Hello friend!
Help with the configuration of the pool!
For experiments, I ran a mining on two maps: GT 210 512 mb and GT 210 1 Gb.
Miner: CUDAMiner
Coin: MAX
http://prntscr.com/k56860Pool offered me this setting:
ccminer -a keccak -o stratum+tcp://cryptohub.online:5000 -u my mail -p x
Miner ccminer I could not download, because the files are unpacked with errors.
I inserted these settings into the first miner.
He earned and the cards show speed.
But on the pools, during the night, no statistics were displayed at all ... although the miner writes that the blocks have been found.
Under the link, the miners do not work, the antivirus program immediately deletes them, or they simply do not start (
I want to understand with which miner the cards will be earned, even in the negative.