Anyone know when Sia will be viable for enterprise use? at least for a small company?
It can be used already. They can buy Siacoins in a exchange and start creating file contracts. At the level of reliability, while it works for most of the users (me, personally, I have 500Gb uploaded without problems), some of them are experiencing issues. Next update (planned for next month) should solve all those problems, as they are focused right now on improving the experience of renting. In general neither Sia or any cloud service should be used as the exclusive place to store data by any user or company, and keeping local copies is always encouraged. Sia can be a very nice solution for storing large, redundant backups
The requirement of buying Siacoins to store data will be avoided when independent developers and companies deploy services that accept FIAT and store the data in Sia doing the exchange of Siacoins behind the scenes. There are several projects about that on progress.
Anyone know why Cryptopia has delisted Sia?
They never updated to the newest version of the software and never asked for help to the developing team, so they were struggling with dropped transactions. Besides, Cryptopia did not have any real volume: it was less than 10.000SC per day of volume in it last weeks... There are much better exchanges with higher volumes of trade, as Bittrex and Poloniex
Does anyone else also tried to withdraw Siacoins from Poloniex and the transaction is listed as completed while when he's putting Txid as a hash on it shows that there is no such a hash found in a database (so the transaction is not even on the blockchain!)? I opened a support ticket 2 months ago but didn't hear back from Poloniex yet. What I can do in such a situation? I tried to withdraw rather big amount of Siacoin so I'm getting nervous about that.
There was a huge clog of transactions on the network 2 months ago, and while devs provided tools to alleviate the problem, Poloniex was not very efficient applying them... Current withdrawals are working good, sometimes with a delay of 30 mins - 1 hour. Most of the failed transactions of two months ago were solved too. But unfortunately not all of them have been pushed again to the blockchain. So yes, I am aware of a few other cases of users in your same situation, I am sorry for you
If it gives you some hope, I have read of some users whose Txs were finally pushed successfully 2 months later.
Keep opening new tickets and insisting about the issue, they have to return you those funds or push that Tx to the network