First slimcoind.exe successfully compiled!
Unfortunately, that's not necessarily a
working wallet.
The Windows binaries that I have recently compiled from the 0.4 source exhibit the same problems with syncing as do the linux versions -- which is usefully revealing of the recent origin of the issue but also a clear indication that more fixes are required.
I've made repeated efforts to get binaries compiled from the latest sources to sync. AFAICT, the only current practical means of achieving that is to fire up the windows 0.3.1 binary under wine and leave it synching for a night / day+night, whatever and, when synced, simply cp -R the entire
Application Support/SLIMcoin datadir over to ~/.slimcoin and then fire up the linux binary.
Now that I have a current blockchain, I can confirm that my linux 0.4.2 version (candidate for release) basically works in that it successfully reads the blockchain and stays in sync.
I'm now trying to mine a block in order to check functionality.
I should now be able to set up a reliable, known (and accessible to me) current node on my Linux server to use as a feed for my local debugging of the synching problem. I now have full triangulation and (with a following wind) should be able to work out where the problem originates. A
working Windows version beckons, as do working Linux and OSX versions (assuming that I can persuade Ngaio’s iBook that it’s up to the task).
On a related matter, does anyone have any insights into the likelihood of an interaction between the PoB implementation and the operation of coin control? I'd like to take a wander down the peerunity theme branch but it has coin control which the current Slimcoin codebase predates.