homosexuals considers love(a emotion) between people of the same gender natural(in-absolute certainty).
Even if homos consider that to be definition for love, this does not mean they are not wrong. In simplified words it is like computer software who gives unexpected and wrong result with the same inputs.
Now using your own logic, i could beat you with a baseball bat, and shove it up your ass when you are laying bleeding and defenceless on the ground, because i don't like the way you treat other people(you have a different opinion then me).
You can try to do that, but there is no guarantee I will not manage to slash you with my knife in the process. I bet there are homosexuals who are talking about "tolerance" in front of cameras but in same time want to beat to death the anti-gay protesters.
weed is a drug. alcohol is a drug. weed smokers and drinkers are considered normal people.
drugs are messing with your body(FACT!), and are therefor unnatural.
They are not considered equal in many societies.
again by your own logic -> KILL ALL THE WEED SMOKERS, AND DRUNK PEOPLE!
I repeat, if weed smokers (like myself on some occasions) and alcohol drinkers (like me) try to change society using big lies and diplomatic intervention from foreign nations or entities, then shoot them. I cannot imagine how junkies or alcoholics can start to have "stoned days" or "drunk days" in heart of our capital city and be protected from angry mob by police. Or critics labelled "ganjafobes" "alcoholicphobes" or "xenofobes". Alcohol makes you alcoholic, weed makes you Dank and being homosexual makes your anus into goatse. If some organization tries to deny these facts, they will become like homosexuals. Inventing lies about causes and prevalence of homosexuality.
are you saying you lack empirical evidence?
There are no gays, bisexuals or similar people in my friends. I don't even suspect that someone might be such in hiding.
"ugly unattractive women", did she have short hair?
It is one of the unattractive things in lesbians, but not most ugly one.
"pidoras", offensive slang for gay.
Being gay is the most shameful and offensive thing to be. It really does not matter how it is called. In almost every part of former ussr gays are called
pidors. It came from shortened russian word meaning "pederast", that came from medical term in latin.
"gay pride", a festival/event where people that are a part of a sexual minority have a chance of showing the world how happy they are.
I really don't understand that. Dressing like freaks and marching on streets. If I'm happy together with my girlfriend, should we both run half-naked on streets wearing makeup like circus clowns?
have you seen carnivals where the dancers have those really long feathers and all kind of shiny stuff on, while they are trying to shake their ass off.
Brazil carnival? I seen that. Gay pride is not similar to that.
I would not risk in Your place getting drunk and passing out around any of them.
done that many times, have even slept with one of them.
The single intimate touch by another man probably can cause me vomit.
i feel sad for you, because you are unable to recognize a beautiful thing.
It seems like you might be one of them!
are you flat out saying its okay to do things to people against their will, because they are drunk?
It's not big deal to grab girl by tits or hug her. As long as she does not run screaming away. It is natural.
Tell me where the bad man touched you?
It is myth that people who don't like homosexuals were molested as a child or are homosexuals in hiding.
Ah. I see, it's merely people who would like to assert their control over other people. Catholics, Muslims, Communists, and You. A regular rainbow connection.
You forgot to add homosexuals to that list. They want to control how society thinks about them and punish people who don't agree with them.
I think it is wrong for a person to be killed for food, but then, I feel it is wrong for a person to be killed in anything but defense, anyway.
I think it is wrong to have someone killed for wrong reasons, but it is OK to kill someone for right reasons. Like in war. I'm not talking about killing other human to eat but about taking enemies life to win.
If a person sells his body to the meat processing plant, and someone wants to buy it, I see no point where someone was wronged or did anything "unnatural."
Eating flesh of the same species are rare occurrence in mammals and are potentially dangerous. Just like homosexuality.
Which is why I would protest against his dumping of the exes in the neighborhood, not his necrophilia.
Good luck protesting only against his stinky skeletons in closet! If the necrophiliac is protected like homosexuals are, the protesting against his dumping of ex-lovers will be classified as "necrophobia" and You declared as a intolerant and fined for hate speech or worse.
Oh, I see. It's offending you. So Sorry. You don't have the right to not be offended.
I's not You who offended me, the whole legitimizing of homosexuality did it. Less than 20 years ago that were one of most shameful thing to do and even was punished by law. Now the same behavior are officially the same as my relationships with my girlfriend. 180 degree turn caused by pressure from european union and political infiltration of parliament by homos.
And You are right. I have not a right not to be offended like homosexuals have. The only right I have are rights I'm ready to fight for! And ready I am as hell!
Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.
Too broad definition. I might care for well being of many people, but this does not mean I want to fuck them.
Marriage, perhaps, can be defined as only between a man and a woman
Homosexuals want to redefine marriage also. And man-women partnership loses the exclusivity if there are also recognized other models of "family".