twisting words and posting unrelated scenarios is what you do
^how about this crap you posted? explain your logic there
I rephrase what you say in a real life scenario, I haven't posted anything unrelated or twisted your words in this thread.
littering is charged by fine btw.
And posting a ponzi where it isn't meant to be is charged by having the topic moved/deleted.
To try and make it completely clear, let me try to explain my scenario again. I'll even put the forum equivalent in
italics for you.
A person drops a piece of trash on the street (
a member posts about a HYIP scheme on the forum). If this person were to drop it randomly on the street (
If this member were to post it outside of the Investor-Based Games Sub-board) they would be told to pick it up and move it (
The post would be moved to the Investor-Based Games Sub-board (the rubbish bin)). If this person were to put their rubbish in the trash can (
The member is to post it in the Investor-Based Games Sub-board) then no punishment would be given.
Let's say that there wasn't a trash can around (
The Investor-Based Games Sub-board didn't exist) then everyone would probably throw their litter all over the ground (
The forum would be spammed with HYIP scams).
Do you understand why the Investor-Based Games Sub-board exists yet (AKA why the forum 'endorses' Ponzis)?
Thanks for posting what we're all trying to say. Maybe you
do understand.