this purpose, it should be fixed.

And right now Bitcoin is stuck, and what's important is to unstick it, not to pat ourselves on the back for how rigorous our technical development methodology is.

Furthermore, Bitcoin is not as robust as some people might think - it is always at the risk of attack by a determined attacker of means. Its security is based on a combination of its own technical defense mechanisms, together with making sure it has as few enemies as possible. Bitcoin has enough enemies from without to worry about. It doesn't need infighting and the threat of some segments of the Bitcoin community attacking others, which may well be the case if we go for the more militant methods of resolving the conflict. Bitcoin is strongest when all its proponents are allied, and this is what a compromise aspires to achieve.

But the issue goes much deeper than that.

The debate, it seems, becomes more and more divisive every passing day. People who express disagreement are labeled as sellouts or traitors to the Bitcoin cause. Demonization, personal attacks and mudslinging are rampant. People have picked sides. Propaganda has succeeded. It's sad and doesn't further a solution.

It is becoming clear that people have firmly tethered their identity to their side on the debate. And this is bad news. As Paul Graham eloquently explains, you can't have a rational, civil debate when people's identities are on the line. People adopt new ideas and resist others not for their underlying merit, but for which side the idea is associated with. This can quickly escalate (and in our case, already has), as people become more and more entrenched in their position, and the more vile a person is perceived just for expressing a dissenting position.

I miss the times when all Bitcoiners were on the same boat. When we could discuss technical topics based on their technical merits. When you could express an opinion without being painted as belonging to one camp or another, or having your opinion ignored just because you are already perceived as belonging to the wrong camp. When ideas were just ideas, not "the ideas of this side" and "the ideas of that side".

But despite our sad state of affairs, I hope that we can reach a compromise. That we will each make sacrifices and rally behind the same banner. If we can do that... Then I hope it will take us back to those better times. That it will diffuse all the tension that has been built up over the years, and take the sting out of the debate. That we will be able to trust each other once more and spend our energies not on quarreling, but on moving forward and furthering solutions.

That, I believe, is a vision worth fighting for.
14  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Israeli Bitcoin Association Statement about Hashrate Attacks on: April 18, 2017, 10:53:52 PM
 Bitcoin Core is currently hamstrung by miners that oppose it
You post this yet deny you have any bias?  Doesn't help your credibility.  
I didn't deny having bias. Where did you read that?

I said that:

1. Your assertion "no action will suit Bitcoin Core just fine" is false.

2. Any bias I may personally have is irrelevant, as the linked document is more than my personal opinion.

Also, I'm not sure what your point is. SegWit is not currently activated because of miners who oppose it and don't signal support for it. That's an obvious fact.

You've quoted me out of context, I was talking about miners who oppose SegWit, not who oppose Bitcoin Core.
15  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Israeli Bitcoin Association Statement about Hashrate Attacks on: April 18, 2017, 10:25:17 PM

Brohim, you should read Satoshi's whitepaper again.  Splitting the network and ecosystem in two and having 2 bitcoins sharing or shaming the brand is not the way to go.  What's to stop someone from splintering it into 4 or more?  Would you like to see 8 bitcoins?  Would that coddle your coexist feelers?  

By design and for the best interest of Bitcoin's long-term survival, the short chain will be [naturally] killed off as outlined in Satoshi's original paper/vision.


We'd rather see 8 Bitcoins that work, each in their own way, than 1 Bitcoin which barely works because its users are divided and can't agree on anything. Or, for that matter, 1 Bitcoin which is run by dictatorship.

If the network splits, miners have a right to attack the minority fork due to transaction replay between the two changes. A bilateral split to allow two independent chains to exists requires preventing transaction replay between the two chains. No one can tell the existing protocol to fork off.
Transaction replays should be resolved one way or another. That's not an argument that justifies attacking.

We believe that all these different currencies have a right to coexist peacefully and compete fairly. We oppose any attempt of supporters of one currency to inflict damage on a different currency, in a way which achieves no purpose other than denying others the right to use the currency of their choice.

Meni, I don't see you differentiating between stopping a minority chain temporarily while a network split is happening vs attacking an existing currency.   I could certainly make the argument that these are two very different things.  If the majority of the hashpower wants bigger blocks and wants to ensure we keep the bitcoin brand, why shouldn't we be allowed to do so?  That seems like fair to me.  If the minority wants to continue with 1mb blocks and chooses a different PoW algorithm and changes their name to something other than bitcoin, it can do that.  And I don't see anyone calling for attack at that point.  

