Trying it for the third time!
Hey I'll pass on the bounty!
Just want to see if I can get this working
If on linux you can use the command dd after you unpacked it:
dd if=CIYAM_Safe.i686-0.0.85.raw of=/dev/sdb
Here if means input file and of output file, but DONT copy paste a dd command, its very important that the of part is correct. In this case this is my usbdrive. ALWAYS check before so that it wont overwrite your harddrive or SSD.
I usually test dd first, I took a new 8GB drive and it worked.
Check md5
md5sum (linux command) at the file gave me, 78a0a13cb48b29cb6ccdc22a425b6e44 CIYAM_Safe.i686-0.0.85.raw