Activity: 28
Merit: 0
January 20, 2016, 10:47:56 PM |
Don't give your wallets to womens! You can't mine it with gpu again! I think u're right. dont give your wallets to women. they could spent all that is in your wallet.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
January 20, 2016, 10:56:46 PM |
by saying them that earning of btc us very simple way and future of btc is very bright .
Explaining only that I think is very rare. We have to explain in detail about bitcoin. And also to be explained continuously so that they are interested in bitcoin. It will succeed I think more easy attract women using btc using introduce bitcoin as a payment system.
January 20, 2016, 11:26:43 PM |
It's all about having interest. You could give them some bitcoin to try out. Show them how it works and how to purchase something online.
yeah what if she is not interested in what I'm trying to give ? Could I have to surrender to motivate women ? 

Activity: 108
Merit: 10
January 21, 2016, 02:35:13 AM |
Simple as telling them that they can shop more with this.
kevin go
January 21, 2016, 03:36:51 AM |
not that hard, just tell "do you need extra money for shopping and etc"?they answer will be "yes" and then try to explain what is btc , how to earn and how to shopping in btc...they will be understand soon
January 21, 2016, 04:33:38 AM |
Most girls are fucking lazy as shit. Most of them won't understand a word you tell them about Bitcoin. Just don't.
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January 21, 2016, 05:58:36 AM |
Discounts  ! Seriously speaking I don't think it could be done other than the general method (more availability and ease to acquire, more advantages in using it compared to typical payment methods and more coverage in news and tv to let them know about it and it's advantages)...
Activity: 1184
Merit: 1013
January 21, 2016, 06:03:01 AM |
It's all about having interest. You could give them some bitcoin to try out. Show them how it works and how to purchase something online.
Along with giving them bitcoins to try out, do tell them a place where they can buy cosmetics and dresses with it for cheap  . That would certainly attract the non techie women.
Activity: 3430
Merit: 1139
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
January 21, 2016, 06:16:47 AM |
Discounts  ! Seriously speaking I don't think it could be done other than the general method (more availability and ease to acquire, more advantages in using it compared to typical payment methods and more coverage in news and tv to let them know about it and it's advantages)... Nice one!! You got that bulls eye there. Yeah right discounts. They will love it. Thanks for the idea man. Now my girlfriend will really love it when she see it. And maybe some of my girl friends too. 
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Activity: 1204
Merit: 1000
January 21, 2016, 07:26:24 AM |
how we could motivate women to use Bitcoin because I tried several times to explain what it is and how to use Bitcoin ...was very difficult and have not really managed only once ..
People are evaluating so the girl are, we see everyday new girls that are involved in the technology so they basically will be involved in bitcoin too, explain how bitcoin works, what you can buy sell through bitcoin and that's it.
Activity: 1960
Merit: 1007
January 21, 2016, 07:43:33 AM |
Most girls are fucking lazy as shit. Most of them won't understand a word you tell them about Bitcoin. Just don't.
I don't agree with you here. Most girls actually have more motivation to do and finish stuff than men. Men are the lazy ones here. The key ingredient is that is missing in many girls is the interest in technology. If they don't get excited by the idea, they will never get into it.
Sr. Member
Activity: 469
Merit: 250
CryptoTalk.Org - Get Paid for every Post!
January 21, 2016, 07:56:34 AM |
Women dislike Bitcoin. There is really no way to persuade them to use it.
Activity: 1204
Merit: 1000
January 21, 2016, 08:10:03 AM |
Women dislike Bitcoin. There is really no way to persuade them to use it.
How do you conclude this, i saw that girls are motivated to work better than guys but the hard part is just starting.
Activity: 3248
Merit: 1072
January 21, 2016, 08:29:08 AM |
Women dislike Bitcoin. There is really no way to persuade them to use it.
How do you conclude this, i saw that girls are motivated to work better than guys but the hard part is just starting. only for sexual things, women are using bitcoin especially on that environment, i have yet to see a woman using bitcoin for purchasing stuff on amazon for example with yeah maybe there are a bunch but they are without dubt a very small number
January 21, 2016, 02:28:27 PM |
I think there is increased adoption of BTC among both men and women, to get more women involved we need to make it a mainstream topic and make it easy and convenient to use then both men and women would be involved with BTC, regarding the low number of women here now is because The percentage of women interested in technical and electronic aspects is limited and therefore less women than males here.
January 21, 2016, 02:38:57 PM |
Just give them a huge amount of BTC then let them use the. 
Activity: 3234
Merit: 1161
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
January 21, 2016, 02:40:45 PM |
just said if you collect your own bitcoin you can buy any stuff that you like , and don't need to ask me anymore 
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January 21, 2016, 02:45:23 PM |
How to motivate them? I don't really care if they have some interest than let them know. If not why is just try to explain or motivate them if they don't want it.
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| CloakCoin | Trustless Anonymous Cryptocurrency | PoSA3 Forum | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Slack | Facebook | VK | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram | IRC-Chat | Faucet
January 22, 2016, 03:25:06 AM |
just said if you collect your own bitcoin you can buy any stuff that you like , and don't need to ask me anymore  Then they ask you how to collect bitcoin easily? 
Activity: 1022
Merit: 1003
January 22, 2016, 03:31:24 AM |
just said if you collect your own bitcoin you can buy any stuff that you like , and don't need to ask me anymore  Then they ask you how to collect bitcoin easily?  Then you teach them how to do that, but they'll get bored even before you finish teaching.
faucet used to be profitable