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1  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Bagaimana cara menghapus korupsi? on: May 05, 2024, 03:30:24 PM
Maaf sedikit melebar, tetapi hal ini yang membuat bingung, karena untuk mengutuk jera koruptor adalh di berlakukannya hukum yang membuat mereka jera, seperti hukuman mati, di miskinkan, di asingkan menurut saya, tetapi lembaga penegak hukum perlu landasan undang-undang untuk melaksanakannya, sementara perancang undang-undang hari ini seperti itu.
Bagaimana mungkin undang-undang bisa dirancang sedangkan mereka yang ada di DPR tidak mau melakukannya. DPR memiliki kewenangan untuk membuat undang-undang tetapi mereka tidak akan pernah mau melakukan karena takut terjerat korupsi dan akan di hukum jauh lebih berat. Lembaga penegak hukum hanya menjalankan sesuai undang-undang yang telah ada karena mereka tidak memiliki kewenangan untuk menyetujui diluar undang-undang yang berlaku.

Menurut agan-agan semua bagaimana cara membuat jera pelaku koruptor?
Jika itu sulit, setidaknya bagaimana langkah yang harus kita ambil sebagai warga negara untuk meminimalisir tindakan korupsi?
Dan atau apakah anda memiliki rancangan sistem yang mungkin tidak ada celah melakukan korupsi?
Jika tidak ada efek jera maka korupsi akan cukup sulit di hilangkan dan kebanyakan yang terjerat kasus korupsi adalah mereka yang membuat undang-undang. Korupsi merupakan perilaku yang sulit di dihilangkan karena memang sistem politik kita di Indonesia terbuka sehingga biaya politik yang dibutuhkan akan cukup besar dan ketika mereka memiliki kesempatan pasti akan melakukannya. Mungkin hukuman mati akan manjadi sebuah solusi terhadap kasus korupsi akan tetapi pihak DPR pasti tidak akan mau membuat undang-undang tersebut.

Perlu di ajarkan etika kepada mereka yang melakukan korupsi dan mungkin harus dimulai dari sedini mungkin. Misalnya setiap sekolah harus di ajarkan bagaimana etika bisa membuat orang berfikir tidak melakukan kejahatan yang merugikan orang maupun negara. Jepang telah melakukan itu dan mereka yang terbukti melakukan korupsi akan dihukum dengan seberat-beratnya.
2  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: bitcoin sebagai hadiah on: May 05, 2024, 01:55:11 PM
seorang dosen di cilacap, benar benar tanpa ragu memperkenalkan anak2 nya tentang bitcoin dan juga altcoin, bahkan di lansir dari berita online, masing masing dari anak2 nya yang berulang tahun di beri hadiah dengan jumlah yang berbeda beda.
Pertanyaannya mengapa setiap anak diberikan dalam jumlah yang berbeda, apakah dosen tersebut menyesuaikan usia agar mereka bisa bertanggung jawab atas hadiah yang diberikan itu? Hadiah yang diberikan juga akan bermanfaat ketika anaknya bisa digunakan untuk investasi akan tetapi jika aset yang dihadiahkan langsung di jual saya rasa anak tersebut tidak akan mendapatkan apapun dimasa depan.

mungkin Bitcoin dan altcoins sudah sering terdengar di telinga banyak orang indonesia namun yang benar benar percaya pada potensi bitcoin di masa depan itu sedikit, bagaimana dengan agan sekalian, apakah akan memberikan anak2 atau orang terkasih ulang tahun atau mencapai sesuatu yang membanggakan.
Saya belum berencana memberikan hadiah dalam bentuk bitcoin maupun altcoin buat anak karena usia mereka masih belum cukup dewasa untuk mengenal investasi. Setiap orang yang telah terlibat di dalam investasi pasti akan jauh lebih percaya kepada bitcoin karena memang perjalanannya telah teruji dan banyak orang yang mendapatkan manfaat dari investasi yang di jalani. Sejumlah orang di Indonesia semakin percaya pada bitcoin karena memang ada banyak hal yang telah terjadi, mulai dari manfaat hingga pencapaian yang telah orang dapatkan.

