Congrats to borachinua on finding block 409094 containing 893 transactions with a value of 25.17913002
BTC! What a nice way to wake up
2016-04-27 04:36:58 UpdateTip: new best=00000000000000000221f83bbfcc75292635fc50b592214a2df832330d7fa5f8 height=409094 log2_work=84.557626 tx=125025477 date=2016-04-27 04:36:18 progress=1.000000 cache=48.3MiB(13946tx)
2016-04-27 04:36:59 [Pool] [bitcoin] (Thread 7) Submitted Block using submitblock successfully to daemon instance(s)
2016-04-27 04:36:59 [Pool] [bitcoin] (Thread 7) Block found: 00000000000000000221f83bbfcc75292635fc50b592214a2df832330d7fa5f8 by borachinua.NHR20160418
2016-04-27 04:36:59 [Pool] [bitcoin] (Thread 7) Share accepted at diff 582542.22222222/515542715077.98516846 by borachinua.NHR20160418
A nice 515G share by the rental.
Now, onto the contest....
The block was found at 111.52% of expected shares. According to the table, that range belongs to borachinua. Yup... you guessed it... borachinua receives the 3
BTC!!! 2 for having the correct range and 1 for being the block finder during the range.
I have sent the bonus winnings to the BTC address you have registered with the pool. TxID: d0659de93222fa64d34dac2a4127d50363435aef282b1562cad3aba76479fd09
Once again, congrats!!!