And let's be honest about your bias:  You support bitcoinCore, which is just fine with 1mb blocks, so no action will suit them just fine.  Those that want bigger blocks or do not agree with core's roadmap or leadership are forced to do something else.
We're not, and we don't see the importance of this distinction. Majority of hashrate is not what determines what Bitcoin is. There are two camps, each with significant weight, that have different ideas about what "Bitcoin" is - so they should share the brand, at least until one of them prefers to rebrand. It's working fine in Ethereum.

And let's be honest about your bias:  You support bitcoinCore, which is just fine with 1mb blocks, so no action will suit them just fine.  Those that want bigger blocks or do not agree with core's roadmap or leadership are forced to do something else.
That's false, Bitcoin Core is looking to softfork SegWit, which is vital to its scalability roadmap. Bitcoin Core is currently hamstrung by miners that oppose it [SegWit. I thought that was clear], and I would much rather those miners form a separate currency.

Also, the document is not just my own opinion, it was approved by all board members of the Israeli Bitcoin Association, one of whom supports Bitcoin Unlimited (and supported Bitcoin-XT and Bitcoin Classic in the past).
16  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Israeli Bitcoin Association Statement about Hashrate Attacks on: April 18, 2017, 06:14:42 PM

We, the Israeli Bitcoin Association, pursue the goal of maximizing the benefit that Israel’s population obtain from the Bitcoin technology - which strongly depends on Bitcoin’s worldwide success.

We believe that, as a currency, Bitcoin is subject to the network effect, and that it is strongest when its community and industry, brought together by both ideology and practicality, are united in a single network; and that rifts and separation should be avoided if at all possible.

We also believe that Bitcoin is voluntary money; people use it because they choose to, not because they are coerced. As such, people can also choose to fork Bitcoin’s open source code and use an alternative currency with similar underlying principles.

We recognize that there may be different views about what Bitcoin is, and a time may come where those differences cannot be reconciled. It might then be unavoidable to experience a split of the currency into two separate networks, each sharing a blockchain history and - at least temporarily - the Bitcoin brand.

We believe that all these different currencies have a right to coexist peacefully and compete fairly. We oppose any attempt of supporters of one currency to inflict damage on a different currency, in a way which achieves no purpose other than denying others the right to use the currency of their choice.

It saddens us that lately we have heard people planning just such attacks. In particular, in the event of a split of the Bitcoin network to two, both using the same PoW hash function, proponents of the network with majority hashrate might exploit known vulnerabilities of the Bitcoin protocol against the smaller network - such as the well-known >50% attack or a more sophisticated attack commonly known as “selfish mining”. By mining malicious blocks in secret (which double-spend or deny service) and releasing them strategically, they can effectively erase blocks mined by the honest network, and render the currency unusable.

We believe such attacks are in stark opposition to Bitcoin’s spirit and we condemn anyone who supports them. We invite others to publicly condemn and shun these deplorable, hostile plans.

We believe that in so doing, we can help promote a healthier atmosphere, where would-be attackers realize they would only ostracize themselves by carrying out such an attack - thus allowing an open, decentralized ecosystem where people may choose between alternatives and the best currencies may thrive.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: BYTEBALL: Totally new consensus algorithm + private untraceable payments on: April 11, 2017, 06:39:46 PM
I tried engaging the transition bot and it just echos whatever I say. Does that mean I'm too late? Or that the bot is temporarily offline?
18  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Bitcoin Unlimited on: March 20, 2017, 07:35:57 PM
With the current version, the only way is to choose a server that you trust to be on the side of the fork you want. (disable auto-connect)

Right after the hard fork, we will be able to make a new release, that includes a checkpoint, because the block headers will differ.
Can you expand a bit? Will you offer two Electrum versions, one for each side of the split? Or one version with a configuration option? Or something else?

Also, will Electrum offer some protection from having a transaction, which is valid on both chains but was intended for one chain, to be accidentally picked up by the other?

I'm looking for a wallet to recommend to people, which will allow them to easily navigate through the fork mess, and hoping that Electrum is it...
19  Economy / Exchanges / Re: 2017 Bitcoin Debit Card Reviews on: February 03, 2017, 11:21:56 AM
Can you explain what "branded" means? Does it mean an individual can order a card featuring a custom photo in the background?

I hope it does, I want a card with a "shut up and take my Bitcoin" photo...
20  Local / עברית (Hebrew) / Re: כריית ביטקוין בישראל on: December 24, 2016, 09:21:52 PM
איך מתמודדים עם הקיץ? הכורה רץ טוב גם בחום?
איפה אנחנו ואיפה הקיץ? Smiley

כמו כל ציוד אלקטרוני חום הוא בעייתי, יש להסתכל על המפרט של כל מכשיר ולראות איזו טמפרטורה בטוחה עבורו.
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