Memberikan hadiah bitcoin kepada anak tidak menjadi masalah selama orang tua mampu membimbing mereka untuk belajar memahami cara berinvestasi. Tetapi terkadang kita justru memaksakan dan tidak melihat kesesuaian dengan umur, padahal anak di usia sekolah harus lebih fokus kepada pendidikan dibandingkan dengan mencari uang dan mungkin setiap orang tua memiliki pandangan masing-masing dengan masalah ini.
3  Economy / Economics / Re: Surviving in this economy needs a new minds set on: May 01, 2024, 06:11:58 PM
Year after year before the cross over service there will be promises of a new beginnings, new hopes, vision, wishes and resolution
Government will come up with the budget of the incoming year and and when you look at the budget it is really interesting with hope's of having a better year ahead as in the budget it capture virtually everything including the economy and other aspects of the nation
We are always in a state of hope and never think about how to not depend completely on the government. The revolution occurred amidst technological advances and job sources were wide open everywhere, but because people didn't want to start, it made everything more complicated. Now to work we don't need an office or special place because internet services are available everywhere.

But every year that passes on the economic situation is getting worse by the day, infact inflation increase with each year that passes making the living standard of the poor unbearable
This makes me to think and have come to the realization and conclusion that surviving in this present economic situation needs a total different mind set such that will make you to think out side of the box
Investing in crypto currencies like Bitcoin is not a bad idea at all
Life needs to be prepared and now the bad economic conditions have forced people to move to find solutions. Inflation has made several sectors start to have an impact and finally people are starting to have difficulty balancing income and expenses. In the midst of current economic conditions, we as individuals are required to work smarter and optimally because relying on energy/physical does not necessarily mean we can get out of economic difficulties. On the other hand, people take advantage of all the possibilities that exist and they will try something new with the availability of several sources such as investment.

Investing in bitcoin is not bad, but can people do that amidst economic instability? Never mind talking about investment, it is even difficult to meet people's daily food needs. To get out of this problem, we have to work long before it happens because if we work hard when inflation occurs, it is not a long-term solution but rather an effort to minimize the short term.
4  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Apa yang membuat kalian enggan berdiskusi di thread teknikal Bitcoin ?? on: May 01, 2024, 05:00:36 PM
Apakah karena kalian takut ?
Apakah karena tidak menguasai pembahasan ?
Apakah karena tidak bisa buat kejar setoran posting ?
Jika dibilang takut mungkin ada banyak postingan yang harus dihindari karena mungkin kita tidak memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup akan tetapi alasan takut hanya sebuah alasan karena tidak mau belajar. Begitu sebaliknya jika kita mengacu pada penguasaan pembahasan dan itu artinya kita terlalu malas untuk mencari tau, padahal sekarang untuk berdiskusi apapun akan jauh lebih mudah ketika kita mau membaca terlebih dahulu. Mengenai kejar setoran saya rasa banyak BM akan menghitung postingan di tread tersebut akan tetapi mungkin banyak orang yang enggan untuk membuat postingan karena tidak mau mencari bahan untuk berdiskusi.

Rata-rata postingan di SFI dalam sehari ada di sekitaran 50-100 Post, namun anehnya hanya topik-topik receh yang setiap hari rame, sementara topik-topik yang memiliki pembahasan berat (membahas perihal tekhnikal Bitcoin, dan teknologi Blockchain) hanya member-member tertentu yang mau ikut berdiskusi didalamnya. Sangat jauh berbeda dengan era tahun 2017-2019 dimana cukup banyak member SFI yang sangat tertarik berdiskusi, berkontribusi atau sekedar mencari informasi di Thread-thread teknikal Bitcoin dan Blockchain.
Saya rasa juga ada banyak member Indonesia yang aktif disana meskipun jika dihitung secara keseluruhan tidak begitu banyak. Lagi pula pada saat tahun tersebut pembahasan disana masih cukup segar sehingga untuk belajar mengetahui lebih banyak akan jauh lebih menarik untuk kita ikuti. Sekarang pembahasan disana hampir secara keseluruhan telah di bahas dan jikapun ada pembahasan baru mungkin hampir menyerupai sehingga orang akan berdiskusi ketempat lain.

