Thanks for all the assistance, got misdirected, actually even set-up my account on the bogus site. Got scammed for sure, as I see there are threads here from people
who encountered the same bogus site. Live and Learn I guess, it was a hard hit to take.
I will follow-up with the scam report and hopefully this doesn't happen to anyone else.
Thanks Again.
In the future, i would advise you to only use trusted mixers... I've been around for a while, and i've never read negative comments about They also have an onion domain (bitmixer2whesjgj.onion at the moment, but you should always visit to check if it's still valid).
Other things would be: double check the url, the ssl certificate AND the letter of guarantee (you can easily verify if the address used to sign the letter of guarantee is the right one, check the dates, check if your address is clearly mentioned, and check if the signature is valid before sending a single satoshi).
Like i said, these tips and tricks won't help you this time, but hopefully, it'll help you next time you want to mix any coins.