Do you need to be trusted in order to accept these kinds of payment methods? I am not familiar with any of them, however they sound reversible based on their names and trusting someone with 100 BTC worth of a reversible payment method is a lot, even with massive amounts of reputation.
Definitely for interac e-transfer since they can be reversed and can do serious damage to your accounts/relationship with your bank. As for bank transfer or cash deposit, those have less risk to it but can still be abused. Personally I would only accept cash deposit with pure cash including the cash deposit receipt as proof to make sure it was a cash and not a cheque/transfer deposit as those can also be reversed.
From the looks of it, I don't see cash deposit listed. Is that what a "
bank transfer" is called in Canada?
Even if you are accepting a cash deposit, if you are selling 100 BTC worth then I am sure that large of a cash deposit would trigger some eyebrows to be raised at your bank.
Bank transfer is different to cash deposit either way it will raise eyebrows especially in a single transaction.
I've heard banks have deposit or transfer triggers for certain amounts for investigation, this can be personal or business accounts.
They're shit hot on this in the UK now, not sure about other countries.
EDIT: You need to have a cast iron excuse where the moneys come from and for what.