@OPI doubt it because they always defend ETH by telling me over & over about "potential app's"
and repeating that it's not considered a currency.
Also the convoluted nature of it is a determent to global world adoption.
It will forever be pigeon-holed to the advanced crypto-nerds who get into the tech seriously deep.
If it can't be explained fairly easily it will never get main stream adoption.
Bitcoin itself is hard enough to explain to users as it is.
Also i love the game the ETH guys played with it too.
It was launched in 2014 with some short lived fanfare.. they seen the backlash and Failure response from us all
and they could see it was not going to be received well.
So they put it on the back burner and waited (think StartCoin + Max's crew etc) <-- looming next maybe
Then they waited until the scene was sufficiently corrupt and greedy
enough to care about a gimmicky scammy launched IPO App'z coin with big promises.
I still NOW.. years later get told it's benefit is "potential" app's (in other words not even app's that exist on launch)
What in the fuck do i give two shits about potential "App's" with a currency for anyway ?
But anyway in case you missed my point what i got a kick out of was the old classic Shitcoin routine here..
and that is ?
Launch a "potential" turd for millions of YOUR dollars collected in BTC. (in exchange of worthless IPO tokens + promises)
It's perfect because since it has nothing going for it on Launch no one will ever pay attention to the Launch.
The masses will simply see it as coin #7,001 and ignore it.. because it was launched as a SHELL
a hollow shell that will be filled later by coded features one day.
Then in YEARS time all kinds of things have been tacked onto it etc to make it look *more* valuable
then finally years later the pace picks up and peoples start investing..
And of course the smoke clears from a scam launch.. dipshits see the coin listed on Exchanges
and assume if it's list then it's ok to use / trade etc.
It's funny because ETH sure as hell ain't the only one who pull this shit scam routine.. cough cough BlockNET ? ROFL
The low hanging fruit is dragging on the ground around here