Of course I have frozen coins, which is why I am interested in discussing the topic. Fortunately the amount is not even close to yours.
What I was trying to say: When I did not receive notification, probably others didn't as well. This also might explain the almost non-existent outrage about M4v3rs-fraud here on bitcointalk and across the internet. So it would be a good idea to re-send e-mails, just to make sure, all users with frozen coins get notified.
As I said, I still wouldn't have learned about the whole situation, if I hadn't logged into bitmarket account, to withdraw some coins. So from my point of view, it looks like M4v3r tries not to "wake sleeping lions".
I'm still not convinced, that M4v3r is not trying to avoid persecution by talking fraud-victims into cooperating and becoming "investors". Sure, I want to believe that he is a good guy who made a mistake. How could this friendly looking young man on the photograph be a scammer?

Yes, he could have just ran off with all the coins, and yet here he still is under his M4v3r pseudonym, trying to "fix" things? On the other hand what do we have about him except for a pseudonym?
What did convince you to cooperate, mralbi?