If this is a legitimate coin then coinmaster222 ruined it. When a customer looked askance at how one could pay 5% per month compounded over 8 years coinmaster222 answered:
"well you deposit 3000 and come back in 8 years and we will find out lol"
That is not at all assuring. That is what a crook would say. Would you want to leave your money with a person who answers like that? It's exactly the opposite of customer service. Whatever resources any coin developers put into this coin was destroyed by coinmaster222's response.
Compound interest was implied at the "Zoom Bank" as paying 5% per month. If one understands compound interest then it is easy to calculate what that would be in 8 years if one deposited 3000 coins. Instead of acknowledging the discrepancy and showing a correction (as a business would) it was scoffed at and insults thrown (like a kid would). A cohort suffering from innumeracy suggested an alternate explanation which was not what the bank offered.
In addition, insulting a customer is astonishing. It's like coinmaster222 wants to destroy this coin with their incredible incompetence. Or they are simply very naive. The effect is the same either way.
Cryptocurrencies are rife with pump and dump schemes, Ponzi schemes, fly-by-night developers, and other shenanigans. The primary basic, most elementary beginner's level coin promotion rule is to provide CREDIBILITY. How perfectly sad that this has to be explained. The first sign of something awry and it is best to get out ASAP. As a former large Zoom coin holder I was furious and I still am. I want no part of this disastrous business person's association with this coin. There are too many coins with intelligent teams supporting them to waste my time and money with this mess.
Good luck.
As a former supporter of ZOOM
I agree
I simply shook my head at his response to that same question, but was not entirely surprised considering how all the other input from outsiders to this project has been taken.
One thing to know as a business person is that you need to remember you still have plenty to learn and input from your customers as well as profits or losses/ failures and gains are GREAT learning experiences.
I think ZOOM needs its own communications and public relations department
Maybe ill be back. I like your idea ZOOM....