Mengenai topik receh yang anda sebutkan dan daya rasa setiap orang memiliki sudut pandang yang berbeda. Receh menurut kita belum tentu sama dengan pemikiran orang lain sehingga lebih baik berusaha untuk tidak menyebutkan itu karena kemampuan seseorang berbeda-beda. Cobalah mencari bahasan yang jauh lebih halus sehingga tidak terjadi salah paham sana sini karena jika kita bisa saling menghormati maka saya yakin akan jauh lebih baik.
5  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN] BlackJack.Fun | Signature Campaign | Up to $90/W on: May 01, 2024, 04:44:24 PM
Bitcointalk Usermane: MarjorieZimmermanGinger Username: Marjorie
6  Local / Trading dan Spekulasi / Re: Seberapa PENTING MONEY MANAGEMEN Dalam TRADING KRIPTO on: April 27, 2024, 03:37:04 AM
Dari sumber yang saya baca,
" Secara singkat Money Managemen dibuat untuk meminimalkan risiko, memaksimalkan keuntungan, dan juga menghindari kerugian besar. Money management akan mengatur semua hal berbau keuangan. "
Dapat dikatakan itu merupakan instrumen penting bagi seseorang dalam menjalankan perdagangan dengan adanya instrumen ini orang bisa mengendalikan resiko maupun memiliki opsi ketika tidak sejalan dengan konsep awal. Instrumen ini tidak mudah di dapatkan ketika orang tidak menguasai apa yang mereka kerjakan dan selebihnya instrumen ini akan di dapatkan ketika orang tau letak masalah yang sedang dihadapi. Mengatur keuangan untuk penggunaan modal penting supaya orang bisa melihat tingkat akurasi saat menjalankan sehingga adanya ketepatan.

Terkadang orang sulit mengatur keuangan dan itu terjadi bukan karena mereka tidak mengetahui melainkan karena mereka tidak memahami caranya melakukannya. Langkah tersebut dianggap penting karena berkaitan dengan cara seseorang memanajemenkan banyak hal.

Bahkan saya juga sering menjumpai user btt yang menyelipkan kata ini dalam diskusi di forum ini. Terutama di Board Diskusi perdagangan dan Ekonomi.
Money Managemen memang sangat berkaitan dengan perdagangan maupun ekonomi karena dasar definisi tersebut lebih relevan mengenai perjalanan keduanya. Jika orang tidak mampu menanggani keuangan bagaimana mungkin orang bisa mencapai strategi yang di inginkan, sehingga Money Managemen dianggap begitu penting dalam perjalanan perdagangan maupun ekonomi.
7  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: tolong aku on: April 25, 2024, 03:50:15 AM
halo teman-teman, saya baru di sini dan memutuskan untuk mencari jalan keluar dan memperhatikan bahwa ada dewan lokal saya di sini dan memutuskan untuk memposting pertama kali di sini sehingga keluarga saya dapat membimbing saya tentang langkah-langkah yang harus diambil agar dapat bertahan di forum ini.
Anda harus mengetahui tujuan bergabung di forum untuk apa dan anda juga harus mengenali kemampuan diri, sehingga ketika anda melangkahkan akan jauh lebih mudah menentukan arah. Forum bersifat publik dan ada batasan yang perlu dijaga supaya anda tidak melakukan kesalahan dan kesalahan fatal akan membuat akun anda di tandai sehingga kepercayaan orang lain akan berkurang terhadap anda.

