This ain't the first time you've stuck it up my ass, when all I've HONESTLY done was protect the interests of bitcoiners of which you're one. Let me repeat that a different way. I will go out of my way at my expense, never asking for a satoshi in return, to protect you, Portnoy, from nefarious activities that concern Bitcoin.
That said, the next post I want to see from you in response to this is either an apology and a sticking-it-up-my-ass-further for all the users to read.
What I honestly see from you looks like a lot of spam, more often than not, to me, as if you have to post every little thing that comes into your mind at any given moment onto this forum.
( is that why you chose that handle? You don't have enough brain matter to hold all those thoughts and must spew them out here to keep them from slipping away?
You yourself used the term "attention whore" for yourself, if only to deny it ( hmm? ). I didn't call you that but your posts tend to give credibility to that theory.
Why do you feel the need to be our protector? You don't have to answer these questions... I would probably prefer you didn't. ( for one thing it is way off-topic for us to be talking about ourselves like this... ) I am not trying to analyze you but just commenting on your posting behavior... as a way of helping all of us on these forums of which you're one.
And its okay that you don't protect me. I am as old as you and have learned to take care of myself on the internet and elsewhere. One of the things I like about bitcoin is that it is about people taking responsibility for their own money and business dealings. I don't need some self-appointed Mr. Bitcoin superhero cyber dick* keeping me safe from harm.
*I chose that term because I am sure you know its older slang meaning and seem to like that kind of word play.
You are a bright guy but can be very annoying with your loooong posts (
) that go nowhere...
I say all this not in anger but because you seem to like an honest and forthright manner, especially if it may help you understand yourself and others a little better ( as self-important as it may be for me to say something like that.
Think a little while before deciding to reply to this... hopefully you will decide that it is not worth replying to every idiot who has an opinion on the internet and will just move on.