Hey there,
Cool project. Left a PM.
Recently Bismuth, the cryptocurrency, launched the 3D Boulevard, a virtual representation of a cryptocurrency rich list in a WebGL world with an avatar. It's simple, but cool to play around with.  What is the potential of using VR/AR to make cryptocurrency accessible to an entirely new crowd?
Code did not work. Seller doesn't reply to contact. Proceed with caution.
Willing to take a vouch for 2012 R2. Thanks!
VOUCHERS Key sent to jimhsu Keys received, everything works well. Data on the key received: Description : Windows Server 12 R2 RTM ServerStandard Retail Edition ID : ServerStandard Sub Type : X18-90726 License Type : Retail Channel : Retail
Helpful Note: if you're using a version of Server 2012 on VM and receive activation errors, you may have a wrong edition of Server installed. Check/verify with instructions from here: https://cm.ahnat.pl/windows-2012-r2-activation-0xc004f069/
Willing to take a vouch for 2012 R2. Thanks!
PC OS Windows 10 RAM 32GB CPU AMD Threadripper 1950x GPU Geforce GTX 980 Ti Browser: Chrome 64.0, Firefox 59.0b5
Very interested in Bismuth. Is it best to wait for it to be added to exchanged or is it still worth trying to mine? Any guesses on the first exchange it might be added too?
Join slack and search #exchanges. To summarize, both Bittrex and Cryptopia have contacted the dev requesting additional methods to be implemented.
I have exactly the same problem. Thanks for the link, but I wonder if this synchronisation issue is being addressed? Healthy blockchain should be easy to sync without snapshots. Right now, it looks like snapshots of the ledger are the only way to sync this. Without them, the chain keeps going back and forward, gets some blocks, then rewinds back. I though that is just my node, but it seems to be a common issue. Isn't this a serious issue to address? P.S. One additional small question: what is the right way to do a backup? Is making a copy of "privkey.der" enough, or other files may be needed too? To my understanding, this is what the hard fork for 3.9 is trying to accomplish. Remember Bismuth is an *experimental* Python blockchain. Backing up privkey.der is enough, but might as well back up pubkey.der to save a step of having to regenerate it.
any guide/script for masternode setup on vps maybe mutliple nodes with ipv6? btw link on op to website shows 404 page not found error: http://ent.eternity-group.org/en/not very trustworthy for new people  Not exactly the most active dev team out there. Well, not active since may or so XD I tried to make a IPv6 multiple installation with the help of mersmsxn (sorry, I know I always write horribly wrong your nick  ) but there is something inherently wrong with the wallet which avoid us of getting it. Salute I had success with the following conf settings (relevant parts bolded): rpcuser=eternityrpc rpcpassword=x listen = 1 rpcport = (something) daemon = 1 server = 1 gen = 0 discover = 1 eternitynode = 1 externalip = [ipv6]:4855 eternitynodeaddr = [ipv6]:4855 bind = 127.0.0.x bind = [ipv6] eternitynodeprivkey = xxx
bind should be the ipv6 address AND a loopback (, different for each instance). This means you can have no more than 255 instances running on a single server, though I doubt that will be a problem. Also each node should have a different rpcport just in case. Each instance should also run on a separate user account. The local conf file should include [ipv6]:4855 as the bind address. If that doesn't work, check to make sure that the ipv6 addresses are actually bound (ifconfig). Many hosts offer ipv6 but activate it only by manual request.