Saya telah melihat begitu banyak hal menarik di sini dan saya ingin belajar dan berkembang juga walaupun saya selalu sangat sibuk dan saya tidak tahu apakah itu akan menjadi masalah jadi tolong keluarga membantu saya dan membimbing saya meskipun saya sudah memiliki pengetahuan dasar tentang Bitcoin tetapi tidak tahu bagaimana melakukan segalanya
Jika anda memiliki kesibukan diluar sana maka untuk masuk ke forum bisa dilakukan pada saat jam kerja selesai. Forum tidak memiliki jadwal khusus untuk di masuki dan anda bebas menentukan waktu sendiri untuk aktif di dalamnya. Jangan lakukan segalanya secara bersamaan akan tetapi lakukan secara perlahan agar anda lebih terarah. Manfaatkan waktu untuk membaca dan pelajari sisi mana yang dapat anda lakukan sehingga akan jauh lebih mudah untuk berkembang.

Jika anda sudah memiliki dasar terhadap bitcoin maka yang perlu anda tingkatkan adalah cara untuk menghasilkan keuntungan. Metodenya bisa dilakukan pada saat melihat peluang untuk membeli atau menggunakan beberapa strategi yang sering dilakukan oleh orang untuk membeli. Tujuan investasi mengharapkan keuntungan akan tetapi anda harus memperhatikan tingkat resiko yang dihasilkan sehingga tidak akan memberikan kerugian.
8  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Mana yang kamu pilih untuk di beli, btc atau eth? on: April 24, 2024, 03:06:40 AM
Sebentar lagi mau halving, saat ini banyak orang yang membeli crypto termasuk juga saya, tapi dalam ribuan token atau koin, saya memilih membeli btc, bukan eth, jika kamu punya uang, crypto apa yang kamu beli, btc atau eth?
Jika bisa dilakukan secara bersamaan maka membeli keduanya akan jauh lebih baik karena potensi di eth juga sangat bagus bila mampu di investasikan dengan tepat. Tetapi jika keuangan kita tidak stabil maka mengejar untuk membeli bitcoin merupakan pilihan yang harus di utamakan karena bitcoin merupakan koin yang jauh lebih fundamental untuk di simpang di jangka panjang. Pada dasarnya kedua koin ini bisa memberikan keuntungan pada saat momen pasar berada di dalam kondisi bullish akan tetapi bicara efektif tergantung bagaimana kemampuan keuangan yang di miliki oleh masing-masing orang.

Jika pertanyaan punya uang maka saya akan membeli keduanya dan caranya bisa membagi jumlah persentase pembelian yang jauh lebih besar terhadap bitcoin. Alasannya mungkin jelas bahwa bitcoin merupakan sebuah pilihan yang tepat dan selalu bisa menguntungkan meskipun pasar mendapatkan koreksi parah setelah kita membelinya.
9  Economy / Economics / Re: Cryptocurrency impact on Economy on: April 14, 2024, 06:20:06 AM
Poverty is based on the calorie consumed by the individual based on the food consumption.For the food the individual need of steady income to satisfy with the basic need.Now many graduate unemployed people using cryptocurrency in various form to make some money for the food.

Health,Education and Clothing also the important factor of the poverty determination.All this need of money which was created by the individual by using the cryptocurrency as a mode to earn some money.Let discuss about this factors.
I highlight individually regarding crypto and specifically for bitcoin, the presence of this industry has helped many people, especially regarding the issue of financial income level capabilities. People are starting to realize this industry as an alternative and everyone has the same opportunity to earn money, as long as this industry is used well then there is an opportunity for anyone to gain financial freedom. Poverty is characterized by people who are unable to meet their food needs and do not live a decent life such as getting education and health.

