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Author Topic: Is Bitcoin money?  (Read 112200 times)
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December 10, 2017, 06:30:44 PM

bitcoin is more like financial instrument, not like money.
Fiats are money. They are not virtual.
BTC is virtual, we can't say that it is money.
You are right, BTC is just a source of money. I prefer to call it money when it is tangible. Money has currency while BTC is a crypto. I define money to be more like has physical attributes.

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December 10, 2017, 06:33:20 PM

I think it is desgined as money but it is worked as gold
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December 10, 2017, 06:58:02 PM

Is BTC money? YES and NO

IS GOLD money ?
Is services like PAYPAL money ?
Is CREDIT CARD money ?
Buy literal definition NO, I think.

As per some here, Money mean currency. Money is not just currency.

As per me and in the general term, anything that can be exchanged for services IS money. Bitcoin serves that purpose on a Global scale without the intervention of third parties.
If you pay me in Bitcoin for a some work I do for you, I will accept it and then convert it to fiat. well that solves the purpose of Money.

Is it money? NO
Can it be used as money? YES.

Think of it as digital money NOT backed by any country or government yet Global and useful.

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December 10, 2017, 07:07:55 PM

bitcoin is more like financial instrument, not like money.
Fiats are money. They are not virtual.
BTC is virtual, we can't say that it is money.

Virtuality does not require it is not money. İf it stores money and become a tool to exchange and does not fluctuate so high. Then it would say that is money
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December 10, 2017, 07:11:58 PM

Bitcoin money is a digital currency that can only transact through online can not go through offline and used to buy something when you can buy something then it will definitely be a form of money.

that is right. it is a digital currency rather than governmental currency.

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December 10, 2017, 07:47:14 PM

Yes bitcoin is money that some country accepted it in all kinds of commercial transaction. Bitcoin is just not a money but also a biggest blessging that you have.
With the bitcoin you give them ways to earn money in just short period of time and convenience to the fullest.

İt has not money yet because there is no fiat price
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December 10, 2017, 10:00:32 PM

Bitcoin is not a money, it is digital currency. Bitcoin is a digital asset you need to exchange to fiat in paper money or coins to be called money.

Yes bitcoin is money, just wait for the near future the bitcoin is became centralized currency. and its easy to us to used bitcoin just like money.

Not in my dreams that bitcoin become centalized. One of my favorite to this bitcoin is decentralized.
Digital currency is money as well, the name itself implies that, it is just a currency that is in digital form, your balance in your PayPal account is money, your balance in your debit card is money, and the balance in your bitcoin wallet is money as well.
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December 11, 2017, 11:29:47 PM

Bitcoin is not a money, it is digital currency. Bitcoin is a digital asset you need to exchange to fiat in paper money or coins to be called money.

Yes bitcoin is money, just wait for the near future the bitcoin is became centralized currency. and its easy to us to used bitcoin just like money.

Not in my dreams that bitcoin become centalized. One of my favorite to this bitcoin is decentralized.
Digital currency is money as well, the name itself implies that, it is just a currency that is in digital form, your balance in your PayPal account is money, your balance in your debit card is money, and the balance in your bitcoin wallet is money as well.
Although Bitcoin just a digital currency, or exact more is the cryptocurrency, but you can exchange to real money. It like you can use Bitcoin for payment anything, but you must to exchange it to FIAT first, it is the requirement because there is no way to spend Bitcoin as a payment method, unless you are living in a country accept Bitcoin is legally.
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December 13, 2017, 10:13:56 PM

Swarm account is a grae task having a good chance. I am gettingxcited about their ICO in Oct. They will certainly be succesful. et

Bitcoin is a virtual coin, thanks to which you can pay at many points. Thanks to it, you can easily increase your savings, you just need to invest and be patient. I would recommend.
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December 13, 2017, 10:40:25 PM

Yes,Bitcoin is money for the Internet. It is a scarce digital commodity used as money by millions around the world. People buy coffee with Bitcoin at local shops. Others get paid in Bitcoin and use it to shop online. Friends use it to settle with whoever paid for dinner. Workers send Bitcoin back home to help family, regardless of where they live.And i used bitcoin for my extra income.

