poptok1 (OP)
June 29, 2017, 07:33:09 AM |
Satyameva Jayate - truth prevails, anonymous claimer was reviled, mystery behind him dissolved. Beautiful motto I must say, was this the main factor of Mr Specters coming-out? rhetorical question. Full steam ahead to the next puzzle. Helpful links: #1firstpost, Tournament rules, RPG(game instruction), Scoreboard New players are welcome!
{4p} Daily micro-giveaway.YOBIT0✸F287BC4E3730✸23B✸20❖DOGEHint: Why sexy primes are called the way they are? Mathematics are fun, they can turn your world upside-down ✸↺❖ edit: code was taken, that was fast
I Am Spectre
Activity: 2
Merit: 0
June 29, 2017, 07:39:29 AM |
Answer : 6669 65.1 Doge claimed Should I post more or go back to specter mode
poptok1 (OP)
June 29, 2017, 07:01:46 PM Last edit: June 29, 2017, 08:44:45 PM by poptok1 |
@IAmSpectre its fine like this, I'm sure that just like me, others also appreciate your coming out of the firewall shadow. Here comes another (out of schedule) puzzle, it is worth a bit more points and doge as well. Solve this and dont forget to post that you did. As always stay tuned for future giveaways. Helpful links: #1firstpost, Tournament rules, RPG(game instruction), Scoreboard New players are welcome!
🐁{4p}🐁 Daily micro-giveaway, unexpected part II.YOBITD28EA2DOGEHint: OMG! this freaky dinosaurs decided to feed on our precious yobicode... Who could anticipate that? Now, huge chunk of the code is inside that damn dino! Can somebody pull it out? Don't worry, you dont have to dig through its p oop that would be tooo graphic Hint²: Look at the bigger picture 🀄️and bigger stuff in general.
Activity: 2030
Merit: 1059
Wait... What?
June 29, 2017, 08:16:18 PM Last edit: June 29, 2017, 08:33:11 PM by Miiike |
*wipe my forehead* Uhh... I've shove my head into his eh... well... end-hole, but I can't find the code, his tummy said it hide nothing. Do I need some secret word to persuade it or I looked at the wrong tummy?
edit: (literally shaking my head, I really wanted to have a pet mouse) *whisper* *whisper* da admonitus hex
June 29, 2017, 09:16:59 PM |
Wow poptok! This was sooo difficult to me. Solution is: D0B5526D96E9CCB6 from hidden data stored in the stegosaurus image (decoding password was "hard"). Code amount: 90 doge. Now my brain need rest
poptok1 (OP)
June 30, 2017, 10:00:28 AM |
Something tells me that we are going to face the biggest handicap rain to date Who knows, maybe even hex spell nr 6 or ancient duel will come in to play later on? All in all wish you as much fun as possible. Congratulations for Cent21 for solving the cryptographic puzzle. It wasn't the first time I have posted such riddle, previous was solved by Mike8 but with much more hints.
Activity: 1162
Merit: 1011
June 30, 2017, 10:06:45 AM |
Finally I was quick enough to get this one.
Answer is 6 -> 36
Code at the amount of 65.09000000 DOGE has been successfully activated!
poptok1 (OP)
July 01, 2017, 07:07:27 AM |
First of three task for today, augmented with 2 options. Last time key was lost due to solver having it in his inventory pouch already. Spell for expanding inventory, maybe? Unknown magician(former spectre) is also a valid target for spells. As always stay tuned for next giveaways/puzzles. Helpful links: #1firstpost, Tournament rules, RPG(game instruction), Scoreboard New players are welcome!
⭕🐁{8p}🐁⭕ Daily micro-giveaway part I/III.YOBIT5E5F580A4296❖❖❖B2DCA49DOGEHint: Indian Railways coaching stock: Accommodation tier two. ⭕Curse of ex aequo dividat - Divide points equally among players
Activity: 2030
Merit: 1059
Wait... What?
July 01, 2017, 07:55:03 AM |
Points, points, I love points. I have an umbrella to protect me, but still, I won't activate it until I have no other way, and because I only accumulated 2p so far it is worth sacrificing, so...
*smiling confidently*
Ultramaledicam lex
Hello, clear air of curse. The solution is 2AC for 70 doge. And hello, tiny tiny mouse 😍
poptok1 (OP)
July 01, 2017, 11:55:56 AM |
If any of you has some troubles with spell tactics... ask Miiike he's got this all figured out. However umbrella shield is a passive item, situation decides about its usage, not the magician. You have neutralized the curse with a spell so it was saved for the future use (imo smart move). Part 2 down below waiting to be solved and claimed. Good luck.
Activity: 2030
Merit: 1059
Wait... What?