If someone does not have a strategy to get out of poverty then life now will be much more difficult. Jobs are very difficult to get and will affect someone from fulfilling their obligations. The steps and presence of crypo can be used by anyone, but people must know how it works. Therefore, training skills is very important so that people can invest and trade in crypto.
10  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: April 14, 2024, 05:04:51 AM
They have players like Kingsley Coman, Sane, Jamal Musiala, Joshua Kimmich, and Alphonso Davies all linked out of the club when the transfer window begins.
With these names gone, if they don assemble the right players to replace them, they will definitely struggle more than they did this season. Right now they need a manager with killer instincts. Antonio Conte would also do great.
A mistake was made by Bayern Munich management and they tried to recruit Tuchel in the wrong conditions and we can see how Bayern Munich is now. They have a number of great players at the club but their performance this season looks very bad and the presence of Harry Kane at Bayern Munich cannot be blamed because a club cannot possibly rely on just one player because they need teamwork.

If next season they don't replace Tuchel, I don't think their performance will be much different. Tuchel's strategy is easy for other coaches to read because he always relies on wingers to build attacks so there are not many options that can make Bayern Munich's strength when attacking.
11  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: How to handle emotions when you lose during trading. on: April 14, 2024, 04:35:43 AM
These are some methods and practices I think traders could use in controlling their emotions when they lose while trading, you could give your opinions or add more if you got any, also I'm open to corrections so feel free to include some corrections in any statement you feel I'm wrong.
To deal with unnecessary losses in trading one must understand how it works and most people get involved in trading because they have not studied it properly. Controlling emotions in trading is important so that a person does not experience pressure and these emotions can be controlled when we do not engage in excessive trading. Usually beginners are much more at risk of experiencing panic when trading because they don't know what to do when trading doesn't match their plan.

Managing emotions well will help us get involved in risks and although trading does not guarantee permanent victory, when we are able to control risks it is much easier for people to control themselves. Trading must be seen to what extent people can control themselves and when trading takes place it will definitely result in risks.
12  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Italian League Prediction Thread (Serie A) on: April 14, 2024, 03:09:35 AM
Chance for AC Milan to catch Inter Milan in Serie A is small like chance for Bayern Munich to catch Leverkusen in Bundesliga. They both have almost no chance to catch the first teams in their leagues and can focus on their second position protection as only main task till their league ending.
If you look at the remaining matches for this season, AC Milan's chance of catching Inter Milan's points is no longer possible, because both points are quite far away now. AC Milan only needs to maintain second place in the standings and next season they can play much better to win the title. Now AC Milan's task is only to play more consistently so that by the end of the season they can be in second place in the standings.

Juventus situation is like AC Milan with pressure from Bologna to defend their third position but it is almost impossible for Juventus to lose a position in top four to AS Roma. They have 7 points more than AS Roma after 31 matches so far and only need to play carefully to defend their position against Roma.
This pressure must be taken seriously by Juventus because if they fail to maintain the match and Juventus loses victory in the next few matches, it will make them lose third place in the standings. Moreover, they drew against Torino and this is an advantage for Bologna because now their points are getting closer.
13  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin the HERO we never knew we needed on: April 14, 2024, 02:46:36 AM
My question to us right now do you think Bitcoin will eventually erase the commercial banking sector???
Bitcoin was not created to replace commercial banking, bitcoin is an alternative and we use bitcoin freely and independently. It is unlikely that bitcoin will replace commercial banks as many countries only allow the use of bitcoin as an investment asset. Bitcoin being anonymous will be much safer and that is why people simply avoid KYC, but if you use an exchange that requires KYC that means our data is also recorded on that exchange.

Most people avoid KYC, but when we use an exchange that has obtained an operating permit in our country, KYC is an important thing to do because otherwise we cannot carry out transactions. Although there are options that we can do and if we want to appear more anonymous then use an exchange that does not require KYC.
14  Economy / Economics / Re: Will the world soon become tired of the US dollar? on: April 13, 2024, 09:14:23 AM
Recently, we see countries like Saudi Arabia,  the UAE that has been making waves with several investments that may include multimillion dollar soccer stars signings, building the tallest building in the world, development of tourism and attractions that bewildered the mind. Also, Iran,  Egypt and Ethiopia has officially joined BRICS and although Argentina rejected the invitation, one question is this,

Are we seeing a time where BRICS currency and cryptocurrencies are the answer to a world tired of the us dollar?
Countries in the Saudi Arabian region have good financial strength so they can launch the crazy projects they want to do. Countries in this region can be said to be rich and they can do anything to just build luxurious and magnificent buildings. But my question is, can they fight against the dominance of the US dollar and what steps will they take if they want to look strong? There are many challenges that will be faced when you want to fight against dollar domination and I think very few countries dare to challenge them now.

