Can somebody explain how to buy when pre-sale starts? I try to understand it by reading slack but my english is bad and things there are going too fast, like in anthill. What i understud is first ill need to get ethereum? There will be not option buying slock by BITCOIN?
From here:
Will the DAO token sale accept Bitcoin, Doge, etc.?
Yes, we have partnered with Shapeshift for the DAO token sale to accept most cryptocurrencies in existence, including Ether, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, MaidsafeCoin, StorjcoinX, Bitshares, Ripple, BitUSD, NXT, DASH, CLAMS and many, many others. Prospective DAO token purchasers will benefit from higher limits than the Shapeshift default during the DAO token sale.
For larger purchases (USD 10,000 and above) denominated in cryptocurrencies, we have partnered with both Bity and Gatecoin.
Note: The DAO is an Ethereum-based entity and therefore 'speaks' only ether - ether will therefore be the simplest and most cost-effective way to participate directly in the DAO.