I made this guide on how to use the wallet, i hope give some help for everyone.
Thanks for the help i receive in slack channel.
NOTE, Dont use the Expanse Wallet, is other coin, use the last version of DES Wallet from the OP (Expanse-Wallet-win32-x64-0-4-2), is a rar file, an inside a folder with the wallet
and files you need, place that folder in your desktop
First step, open the folder resources, then open the folder node, then the folder geth and open the file geth.exe, (a msdos window will open, leave this window open)
( geth.exe is in folder resources / node / geth )
Second Step, in the first folder, open the file Expanse-Wallet.exe
Wait till wallet sync
Once the wallet are fully sync, in the left corner Press Wallet tab
Click on + Add account (set a password and write it somewhere, select save password for easy use)
Your new account is called Etherbase, press to get in.
In the top you will find an address, thats your EXP and DES address, copy in your clipboard, then buy in Bittrex the coin called EXP, and send that Expanse coin to the address you already copy (.05 EXP is enough to start) (This is the "fuel" or "gas" you need to cash out your DES from your wallet, is the fee you need to pay to use the expanse blockchain)
Be careful. Dont send Destiny or Expanse to 0xc2be9f4c1657c63c856be47f3972ccb0cb0df125, it is not your address, it is address of Destiny contract.
Your DES address is the same as your EXP address, you can send your DES coins directly at your wallet, first send small ammount .1 DES to test, wait 5-10 mins.
If all run fine, then send the rest of your coins.
If you want to withdraw, go to wallet tab, click on etherbase account, point your mouse over Destiny Bar and on the right side, you´ll find the send button,
click on it, place the address to withdraw, select the ammount, and your fee, is very important you choose the EXP fee, theres is a slide button, normally is set at half of the fee.
And thats all folks, when i have some time ill up some pics.
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