OK let's put aside for the moment PSU efficiency and have a look at some hard data on the 4 individual S5 Hash boards that I have now characterised.
First the measurement Technique.
For all tests I have used the Pair of Meanwell HRP-150-5 5V PSU's shown in the earlier picture. These are connected in series and the Power at the Wall measured on the Meter also in the picture.
I measured each Hash Board in turn with the second card disconnected, so the measurements will slightly undercall what is possible with 2 Cards as the Controller Board & Fan are just being used for a single board.
I adjusted the voltage at each test point to give about 0.01% to 0.02% HW error rate. I found it much easier to go for this in time terms rather than trying to adjust for 0%. In practice you might want to up the voltage a notch and have a lower HW error rate?
So there are 4 tables below showing for each board a range of Frequencies, Supply Voltage, Core Voltage, Power at the Wall, Hash Rate & J/GH.
S5n1 Side 1 1.65 S5n1 Side 2 S5n2 Side 1 S5n2 Side 2
MHz V Core V W GH J/GH MHz V Core V W GH J/GH MHz V Core V W GH J/GH MHz V Core V W GH J/GH
375 0.76 11.4 298 618.75 0.482 375 0.78 11.7 312 618.75 0.504 375 0.00 618.75 0.000 375 0.76 11.4 297 618.75 0.480
350 0.74 11.1 262 577.5 0.454 350 0.75 11.3 272 577.5 0.471 350 0.00 577.5 0.000 350 0.74 11.1 260 577.5 0.450
325 0.71 10.7 228 536.25 0.425 325 0.75 11.2 242 536.25 0.451 325 0.74 11.1 253 536.25 0.472 325 0.71 10.7 229 536.25 0.427
300 0.70 10.5 204 495 0.412 300 0.71 10.7 210 495 0.424 300 0.73 11 228 495 0.461 300 0.69 10.4 200 495 0.404
275 0.69 10.3 180 453.75 0.397 275 0.70 10.5 186 453.75 0.410 275 0.73 10.9 205 453.75 0.452 275 0.67 10.1 173 453.75 0.381
250 0.67 10 157 412.5 0.381 250 0.69 10.3 164 412.5 0.398 250 0.71 10.7 181 412.5 0.439 250 0.66 9.9 155 412.5 0.376
225 0.65 9.8 136 371.25 0.366 225 0.67 10 142 371.25 0.382 225 0.69 10.4 157 371.25 0.423 225 0.64 9.6 132 371.25 0.356
200 0.64 9.6 119 330 0.361 200 0.65 9.8 123 330 0.373 200 0.68 10.2 134 330 0.406 200 0.63 9.4 115 330 0.348
175 0.63 9.5 104 288.75 0.360 175 0.64 9.6 107 288.75 0.371 175 0.67 10.1 116 288.75 0.402 175 0.61 9.2 99 288.75 0.343
150 0.63 9.4 91 247.5 0.368 150 0.63 9.4 91 247.5 0.368 150 0.67 10 99 247.5 0.400 150 0.61 9.1 86 247.5 0.347
125 0.62 9.3 78 206.25 0.378 125 0.62 9.3 78 206.25 0.378 125 0.65 9.7 83 206.25 0.402 125 0.60 9 73 206.25 0.354
100 0.60 9 61 165 0.370 100 0.61 9.2 65 165 0.394 100 0.64 9.6 70 165 0.424 100 0.00 165 0.000
There is some variance between the boards, which in practice in a 2 Board S5 means you would have to adjust the voltage for the worst board of the pair. Ideally you need a matched pair in a miner so looking at the results I will probably pair up S5n1 Side 1 with S5n2 Side 2 & S5n2 Side 2 with S5n2 Side 1.
So useful J/GH gains at all frequencies by optimising the voltage. Best J/GH being 0.343 on S5n2 Side 2 at 175Mhz with a supply voltage of 9.2V & a Core Voltage of 0.61V
At some point it would be good to try and understand the Board variance. However I think this will be difficult with the string design as it make isolating chips very difficult.