SuperTramp (OP)
Activity: 1073
Merit: 1000
April 17, 2013, 03:28:26 AM |
Brand New Exchange! Coded entirely in C++ !!! Is this a joke/photoshop ? What do you mean coded in C++ ? NO joke. What I mean is that the ENTIRE Exchange has been built/coded from the ground up in C++. Probably one of the only, if not THE ONLY, exchange to be coded this way. 
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1217
April 17, 2013, 03:56:02 AM |
want to trade bytecoin for mincoin
pm me!
Rep Thread: one can not confer upon another a right which he does not himself first possess, by what means does the state derive the right to engage in behaviors from which the public is prohibited?
April 17, 2013, 03:59:44 AM |
NO joke. What I mean is that the ENTIRE Exchange has been built/coded from the ground up in C++. Probably one of the only, if not THE ONLY, exchange to be coded this way.  That's either the dumbest or most brilliant thing I've ever heard. Not sure which.  Why did you decide to code it in C++ ? When is it opening?
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1217
April 17, 2013, 04:17:38 AM |
well it looks like i got it configured and im getting 3.88khash/s on a GTX 660M with a i7-3610QM quad core processor. Can anyone tell me if this is good bad or average? i have no NO idea. *note* i ran cgminer with out any arguments other than directing it to the url and pointing it to my worker uh oh according to this it looks like 3.88khash/s is really bad. its probably mining off my processor by default, i bet i need to figure out how to configure it to mine with my gpu
Rep Thread: one can not confer upon another a right which he does not himself first possess, by what means does the state derive the right to engage in behaviors from which the public is prohibited?
Activity: 1596
Merit: 1010
April 17, 2013, 06:34:50 AM |
well it looks like i got it configured and im getting 3.88khash/s on a GTX 660M with a i7-3610QM quad core processor. Can anyone tell me if this is good bad or average? i have no NO idea. *note* i ran cgminer with out any arguments other than directing it to the url and pointing it to my worker uh oh according to this it looks like 3.88khash/s is really bad. its probably mining off my processor by default, i bet i need to figure out how to configure it to mine with my gpu try it with : cgminer --scrypt -o server:port -u username -p password -I 11 should pick up some speed 
SuperTramp (OP)
Activity: 1073
Merit: 1000
April 17, 2013, 07:05:25 AM |
NO joke. What I mean is that the ENTIRE Exchange has been built/coded from the ground up in C++. Probably one of the only, if not THE ONLY, exchange to be coded this way.  That's either the dumbest or most brilliant thing I've ever heard. Not sure which.  Why did you decide to code it in C++ ? When is it opening? I am not the coder/developer of the exchange. The screenshot that I posted in this thread was a copy/paste from the developer who posted it in the #mincoin irc channel. A couple of the reasons it is being coded in C++ are increased Speed and increased Security. These seem to be two of the top priorities of the exchange developer and I agree 100% with that line of thinking!
Full Member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
Don't dwell in the past, don't dream of the future
April 17, 2013, 08:43:19 AM |
SuperTramp (OP)
Activity: 1073
Merit: 1000
April 17, 2013, 08:46:43 AM |
Hey Thanks! One thing I noticed is that you have " Only 2 Million MinCoins will be minted!" And it's actually 10 Million MNC. 
Full Member
Activity: 154
Merit: 100
Don't dwell in the past, don't dream of the future
April 17, 2013, 08:55:17 AM |
Hey Thanks! One thing I noticed is that you have " Only 2 Million MinCoins will be minted!" And it's actually 10 Million MNC.  Oh shit yo, let me change that. Thanks!
April 17, 2013, 04:55:10 PM |
Mincoin is going to be so rare and one of the fastest around.
It's worth every kh/s.
April 17, 2013, 08:23:33 PM Last edit: April 18, 2013, 07:05:37 AM by maxmint |
Buying 5000 mincoins for BTC or BTE. PM me if interested.
Activity: 33
Merit: 0
April 17, 2013, 08:31:27 PM |
Buying 10k mincoins for 3 BTC. PM me if interested.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1217
April 17, 2013, 09:35:59 PM |
trading bytecoin for mincoin
pm me
Rep Thread: one can not confer upon another a right which he does not himself first possess, by what means does the state derive the right to engage in behaviors from which the public is prohibited?
SuperTramp (OP)
Activity: 1073
Merit: 1000
April 18, 2013, 07:05:13 AM |
Buying MNC with btc please PM me with offers. 
Activity: 1420
Merit: 1010
April 18, 2013, 12:33:43 PM |
ok i have given this a try on 3 different machines now and just can't get connected to any peers or get the blockchain to start downloading  any ideas? I have a mincoin.conf file in my %appdata%>Mincon folder I have clicked to allow it through my windows firewall tried with rpcport = 9335 in config and without... back to basics for me  many thanks
April 18, 2013, 12:52:14 PM |
Have you forwarded the port on your router as well?
Activity: 1420
Merit: 1010
April 18, 2013, 02:25:21 PM |
Have you forwarded the port on your router as well?
never had to do that with any other coins or wallets or clients... not even sure how? I have a USB dongle that attaches into a router, I can get makes and models in few hours if this helps?
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1217
April 18, 2013, 02:31:02 PM |
Have you forwarded the port on your router as well?
Rep Thread: one can not confer upon another a right which he does not himself first possess, by what means does the state derive the right to engage in behaviors from which the public is prohibited?
Full Member
Activity: 206
Merit: 102
step forward
April 18, 2013, 04:25:21 PM Last edit: May 11, 2013, 06:26:26 PM by collapse |
In the firsts 3 day, one million,after this, ~12 months, one million. It is the new version of pre-mined? Looking for disappeared MNCs. Deal out MNC here : M*********************************
Elacoin-ELC, Betacoin-BET, Neutroncoin-NTRN, Americancoin-AMC, Stronghands-SHND, Craftcoin-CRC, DOGE, BCH, BTC,..., Bitcoin,...(and a lot more) Linux updated wallets (source code) for: ELC, BET, AMC, NKT, SLING, CRC,...[if (blocknumber > 115000) maxblocksize= largerlimit] [I don't think the threshold should ever be 0. We should always allow at least some free transactions.]
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1217
April 18, 2013, 05:02:24 PM |
In the firsts 3 day, one million,after this, ~12 months, one million. It is the new version of pre-mined? Looking for disappeared MNCs. Deal out MNC here : MTxfxCUaoMVhP9oAajWwy3pNRc5EDiwXS3
yes it is pretty clearly a premine scheme. Someone should rerelease the coin with everything the same except eliminate that stupid premine crap, just start out with 2 coins per block right from the first block.
Rep Thread: one can not confer upon another a right which he does not himself first possess, by what means does the state derive the right to engage in behaviors from which the public is prohibited?