What can be done even though many countries are starting to get bored with the US dollar because they are in control in many aspects. If a country does not have a source of wealth then fighting US domination is impossible and the country will most likely cause problems. Just look at countries that dare to challenge the dollar's dominance and if the country's finances are bad they will have even more problems.
15  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: April 13, 2024, 08:20:41 AM
I think that next season we will see a different Bayern that will not allow anyone to dominate the Bundesliga, including Bayer. If at the same time Alonso can become champion again with Bayer, this will of course be a very big achievement, but do not forget that Bayer will need to play the same in the Champions League, where everything is a little more difficult than in the EL, so this could also have an impact on the team. But for now, Alonso needs to enjoy his current successes and try to win the EL, it looks like one of his main competitors is dropping out. )
Not so sure Bayern Munich can play much better next season if they don't have a different coach. Tuchel is one of the reasons why Bayern Munich's performance could decline so Leverkusen took advantage of this opportunity. Bayern Munich has dominated for so long and it is difficult for other clubs to break their dominance in the Bundesliga. But after Tuchel was appointed coach, Bayern Munich seemed to have lost their ability to dominate, even though if you look at the quality of their players they are still quite strong.

Likewise with Leverkusen and it is certain that next season they will play in the Champions League so they need to prepare if they don't want to be a team that is just a scapegoat. Especially regarding competition in the Bundesliga because if you play using the current player format then I doubt Alonso can repeat the achievements like this season.
16  Economy / Trading Discussion / Re: Does trading belongs to everyone? on: April 13, 2024, 07:37:09 AM
Most times at the process of learning your trading you make money by holding and after you may have gain your bases then you can fund your account to continue your trading than trying to be in haste to make profits from trading, since everyone is on the move about trading you decided to follow that part with or without knowing trading is not for everyone. You have to discover your place in crypto-space if you noticed you aren't making progress in trading then divert to investment and, you must know the types of coin you will invest.

If this post doesn't suits here place call my notice to move it to another place you suggest that is more better.
Basically trading is not limited to certain person because everyone can get involved in it, because there are no limits to the trading issues we do in crypto. But what becomes a problem is when person don't understand how to trade so it will cause losses when they are involved in it. Learn how to trade first and you can train your skills to become better, trade small amounts first while improving your trading skills, after that you can continue with larger amounts when you understand how.

If we think trading is not suitable after learning to understand how, then it is better to switch to investing because not everyone can understand how to trade well. Meanwhile, when it comes to investing, it is generally easier for person to carry out, they just have to decide which coin is better to invest in.
17  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Italian League Prediction Thread (Serie A) on: April 13, 2024, 07:04:57 AM
That's right, there will be 6 rounds left in the season, meaning the possibility of competing for the Scudetto only exists in theory. Currently, AC Milan and Juventus are only trying to stay in the top 4 position. Obviously, if you can't win the championship, it doesn't matter where you stand in the Top four.

AC Milan is so secure in the Top 4 of Serie A that they can play a few bad matches without worrying about being threatened. Accordingly, coach Piolo and his team hold 68 points/31 games. As for Juventus, they should be careful with Bologna and AS Roma because these two teams can knock Juventus out of the top 4 when they are clinging to Juventus. A victory over Torino will be a way for Juventus to strengthen their position better.
That means there is no chance for Juventus to catch up with the points collected by Inter Milan and even AC Milan, which is in second place in the standings, is also unable to catch up with Inter Milan. Maintaining the top four is something even better because they can play in the Champions League next season. AC Milan is indeed more comfortable in second place in the standings because they have points that are impossible for Juventus or Bologna to catch up with.