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December 13, 2017, 11:24:15 PM

Bitcoin is a digital  coin its sounds like money  because of its value but it converts into fiat before you used this  as money.Bitcoin has a quality to rise in the market because of the value so why many people wants to venture in bitcoin  if its not money?Actually bitcoin is like money.
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December 13, 2017, 11:25:01 PM

In the real world we know money as a means of transactions to make some payments where the money in each country has its own rules related to the currency used, so even with the virtual world, they also have a currency that can be used for various transactions such as bitcoin, its function is the same as real money but different is bitcoin is limited in number unlike real money.
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December 13, 2017, 11:59:45 PM

bitcoin has a function like money, but is used in the digital world. bitcoin can be used as a payment but is limited due to legality issues. today bitcoin is more often used as a commodity, which is traded and has a high price.

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December 14, 2017, 12:38:39 AM

Bitcoin is  Electronic Cryptocurrency .It Is Like  Another money for me.

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December 14, 2017, 01:38:04 AM

Most probably yes! I can strongly say that bitcoin is also money but in different term. It has a charactiristic of money like through online transaction we can exchange it into fiat because it is already acceptable by many merchants, we can make it as our investment same as money is regulating and expect earnings. In addition to my opinion, bitcoin is a kind of money with the most advance and high value.

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December 14, 2017, 01:41:20 AM

Well bitcoin in the first place is not a money rather a way or another method of getting money. Having a bitcoin let you exchange coin for money. So we could say that bitcoin acts like a item in some games and then exhange it to traders for a money. Specifically bitcoin is a way to earn and exchange money with a bigger value and an easy way to gain money.
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December 14, 2017, 01:45:56 AM

As for me i still wont consider bitcoin as money.
Due to the fact that we cannot yet procure goods and services by directly using our bitcoin.
we still had to convert it to fiat currency in order to use it for trading.
this is why i am not yet inclined to call it as money.

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December 14, 2017, 01:58:30 AM

    Bitcoin is something radically new. Nothing like Bitcoin has been possible until now. I would go so far as to consider it sui generis; "in its own class".  This makes it important to understand what Bitcoin actually is before we try to describe it to others.

    We're getting a good handle on the code, and of course on Bitcoin's function and utility, but what words should we use to describe Bitcoin itself? There has been some debate in other threads [mostly my doing] over how it is like/not like money, cash, dollars, etc. I'd like to start this thread by focusing on the term "money", and play Devil's avocate by asking for your best arguments that Bitcoin IS money.

    My legal dictionary states "In usual and ordinary acceptation it [money] means gold, silver, or paper money, used as circulating medium of exchange, and does not embrace notes, bonds, evidences of debt, or other personal or real estate." [cites omitted]

    Wikipedia says "Money is any object that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a given country or socio-economic context. The main functions of money are distinguished as: a medium of exchange; a unit of account; a store of value; and, occasionally, a standard of deferred payment." [cited omitted]

    Webster's Online Dictionary defines money as:
    • 1. The most common medium of exchange; functions as legal tender; "we tried to collect the money he owed us".
    • 2. Wealth reckoned in terms of money; "all his money is in real estate".
    • 3. The official currency issued by a government or national bank; "he changed his money into francs".
    • 4. A piece of metal, as gold, silver, copper, etc., coined, or stamped, and issued by the sovereign authority as a medium of exchange in financial transactions between citizens and with government; also, any number of such pieces; coin.
    • 5. Any written or stamped promise, certificate, or order, as a government note, a bank note, a certificate of deposit, etc., which is payable in standard coined money and is lawfully current in lieu of it; in a comprehensive sense, any currency usually and lawfully employed in buying and selling.
    • 6. In general, wealth; property; as, he has much money in land, or in stocks; to make, or lose, money.
    [links omitted]

    I maintain that per these definitions, Bitcoin cannot possibly be described as "money". And further, I think that those who do describe Bitcoin as "money" are doing this community a disservice.

    But that is just my point of view. Are there any that can convincingly argue otherwise, that Bitcoin IS money?

    yes ofcourse bitcoin is a money , because we can have it on our hands, we can withdraw it, we can spend it , we can buy anything with bitcoins, so it is considered as money, tho we cannot have bitcoins on our hands but we can convert it into real money that we can hold in our wallet

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    December 14, 2017, 02:07:25 AM

    Frist of all we have to understand the different between cryptocurrency and fiatcurrency.Anything that is being used as a medium of exchange is money. Bitcoin, (a unit of account ,exchange with that and  uses some thing buying ) so why not we call it a digitel vertual currency or money.
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    December 14, 2017, 02:20:54 AM

    Bitcoin is money in a sense that it is being used as medium of exchange but in a form of cryptocurrency not as coins and banknotes. And through the used of digital wallet we can convert bitcoin to our fiat currency. Like here in the philippines we use as digital wallet for the convertion of both currency.

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