Thank you for the timely reply and explanation. It's helping me understand a bit more though it is still a challenge for me to comprehend the intricacies of coding. I'm just a plain ol' user.
When I run ArmoryQt with the shortcut arg (specifying Bitcoin and Armory alternative/non-standard database directory paths) after starting and syncing Bitcoin Core 0.13.1 (not managed by ArmoryQt), the client opens with the ArmoryDB CLI dialog and does nothing else after the third line:
...and of course, ArmoryQt consequently gets stuck at this point without any progress...and offline:
Can you post the log files?
Here they are (wallet/user info obscured with x's).
From armorycpplog:
Log file opened at 1477695827: D:\ArmoryData\Armory\armorycpplog.txt
-ERROR - 1477695831: (..\SwigClient.cpp:61) unexpected type
From armorylog:
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1128 - C++ block utilities loaded successfully
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1238 -
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1239 -
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1240 -
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1241 - ************************************************************
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1242 - Invoked: C:\Program Files (x86)\Armory\ArmoryQt.exe --satoshi-datadir=D:\BitcoinData\Bitcoin --datadir=D:\ArmoryData\Armory
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1243 - ************************************************************
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1244 - Loading Armory Engine:
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1245 - Armory Version : 0.95
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1246 - Armory Build: : 374672b751
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1247 - PyBtcWallet Version : 1.35
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1248 - Detected Operating system: Windows
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1249 - OS Variant : 7-6.1.7601-SP1-Multiprocessor Free
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1250 - User home-directory : C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\AppData\Roaming
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1251 - Satoshi BTC directory : D:\BitcoinData\Bitcoin
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1252 - Armory home dir : D:\ArmoryData\Armory
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1253 - Detected System Specs :
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1254 - Total Available RAM : 15.94 GB
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1255 - CPU ID string : Intel64 Family 6 Model 60 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1256 - Number of CPU cores : 4 cores
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1257 - System is 64-bit : True
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1258 - Preferred Encoding : cp1252
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1259 - Machine Arch : amd64
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1260 - Available HDD (ARM) : 108 GB
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1261 - Available HDD (BTC) : 108 GB
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1262 -
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1263 - Network Name: Main Network
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1264 - Satoshi Port: 8333
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1265 - Do wlt check: True
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1266 - Named options/arguments to
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - thread_count : -1
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - rescan : False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - ignoreAllZC : False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - rescanBalance : False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - disableModules : False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - port : None
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - interport : 8223
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - skipStatsReport : False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - forceWalletCheck: False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - regtest : False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - rebuild : False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - nettimeout : 2
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - datadir : D:\ArmoryData\Armory
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - clearMempool : False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - offline : False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - coverageOutputDir: None
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - armoryDBDir : DEFAULT
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - armorydb_port : 9001
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - satoshiPort : DEFAULT
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - useTorSettings : False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - netlog : False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - keypool : 100
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - coverageInclude : None
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - forceOnline : False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - skipAnnounceCheck: False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - redownload : False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - armorydb_ip :
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - multisigFile : DEFAULT
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - ram_usage : -1
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - testAnnounceCode: False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - mtdebug : False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - logDisable : False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - settingsPath : D:\ArmoryData\Armory\ArmorySettings.txt
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - db_type : DB_FULL
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - doDebug : False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - enableDetSign : True
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - disableConfPermis: False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - testnet : False
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - rpcport : DEFAULT
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - satoshiHome : D:\BitcoinData\Bitcoin
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - satoshiRpcport : DEFAULT
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - logFile : D:\ArmoryData\Armory\ArmoryQt.exe.log.txt
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1268 - verbosity : None
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1269 - Other arguments:
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1272 - ************************************************************
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:1675 - C++ block utilities loaded successfully
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- BDM.pyc:367 - Using the asynchronous/multi-threaded BlockDataManager.
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- BDM.pyc:368 - Blockchain operations will happen in the background.
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- BDM.pyc:369 - Devs: check TheBDM.getState() before asking for data.
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- BDM.pyc:370 - Registering addresses during rescans will queue them for
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- BDM.pyc:371 - inclusion after the current scan is completed.
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:3588 - Using settings file: D:\ArmoryData\Armory\ArmorySettings.txt
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - loadWalletsAndSettings
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - Loading wallets...
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - Number of wallets read in: 3
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - Wallet (xxxxxxxxx): "xxxxxxxx (Watch) " (No Encryption)
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - Wallet (xxxxxxxxx): "xxxxxxxx (Watch) " (No Encryption)
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - Wallet (xxxxxxxxx): "xxxxxxxx (Watch) " (No Encryption)
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - Loading Multisig Lockboxes
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - Setting up networking...
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - setupUriRegistration
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - Armory already registered for current user. Done!
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - Usermode: Expert
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - Changing usermode:
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - From: Expert
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - To: Expert
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - startBitcoindIfNecessary
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - setSatoshiPaths
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:382 - Reading bitcoin.conf file
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:395 - Setting permissions on bitcoin.conf
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:404 - Setting permissions on bitcoin.conf
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:642 - Executing popen: [u'icacls', u'D:\\BitcoinData\\Bitcoin\\bitcoin.conf', u'/inheritance:r', u'/grant:r', u'xxxxxxxx:F']
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:410 - icacls returned:
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:755 - Creating proxy in SDM: host=, port=8332
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - setSatoshiPaths
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:642 - Executing popen: ['./ArmoryDB.exe', '--db-type="DB_FULL"', '--spawnId="BNvn2WehsxpeokfqjebEwukaYuXRdkgkyLHp9pSrgnS5"', u'--satoshi-datadir="D:\\BitcoinData\\Bitcoin\\blocks"', u'--dbdir="D:\\ArmoryData\\Armory\\databases"']
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - Setting netmode: 1
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - Setting netmode: 0
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - loadBlockchainIfNecessary
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2016-10-28 16:03 (INFO) -- ArmoryUtils.pyc:3753 - Another Armory instance just tried to open.
2016-10-28 16:19 (INFO) -- - BDM state is scanning -- force shutdown BDM
2016-10-28 16:19 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:587 - Called stopBitcoind
2016-10-28 16:19 (INFO) -- SDM.pyc:593 - ...but bitcoind is not running, to be able to stop
2016-10-28 16:19 (INFO) -- - Attempting to close the main window!