Both of the pools are working now. FYI some info for non-slackers Dev poolconfig.txt settings ( note new pool address as of 7/11/2017): mining_ip= mining_pool=1 pool_address=340c195f768be515488a6efedb958e135150b2ef3e53573a7017ac7d
Web link is: to use is: https://github.com/maccaspacca/stuffCommands: Install Python 3.5 apt install python3-pip python-twisted (or equivalent on your platform) Install all python dependencies: pip3 install pillow pyqrcode pypng pyinstaller bottle pycrypto simple-crypt win_inet_pton PySocks Get bismuth: git clone https://github.com/hclivess/Bismuth.git Grab miner and put all files in optiminer/* into Bismuth directory https://github.com/maccaspacca/stuff/tree/master/optiminerGet a ledger.db file and put into static/: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3krI6WqvUWhd2VQNjlzZl8wbEk/editMake changes to config.txt as aboveRun a node: (in Bismuth directory) python3 node.py Run miner: python3 optipool.py 50 As an alternative, a windows compiled .exe is available for testing here: https://github.com/maccaspacca/stuff/releases/tag/v0.1Acc-poolInstructions are here (credits aetsen): Ubuntu 16.04 Bismuth Mining Guide 1. Install server. 2. You can mine as root or create a new user. 3. Dependencies * sudo apt-get install python-twisted * sudo apt-get install python-pip * sudo apt-get install python-pip --fix-missing * sudo apt-get install python-socks * sudo apt-get install unzip 4. Download miner zip file * wget " https://www.dropbox.com/s/7kihptpklkik2hb/Miner.zip?dl=0" 5. Unzip Miner file * unzip Miner.zip?dl=0 6. CD into miner file * cd Miner 7. Create text file to use for launching miner * touch startminer.bash 8. Edit startminer.bash for your address, worker name and threads startminer.bash default text ./miner user fd3b75f8bc6d1c76f5cf9b080fead0ea627cfb1c80de057d335e805a rig1 4 ^ ^ $ & % (^=do not change) ($=your Bismuth address) (&=your rig name) (%=number of threads. 1 thread per thread supported by your CPU ex. 4 core 8 thread CPU set to  9. chmod files to be executable * chmod +x startminer.bash * chmod +x miner 10. start miner using the startminer.bash file * ./startminer.bash 11. Link for node and wallet https://github.com/hclivess/Bismuth/releases/tag/3.673If this file helped you please consider a donation of bismuth to my address fd3b75f8bc6d1c76f5cf9b080fead0ea627cfb1c80de057d335e805a Web link is: https://bismuth.acc-pool.pw/miners.phpMiner to use is as above (optipool does not work) --- Both pools are paying out now. Throwing some hashpower on both.
Trade completed successfully with rallier as escrow. 
Watching  Some initial questions: 1. You mention that tokens are used by individuals who want to list, and provided to "verified users". What determines the magnitude of token payouts? What constitutes a verified user in this process - the entire user pool? 2. What measures are taken to confirm that said listings are genuine? This seems initially like a decentralized method of enforcement, but unsure how well this will work at the very early stages. 3. Are there specific real estate MLS markets that you are looking to target initially? Consideration obviously has to be made re. legal barriers, existing supply/demand dynamics of said marketplaces, etc. 4. You mentioned the barriers to tokenized ownership especially in most US/Western markets. Building on above, what markets have you identified that might be more amenable to tokenized ownership / "colored coins" models? Thanks in advance. Regardless, at least something different.
Thanks for sharing. The concept is certainly innovative. However as a medical professional, I had some questions: - Why does your project need a blockchain structure as opposed to a centralized database (per HealthVault, Epic, etc)? The product that you showed is obviously a thin client, so are full clients storage nodes?
- The structure seems akin to projects such as SiaCoin and Storj, but with a medical twist. How does such data (even encrypted) maintain HIPAA compliance across state and possibly national borders? Do you consider your project a HIPAA-compliant cloud?
- How do you see the storage utilization of your nodes compared to the two above projects? (this gets back to the "Why blockchain" question.)
- Why did you select Ethereum for your blockchain of choice for token issuances?
- Do you plan to engage the traditional EHR providers such as Epic to facilitate the initial data preload as well as extensions for utilizing your blockchain/database? If not, how do you expect to get patient data onto the network? From doctors/nurses? Patients? etc
Apologies if some of these are addressed through the whitepaper; haven't had the time to thoroughly peruse it yet. Your responses greatly appreciated.
There is one thing though that is stunting bitcoin's growth in online shopping (where it's most likely to make an impact first): credit card rebates. Virtually all credit cards people use nowadays offer some sort of point/cashback system, which is, of course, paid from the retailer's pocket in terms of outrageous fees. It should be in every retailer's best interest to offer significant incentives to use bitcoin, in terms of fee savings: even something crazy as 5% cash back on all purchases, forever when paid in BTC would probably result in net savings for most retailers. Other creative things: free giftcards (instead of cashback) for even more retailer margin, drawing for cool and awesome items when bill is paid with BTC, etc etc.
Two-factor (BIP38) paper wallets. Simple(ish) passphrase. The point is that we're pretty good at physical security (because it's what we had for thousands of years), and the likely attack vectors to nab your paper wallet and your passphrase are most likely very different.
As far as "in use" ... I wouldn't worry about that. There are about (33-13)^58 = 2.9 * 10^75 addresses potentially out there that start with "1Payday". To get an idea of how that big that number is: If every single star in the universe had an earth-like planet, and you counted every single grain of sand on these planets .. that wouldn't come even close to that number.
51 guesses says that I would guess that key.
If you allow -1 and +1, that would be 102. If you allow two characters, that greatly improves to 51*50 = 2550. And so on. All of this would still take milliseconds on even a phone.
Better to BIP38 your key. Even a three character alphanum password (horribly insecure) would buy you a couple of orders of magnitude more security (considering the difficulty of scrypt also). Security through obscurity usually doesn't work.