CraftCoin is a minecraft game currency that is portable from server to server.
For example: if you are playing a game on server "A" and have earned a large sum of money, but you now want to play on server "B" you can withdraw craftcoin from server "A" to server "B" instantly anywhere in the world. CraftCoin can also be sent player to player from inside the game, and outside of the game as well. The result is that YOU own your currency, in real life, not just in the game. CraftCoin is free for servers and players, to use, and it ALWAYS will be.
Features and benefits
--CraftCoin transfers are instant, both inside the game, and outside of the game.
--There is no charge to use CraftCoin. (regular network fees apply)
--CraftCoin is peer-to-peer and de-centralized.
--No more starting over and grinding to raise up money on a new server.
--Promotes true open markets.
--CraftCoins can be generated or "mined" with your computer in its spare time for free, then deposited onto your favorite server.
--CraftCoin is open source
--If you no longer need your CraftCoins, you can sell them, or give them away.
--Your CraftCoins are always under your control.
--Much much more, CraftCoin has the power to revolutionize Minecraft economies!
Project status
Craftcoin is in fully working order. CraftCoins can be sent, received, and mined right now. CraftCoin is available for Windows, Mac, Debian/Ubuntu, and is open source.
We DO have a working bukkit plugin, it is in testing, and it will be available soon.
6 servers have agreed to adopt CraftCoin so far. If you are a server op, you can adopt CraftCoin on your server for free, contact us for more.
Feel free to ask questions.