Juventus need to be careful because if they play inconsistently then Bologna could catch up on the points they have collected, even though fourth place in the standings will also qualify for the Champions League. But for Juventus they should be able to maintain their current position because Bologna is not much better than them.
18  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: BTC profit taking strategies? on: April 13, 2024, 06:40:19 AM
My wife and I have been investing in BTC since around the last ATH, so this coming halving is the first one we've experienced. As a result, we need to figure out a profit-taking strategy. I was hoping to get some input from the community here.
If you already have a target to sell at what price, maybe you already have the decision to sell Bitcoin. But if the price you want has not been reached then wait until the price is reached. You can also make a percentage of sales and you can hold the remaining portion for the next ATH.

We currently have around 1.5 BTC, and our ultimate goal is to be able to use that to help us buy a house and be able to retire at some point. Nothing too crazy. I'm hoping this bull cycle we'll be able to at least get a decent down-payment on something, then maybe over the next cycle or two be able to pay it off.
That sounds pretty good regarding the plans you want to carry out, but you don't need to buy a house using installments. If you know how Bitcoin can provide benefits, then invest according to the money you have, then when Bitcoin gets the next ATH you can buy a house in cash. Buying a house in installments can be a bit of a problem for you because the price of bitcoin is uncertain and if you have no other source of income then it is impossible to cover the house installments by selling bitcoin holdings at any time.
19  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Has Bitcoin been inflitrated by global elite? on: April 12, 2024, 11:57:08 AM
Between chain analytics companies, BlackRock, Saylor, centralized exchanges/government approval, demonizing/de-listing of privacy coins & wallets....etc, one has to wonder...has Bitcoin been infiltrated by global elite?
Whether you realize it or not, people who own large amounts of bitcoin have better financial capabilities. This person certainly has an unlimited level of financial wealth so they have the opportunity to buy in such large amounts. I only define being infiltrated as the step of owning large amounts of bitcoin.

There is clearly a global agenda to gain control of populations, through every possible means. IMO, you have to very ignorant at this point to think otherwise.

Is Bitcoin really freedom money?
If people don't see bitcoin as a good breakthrough then currently we don't see bitcoin's journey which has found a quite significant upward process. Full control is not possible because bitcoin is more independent in its journey, but they can control the large amount of purchases so that bitcoin can reach its highest point in new history.

I still consider it as an alternative step because when it comes to freedom there are still many countries that limit bitcoin only as an investment asset. True freedom would be if bitcoin were to gain widespread adoption as fiat currencies do but that is unlikely to happen any time soon.
20  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: April 12, 2024, 07:29:35 AM
Leverkusen this season is quite strong and consistent, not only because Bayern Munich's performance is currently in decline which means Leverkusen can become the leader of the current standings, I even think that if Bayern Munich's performance is like last season, it will not be able to match Leverkusen's performance which has been quite consistent since the start of the season. .

Not only is Leverkusen a fierce competitor this season for Bayern Munich, but next season it is also possible to do so because Xabi Alonso has decided to stay, which makes it possible for this team to be even stronger.
The decline in Bayern Munich's performance and quality of play has enabled Leverkusen to dominate the Bundesliga. When Bayern Munich is in good form then the competition for the title will be much fiercer and Leverkusen will not be as easy to top the standings as they are now. Leverkusen have had good moments this season and the presence of Xabi Alonso has made some really good achievements for them, so that it only takes a few matches for them to emerge as candidates to win this season.

Xabi Alonso needs to prove that and if next season they are not able to compete like this season then people will think Leverkusen just got lucky. Maintaining consistent performance is not easy and Xabi Alonso will be quite tested next season in Leverkusen's journey to the title and competition to top the standings.
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