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Yes. It is dead. Just like the twitter, website, etc.
I emailed Iconomi and they said the payouts would be happening but didn't say when and couldn't answer for all the dead contact links.
So they haven't happened yet? I just read about it and thought I was too late? I still have quite some CFI in my wallet. But I didn't register to any distribution. What is their email address?
So I have to admit I was diversified into Centura, TenX had both of these. But after doing a lot of research I found an unknown Giant hiding int he sand. Monaco MCO. So I ended up selling my Centura and TenX luckily prior to the ban by Visa on the cards.
I watched the interview with Kris on CNBC and was sold. Monaco is going to take over the industry. A sleeping Giant. I loved Centura but I started looking at the website and development in comparison to Monaco and it just looks cheesy and cheap. I also don't care for the poor advertising they did with Mayweather and the Goldcard looks and feels cheap.
I have to admit I like status symbols great products. Always wanted a metal card. I looked at the app on Iphone/Android online and checked it on my phone. It was awesome! I applied for a card and it was an amazing process. I don't trust Centura and TenX any longer moved my holdings into Monaco. I'm here for long term growth and a great product.
You haven given even one solid argument why Monaco is better than Centra. I am open to new information and would love to hear why it is better, do they have better tech? I am amazed why TenX token is not dropping , TenX seems to have better growth than Centra even after ban which basically means that TEnx is dead in the water for now, they do not have a working product. I think CENTRA is the best card . I think it was about to go down but they made a video explaining that they were about to exchange the wavecrest cards to their own anyways so its actually easier for them now cause they just have to send the new ones. But they are not ready yet so ppl have to wait up to three months I guess and even then I'm not sure how quickly they will be able to send them.
Centra will be the leader of crypto cards because it contains good card, marketing and store to purchase.
This will be one of the best if not the best, I wish that I have money to have Centra Black.
Only time will tell.
I thought the same but then I checked all apps website and development. Seems that Monaco is taking the lead and hasn't even spent money on advertisement. Better product. So i moved over already requested a Platinum Metal Card which is 100x better than the Centura Black card and only stake 500 MCO's to get it. Hell even the Ruby Red is better and you only stake 50 MCO. Just my opinion i canceled my order for the Centura and TenX cards went with Monaco. Do your own research though. Careful, your post might get deleted for mentioning competitors positively! My post was deleted just for asking why Centra was better than TenX. TenX will have their own cards soon too cause they will actually be allowed to distribute them themselves, it's just that they used wavecrest until then. Btw I'm invested in none of those companies, I just want a realiable card. I used Xapo, but I think they had a shitty attitude regarding the Segwit2x Hardfork and so I dropped them. So all in all, the wavecrest issue has hit some harder, but the top competitors, like Centra, aren't really influenced by that, which speaks for them. I hope my post won't get deleted again.
Why do you think so? Last time I did research it was over a year ago so I might have missed some new possibilities. But I have written a script to calculate the complex relationship between the Factoids, their price, entry credits and the amount of destroyed tokens depending on the amount of entries. So basically I have calculated how the price should behave once it is fully deployed. It was not so incredible, tbh. So I am wondering what your reasoning is? Thanks!
Damn i receive my token and my KYC is not over.
Can they took my token away from me?
Damn i dont undertand this anymore
Did they send the tokens to your personal address or are they within their platform? If they have sent them to, for example, your address, then nobody can take it away from you. If it's within their system, they hold the private keys and have control over it.
No. Wrong. Before I waste time discussing the numbers, the very first absolute must is the teams confirmation that the numbers have not been chosen randomly. As I stated: a professional regards the numbers as completely made up and not achievable by any means. It is not my job to prove legitimacy. This is Hydrominings job and their job only. Anyone investing in this without further clarification is basically giving away their funds because the promised ROI stated on the website is not real and may even be a fraud.
The numbers are obviously not guaranteed. You never get a guarantee for speculative returns. Only scammers do that, which is why a lot of people fall for them. I would even go so far as to say that they are not allowed to guarantee them, but I'm no lawyer. They made it clear enough for me that this is a forecast, or a possibility based on their experience. So they are not random, but also not gueranteed. Personally I would consider that their experience was mostly during a crazy bull market... I always try to calculate very conservatively. The calculator on the website is just a funny gimmick. It doesn't give you a forecast that you should rely on. It doesn't include the current difficulty, no difficulty increase, no change in price or any other of the many metrics that are relevant. It even says that it should not be used for any financial considerations. It's a marketing tool. Just my 2 satoshi
Hydrominer is now starting to hear his voice. The world needs environmentally friendly projects like Hydrominer. Pre-sale was very good. I think ICO will succeed.