July 01, 2017, 12:54:31 PM |
It sat too long so I claim it because I hate if it sad because no one touch it.
CD--C11 for 65 doge
poptok1 (OP)
July 01, 2017, 07:15:59 PM Last edit: July 01, 2017, 08:00:40 PM by poptok1 |
Guys I have added disclaimer to first post, check it out and let me know what do you think. Its not that useful right now cause I'm not a DT member but its better than nothing. Don't know why I didn't thought about it earlier. Maybe thanks to this, you will be more willing to use offensive magic. Last puzzle for today is ready, grab while its still fresh Helpful links: #1firstpost, Tournament rules, RPG(game instruction), Scoreboard New players are welcome!
{3p} Daily micro-giveaway part III/III.YOBITC110D4😊F6😊BA😊175D61AE9DOGEHint: According to Norse Mythology, into how many worlds, connected by the yggdrasi(above) the universe is divided? edit: code was activated
poptok1 (OP)
July 02, 2017, 04:16:58 PM Last edit: July 02, 2017, 04:42:39 PM by poptok1 |
Ready with today's puzzle, one more till the period end. magna sacci hex, if you can figure out what this spell does... you can cast it. It's not in any scroll yet, exact effect is not known (dare 2 try?) Yesterdays riddle was solved anonymously again... hope that this person will also join at some point.
Activity: 2030
Merit: 1059
Wait... What?
July 02, 2017, 04:47:50 PM |
I got it, a simple logic,
If C = 3, then 3 = C, the other alphabet follows that order, which means...
DB2--BD2 for 70.1
Hmm... New spell with unknown power 🤔🤔 my next to nothing latin identify "magna" as great and hex . . . well hex is a curse, right? So a great amount of curse? To who? The caster? Or his opponent(s)?
It's like playing russian roulette, IMO. So why not? I love challenge.
*hand gesturing*
magna sacci hex
Note: Poptok, I know that i have no control over my umbrella, which means even if this spell backfire, I'll be protected, but please make an exception for this one, for the sake of fun and challenge, where we deactivate my auto-protect for once and make me equal with everyone.
poptok1 (OP)
July 03, 2017, 01:12:16 PM |
This is the last challenge in this period. Standings will be posted tomorrow so as announcements for next game phase. Miiike already knows the effect of unlisted spell, not a secret so if you want to share what happened, go ahead. Solve puzzle below, claim and prove stay tuned.
Activity: 1162
Merit: 1011
July 03, 2017, 01:20:18 PM |
This was an easy QR code: 128B
Code at the amount of 70.00000000 DOGE has been successfully activated!
Thanks very much
poptok1 (OP)
July 04, 2017, 05:06:04 PM |
1st period of round3 is over. Scoreboard was updated. Winner is Miiike with 23points, congratulations prize is on its way, 140Doge. New period is starting immediately with this riddle posted below. As always stay tuned for future giveaways.
Activity: 2030
Merit: 1059
Wait... What?
July 04, 2017, 05:32:51 PM |
Sorry, I got it first. Naegele's rule is a... Pregnancy rule (?) that mentioned 9 months. The first number of # (which is yeswepump's post number, btw) is 6, so a 9--9-6-9-6 for 65 doge. Hello key. I must say it is nice to have a lot of items. And guess what, fellow competitors? I can hold up to two of the same items at a time, so basically, I can have two mice, two keys, and so on. LOL. A handy feature, bestowed by casting thr unknown spell. Give the spell a try . Despite my plenty of items, I think I want to release my mouse, she's seems... well, eager to be released. So yeah... *release the tiny companion*
poptok1 (OP)
July 05, 2017, 07:33:50 AM |
...Give the spell a try -snip- Indeed, magna sacci hex is a spell for enlarging inventory capacity. It cost 2Mana and is active for 1round. Keep in mind: duplicated Items will vanish at rounds reset! Introducing new companion: 😸 cat - 25%chance to fetch 4points, 50%chance for return to owner upon release(no matter if fetch successful), cat can't coexist with rodents in the same inventory pouch, mouse will get devour. New task ready-> Helpful links: #1firstpost, Tournament rules, RPG(game instruction), Scoreboard New players are welcome!
⭕😸{4p}😸⭕ Daily micro-giveaway.YOBIT❖C877AC2961❖F4B8A❖9C3CDOGEHint: Answer lies in atomic number of Neutronium a purely hypothetical particle, theoretically deducted by Andreas von Antropoff in 1926. ⭕Curse of temere stilla - Random player gets 1mana 😸solver acquires a companion cat
July 05, 2017, 07:39:42 AM |
Today I'm the lucky one. The answer was 0. Thank you for the 60.3 DOGE!