August 12, 2016, 08:11:42 AM |
i think its simple, first you should tell you that you are in project, make them curious about what is bitcoin. then you make some bitcoin in front of them, you can choose trading, or whatever you want. let them ask you about what they want to ask, answer with simple and clear, show them that this is not a scam. if its necessary, you can trying to send them amount of bitcoin into their wallet just to show how bitcoin can make simple transaction.
Activity: 2394
Merit: 1066
August 12, 2016, 08:55:42 AM |
i think its simple, first you should tell you that you are in project, make them curious about what is bitcoin. then you make some bitcoin in front of them, you can choose trading, or whatever you want. let them ask you about what they want to ask, answer with simple and clear, show them that this is not a scam. if its necessary, you can trying to send them amount of bitcoin into their wallet just to show how bitcoin can make simple transaction.
Its not affordable to introduce them directly to trading, show them simple tasks to earn like faucets, captchas and signature campaign and tell them that you can earn extra money with it.
bitcoineverything (OP)
August 15, 2016, 01:02:53 PM |
i think its simple, first you should tell you that you are in project, make them curious about what is bitcoin. then you make some bitcoin in front of them, you can choose trading, or whatever you want. let them ask you about what they want to ask, answer with simple and clear, show them that this is not a scam. if its necessary, you can trying to send them amount of bitcoin into their wallet just to show how bitcoin can make simple transaction.
Its not affordable to introduce them directly to trading, show them simple tasks to earn like faucets, captchas and signature campaign and tell them that you can earn extra money with it. I agree but it may depend upon the person you talk to. Some may be overwhelmed at first with trading so you can introduce micro or small earnings first so they will understand how Bitcoin goes. 
We are here to give you all the latest from the Cryptocurrency space!
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
August 15, 2016, 02:13:48 PM |
A lot of people are already in to the Bitcoin community but bitcoin is not yet known generally to other people. What are the things you usually say when people ask what Bitcoin is? We generated ten things about Bitcoin that will make people believe and support the cryptocurrency, you can check it out on the link below: Ten things about Bitcoins that will make you become a believer and supporterWe would like to hear comments and additions from you to help convince beginners or other people to embrace and use the crypto technology. Having services which give out free bitcoins for some actions definitely helps - that way people can try it out without having to pay. Faucets are well known, and there are also companies which have promo campaigns that give you free bitcoins, like Waterhole.
Rude Boy
August 15, 2016, 05:07:09 PM |
I'll always send/gift then bitcoin. As people will not waste they money and try to use it and I'll tell them the advantages of using bitcoins.
Activity: 1638
Merit: 1046
August 15, 2016, 05:32:39 PM |
Its not easy to conviced them but i already tried one step because i share my knowledge about bitcoin in my cousin and now they are earning in bitcoin or they are using other services of bitcoin.. if the more you are in your family are using bitcoin the more you can attract more people to join collecting bitcoin or use bitcoin,
Activity: 2086
Merit: 1030
I'm looking for free spin.
August 15, 2016, 05:47:27 PM |
I'll always send/gift then bitcoin. As people will not waste they money and try to use it and I'll tell them the advantages of using bitcoins.
Thats a good idea it will work too here in my friends also in facebook giving gift bitcoin small amount to use bitcoin their use bitcoin after i send to to exchange it in load an now they now that bitcoin is just like a money online.. the worst thing is they said that its just like a points that they can get in malls that can exchange in any product or money.
Decided to end it with zer0 profit.
European Central Bank
Activity: 1288
Merit: 1087
August 15, 2016, 06:00:00 PM |
If you need to convince people to use it then it clearly still ain't ready for prime time.
The internet and cell phones were so clearly the future that it was a no brainer to give them a try.
Until bitcoin's the same it's better off staying in stealth mode.
Shibashi Dogemoto
August 15, 2016, 08:28:58 PM |
Its not easy to conviced them but i already tried one step because i share my knowledge about bitcoin in my cousin and now they are earning in bitcoin or they are using other services of bitcoin.. if the more you are in your family are using bitcoin the more you can attract more people to join collecting bitcoin or use bitcoin,
Exactly, its never easy to convince people around you especially when they haven't even heard about bitcoins and whenever I tell them about bitcoins they start laughing at me that I am wasting my time and money in it, but I am sure that I will be having a last laugh.