there seems to be a lot of people who are interested because there is no need to think about the expensive of electricity costs because hydrominning uses electricity using hydropower so very cheap, very creative in my opinion, but the ROI is long time enough (8 months) #imo, and many people say about the bad mining future, what do you think? Actually as I understand the ROI is not 8 months. Is around 22 months( 60% ROI Yearly) wow it is beyond the level of my patience? lol, but there may be many people out there who are prepared to be patient to wait at least 2 years to get ROI, but I see many online mining sites that offer attractive offers by giving a fairly short ROI time. maybe dev can give an answer why hydrominning is more special than them? Have you calculated what they promise? They can lie, and most do. For example, they don't calculate the average monthly increase in difficulty (4-5% iirc) when projecting income. But 5% monthly will eat ALL of your profit in no time. 5% montly is about 80% after 1 year. How much of the difficulty increase will translate to Hydrominer I don't know yet, but the reason I choose them over any other cloud miner is a) they use renewable energy b) the tokens represent all aspects of the business (indirectly) c) they are very transparent, both in their financial calculations and their farms d) based in Austria, which means strong protection from fraud. Jeez, do I sound like a shill? /edit: not CH but Austria
HydroMiner ist nur für die Wartung und Instandhaltung der Mining-Hardware verantwortlich. Die Wasserkraftwerke werden nur gemietet, was die Verantwortung für dessen Funktionalität bei den Betreibern belässt.
Momentan, ja. Aber wir haben über die Kaufoption diskutiert.
After such a fast selling off of the presale, I guess the ICO will be stormed by whales and possibly be sold off even faster. But of course, this project really rocks, so that's perfectly logic.
Aktually they didn't offer too much. I think it was less than 25 people who participated. They will offer the overwhelming majority of the tokens at the ICO. Considering they offer over 50 Million $, I'm not sure they will sell out, certainly not within half an hour.
I can't understand how you promise fixed mining output. As far as I know in mining we can't get fixed returns.
Mining output is only promised in watt, not in hashes. One token is 1 watt (iirc), and it will depend on the hardware and their skills how many hashes that is. Promising wattage makes a lot of sense, imo, because it's pretty easy to calculate and gives the holders a huge advantage over fixed hashes, because those will quickly become unprofitable, while the hashes/watt should increase over time (if only slightly). Correct me if I'm wrong. If you are referring to the calculator on the website, that's just a gimmick and basically pointless. For example, it starts with a fixed difficulty and it doesn't increase over time. It's very static and rough. Don't rely on it.
The PRESALE IS OVER! The cap has been reached in 36 minutes!
Wow, congratulations!
Kaufen werden sie es nicht können, die sind in fester Hand der Privatwirtschaft (geschweige den von der Instandhaltung)...
Doch, das ist laut Hydrominer eine Möglichkeit. Bei mindestens einem haben sie scheinbar bis Ende 2018 die Option zu kaufen. Die Kraftwerke scheinen sich teilweise kaum zu lohnen. Ich nehme an, vor allem die kleinen.
Tatsächlich müsste sich die Dividende mit der Zeit sogar erhöhen, da mit 10% der Einnahmen tokens vom freien Markt zurück gekauft werden. Diese werden dann "stillgelegt" und bekommen keine Dividende! Stattdessen wird sie auf die verbleibenden tokens aufgeteilt. Wenn alle anderen Variablen (Kurs, Difficulty, Strompreis) konstant bleiben, dann ja. Das bleiben sie aber mit Sicherheit nicht, weil GPU Chips immer effizienter werden und je schneller andere erneuern oder mit neuer Hardware einsteigen, desto früher sinkt der Profit bei diesem Projekt hier. Der Wert der Tokens wird auf lange Sicht gesehen daher sinken. Als Token Holder wünscht man sich dann, dass weitere Tokens ausgegeben werden, um damit weitere KWKs aufzuschließen und mit Mining Hardware zu bestücken. Damit kommt frische effiziente Hardware in den Pool aller ausgegebenen Tokens. Heißt, jene die später einsteigen verlieren eigentlich einen Teil der Effizienz an die alte Hardware bzw. alte Token Holder. Ja, das wird interessant zu sehen was passiert und wie die verschiedenen Entwicklungen Einfluss aufeinander nehmen. Das größte Problem sehe ich eher, das die Diff eher steigt als sinkt bei den profitablen Coins, und das größte Problem ist eher der steigende als sinkende Strompreis in Österreich... Im EU Vergleich ist es bei uns noch billig aber mit der E-Auto Lüge wird der Preis eher steigen als fallen...
