Activity: 18
Merit: 0
September 27, 2012, 01:14:06 AM |
That's cute.  
Stephen Gornick
Activity: 2506
Merit: 1010
December 21, 2012, 02:20:14 AM |
The hosting provider where is hosted (which is also the domain registrar/reseller) will consider a takedown request, but my takedown request was denied because I personally am not a party (I never used TORWallet, was not scammed).
So, if anyone is willing to contact the hosting provider to assert that fraud is occurring, please PM me and I will provide the e-mail address for the hosting provider.
December 28, 2012, 03:52:41 AM |
So any word on if its a confirmed scam yet?
Activity: 1792
Merit: 1008
December 31, 2012, 09:03:52 AM |
if it wouldnt, coins would be able to be withdrawn or the owner of TORWallet would have posted here (or put some informations on his site)
[GPG Public Key]BTC/DVC/TRC/FRC: 1 K1773RbXRZVRQSSXe9N6N2MUFERvrdu6y ANC/XPM A K1773RTmRKtvbKBCrUu95UQg5iegrqyeA NMC: N K1773Rzv8b4ugmCgX789PbjewA9fL9Dy1 LTC: L Ki773RBuPepQH8E6Zb1ponoCvgbU7hHmd EMC: E K1773RxUes1HX1YAGMZ1xVYBBRUCqfDoF BQC: b K1773R1APJz4yTgRkmdKQhjhiMyQpJgfN
January 02, 2013, 10:49:54 PM |
Back in August TORwallet vanished for two solid weeks. When it came back online I pulled my very small amount of coin out of it. lots of others at that time did the same.
it was sketchy from day one. this doesn't suprise me
January 06, 2013, 10:42:19 PM |
These e-wallets or what ever never seem to last.
January 06, 2013, 11:39:47 PM |
For those of you who insist on using online wallets, please consult my signature.
*processing payment* *error 404 : funds not found* Do you want to complain on the forum just to fall for another scam a few days later? | YES | YES |
January 12, 2013, 07:51:21 PM |
Can someone please explain to be how a online wallet like is better then other ewallets?

Activity: 112
Merit: 10
January 12, 2013, 07:55:41 PM |
Can someone please explain to be how a online wallet like is better then other ewallets?
It is.
Stephen Gornick
Activity: 2506
Merit: 1010
January 13, 2013, 06:49:33 PM |
Can someone please explain to be how a online wallet like is better then other ewallets?
When you access and enter your password, that password is not being sent to Instead the Javascript code running in your browser uses that password decrypt the wallet that it obtained from (where only an encrypted copy of your wallet is stored). So, doesn't have access to your private keys inside your wallet. Because of this, it is not considered a hosted (shared) EWallet, but instead it falls under the category of a hybrid EWallet. (Hybrid, because it acts like a locally installed client yet is accessible from a browser with no software installation required.) There is the possibility that the site is compromised and the attacker replaces the Javascript that is served with the site with a version that captures the wallet identifier and password and then uses that to steal your bitcoins. The protection against that is's tool called the Javascript Verifier, available as a browser plugin or Java applet. The verifier will alert if the Javascript code served by the site is different from the version that has checked into GitHub. -
Activity: 1260
Merit: 1000
Drunk Posts
January 22, 2013, 05:07:08 AM |
The .net site appears to be down now, but the tor site is still up.
Still can't move my couple bitcoins, and they haven't moved from the deposit address either.
Hero Member
Activity: 812
Merit: 1000
January 22, 2013, 05:51:57 AM |
Can someone please explain to be how a online wallet like is better then other ewallets?
It is. No online wallet is safe. I run a wallet service as well ( and I am paranoid that one day it will be hacked, so I put up a shut down notice and warned users not to deposit any money unless it is for a temporary purpose. The profit model I had set up was a few bitcoin games (dragon dice) and I was planning on moving to some sort of fee-based model, like 0.1% on all deposits. But there's very little money to be made. It would take around 1,000 BTC of deposits and reasonable time spend on the games before I could even begin to justify hosting fees. That's the reality of running a wallet. It's not profitable unless you're in the top two (and torwallet probably was not in the top 2). Since they had no other profit model I am guessing they decided to scam since they're completely anonymous. Anyway.... since you know their hosting provider, if you can demonstrate loss you can get their address. The ISP has a legal obligation to reveal their address so they can be served. But you have to go through a lawyer and it will cost at least a few hundred dollars just for that.
January 24, 2013, 05:05:44 PM |
Its just a trap on tor to pull people in now.
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
January 29, 2013, 03:29:54 PM |
I'm glad I only put in a few bitcoins, I knew there was a risk with it being anonymous.
Can someone explain how the coins have not even moved from the address? If they are "running away with the coins," how are the coins still in the wallet and have not moved?
Stephen Gornick
Activity: 2506
Merit: 1010
January 31, 2013, 10:56:41 AM |
Can someone explain how the coins have not even moved from the address? If they are "running away with the coins," how are the coins still in the wallet and have not moved?
Nobody else has the private keys for the wallet so there's no need to spend the coins. The time that a wallet has been hacked and the funds are spent by the thief right away is because that is what the thief needs to do to prevent the rightful owner from spending the funds. But in this case, there's no other party with the private keys.