Activity: 38
Merit: 0
August 16, 2016, 03:43:26 AM |
A method that I use is to explain it using words and services the listener already knows. Like, "The wallet is like a wallet and a bank account". Using words they already know allows the listener to have a loose framework of btc. Gifting them a few satoshis wouldn't hurt either. Bottom line, make sure they know that it is money.
Activity: 3038
Merit: 1304
August 16, 2016, 09:48:25 AM |
How? Simple we will show them how we can earn with bitcoin weekly or even monthly if they can see that where earning good for free well i dont really doubt that they will try it because we surely all know that money can attract people, also i will explained him very gently on how to avoid those scums and where he can do exciting trade wars and do some nice talks about bitcoins itself.
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Activity: 1232
Merit: 1000
August 16, 2016, 09:57:34 AM |
very simple. make sure they can get many benefits from bitcoin, then I give that evidence and they will certainly be sure and use bitcoin 
August 17, 2016, 12:39:38 PM |
Its not easy to conviced them but i already tried one step because i share my knowledge about bitcoin in my cousin and now they are earning in bitcoin or they are using other services of bitcoin.. if the more you are in your family are using bitcoin the more you can attract more people to join collecting bitcoin or use bitcoin,
Exactly, its never easy to convince people around you especially when they haven't even heard about bitcoins and whenever I tell them about bitcoins they start laughing at me that I am wasting my time and money in it, but I am sure that I will be having a last laugh. True, its very hard to convince people especially to those person dont have any idea on techy things for sure they would laugh at us same thing happened to you. You are right , in the last we are laughing because we are earning money and they missed the opportunity on gaining money too.
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Activity: 205
Merit: 10
August 17, 2016, 01:02:35 PM |
I try to convince my friend to use bitcoin because he wants to earn money online and now he has more bitcoin than me.
August 17, 2016, 06:31:19 PM |
I try to convince my friend to use bitcoin because he wants to earn money online and now he has more bitcoin than me.
It is not required to convince anyone to learn or earn btc. Its more enough to explain the benefits of btc. Anyone will surely turn towards bitcoin and start knowing and earning it.
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1025
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
August 18, 2016, 03:50:51 AM |
How? Simple we will show them how we can earn with bitcoin weekly or even monthly if they can see that where earning good for free well i dont really doubt that they will try it because we surely all know that money can attract people, also i will explained him very gently on how to avoid those scums and where he can do exciting trade wars and do some nice talks about bitcoins itself.
Maybe some of people you convince would surely follow your path since you explained to them about bitcoin precisely. Convincing people isnt really hard especially to those people who have already idea on internet things or shall we say tech geeks because they would really cope up the things easily on what you explain since bitcoin is a digital currency.

Activity: 70
Merit: 10
August 18, 2016, 06:19:07 AM |
This step is very easy, I simply provide evidence of the results that I get from bitcoin, and they will be confident then try it. I have used this method to convince some for all my friends arround the world and they using bitcoin until now.
Activity: 1120
Merit: 1000
August 18, 2016, 07:05:42 AM |
I'll always send/gift then bitcoin. As people will not waste they money and try to use it and I'll tell them the advantages of using bitcoins.
i've been tried this method and it's really work, i always giving my friends bitcoin by held a giveaway, for those who didn't know bitcoin before i teach them how to set up new wallet, how to using it, and transactin with bitcoi so far they used that amount for top up their internet connection , some of them get in to the bitcoin by trading or open a service that related with bitcoin.
August 18, 2016, 09:14:21 AM |
very simple I convince someone to use bitcoin. I just said you can get a lot of money from bitcoin and they become curious and try it.
August 18, 2016, 07:37:32 PM |
A lot of people are already in to the Bitcoin community but bitcoin is not yet known generally to other people. What are the things you usually say when people ask what Bitcoin is? We generated ten things about Bitcoin that will make people believe and support the cryptocurrency, you can check it out on the link below: Ten things about Bitcoins that will make you become a believer and supporterWe would like to hear comments and additions from you to help convince beginners or other people to embrace and use the crypto technology. In relation to what you mention as the transaction fees being miniscule, I guess this would be the one that would convince my friends to use bitcoin. Being an overseas worker, we always send our family and relatives some money once or twice a month and a minimal transaction fee would be a big help because it would mean bigger money that our family and relatives will received. Not having the need to go to a money exchange after work is just a relief and sending money anytime and anywhere whenever we wanted is favorable for us.