Weiß jetzt nicht was du mit E-Auto Lüge meinst, aber ich würde das Projekt ohnehin nur auf wenige Jahre ausgerichtet sehen. Mag sein dass es noch deutlich länger geht, aber unabhängig von den Strompreisen kann ja auch noch so viel anderes schieß gehen. Wenn sie aber tatsächlich ausreichend große Wasserkraftwerke kaufen können, könnte sich das ganze noch deutlich länger lohnen. Jedenfalls Interessante Möglichkeit.
cloud mining is a scam you fucking idiot..... Already switching to insults? That was fast.
In the whitepaper it says one token will be worth 0.01 Eth, and you will be selling 25 Million tokens. This doesn't look right. Imagine you would actually reach the cap. You'd have to account for over 50 Million $! Are you really aiming that high?
Danke ich habe es schon gelöscht, da es eine Österreichische Firma ist sein sollte oder wird, wie läuft das Rechtlich ab (gleiche Frage habe ich schon bei Hero gestellt) da es bei uns ned so einfach sein sollte. Dividende wie wird das Steuerlich geregelt? Das wird definitiv spannend. Rechtliche Grundlagen gibt es in Wahrheit keine. Außer das man dem Finanzamt seine Gewinne vorlegt und diese dann mit dem anderweitigen Einkommen versteuert. Insgesamt gibt es 26.000.000 Tokens beim ICO? Was ist mit den restlichen 74%, behält sie das Team, und wann werden sie verkauft? Der Wert wäre dann ja bei 0.01 ETH pro token > 200 Mill € Alle Tokens, inkl. der nicht Verkauften, werden laut englischen ANN Thread vom Team behalten. Die sollen dann bei weiteren Projekten verkauft werden.Das habe ich auch so aufgefasst, und gefällt mir persönlich (für eine Investition) gar nicht... Da die Token je ein Watt repräsentieren und die Hardware verfügbar ist, ist das absolut nachvollziehbar. Die monatliche Dividende wird dadurch in keinster Weise geschmälert. Tatsächlich müsste sich die Dividende mit der Zeit sogar erhöhen, da mit 10% der Einnahmen tokens vom freien Markt zurück gekauft werden. Diese werden dann "stillgelegt" und bekommen keine Dividende! Stattdessen wird sie auf die verbleibenden tokens aufgeteilt. Ich finde das alles etwas kompliziert, aber ich liebe buybacks und wenn sie sich an das halten was sie sagen, könnte das ganze sehr gut und profitabel werden, finde ich. Hab mal versucht das in ner Tabelle zu berechnen, wird schnell sehr komplex...
Locked tokens won't receive any dividends, the proceeds of those tokens will instead be shared between the rest of the token holders.
Great, thanks!
#edit Also I'm sorry you have to endure all these stupid comments about your looks. One can only hope that karma will strike back somehow.
and your comment is even more stupid... Nobody asked them to show off their looks like that. It's their (maybe marketing) decision to do that, so it's hypocrite to do like we didn't see their beauty. And nobody made bad remarks about their appearance until now. I don't want derail this thread with a discussion, so this will be my only statement here. Your premise that they made themselves beautiful for you and their other potential customers shows pretty well the basis of such behaviour. All of the team members look like normal (business) people. It's a business and you can get a good look how they run and that they are legit. Using that to accost/annoy people is absolutely not okay. Not in real life, not on the internet. Notice that these things almost exclusively happen to women, who in any way dare to speak publicly. None of the hundreds of males running ICOs have to deal with stupid comments like I referred to, and none of them are said to "show their looks like that", and rightfully so. Therein lies the problem. If you want to discuss this further, we can do it via pm. Write me if you're interested! I don't want to derail this thread further, hope you understand. #edit In case this was a misunderstanding, I didn't mean your comment about the whole team.
1. We will lock them. 2. These are two separate actions, the token buy back benefits liquidity and will be done with a part of net profits. The selling will happen to acquire new capital.
Thank you. Locked means they will be taken out of the equation and won't receive any proceeds? Or does it mean that you will hold them forever, never sell them but receive the proceeds? This makes a huge difference how much returns each remaining token will receive and on the revenue of the comany.
Love the idea. I want to invest, but I need to understand every part of it. There's some things that I don't get. One of the pics it says that you will buy back tokens with 10% of the proceeds.
1. Will you burn (destroy) the tokens you bought back? 2. How can you sell remaining tokens and buy them back at the same time? 3. Will there be a measure to ensure you don't send proceeds to lost/inactive tokens? Lost keys, wrong address, holder died, etc? 4. And finally: I assume all this will be done "forever", meaning until the company closes down or some major changes happen?
Also, I have sent you two emails from the website form days ago, and I haven't received an answer to any of them. Not sure if there's something wrong with the form.
Thank you!
#edit Also I'm sorry you have to endure all these stupid comments about your looks. One can only hope that karma will strike back somehow.