There is no trusted site in my eyes. Any site will pay for x amount of days, hours or years. Then again, they could close at any time and run as well. If you remember Gawminer's hashlet, you know what i'm talking about. They were a trusted company but still ran with our cash.
Make your own choices. It might be good or bad, but no site will pay forever. Even my signature campaign could end today.. you never know.
Of course no site will pay for ever...
Even my sites will not pay for ever...
The problem is how will the site stop paying...
people do not enough read the rules...
Among over ...let's say 10000 or so people being used my systems ...only few have read the rules or understood the systems.
They prefer saying "scam"...
It is so easy to ask if it is not understood.
The funnuest I have read on this forum is:
winspiral is a scammer because it does not prove all what he said...
Why is this so funny?
winspiral offers opportunities to earn cash and he is asked to prove it...
I have to prove nothing...because it does not matter if some people do not trust winspiral...
i offer my time and a part of my site revenues and i should prove that i'm honnest?
It is the "inverse world" (lol)
Do I ask you if you are honnest and to prove it?
Have fun...